Keyboards and Kink (12 page)

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Authors: Danica Avet,Sandra Bunio,Vanessa Devereaux,Carolyn Rosewood,Melissa Hosack,Raven McAllan,Kassanna,Annalynne Russo,Ashlynn Monroe,Casey Moss,Xandra James,Jorja Lovett,Eve Meridian

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Keyboards and Kink
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This man had been her fantasy lover and email friend
for almost a year. He was as gorgeous and seductive as she’d always
imagined. Well, to be fair she’d never imagined him as a vampire,
but that didn’t seem to matter right now. He wanted her. Ursula
Mackenzie, the girl who’d been called a nerd, a geek, and a freak
ever since first grade. She couldn’t think of one reason to say



Chapter Three


Reynold caressed both shoulders as though she were
made of fine china and might break. His touch sent fire through her
entire body, and she became lightheaded. His hands moved to her
neck, sending a shiver through her. Those eyes held her captive. He
bent his head and kissed her.

She moaned into his open mouth, parting her lips to
let his tongue inside. It moved over hers in ways she’d never
experienced. Practiced, sensual, exotic. He devoured her mouth
while her limbs trembled.

When he released her mouth his lips nuzzled her neck,
just above her collarbone where the skin was most sensitive. She
could feel the blood pulsing in her veins. It was as if every nerve
ending in her body was focused on that one miniscule spot. The
sharp pinprick of teeth breaking the skin sent a jolt of
electricity down her neck, across both breasts, and straight to her
aching clit.

Ursula groaned as he kneaded her breasts, grazing her
nipples with his thumbs. “You taste like manna. And your skin feels
like velvet. So soft.” His voice was raspy and thick now, and his
words made her weak in the knees.

He teased her nipples with his teeth while reaching
under her shorts to slide two fingers along her wet slit. Waves of
pleasure rocked her core. She moved her legs apart slightly and he
pushed two fingers inside. “I’ve wanted to touch you for so

He took her hand and led her to the edge of the bed,
then took off her tank top and tossed it on the floor. Red-hot
desire raced through her as he eased her down to straddle his left
thigh. She cried out when he took one breast into his mouth and
sucked hard. The sensation caused a ripple effect that shot
straight to her clit. She rocked her hips, rubbing her pussy
against his muscled thigh.

He continued his assault on her nipples, sucking and
biting them gently, while she rubbed his leg. When she reached
inside her boxer shorts to hurry along the orgasm, he groaned deep
in his throat. As the climax crashed over her, he licked the wounds
his teeth had made. Each lap of his tongue sent a fresh surge of
ecstasy through her body.

After the contractions finally stopped, Reynold laid
her back against the pillows and pulled off her boxer shorts.
“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

He stood up and removed his clothes and she gasped at
the sight of his muscles and his thick red cock. When he covered
her body with his he kissed her rough and deep, his fingers curling
in her hair. She moaned as his tongue slid inside. His kisses left
her breathless. His touch filled a need in her she hadn’t known
existed before tonight.

He released her mouth and trailed his tongue down her
neck, in between her breasts, and down to her wet slit. Slipping
two long fingers inside again, he continued torturing her clit with
his tongue. Ursula whimpered and squirmed under his touch. She’d
never felt anything so exquisite.

When he moved back up to gaze into her face, the
touch on her cheek was so tender she had to blink back tears. “I
need to be inside you, Ursula. Will you let me?”

“Oh…yes, Reynold. Yes. Make love to me. Please.”

He slowly spread her legs and touched the tip of his
cock to her wetness, pushing gently. “You’re very tight.”

“It’s been a long time.” That was an

“Then I’ll be careful.”

“I don’t want you to be careful. I want you to fuck

With a groan he shoved his swollen shaft into her
pussy. It hurt only for a second or two, then she was filled with
the most delicious pleasure she’d ever known. Her cries filled the
room as a quick orgasm contracted her pussy walls around his

She wrapped her arms and legs around him as he thrust
in and out. His stamina excited her beyond anything she’d ever
known. This was the most erotic experience she’d ever had. Another
climax was already building. Even her dreams had never been this
erotic, this fulfilling. Her pussy was sore and raw by the time he
climaxed, and when she felt him let go another orgasm washed over
her, making her dizzy. She wanted to lie in his arms forever and
touch him, hold him.

