Read Keyboards and Kink Online

Authors: Danica Avet,Sandra Bunio,Vanessa Devereaux,Carolyn Rosewood,Melissa Hosack,Raven McAllan,Kassanna,Annalynne Russo,Ashlynn Monroe,Casey Moss,Xandra James,Jorja Lovett,Eve Meridian

Tags: #Romance

Keyboards and Kink (26 page)

BOOK: Keyboards and Kink
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“Your assumption is correct. Regardless of
appearances, I am a licensed, professional massage therapist. Let
my fingers work their magic. We’ll talk about the rest later,”
Calliope said as she squeezed a dollop of massage oil into the palm
of her hand.


Calliope rubbed hot, sticky massage oil through her
fingers, stifling a groan. She hadn’t even touched Dominic’s bare
skin yet, and already she felt her nipples bead into tight
rosebuds. With the sheet folded down just below his hips, she
caught an ample glimpse of the man’s contoured torso. The
well-defined proof of his virile masculinity evident in every
rippled peak and valley of his physique. In all her years
manipulating the male body, she had never seen a finer specimen.
Calliope’s fingers itched to run their length over the expanse of
his perfect naked flesh.

“Don’t forget to breathe. It relaxes the muscles and
helps open up the pores to release toxins,” Calliope said rather
matter-of-fact as she reached for him. Her digits barely grazed the
surface of his tanned skin. Still, the bolt of electricity that
shot through her system was nothing short of mind-blowing.
White-hot heat radiated down her spine. She arched her back,
inevitably forcing the explosion to settle between the folds of her
clenched pussy. Warm liquid drizzled down her left thigh, pooling
in the hollow crevice behind her kneecap.

Calliope saw the muscles in Dominic’s back rise and
fall and heard the intake of his breath. He twitched on the massage
table and she knew he must have smelled her unique feminine

Oh well. If the cat wasn’t out of the bag before, it
sure is now.

She continued to massage the knots out of his bulging
muscles, reveling in the feel of searing skin against her slick
fingertips. She gripped the massive width of his shoulders and
worked the pads of her fingers into his malleable flesh. After half
an hour, she told him to roll over. Dominic obeyed without
question, turning onto his back. He took a deep cleansing breath,
as his ripped chest lifted up off the table like a rooster fluffing
its feathers. But it was what Calliope noticed as her eyes wandered
below his waist that got her blood pumping even faster through her
veins. His thick, rigid cock stood erect, popping a tent beneath
the pristine white bed linen. She’d seen it happen a million times
with customers, but never had it affected her like it had with

Calliope pulled away. She touched the back of her
hand to her lips, capturing the drool that threatened to drip from
her mouth onto his oil-soaked bicep.

“Done with the massage?” he asked. “Good. I’m eager
to negotiate the next part of our business arrangement. And from
the look on your face, so are you.”

“What’s there to discuss? According to the paperwork,
you paid an extra hundred dollars for a blow job.” Again, Calliope
felt flushed, her cheeks burning up.

“That’s where you’re mistaken, honey,” said Dom,
rubbing the palm of his hand over his five o’clock shadow. “I paid
for oral sex. Not a blow job. In fact, I was very specific in that

Calliope crinkled her eyebrows in confusion. “I don’t

Dominic let out a rip-roaring burst of laughter. Then
his expression turned serious. He stared down at her with hungry
eyes. He gawked at the bountiful cleavage exposed by her low-cut
ensemble and groaned the same way Calliope had when she first saw
him in all his naked glory. “I’ll give you a clue. Never once did I
indicate that
be the one on the receiving end.”

Calliope swallowed hard, a lump at the back of her
throat leaving her speechless. Her voice raw and gravely, she tried
to protest. Although before she could utter a single word, he’d
turned the tables on her. Literally. Dominic flipped Calliope over
on top of the massage table, his hulking frame crowding her
personal space. He reached between them and untied the red silk bow
that kept her kimono intact. Her round, full breasts sprang from
the gown, their puckered peaks visible through the translucent
bodice of her black lace bra.

Dominic squeezed her firm bosom and rolled one
hardened nipple between his thumb and index finger. A moment later,
he leaned in and whispered in Calliope’s ear.

“I can smell your arousal. I can’t wait to taste
you.” Dominic’s heated breath skated across the flesh of Calliope’s
exposed shoulder, making her shiver at the touch.

