Kept: An Erotic Anthology (47 page)

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Authors: Sorcha Black,Cari Silverwood,Leia Shaw,Holly Roberts,Angela Castle,C. L. Scholey

BOOK: Kept: An Erotic Anthology
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I stammered, thinking of something to say. My pussy was drenched and throbbing. Surely, he wasn’t going to leave me like this. I wanted to protest, to beg, but for what? He’d spanked me against my will. He’d hurt me. I should’ve hated him.

“What...” My voice was hoarse. “What are you doing?”

“Going to talk to Angus.” He rose from the chair and righted his kilt.

“But…but… Give me my fucking underwear!” Really? My underwear was my biggest concern?

“No. And you’ll stay needy like this all night. To remember the lesson.”

Remember? As if my throbbing ass wasn’t enough! Now I hated him – truly hated him. And I was fuming. In fact, I could almost smell the smoke coming from my ears. “Fuck you!” I screamed. I looked for something to throw, but couldn’t find anything close enough. The chair, but that was a little over the top. “You can’t leave me like this! I’m not fucking yours to fuck around with!”

Before this incident, I’d actually begun to like him. He’d displayed traits I admired in a man. Kindness, a sense of humor, valor. But now I realized he was just another asshole. He was going to talk to Angus? Yeah right. He was probably never going to save that dog either.

The dog. Sadness struck me, mixing with the anger and frustration, so intense I couldn’t hold the tears back this time. My heart was broken. I burst into tears, sobbing hard. It was ugly and totally undignified, but I didn’t care.

I looked at Baen, now standing by the door. His brow was deeply furrowed as he watched me, and his lips turned down in a frown. Then his gaze fell to the floor. Was there a hint of remorse there under the gruff exterior? Good. I hope he fucking choked on his guilt.

“It’ll feel better in a bit. The pain doesn’t last long.”

I growled and stomped a foot, not caring that I looked like a petulant child. “I’m not crying about that, you idiot!”

He cocked his head to the side, as if studying me for answers and coming up more confused.

“I’m crying because…” I hiccupped. “Because… I thought you were the kind of man that would save the dog. But I guess not.”

A last fleeting look of guilt then he left the tent. Alone with my aching body, I fell onto the mattress and cried. It was lame, I knew that. I wasn’t even the crying type, but I’d been through a lot today and it was wearing on me. I’d get it all out of my system now then, when Baen came back, I’d push my emotions aside and be his stupid robot slave. But I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of affecting me in any way. Not anymore.

I must’ve dozed off because I was startled awake by something licking my face. And dog breath. I cracked open my eyes and was nose to nose with Angus’s dog. I jumped up. What the hell?

Baen stood at the end of the bed, staring down at me, still wearing a frown. The dog jumped up on the mattress and nudged me to pet him.

“What’s going on?” I questioned, absently patting the dog.

He gestured to him and said, sulkily, “It’s mine now.” He didn’t seem too happy about that. In fact, he looked downright pouty. It almost made me laugh.

“But why? How?”

“I bought him.” With a sigh, he ran his hand through his hair. “Wasn’t cheap either. Angus is a fooking bastard.” He plopped onto the end of the mattress and it dipped under his weight. “As to why… Well, it didn’t sit well. How upset you were.”

And just like that, my anger deflated. The hate, the sadness, all of it, gone. If he wasn’t the kind of man who cared about a dog, he was the kind of man who cared about people who cared about dogs. It was almost the same thing.

I grinned. “You like the dog too. Admit it.”

He tossed the dog an irritated glare, which the dog took as an invitation to cuddle. As he pushed his nose into his new master’s armpit, Baen patted its head roughly. I took his silence as confirmation.

“He needs a name.”

“Robber,” Baen suggested. “He robbed me of forty pounds.”

I scrunched my nose. “How about Toby?”

“Why Toby?”

Tired of Baen’s heavy hand, the dog came back to me and I kissed his face. He licked me back and I giggled. “When I was thirteen, I saw a dog get hit by a car outside my house. The guy who hit it drove off and left it there on the road. I called 911 then held him until a medical team arrived.” I shook my head, sadly. I could still remember every detail. “They couldn’t save him, but that’s what made me want to be a vet. Anyway, the name on his collar said Toby.” I nuzzled my face in Toby’s fur. “It’s a good name for a dog.”

Baen nodded. “Toby it is then.”