Reynold moved off her and cradled her in his arms. He
stroked her hair, moving it aside to tenderly kiss her neck. This
time when she felt the tiny prick of teeth, she sank deeper into
his arms and closed her eyes, letting the complete sense of peace
consume her. It was as if every happy thought she’d ever had came
together in one perfect moment.

Her eyelids grew heavy and her head felt like it was
full of cotton. “I have so many questions for you…” Her voice
sounded thick and slurred, the way it did when she tried to talk in
a dream.

He stroked her neck and his voice crooned close to
her ear. “The questions will wait. Sleep now, Ursula.”

His touch on her skin was gentle. A lover’s touch.
She finally gave in and drifted off to sleep.


Ursula woke to the soft sound of keys clacking across
the hall. Her bedroom door was open and the blinds were closed. She
sat up and stretched. Her breasts and pussy were tender but she
didn’t care. Memories from last night assaulted her senses. She
could still feel Reynold’s mouth and hands on her body. The images
were so vivid he might as well be inside her right now. Everything
had changed. Her fantasy had come true and his existence proved her

She put on her robe and padded across the hall to her
office. Reynold sat at her desk typing on a laptop she didn’t
recognize. The blinds in this room were closed as well. Only a tiny
slit of sunlight peeked in from the edges. “Is that your

He turned around and grinned, sending a wave of
desire straight to her wet pussy. Every touch, every kiss came back
to her in a rush and she shivered. “Good morning, beautiful. Yes,
it is. I snuck out while you were sleeping and retrieved it.”

“I thought vampires couldn’t go out during the

“A false rumor, but we do have to avoid direct
sunlight. I hope you don’t mind if we keep your rooms dark.”

That meant he planned to stay today. Her heart soared
and she couldn’t stop smiling.

He stood up and crossed the room, pulling her into
his arms. “Did you sleep well?” Before she could answer he released
her and picked up the package he’d brought last night. “Here. I
hope you like it.”

She unwrapped the tissue paper and gasped as she
lifted the necklace and earrings out of the box. Amethyst and
turquoise, the design featured roses entwined around a sword. It
was provocative and romantic at the same time, and she absolutely
adored it. “Did you design this?”

He beamed. “Yes. I design and make all the

“It’s absolutely stunning.”

“Here, let me put this on.” He fastened the necklace
while she put in the earrings. Then he took her hand and led her
back to the bedroom to stand in front of the mirror. He wrapped his
arms around her from behind. “Perfect.”

Sighing, she stared into his beautiful eyes, afraid
to believe this was real. The questions she’d had last night came
back to her, but she didn’t want to break the spell.

“You must be hungry. I’ll make you breakfast. “

“Oh, you don’t have to do that. Do you eat?”

He grinned again and she fought the urge to kiss him.
hungry, and needed food before she ravished him
again. “I can eat if I want to but I don’t have to. Ursula, let me
cook for you. I used to be very good at it.”

“Oh, a man who can cook. Well in that case, my
kitchen is yours.” As she took off the necklace it grazed the
wounds. She drew in a sharp breath at the pinprick of sensation.
Leaning close to the mirror, she examined them. They weren’t red or
swollen, but the skin around them was hypersensitive. The least
little touch sent a jolt of pain and pleasure straight to her

He stared at them, his eyes blazing with lust. “Do
they hurt you?”

She fought to take a full breath. “N-No. It
was…unexpected, that’s all.”

He caressed her hair gently. “I couldn’t help myself.
But I won’t harm you. I would never do that to you.”

She sat on a stool at the kitchen counter and watched
him make French toast. “Reynold, I have so many questions for

“Ask away.”

“How did you become a vampire? Is it like in the
movies and books?”

He smiled. “Close enough. You have to be bitten by a
vampire, and it has to be a bite that drains you almost to the
point of death. In other words, they have to know what they’re
doing or you simply exsanguinate.”

“Were you afraid?”

“No.” A cold look passed over his face. “Are you sure
you want to hear this?”