“This was
our agreement,” Calliope said,
trying to push away from the girth of his impressive frame.

“I beg to differ,” Dominic replied, shaking his head
in disapproval. “For someone who spends most of her time showing
others how to relax, you’re entirely too uptight. Lie down and let
me help you blow off some steam.” His hand pushed back, pinning her
slender form against the white sheets. With her kimono in complete
disarray, he had full view of every nook and cranny of her
near-naked body. The only articles of clothing still left were her
matching bra and thong. By the ravenous expression on his face,
those last modicums of her modesty would soon end up in a heap on
the cold, stone tile.

Starting at her bare feet, Dominic stroked and
kneaded her stiff joints, releasing the flow of blood from her
cramped muscles. As he moved past her calf and over her shapely
thigh, Calliope felt her blood begin to flow, rushing to engorge
her sensitive, needy sex. Her clitoris throbbed as it swelled with
her life essence. Goose bumps broke out all over her body. Her
thighs parted of their own volition, eager to offer him a sample of
her feminine fruit.

Dominic seemed more than happy to oblige. He removed
her thong, then lowered his head, lashing against her pussy lips
with bold, lustful strokes. With two fingers, he thrust into her
womb, pumping hard and fast. At the same time, he sucked the tip of
her clitoris into his mouth until she felt the crest of her orgasm
break. Calliope’s juices pooled in the center of his hand, then
soaked the thin cotton material underneath her bottom.

“Your turn,” Calliope said as she tried to sit up.
Dominic wasn’t having it. He placed his palm against her flat
stomach to keep her still. He looked into her half-mast gaze, his
own orbs stormy and bloodshot.

Wait a minute. Something’s not right.
white parts of Dominic’s eyes weren’t red. On the contrary, his
pupils and retinas had turned a deep crimson, glowing bright in the
candlelit room.

All of the sudden, Calliope felt dizzy, almost drunk.
Her thoughts seemed jumbled as if she were trapped in a thick,
low-lying fog. Through the haze, she spied Dominic’s maniacal grin
and the flash of what appeared to be a pair of razor-sharp fangs.
Shaking her head to clear the cobwebs, Calliope watched him as he
sank his canines into the tender flesh of her thigh.

Helpless to bring herself out of her drunken stupor,
she sat back on her elbows and let Dominic suction the blood from
her leg. She heard the liquid course through her veins, its thrum
rumbling in her ears. A slow, burning heat traced a path through
her bloodstream before it stopped at the apex of her sex, setting
off a rainstorm of epic portions in her womb. Slippery moisture
dripped down the slope of her pussy, dribbling into the corners of
the vampire’s mouth.

Vampire? Was that what Dominic was?
stared at him in shock, still unable to move as he removed his lips
from her flesh. His tongue darted out to swipe across the twin
pinpricks still oozing with blood. She felt her skin tingle under
his touch, only to realize once he pulled away that the bite had
almost completely healed.

“It’s okay,” Dominic said, covering her exposed skin
and adjusting the red silk kimono back into place. “I’d never hurt

Drowsy and weak from the loss of blood, Calliope
nodded her head.

“I figured as much.”

Dominic smiled, then grabbed his clothes and put them
on without muttering another word. Calliope weaved in and out of
consciousness. She felt him plant a kiss to her forehead. He set a
hundred dollar bill on the edge of the sink before he turned and
slipped out the door.



Chapter Four


Double Trouble


Beau heard the creak of the door and stood up
straight from his slouched position against the wall. He turned his
head as Dominic exited Calliope’s work area, a schoolboy grin
plastered across his handsome features.

“Thanks for keeping a look out. I think I wore her
out. You might want to help her to bed and let her get some rest,”
Dominic said, patting him on the back before he showed himself out.
Beau wasn’t sure what to make of his gesture. Was the bastard being
condescending? Was he trying to rub in the fact that he’d gifted
Calliope with not one, but two earth-shattering orgasms?

Yes, it was true. Beau had been eavesdropping. Even
if he hadn’t been, the whole damn neighborhood must have heard her
cries. For the last twenty minutes, his ear had been glued to the
door, listening with bated breath to his exquisite roommate’s
pleasure-filled moans and groans. But that was nothing new. As her
roommate, he’d seen her shack up with plenty of men. Truth be told,
Beau had been tracking Calliope’s every move since the moment he
spied her across the room in ninth grade World History.

