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Authors: S. J. Frost

Keys to Love (10 page)

BOOK: Keys to Love
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habit on the last tour after seeing Jesse and Evan in them all the time, and looking damn good. At the risk of feeding his ego, he had to admit, they didn’t look bad on him, either.

Julian saw a male figure moving down the shadowed aisle. He stood and walked toward the front of the stage, smiling brightly.

The shadows slipped away from the man.

Julian froze. Shock stole his voice. When he found it again, he could only get it to come out in a whisper. “Morgan.”

Morgan smiled up at him. “Hey, Julian.”

Julian opened his mouth to speak, his voice completely lost to him this time. Morgan looked unbelievable, like a vision from a dream. He wore a black tux, the jacket open, the top two buttons of the white dress shirt undone, as he had foregone a tie. He chose a vest rather than a cummerbund and it accentuated his fit torso. His auburn-highlighted, dark brown hair shone with the golden lights from the stage. His usual stubble covered his chiseled jaw and lined his full lips.

Morgan chuckled softly. “You look surprised. Well, I guess you should be, since that was my intention.”

Julian cleared his throat to summon his voice. “Why are you here?”

“I won the auction.”

Julian gave a confused shake of his head. “You couldn’t have.

I was told the winner’s name was Martin Spencer.”

“A friend of mine. I had him do the bidding and payment so I could surprise you. It worked, huh?”

“But why? And
did you do it?”

Morgan cast a quick glance at the security guards, who eyed him with suspicion, then brought his gaze back to Julian. “I’d rather talk about those things alone, if that’s okay.”

Julian looked at the guards, having completely forgotten about their presence once he was graced with Morgan’s. “Gentlemen, if you’d be so kind, I don’t think your services will be required Keys to Love


One of the guards stood up. “I’m sorry, Mr. Forrester, but Mr. Arden wouldn’t like it if we were to leave you alone.” He glanced at Morgan. “Even if he does seem to be someone you know.”

“He is someone I know and a friend. As for Mr. Arden, if Evan has a problem with you leaving me, I’ll take full responsibility.

Now please, go and enjoy your evening, with pay.”

The two guards shared a look, then with a shrug, relented and left.

Morgan stepped up to the front of the stage. He placed both hands on it, and with a hop, pulled himself up. He stood and stepped closer to Julian. “It seems like you have a lot of questions.”

Julian gazed up at him. Morgan was so tall, so built, so beautiful.

And Morgan was looking at him like he never had before. There was always kindness in his eyes, but there was something more now, open attraction. How was he supposed to keep a coherent thought when Morgan was looking at him in such a way?

“You wanted to know how I won the auction and why I bid for you?” Morgan prompted.

Julian pulled in a quick breath. “I’m only asking because, please don’t take this the wrong way, but when we went to lunch, I thought it sounded like you were in dire straights.”

“I am.” Morgan walked across the stage toward the piano.

“Everything I have and more is wrapped up in the music store.

But that doesn’t mean I didn’t have a way to get the money. I liquidated some of the inventory.” He chuckled softly. “Lucky for me the bidding didn’t go much higher. I was going to be done at thirty-five thou.”

“But what will you do for merchandise? If you were going to do such a thing, you should’ve used the money to pay the debts you told me about.”

Morgan stood with his back to him. He ran his fingers over
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the smooth wood of the piano. “Then you’re not happy I’m the winner?”

Julian took a couple quick steps toward him. “No, that’s not what I meant. I was just trying to say you shouldn’t have wasted your money. One evening with me isn’t worth you risking so much.”

Morgan glanced back at him. “It is to me.”

Julian lost his voice as his breath fled him.

Morgan faced him. “There’re so many things I want to say to you, that I’ve wanted to say since we met. I’ve admired you for so long, even before you joined Conquest. In fact, when you did, I was disappointed because I wouldn’t get to hear you play classical anymore, and that’s how long I’ve followed you. I guess it’s been about five years, and in that time, I never thought I’d get the chance to meet you. I dreamed it, certainly, but to actually stand here with you, to spend time with you, to know the man behind the music, it’s made what I’ve dreamed pale because you’re so much more than what I imagined.”

“I…” Julian started, then realized he had no words to follow such a confession. No one had ever said anything like that to him.