“Really?” I grinned at him. Shit. Wasn’t I supposed to hate him? Ugh, he was making it so difficult. “Thank you, Baen. Thank you for saving him. If you want, I can pay you back. When I go home, I’ll –”

“No, lass. Keep your money. And you can come to the church and visit Toby anytime.”

My eyes welled up. God, the man kept me so unbalanced. My aching backside should’ve made me want to rail at him again, but I just couldn’t find it in me. Right now, I could’ve hugged him.

Gaze on the floor, he said softly, “I’m sorry. About before. I was too harsh.”

I couldn’t argue with that, but the fact that he apologized was a big deal. My exes never did anything like that. A real man didn’t pretend to be right all the time. A real man was big enough to know and admit when he was wrong.

Toby rolled onto his back and I petted his belly. His tongue lolled to the side. Happy, sweet dog. What would’ve happened to the poor thing if I hadn’t intervened? If Baen hadn’t?

“You should’ve trusted me though,” Baen said, looking me sternly in the eye. “I was goin’ to free the dog, but in my own way. You didn’t even give me a chance.”

Now it was my turn to feel guilty. “I know. I’m sorry too.”

We stared at each other awkwardly for a moment then he cracked a smile. “So you admit you deserved it?”

I rolled my eyes. “No. And it was mean to leave me all turned on like that.”

His brows shot up. “I can finish you now.”

“You missed your chance, mister.”

Grinning, he scooted toward me on the bed. “I think you mean master. And if you won’t let me pleasure you, why don’t you do it yourself? That was a beautiful thing to watch.”

My face grew hot at the memory. “No way.” But I didn’t sound convinced. Did I secretly want that? I sighed. Why didn’t I know myself better? My body and my head weren’t getting along lately. Maybe it was this trippy sci-fi adventure. It was fucking with my head.

Baen groaned. “You’re killin’ me, lass. I can smell your arousal from here.”

That again? Thinking about touching myself was turning me on, though I probably hadn’t been turned off since he’d left. But the whole smelling arousal thing was weirding me out.

In one motion, Baen pushed the dog off the bed. Toby grunted then expressed his displeasure by sneezing at him. He settled onto the floor, looking at Baen warily. But Baen was too caught up with stalking me to care about the dog.

The look in his eye said hunter. I was pretty sure I was his prey. I backed away but hit the tent wall before I could get far.

“I’ll never understand how you stayed so pure,” he said, as he crawled up my body. One hand brushed against my bare legs, leaving goose bumps in its wake. “You’re gorgeous. You could have your pick of any man.”

“No, I’m not.”

“Aye, you are. And don’t argue.” He stroked his hand through my hair, tenderly, then breathed it in. “You smell so good.”

His husky voice threaded through me, warming my insides, making my clit pulse again.

“Soft hair. Smooth skin. Legs I’d kneel down and worship.” He kissed my cheeks, where he’d caused tears to fall a short time ago. “And that’s saying a lot. I’m no’ a man accustomed to being on his knees.”

Yeah. I figured as much. His beard tickled my skin as he moved his mouth behind my ear. I snickered and squirmed.

“Even your laugh is adorable.” He kissed my earlobe then sat up. “Take your shirt off.” Patiently, he waited for me to comply.

I waited for me too. What would I do? I’d disconnected my body with my mind, deciding it was better to just follow one or the other in these circumstances. Since my body hummed with approval of Baen’s advances, I let it take over and off my shirt went.

“And the bra.”

I only hesitated for a moment then took it off and placed it with my shirt on the floor.

“Mmm,” he purred as he looked me over.

Feeling self-conscious, I covered my breasts with my arms. They weren’t much to look at. At least, that was what I’d been told. Jared called them speed bumps.

and shook his head. “Don’t cover them.”

“They’re unimpressive.”

“They’re perfect. Like the rest of you.”

If I was a princess in a movie, I’d have swooned. Instead, I stared awkwardly, feeling undeserving of the compliment. Someone like him shouldn’t like someone like me. He was model material. I was a wallflower – but not the kind that was secretly hot and just needed to be noticed. I was the one whose poor self-esteem attracted every jerk within a fifty mile radius.

Just like in my fantasy, Baen slid his mouth down my neck, to my collar bone, nipping and kissing.

“This is way better in real life,” I whispered, arching into him.

“Hmm?” Lips puckered against my nipple and sucked.

I squealed and tried to squirm away.

“Stay still, lass,” he murmured against my skin.