Beau was in love with Calliope. Always had been. He’d
dropped several not-so-subtle hints over the years, but each time
she shot him down. After so many rejections, Beau’s fragile ego
couldn’t take it anymore. The last time he tried to confess his
true feelings, it had turned into a complete disaster.

Beau had gotten rip-roaring drunk and come on to her,
planting a wet, sloppy kiss to Calliope’s reticent lips. Once she
refused his advances, he’d gotten angry and belligerent. He spouted
off some pretty hateful remarks about her wanton promiscuity, then
told an innocent white lie to protect his battered self-esteem. He
never expected Calliope would believe it. Unfortunately, she had
and that simple untruth had come back to bite him in the ass over
and over again.

Beau wasn’t gay. Sure, he’d engaged in a handful of
threesomes with heterosexual couples and gotten frisky with a few
men in the process. But gay? No way! However, once he told the lie,
he ended up having to make up one story after the other to cover
his tracks.

Beau sighed, then peeked through the slit in the
door. In the dim candlelight, he found Calliope asleep, resting
peacefully atop the massage table. He opened the door slowly and
tiptoed across the room. As gentle as possible, he lifted her lithe
body into his arms and carried her to her bed. Beau set her down on
the smooth satin comforter, her burgundy tresses flared out over
the edge of the king-size pillow. Damn if her hair wasn’t sexy as
hell. It was by far her best asset. He wanted to run his hand
through it, but he didn’t want to wake her up. Instead, his fingers
reached out to caress the soft skin of her cheek with feather-light
strokes. She was so beautiful, he had to bite down on his bottom
lip to keep himself in check.

Calliope Handler would no doubt be the death of


Business continued to blossom for the
Queen of
Happy Endings.
A few months into her endeavor, Calliope had
already earned more than she had in almost a year at
. With a host of loyal customers, her appointment book
stayed full between the hours of ten in the morning and four in the
afternoon. Those were the hours her married clients could slip away
undetected, still able to fulfill their duties coaching soccer or
baseball and shuttling kids back and forth to a variety of
extra-curricular activities.

By far, Calliope’s favorite client was Dominic
Trevino. He kept a standing appointment every Tuesday at seven
o’clock. Initially, she was taken aback by the fact that he was a
vampire. But once he sank in fangs into her flesh, and Calliope
experienced the sense of euphoria that came over her when he drank
her blood, her anxiety subsided. The adrenaline rush alone was
enough to make her overlook his true nature. When it came to
knowing how to satisfy a woman, Dominic turned out to be a slugger,
knocking it out of the ballpark every time. Whether he used his
mouth or his cock, Calliope always ended up with a smile on her
face. In fact, she often felt guilty after their appointments,
feeling as if
should be the one paying Dominic for his
services. Nonetheless, he always left her a hefty tip and a couple
of orgasms to tide her over until his next visit.

Of course, Calliope couldn’t keep the juicy details
of their titillating liaisons to herself. She had to share them
with her best friend. Right? Much to her chagrin, Beau didn’t seem
the least bit interested in girl talk. In fact, he remained rather
aloof as she spilled her guts, coughing up all the nitty-gritty
specifics about her sexual interludes with Dominic. He didn’t even
flinch when she told him her lover was a vampire. Calliope was a
tad disappointed with the way Beau simply shrugged off her obvious
excitement. His lackluster show of enthusiasm made her want to beat
him to a bloody pulp.

Calliope didn’t have much time to flesh out the evil
plot against her best friend. Before long, seven o’clock rolled
around and she heard the doorbell ring. The familiar flutter of
butterflies swirled around in her stomach. Her palms began to sweat
as nerves got the better of her, overstimulated by fantasies of
what was to come. She sat in the chair by the massage table,
listening as Beau and Dominic exchanged pleasantries. As soon as
she heard his voice, her womb clenched as it readied itself for his
sensual assault.

Dominic entered the room and right away started to
undress. His gaze locked on Calliope. She stared back. Her lover’s
eyes danced from left to right, mimicking the shape of her
voluptuous curves in a standoff of unbridled sexual intent.
Calliope’s mouth went dry and she licked her parched lips, letting
him know that she was starved. Desperate for his touch.

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