Morgan glanced away. “Of course, I understand if I’ve completely freaked you out by doing this, then saying everything I just did. It is pretty eccentric.”

“No,” Julian said softly. “I’m not freaked out. Speechless, yes.

Stunned, yes. But not freaked out.”

Morgan brought his gaze back to him. “Will you still play for me?”

Julian stared at him for a long moment. He nodded and moved toward the bench.

Morgan sat beside him. He felt Julian tense, and wondered if this really had been the right thing to do. In his thoughts it seemed like a great idea, but he couldn’t predict Julian’s reaction.

Even now in the midst of things, he wasn’t certain what Julian was feeling. One thing he’d learned about him already, Julian was Keys to Love

a man of utmost control. With people he didn’t know well, Julian presented the image of propriety, and it hurt to see Julian having those moments with him, like now. He realized he’d made him uncomfortable. But was Julian uncomfortable because he didn’t want him there, or was it because he
want him there?

Ever since their lunch together, he thought he picked up a glimmer of attraction from Julian. They didn’t have much time to talk in the past week, but he did notice Julian stealing glances at him, always ready to give him a smile, and come to his defense.

The memory of Julian yelling at Kurt still made him grin, and with all those things combined, the feeble hope he had that Julian could feel something toward him grew stronger. Now, if only he knew for sure.

Julian set his fingers to the keys. He sounded the first notes of Conquest’s new ballad, “No Fear,” the title track of their album.

As he played, his arm brushed against Morgan’s each time he reached for the higher keys. Only a few notes in, he said, “I’m sorry, I should’ve asked what you wanted me to play.”

“Anything you play is perfect.”

Morgan watched Julian’s fingers float over the keys. Each flick, each movement fluid and flawless. His hands were delicately put together, the skin smooth and fair, his nails perfectly manicured.

So opposite from himself, as Julian was in so many ways. Perhaps it was because of that, along with Julian’s beautiful musical gift, that he was so drawn to him.

Julian spoke softly over his playing. “I wasn’t even sure you liked me.”

“But you are now, right?”

Julian chuckled. “Now, I’m positive.”

Morgan lightly rocked against him. “That’s too bad. I was hoping you would say no, so I could prove it to you.”

Julian grinned at him. “Well, I could still use some convincing.”

He looked back to the keys. He didn’t need to see them to play, but he found the gentle brown of Morgan’s eyes incredibly distracting. With each second, his shock gave way to giddiness.

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He’d flirted with Morgan and it was reciprocated. Just that alone was enough to make his mind and body swim in delight, but knowing the lengths Morgan had gone to just for this night with him, sent him soaring.

He brought “No Fear” to its conclusion and stilled his fingers on the keys. He turned to Morgan. “What would you like me to play now?”

Morgan met his gaze. “How about Fur Elise?”

Julian nodded and sounded the first soft notes.

Morgan closed his eyes in a long blink. Sitting so close to Julian, hearing each note resonate in his ears with every keystroke, the song sounded more beautiful than ever. Added to it, he could feel the warmth from Julian’s body, each breath he took in pulled the soft fragrance of Julian’s cologne to him.

Morgan slowly opened his eyes. Just like the day Julian played it in the arena, with his head bowed toward the piano, a cluster of his bangs had fallen near one eye. Morgan couldn’t resist. He reached to Julian and brushed his bangs aside. Julian’s hair felt soft, like fine silk, against his rough fingertips.

Julian’s fingers slowed on the keys, though his heart raced.

Morgan caressed his cheek and under his chin, gently turning his head toward him.

Morgan’s gaze moved over Julian’s face, settling on his lips.

He leaned toward him. As Morgan’s lips brushed lightly over his, Julian parted them to allow a breath to escape, and Morgan’s lips opened against them. A hushed groan purred in Julian’s throat as Morgan eased his tongue into his mouth. Each slow thrust of Morgan’s tongue over his own raised Julian’s desire. He turned fully toward him and wrapped his arms around him, sinking his fingers into Morgan’s thick hair.

Morgan shifted on the bench so he straddled it, his lips never leaving Julian’s. He embraced Julian around the waist, then brought his touch lower. He cupped Julian’s ass in both hands and heaved him up, placing Julian on his thighs.

