Keys of This Blood (122 page)

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Authors: Malachi Martin

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Jablonski, Henryk, 94, 95, 99, 100, 101, 107, 108

Jadwiga, Queen of Poland, 505

Jagiello, Wladislaw, Grand Duke of Lithuania, 505, 526

Jagiellonian Libray, 549

Jagiel Ionian University, 549, 550

Jakes, Milos, 191, 440, 441

Jan Kazimierz, King of Poland, 509, 511, 543, 572, 615

Jan Sobieski III, King of Poland, 523, 572, 577, 615

Japan, 41, 161, 323, 324, 337

“apartness” of, 290–91, 643

atomic bombing of, 335

economic rise of, 153–54, 321

film industry investment of, 329

foreign direct investment of, 320

as global contender, 345, 349

John Paul II and, 73

post-World War II rebuilding of, 152

world responsibility considered by, 154

Jaroszewicz, Piotr, 99

Jaruzelski, Wojciech, 124–25, 191, 271, 438, 441, 624, 635, 645

Jasna Góra (shrine), 95, 102–3, 539, 572, 574, 575, 591, 593–94

Jaunich, Robert, 643

Jefferson, Thomas, 649, 655

Jehovah's Witnesses, 141, 285

Jesuits, 261

Jews, Judaism, 39, 126, 138, 139, 293, 297

“apartness” of, 290–91, 643

of Apostles, 133

ecumenism and, 258

emigration of, from Soviet Union, 645

of Marx, 200

mystical tradition of, 519

Pius XII's saving of, 637

in Poland, 504, 524

Polish aid to, 550

in pre-World War II Poland, 514

sixteenth-century decimation of, 506

John XV, Pope, 501

John XXIII, Pope, 48, 86, 131, 157, 421, 512, 582

policy of, 143, 146, 264

character and personality of, 60, 65, 143, 144, 638

death of, 258, 591

Khrushchev and, 144–45, 257, 434, 583, 611

message of Mary at Fatima ignored by, 630, 631, 632, 633, 634

Second Vatican Council of, 144, 145, 256–60, 264, 268, 583, 589–591, 604, 606, 614, 620, 631, 638, 668, 670, 681–83

Soviet policy of, 43, 144–45, 146–147, 192, 257, 423, 447, 583, 591–92, 601

travels of, 119

Wyszynski and, 583, 590–91

John Paul I, Pope, 86, 145, 262, 512, 582, 614, 632

background of, 610

death of, 59, 611–12

papal election of, 59, 601–3, 609–610

as “September Pope,” 62

as “Smiling Pope,” 610, 612

John Paul II, Pope, 15–54, 59–148, 154–62, 489–96, 600–657

Adieu of, 618–19

adversaries on, 90, 91

Africa visited by, 475–76

alleviation of suffering sough by, 169–70

anti-censorship letter of, 93

as Archbishop of Krakow, 61, 93, 127, 241–42, 456, 511, 581

Argentine-Chilean dispute calmed by, 69

attacks on, 51–52, 53, 76–77, 78–88, 90, 123, 148, 483–84, 641

attempted assassination of, 46–47, 49, 120, 270, 439, 625–26, 634

background of, 23, 60–61, 64, 103–104, 127, 511, 544

as Bishop, 553

black liberation leaders met by, 67

caretaker group and, 82

character and personality of, 60–61, 73, 87, 127

Christ's teachings and, 19, 20, 22, 33, 39, 62, 74, 100, 192, 378, 455, 466, 474–75, 492

on coming global confrontation, 16, 20

contemplated assassination of, 96

contemporary world morally appraised by, 155–59, 162, 164, 170, 171–72, 181–92, 198

conventional political power lacked by, 111–12

crossed-arm greeting of, 512–13

Czechoslovakia visited by, 33, 37, 52–53, 463

decisions avoided by, 85–86, 620

and deterioration of Church institutions, 50–52, 53, 75–78, 85, 87, 90, 480, 623, 633, 641–642, 682, 684

doctorates held by, 64

Eastern Orthodoxy and, 43–44, 288–89, 622

as cardinal, 596, 599

encyclicals of, 74, 75, 79, 84, 145–146, 164

on Eucharist, 669

on Europe in millennium endgame, 651–53, 657

on foreign aid and loans, 165–66

on Genuine Globalists, 35, 36, 37, 313, 314–15, 337, 338–39, 340–346, 643–44, 654–56

geopolitical strategy and advantages of 24–25, 39–40, 89, 370–71, 374–78, 381, 621, 623, 632–33, 653–54

geopolitical struggle entered by, 87–92, 278–79, 376, 480, 491, 640

on global interdependence, 159–162

on globalists, 281–82, 643

global viewpoint of, 349–50

on God's intervention in human affairs, 350–51, 370

on Gorbachev, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 40, 147, 161, 196–200, 274, 280, 363, 394–402, 415–22, 442, 444–45, 644, 650, 655