A quick jolt of fear coursed through her body, but
she pushed it away and nodded.

“I was out of viable choices.” He took a deep breath.
“I was a pirate, Ursula. I plundered and stole. The jewelry I make
is fashioned from coins and gems. The last treasure I stole as a

She nodded as he spoke. His stories had been too raw,
too real. It all made sense now. “I always wondered about some of
those pieces. They looked so old, so authentic.”

“Yeah, I guess I didn’t count on the members posting
pics of them.”

“Who made you a vampire, Reynold?”

He put the plate of food and a fork in front of her.
She rose and took the maple syrup out of the fridge then poured it
on the toast while he answered.

“A vampire named Dyvia came to my jail cell the night
before I was to be executed and offered me a way out. I took

She put a forkful into her mouth. “Wow. This is
delicious. Did you know Dyvia was a vampire?”

He looked slightly embarrassed. “Oh yes. She played
me, Ursula. She seduced me then brought me over so I wouldn’t be
hung for piracy. But then she stole the treasure from me while I
was still weak and gave it to an ancient vampire named Lukas as a
tribute. When I gained enough strength to do something about it, I
stole it back.”

Ursula put her fork next to the plate. She hadn’t
known what to expect, but it hadn’t been this. His story fascinated
her. “What happened to her?”

His eyes grew dark. “You don’t want to know.”

“Yes, I do.” She leaned forward.

“I destroyed her, then I hunted down Lukas and
destroyed him. His followers hunted me for a while but they…they
haven’t bothered me in a long time.”

She stared at him for several minutes, wishing she
knew what to say. It was a world she couldn’t understand, yet she
wanted to.

“Do you really drink blood?”

“Only animal blood. Last night…I lost control. But
the wounds are so small I didn’t take much from you. I’d never hurt
you, Ursula.”

“I believe you.” She picked up her fork and began to
eat again.

“You’re not upset by this?” His voice was full of

“Why should I be? What are we talking about…how many
centuries ago did this happen?”

“I crossed over in sixteen hundred and fifty-three,”
said Reynold.

“Do you still steal treasure or hunt and destroy

He shook his head. “No, of course not. And I use the
money from the membership fees on the site to pay a man named Derek
to make the documents I need to run the site and keep things

“How much of the treasure have you made into jewelry
and given away?” She wiped up the rest of the syrup with the edge
of her fork. It was so damn delicious she was tempted to lick the

“It’s nearly gone.”

“So, don’t you think all that redeems you

“Never really thought about it that way.” His full
mouth curled up at the corners and Ursula’s clit began to

“What prompted you to start the website?”

Reynold shrugged. “It’s easy to talk to people
online. And I’ve always loved the written word. I never expected it
to be so popular.”

She pushed away the plate. “So what happens now,
Reynold? What am I to you?”

His eyes bored into hers. He strolled around the
counter and drew her into his arms. “You’re my fantasy come true,”
he whispered. “I’ve waited over four hundred years for you,



Chapter Four


All the other questions she had faded away as he
kissed her, soft and gentle. When he brushed her hair aside she
knew he was going to bite her again. It burned for a few seconds,
but then heat filled her body and desire shot straight to her
pussy. She groaned when he took off her robe and lifted her in his

He carried her back to bed and licked the wounds on
her neck, sending waves of pain and pleasure through her body.
Tears ran down her cheeks as his tongue traced a line from her neck
down to her breasts. He took one nipple into his mouth and sucked
hard. She cried out and reached down to stroke her pussy, but he
pushed her hand away.

“You’ll have to be patient this morning, Ursula.”

His words inflamed her, sending her arousal spiraling
out of control. Her skin was on fire and if she didn’t have his
cock inside her soon she’d go out of her mind. Reynold threw a
muscled thigh over both her legs so she was trapped, forced to
submit to him teasing her nipples with his teeth and tongue.

She whimpered and begged until finally his tongue
trailed over her abdomen, lower and lower until he licked her
pussy. Two fingers slipped inside and fucked her slowly while he
continued to lick and suck her clit. When the climax crashed over
her she screamed again. Wave after wave coursed through her body
until she thought she’d pass out.

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