Julian felt dizzy. All thought evaded him, only sensation Keys to Love

existed. Morgan’s body, large, powerful, firm. Morgan’s tongue, soft, wet, warm. Everything about Morgan felt so good, so right.

His hand tightened in a fist in Morgan’s hair as he deepened the kiss. He reached back and grabbed one of Morgan’s hands on his ass and pulled it forward, shoving it between their bodies to his cock. At feeling the heat of Morgan’s touch seeping through his pants, Julian broke the kiss with a moan.

Morgan took the moment to catch his breath. He met Julian’s eyes, his light blue gaze filled with passion. “We should leave, go somewhere more private.”

Julian nodded. “My place?”

“Sounds great.”

Rather than move from Morgan, Julian covered his mouth in another deep kiss. As Morgan returned it, he noticed it was more forceful, hungrier than before. Julian rocked down on him.

Morgan thrust up to meet him. Each ground against the other, their movements growing more urgent.

Morgan pulled his lips away. “We have to go. If we don’t, you’re going to make me drop you to the stage floor.”

Julian kissed Morgan’s neck. “Go ahead.”

Morgan closed his eyes and tipped his head away from Julian to give him more of his neck. “You’re naughtier than I thought.”

“And we haven’t even begun.” Julian gently nipped him.

Morgan exhaled a trembling breath. “You don’t know how much you’re tempting me to do that, but for this first time, I want you in a bed.”

“An old fashioned gentleman, are you?”

Morgan chuckled. “I’m not sure you’ll be calling me a gentleman when this night is over.”

Julian slowly slid off him and stood, extending his hand down to him. “I don’t think there’s anything you could do to change my opinion of that.”

Morgan lifted Julian’s hand to his lips as he stood. “Shall we?”

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Julian nodded and turned with Morgan’s hand in his, leading him from the stage.

Chapter nine

After informing his building’s parking garage guard that the black Jeep behind him was a friend, Julian parked his dark metallic blue Mercedes-Benz CL600 close to the elevators.

Morgan parked next to him and hopped out of his Jeep. He looked past Julian’s Mercedes to the black Porsche 911 Turbo beside it. “That’s not yours, is it?”

“Yes, it is.”

Morgan’s mouth dropped open slightly. “You’re kidding me.”

“Why do you look so surprised? Isn’t every boy entitled to a few toys?”

“Yeah, I just never pictured you in a car like that, with how sophisticated you are.”

“I’m a rock star. Hot cars come with the territory. And I’ll have you know that’s a very sophisticated machine. But if you don’t like it, I guess I won’t bother offering to take you for a ride—”

“Hey now! I wasn’t saying I didn’t like it. I was just surprised by it. As it is, I’m trying to decide what I want more, going for a ride in it right now or having sex with you.”

Julian stepped close to him, placing his hands on Morgan’s hips as he pressed his own to him. “We could have sex in the car.”

Morgan smiled and brushed his lips across Julian’s. “I’m starting to get the feeling there’s a kinky side to you.”

Julian grinned in answer and flicked his tongue over Morgan’s lips, then took his hand and led him toward the elevator. “It’s actually your good luck that you’ve gotten to see my Porsche.

Normally I have it in storage, but since the Audi’s still in the shop, I thought I’d bring it out to play before leaving. But tomorrow I’m going to have to put it back in storage, along with the Mercedes. I don’t trust leaving them parked in a garage like
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this for months on end.”

“What about your Audi?”

“When it’s finally fixed, Brandon’s going to pick it up and put it in storage for me.”

A rush of jealousy dampened Morgan’s desire. “Well, isn’t that sweet of him?”

Julian stopped at the elevator and turned to him, a teasing smirk on his lips. “Already getting possessive?”

Morgan stared at him with an expression revealing his lack of amusement.

Julian laughed under his breath and placed both hands on the sides of Morgan’s face, gently guiding him down. He whispered against Morgan’s lips, “You’ve nothing to be jealous about.”

Julian gave him a soft kiss. Morgan closed his eyes, keeping them shut even after Julian drew back. He felt amazed at how all it took was one small tender touch from Julian to shift his mood.

“I’ve driven past this building a hundred times when I’ve gone to Millennium Park,” Morgan said. “It’s funny how you’ve been so close all this time.”

BOOK: Keys to Love
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