Gorbachev compared with, 278–279, 376, 378, 381, 451, 474

on Gramsci, 196, 199–200, 243, 265

Gromyko and, 69–70, 74, 91, 95, 146, 435

on Humanists, 295, 296

international profile of, 490, 512, 620, 622, 640

on Islam, 285

John Paul I's papal election and, 601–3, 609–10

Latin America visited by, 263

media coverage of, 64, 68–69, 70–72, 73–74, 113, 114–15, 116–17, 476, 490

on Mega-Religionism, 304, 305, 643

Messianist poets and, 552

Mexico visited by, 70–72, 74, 490

millennium endgame gambles of, 480, 483–84

Minimalist opposition to, 286–87

on morality, 159–61

Nazi concentration camps visited by, 105

on New Age movement, 305, 311–312, 643

Obeisance of, 617–18

and opening of Roman Catholic Church, 145–46

papal approach of, 63–66, 75, 114–126, 490

papal election of, 17, 20, 59–60, 78, 87, 91, 127, 512, 578, 612–617, 620

papal infallibility of, 81

papa tiara refused by, 60, 62–63

Paul VI and, 596, 597, 598

, 461

as personal embodiment of Holy See, 128, 641

personal motto of, 492, 495, 515

personal relationship with Mary emphasized by, 492–93, 515, 595, 616, 621, 622, 626, 634, 640, 655

on Piggyback Globalists, 293, 312

Pius XII and, 637–38

Poland visited by, 21–22, 23, 26–27, 41, 66, 74, 92–113, 114–15, 116–17, 147, 268, 269, 366, 490, 541

Polish government and, 102–3

Polish heritage of, 494–96, 500, 511–16, 640, 654, 657

as political enigma, 121–26, 496

politics and religion mixed by, 492–93

as Pope for all Catholics, 67–68

as Pope for nobody, 92

popularity of, 65, 72, 74

post-World War II political activities of, 570, 571, 575, 581, 583, 585, 601

poverty observed by, 154, 165, 168, 186, 475

as priest, 551–52

prophecies about, 47–48, 49, 60

on Provincial Globalists, 283, 292

public insults received by, 116

Ratzinger rebuked by, 77–78, 79, 87

religious nationalism of, 41–42

on responsibility for world conditions, 189–92

on Roman Catholic Church in Western Europe, 354

Saphieha as teacher of, 61, 115, 128, 547–48, 550–51, 553, 578

Second Vatican Council and, 589, 592

secret service monitoring of, 120–121

on secularism, 355, 358, 359, 369

self-image of, 637

seminary studies of, 550–51

as Servant of Grand Design, 50, 484, 637, 639, 651, 656

Shintoists received by, 72–73, 74

on social democracy, 265–66

Solidarity and, 620, 622, 624–25

Soviet Union as catalyst of geopolitical change for, 48

Soviet Union visited by, 453, 459, 466

on Soviet-Western relations, 389, 391–92, 393, 401, 412, 434, 444, 473, 474–76

Spain visited by, 115

successor to, 683–84

superforce faction and, 82–88, 123, 148, 535, 632

on tearing down Berlin Wall, 490

as theologian, 78, 158

on Transnationalists, 332–33

Ukrainian celebration and, 123–25

U.S. visited by, 598

at Vatican Summit, 434–36, 438, 440, 445, 446–64, 491, 597

vision at Fatima important to, 47, 48, 439, 476, 590–91, 631–33, 634, 636–37, 655, 656

vision seen by, 627–28, 629

at World Economic Forum, 642, 643–44, 654–55

writings of, 64, 73

Wyszynski as mentor of, 20–21, 23, 24, 42, 48, 92–93, 94, 96, 99, 115, 127, 128, 269, 508, 515–16, 553, 556, 563, 578, 582, 598, 603, 640

