Kicked: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (23 page)

BOOK: Kicked: A Bad Boy Sports Romance
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I leaned my head back, looking upside down at the big black box that made up the football performance center. From here, it looked like the Death Star or something. Inside, it felt like a hundred years in the future. There were TVs embedded in the mirrors in the bathrooms so we could watch football while we shaved. There were black glass backed walls to write on, a room titled
The War Room
that even I wasn't allowed into. Our head coach had a secret staircase down to his private parking space.

But out here, even though I was lying on FieldTurf, I felt like I was in a wild place. I wanted to reach into my football pants, wrap my fingers around my cock, stroke myself until I came. But I knew these fields had cameras. Maybe they were recording right now, maybe not. The last thing I wanted was to get kicked off the team for a sex scandal. In the past, we probably could've gotten away with anything. With the social climate the way it was, people were sick of athletes being treated like gods. Thus, the reason we lived in the dorms with everybody else. Thus, the reason I didn't want to do something and fuck it all up. The media just needed one martyr, one idiot who slipped up and fucked up, someone with everything to lose. Bloodshed was wanted, maybe even needed considering how spoiled most of my teammates acted, but I refused to be a part of that.

'You want to … cyber with me or something?'
Teagan asked. I wished I was looking at her face right now. In a text, those words could be interpreted so many ways. Was she pissed? Excited? Horny?

'It doesn't have to mean anything. Think about it. No physical contact. Just words and pictures.'

'You never told me what we're doing on Saturday,'
she sent back, ignoring my request. I couldn't tell if that was a good thing or not.
'Since you have a game, I can't figure out where you're going to find the time.'

I sat up, glancing over my shoulder as I heard Kai shouting my name. This friendship thing with Teagan might be all screwed up and weird, but at least as far as Saturday was concerned, I had it all figured out.

'I gotta go. I'll text you when I'm in bed. Let me know what you decide.'

I stood up and jogged my way across the field and into another world.

In that moment, I wasn't sure which I preferred most.

Teagan didn't text me back until Wednesday night.

I'd just finished my second practice of the day, ate and showered at the athletics center and then bummed a ride home with Kai. Within seconds of falling into bed, he was asleep and snoring like a fucking asthmatic bear. I didn't mind because it gave me time to think, to lie there in my bed and stare at Kai's
Sports Illustrated
posters of Kate Upton, Ashley Graham, and Hannah Davis.

None of them were as hot as Teagan Fletcher.

I groaned and rubbed my hands down my face, wondering if I'd screwed up our friendship completely by bringing up the stupid sexting thing again. I dropped my arms by my sides and saw my phone blinking at me. When I unlocked the screen, I saw the text from Teagan.

'Sleeping in my undies again,'
it said, and a thrill shot through my body. I glanced over at Kai, sleeping on his side with his face towards the wall. I'd had sex in this room without waking him up before. Hell, I'd blasted hip-hop and pulled an all-nighter on a paper once and he'd snored straight through that, too.

'Prove it,'
I sent back, feeling brave in the darkness of my dorm room. Asking Teagan to be my virtual fuck buddy was kind of an idiot move to make, especially with my feelings for her all over the place, but lying here like this, it seemed like a risk-free venture.


A few seconds later, I had a crystal clear shot of Teagan's teal lace panties, scooped low enough that the flat expanse of her lower belly was visible. I could clearly see the long lean muscles beneath her skin, but she had enough of a feminine curve that she still looked soft to the touch.
She is,
my brain reminded me.
She was. Didn't you feel it when you fucked her virginity away?

I sucked in a deep breath and then pulled up Skype on my phone, sending a video call over to Teagan and praying that she'd accept it. A few seconds later, there she was, looking up at me from her pillow and smiling sheepishly.

“This is a little more intense than I was expecting,” she told me, the husky sound of her voice crawling all over my body and getting into every single fucking pore. My cock hardened painfully, and I felt my mouth curve into a smile. “Texting is … well, it's not live.”

“You can end the call whenever you want,” I promised, staring up at Teagan's face and enjoying the splash of red hair around her head. It looked so much brighter against the white fabric of her pillowcase. I could only imagine what it'd be like to run my fingers through the silken strands, frame her face with my hands. “If it makes you feel any better,” I started and then panned the camera down my body. I heard her breath hitch, a sound of pleasure just from looking at me. It was fucking great. “I'm not naked. Yet.”

I knew she'd see my hard-on through my boxers, that she'd know how turned on I was.

When I put the camera back up to my face, I saw her biting her lower lip.

“This is weird, Tyce,” Teagan told me, but she didn't sound like she thought it was weird. She sounded like she thought it was hot. “I'm not sure I can do this.”

“Why not?” I asked as Kai snorted in his sleep and Teagan's eyes flicked to the side like she could see him there. I moved the camera and gave her a good view of his sleeping back. “He won't wake up, trust me. That piece of shit could sleep through an earthquake.”

“I guess …” Teagan started, but she didn't sound like she was convinced. I was so desperate to keep her on the phone, so desperate to have her without committing to anything. It was seriously pathetic. But I couldn't make myself stop.

“Let's just start slow, okay? I can do all the talking if you want.” I looked into her eyes and even though they were just digital pixels masquerading as Teagan Fletcher, I was hooked. “I could start by telling you how hard I am right now.”