That was something I couldn’t obey. The abrasiveness of his beard rubbed against my sensitive breast, but what he was doing to my hardened nipple shot straight to my pussy. He moved his mouth to the other breast and treated it the same way. I wriggled under him, trying to get away.

Then he bit down.


He sucked and my nipple was on fire, mimicking the burning in my clit. Before I knew it, my hips were grinding against him. He groaned and positioned himself so his erection sat right on my clit. Even through the layers of clothing it made me gasp.

“Fuck.” I hissed in a breath as he shifted against me. “Hurry up!”

A blond brow arched and he flicked his finger under the collar on my neck. “This says I’m in charge. Behave.” Then he flipped me onto my stomach and pulled on my ankles, flattening me to the bed.

I squealed at the suddenness. He pulled the skirt off my hips then threw it on the floor. Naked. I was naked on a stranger’s bed in Scotland. I shuddered, waiting for his touch, excruciatingly aware of what he must be seeing

Nothing happened. I pushed up on my elbows and looked over my shoulder. What was he doing back there? Taking pictures? I caught sight of his rock hard body, now naked, and wondered how a man could resemble a carefully chiseled statue but feel so warm and comforting at the same time. Then my gaze fell to his cock. Holy shit. That was supposed to fit in me?

But why was he just kneeling there, staring? I peered at his face, looking for clues to what he was thinking. His eyes were glazed over, his mouth slightly ajar. He was practically drooling.

At me? At my flat ass and imperfect body. I squirmed under his heated gaze. “Cut it out!” I made a move to turn over but he slapped my thigh and I froze.

“You’re mine. At least for the night. I can look at you if I want to.”

I groaned into the mattress. Why was this turning me on? I wasn’t an exhibitionist. Normally, I hated being watched, being the center of attention. But his attention was addictive.

“Put your arms behind your head,” he ordered.

I wrestled with obeying but finally did it. Something about him bossing me flipped a switch that made me so fucking wet and horny I was ready to hump the bed.

No, Maggie. No bed humping. You’re not a dog.

“Fuck,” he grumbled. “Do you know what you do to me, Maggie? Men like me are supposed to stay calm and self-possessed but you muddle my brain, I don’t even know where to start with you.”

I grinned into the pillow then lifted my head. “I’ll give you a hint. The pointy end goes into the girl.”

“Aye, smartarse. I know that much.” Gentle fingers raked down my ass, reigniting the soreness from the punishment.

Letting loose a low moan only made him chuckle and do it harder. “Baen,” I whined. “That’s not what I want.”

He squeezed one cheek, making me gasp and arch. “It’s sir. And who decides what you get?”

I half growled, half whimpered before I answered. “You, sir.”

“Mmm.” He moved his fingers from my ass to my pussy, sliding into my wet slit easily. I pressed down into his hand and he laughed. “Greedy, lass. I love that you’re wet for me.”

Cocky! But he was doing what I wanted so I wasn’t about to complain.

“I want to taste you here,” he said, squeezing my throbbing bud.

It threw me into a near orgasm and I clenched my thighs and let out a high-pitched squeal. He stopped before I went all the way. Then I registered what he’d said. Taste me? I’d never had oral. I was too impatient for it now.

“I want your cock!” I demanded, pouting and kicking the mattress once.

When he ignored me, I tried a different approach. “Please, sir. Please will you fuck me now?”

He let out a loud groan, startling me and Toby. “You make me crazy.” With that, he grabbed my hips and pulled them up. I realized my hands had left the back of my head some time when he was fingering me and were now clutching a handful of blanket.

Roughly, he lined himself up with my entrance and shoved into me. I squealed as it stretched me but I was so fucking turned on, he slid in easily. He paused a moment to let me adjust. I felt so full – full but satisfied. Like my body had been waiting for his all day and was finally content. Then he pressed forward and bumped into my g-spot deep inside.

“Fuck!” The sensation was so intense, I tried to scramble away but he pushed me back down.

“Easy, lass.” His voice was tight. “You’re so warm.” He pulled out then thrust back in. “Feel so good.”

He fell into a rhythm, pulling out slowly then jamming back in, hitting my g-spot but moving away too soon to push me over the edge. Each time he thrust back in, I moaned, louder and louder as he drove my pleasure higher.

Suddenly, he stopped.

I groaned in frustration. If he was going to leave me unsatisfied again, I’d deck him. With a glare, I looked over my shoulder. “What now?”

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