as Wyszynski's successor, 597

Johnson & Johnson, 389

Jordan, 186

Judas Iscariot, 661–66

Christ betrayed by, 661, 662, 665, 674

Christian rejection of, 663

Christ's trust in, 663, 675

compromise as sin of, 665–66

death of, 663

disillusionment of, 664

good intentions of, 662, 663, 664

Juilliard School of Music, 332

Julius II, Pope, 118

Jupiter, 502

, 519

Kaczmarek, Bishop Czeslaw, 569, 576

Kádár, János, 191, 438, 441

Kafka, Franz, 207

Kaganovich, Lazar Moiseyevich, 228, 238

Kaganovich, Rosa, 228

Kakol, Kazimierz, 94, 99

Kakowski, Alexander Cardinal, 543, 546

Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, 511, 539

Kaminsky, Horst, 643

Kandvivius, Grigorijus Jakovas, 442

Kanghua Company (KC), 408

Kania, Stanislaw, 99

Kanyan, Kumbirai, 67

Karlov, Yuri E.,438

Kaufmann, Henry, 643

Kautsky, Karl, 195

Kazakhstan, 442

KC (Kanghua Company), 408

Keidanren, 170

Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 330

Kennan, George F., 334

containment doctrine of, 178–80, 183, 188, 190, 199, 241, 428, 429, 433

Kennedy, John F., 336

Kentucky Fried Chicken, 404, 481

Kerensky, Aleksandr, 210, 211, 212

Kerensky, Fedor, 210

Keys of Peter,
Petrine Keys

KGB, 253, 376, 383, 396, 417, 418, 421, 433, 464, 469, 473, 482–83

AIDS rumor spread by, 188

as descendant of CHEKA, 218, 219

Dominican Republican involvement of, 130

foreign trade deals watched by, 389–90

Gorbachev supported by, 33, 444

Poland and, 268–69

public relations campaign of, 468

Soviet clergy tied to, 414, 583, 611

West penetrated by, 255, 256

Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah, 140, 284

Khrushchev, Nikita S., 28, 197, 240, 253, 268, 426

atheism of, 416, 419, 420

Cuban missile crisis and, 254

death of, 258

John XXIII and, 144–45, 257, 434, 583, 611

Poland and, 573

Stalin denounced by, 254

“We will bury you” prophecy of, 472, 477

Khukhunaishvili, Vano, 411

Kim II Sung, 318

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 556, 670

Kirghizia, 442

Kirill, Archbishop, 440

Kissinger, Henry, 336, 337

Klaus, Vaclav, 644

Klepacz, Bishop Michal, 570, 572

Koenig, Franz Cardinal, 606, 612

Kohn, Helmut, 430, 642, 646, 649, 655

Kolakowski, Leszek, 562

Kolbe, Maximilian, 105

Komensky, Jan Amos, 521, 525

Komerek, Valtr, 644

Konapczynski, Jan, 525

Koniev, Ivan, 551

Konney, Paul, 389–90

Konopnicka, Maria, 539

KOR (Committee for Defense of Workers), 270, 483, 597, 624, 635

Koran, 356 Korea, Democratic People's Republic of (North), 317–18, 648, 649

Korea, Republic of (South), 161, 289, 318, 324, 648, 649

Korean War, 184, 241, 335

Korotich, Vitali, 642, 647

Kotlyrov (Metropolitan Prelate), 583

Kowalczyk, Archbishop Jozef, 435

Kowalski, Nikolai, 439

Kozal, Bishop Michal, 546

Kozielsk, 183

Kraft, 330

Krakow University, 504

Krasinski, Zygmunt, 540–41

Kraszewski, J. I., 539

Krenz, Egon, 440

, 372

Krupskaya, Nadezhda, 210, 228–29, 231

KSR (Conference for Workers' Self-Government), 624, 635

KSS (Committee for Social Self-Defense), 597

Kuberski, Jerzy, 435

Kulikov, Viktor, 635

Kurori, Jacek, 42

Kurtz, Paul, 295, 296, 314

Laboa, Papal Nuncio Archbishop

José Sebastian, 375

Lansbergis, Vytautus, 472

Laos, 180

Laski, Primate Bishop Jan, 508

Last Supper, 674, 675

Latin America, 453, 456, 457

aid and loans to, 165–66

Liberation Theology of, 260–62, 263, 422, 546

Latvia, 30, 182, 272, 442, 468

Laurenti, Cardinal, 678

Lawica, 549

League of Nations, 175, 176, 225

League of Neighbors (LN), 302

Lebanon, 184–85, 439

Lefebvre, Archbishop Marcel, 67

Lehman Brothers, 343

Leibniz, Gottfried, 525

Lend-Lease program, 335

Lenin, V. I., 195–96, 197, 198, 199, 208–26, 237, 240, 243, 272, 281, 312, 367, 376, 377, 393, 396, 405, 414, 430, 464, 471, 477

atheism of, 415–16, 417, 419, 420, 461

birth and early life of, 209–10

Bolshevik party organized by, 210

character and personality of, 208–209, 213, 215

Comintern created by, 220

Communist Party organized by, 215, 216–17

counterintelligence structure established by, 214, 217–22, 223, 226, 230, 253, 255

death of, 231

first meeting between Stalin and, 227

Gorbachev on, 273

health problems of, 226, 228, 229

judgment errors made by, 223–24, 244, 245, 247, 248–49

“Letter to Congress” of, 229

marriage of, 210

Marx compared with, 208–9, 215

Marx's influence on, 210, 211, 215, 220, 223, 224

Mausoleum of, 155, 157

name changed by, 210

1917 coup led by', 211–12

Roman Catholic Church hated by, 219

Second Polish Republic fought by, 543–44

Soviet state organized by, 213–15, 220, 226

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