“I could tell you that I'm imagining your hand sliding down my abs, curling around the waistband of my boxers and pulling them off.” I flipped the camera around and used my right hand to push my boxers down my hips and over the rigid shaft of my cock. I pushed them off and kicked them to the floor before stroking my dick a few times. My hand was warm and dry, but I needed it to be wet and hot. Covered in Teagan Fletcher. “I can feel your grip on me,” I continued, letting her watch me for a while. She was so quiet that I almost wondered for a second if she was gone.

“Tyce, wait,” she said, but her voice was high and needy.

“You're pumping my cock,” I told her, sliding my hand up and down in slow, steady strokes. “I'd rather thrust into your mouth, feel your tongue wrap around me.”

“I won't let you,” she said, her breathing picking up as I continued to film myself. When I flipped it around to look at her, one hand was clearly between her legs. “I won't do it. I've never sucked a cock before.”

I breathed harsh and heavy against the phone. I almost came right then and there, but I needed this to keep happening. I definitely couldn't stand the thought of it being over. Not yet.

“Seriously?” I asked with a slight chuckle. Then again, she'd already told me she'd never been kissed before.

“God, Tyce, are you trying to kill the mood?” Teagan snapped, but I don't think she stopped touching herself. Her lower lip was swollen from nibbling on it, and her pupils were dilated, turning her eyes large and dark in the thin shafts of moonlight that were leaking into her room.

“If you don't want me to talk, suck me off until I shut my mouth.”

Teagan gasped, her back arching off the bed as she did something magical with her fingers, something I wanted to watch, memorize and recreate. Her cheeks were red with desire, and there was a faint brush of darkness around her eyes that told me she'd put on makeup before texting me. She'd prepared for this; she

“Do it,” I growled as she lifted her fingers away from her pussy and inserted two of them into her mouth. A groan escaped my throat as I worked my cock harder, tugging and pulling and abusing the shit out of it. “Deeper.” Teagan pushed her fingers in all the way to the knuckle, moaning and making her hands slick with saliva. The camera wobbled as she struggled to keep it focused on her face. “I want to see your tits,” I told her, waiting as she panned down and the two curved mounds of her breasts came into view. Her nipples were hard enough to cut diamond, and her chest heaved with each intake of breath. “I'm pulling you to your feet,” I told her, my voice harsh and desperate. It literally took every ounce of strength I had not to drive over there. I wanted to, but I knew if I did, I'd never leave. It'd take her, fuck her, and make her mine forever.
Doesn't sound like such a bad idea,
I thought, but I pushed that aside and concentrated on the sensations in my cock, the boil of desire in my blood. “I'm shoving you down on the bed. I'm kneading your breasts with my fingers.”

I watched as she her right hand came up and cupped her own breast, squeezing it tight, purple painted fingernails digging into that pale flesh.

“I'm running my hands down your chest,” she told me and I did my best to follow, letting go of my dick for just a moment to oblige her, sliding my fingers along my belly and making sure I filmed every inch of my abs, my pecs, my hips. “Your body's heavy on top of mine.”

I bit my lower lip so hard I tasted blood.

“You're wet and ready for me, spreading your legs and letting me tease you with the head of my dick.” Teagan put her phone between her legs with one hand and pulled her panties aside with the other, slipping a single finger in so I could see the pink wetness of her pussy. “I can't wait,” I told her, halfway between a moan and a scream. “I'm fucking you right now, thrusting in balls deep.”

I licked my palm in a slow, languid motion from heel to fingertips and then used my own saliva as lube, slicking my cock up as Teagan moaned and fingered herself in full view of the camera.

“Tell me how much you want me to fuck you,” I commanded, my voice cold and hard and dripping with dark desire. If I'd had any less sense … I might've thrown caution to the wind, grabbed some pants and sped over there.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
“Say it!”

“I want you, Tyce,” Teagan groaned, her back arching again, her lips parted. She had her eyes closed now, her body thrashing as she worked herself into a frenzy. “I want you to do me again and again and again.”

I let my head fall back, unsure exactly what I was filming right now and not really giving a crap. When I heard her moans amping up into these high, desperate keens, I let myself come all over my hand, checking the screen to make sure I wasn't missing Teagan's orgasm.

“That's it, Tea,” I whispered as I laid there and watched her face. She looked right back at me as she touched herself, drinking my face in like it was the last thing she'd ever see. “Let me have you, all of you. Let everything else go.” Her eyes flickered closed and after a few quick minutes that I wished would last forever, her face slackened and she let out one, long groan from the back of her throat.

It was wet and heavy and thick with need, magnetic enough that even Kai sputtered awake for a moment.

“What was that?” he asked, but he was back asleep before he finished his last syllable.

For several long minutes afterward, Teagan and I panted and stared at each other, neither of us saying a goddamn thing. It was awkward and kind of weird, and I actually felt ten times worse than before we'd started. It was a horrible idea, and it made no sense, and it was absolutely going to put this budding friendship of ours in serious trouble.

“I should go,” Teagan whispered and I nodded, returning the soft smile she passed me.

“Goodnight,” I said. I felt like I should add something else to that, but I didn't know what, so I just sat there until she ended the call and disappeared from my screen. “Shit,” I whispered, my body still full of testosterone and hormones and sex. Play pretend sex with Teagan was fun, but it wasn't enough. Not even close to enough.

I probably shouldn't do that again,
I thought to myself as I threw my phone on the side table and ran the clean fingers of my left hand through my hair.
Definitely should take a pass next time.

We ended up doing the exact same thing Thursday night.

I might've been a talented fucking QB, but I sure was a goddamn idiot.

BOOK: Kicked: A Bad Boy Sports Romance
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