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Authors: Jordan Silver

Kicking and Screaming (15 page)

BOOK: Kicking and Screaming
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I was careful to ease only one finger inside her at first. My hands are a bit rough and callused from working around the ranch, and I didn’t want to hurt her.

When she sucked that digit in and moved her ass as if searching for more, I felt safe to add the other one.

I was hitting the back of her throat and pulling back, guiding her without words, showing her how I liked my cock sucked while finger fucking her.

Soon that wasn’t enough, I needed to get closer to her. “Open.” She took one last long suckle of my cock before sitting back on her heels with a sassy grin.

Laying her back against the blanket, I crawled between her spread thighs and taking my already straining dick in hand, I used just the tip of my cock to tease her.

Going up and down her slit, until her wetness covered me and mixed with my pre-cum, making it easy for me to slide into her.

I held still once I was at the mouth of her womb, letting her get use to having me in her again so soon.

Her walls were a little swollen but she took me without too much effort.

“Does it hurt?” I rocked inside her and held still again, until she shook her head no.

“Don’t lie to me baby, it could mean the difference between a pounding and a stroke.”

“It doesn’t hurt I promise, just a little tender from before, but I like how it feels. I like how you feel.”

Her face went red and she tried to hide her face from me as if she hadn’t meant to say those words out loud.

“I want this spot right here.” I snuggled my face into the crook of her neck where I planned to mark her again, lifted her ass and spread her open to take my thrusts.

I love the noises she makes each time I slide into her heat. The way her pussy seems to suck me in like it would never let go, ad when she wrapped those magnificent legs around me, I dug my nails into the flesh of her ass and my toes into the earth for better leverage, and plowed into her belly again and again.

She sent a flock of birds screeching into the sky when she screamed out her climax. “Again.” I kept after her until I had wrung another and another out of her. Fuck, this thing could become addictive if I weren’t careful.

I could easily spend my days wrapped up in her, buried in her as often as I could get my dick up. “Jackson.”

She screamed my name seconds before her pussy clamped down around me and she lifted us both in the air with the strength of the orgasm that ripped through her.

The pull of her muscles, the way she looked, so wanton, along with the growing love in my heart for her, combined to send me over the edge.

I was conscious enough to seek her womb, slamming into her rubbery cervix just before my cock started spitting into her, where it would do the most good.

I gave us both enough time to catch our breaths as well as we could with our mouths fused together, before I was pulling her to her feet and getting her back into her clothes.

I had a meeting in half an hour that I couldn’t miss. With all the shit that had happened this morning I’d almost forgotten that Thomas Ambrose was due here this morning.

I hadn’t made up my mind as yet just what I was going to do to his sister for the lies she’d told, but I knew she wasn’t getting away with it.

She’d cost me two fucking years; who knows where we could be right now, Maxie and I, if she hadn’t done that shit?

I wasn’t exactly looking forward to all the shit I had to deal with in the next few days.

At a time like this, I should be concentrating on bonding with her, putting my stamp on her. Instead I have to take time away to deal with every fucking person that had ever fucked with her.

I stole one last kiss before putting her back in the saddle, only this time I put her up on my mount.

I climbed on behind her and wrapped my arms around her as I led her mare back by its lead.

The warmth of her weight against my chest felt natural, the way she sunk into me, like she already trusted me to look after her.

I hugged her tighter and kissed her ear with a hidden smile. For the first time in my life I knew what it meant to look forward to tomorrow. I wanted a million tomorrows with her.

Chapter 32




Jackson finally let me out of his sight since Mike had taken the others to show them around town, and I went in search of his mother.

“Thanks for not telling on me.”

“We Collins women always stay together because our men aren’t always the most rational. Now you had started to tell me what this was all about before my son interrupted us.”

“Yeah, it’s kind of a long story and not too nice either.”

“Give me the synopsis, I’m sure I can pick it up.”

“Well, it was a couple years ago, I had just discovered your son. I saw him in a magazine layout and something about him just grabbed me.

I can’t explain it even now, but it was almost like being shocked by an electric charge.

From that day on, I tried to find any and all information I could on him, but there wasn’t much since he seems t be very private.”

“Yes he is. I’m surprised you found anything at all, he usually threatens the rags with lawsuits and they pretty much leave him alone. Go on.”

“Anyway, right about that time I met my new roommate, Sophia. Imagine my delight when she told me that she knew him personally, I was in heaven.

I asked her for every scrap of information she had on him. What he was like in person, was he really as gorgeous in real life, the usual schoolgirl crush behavior.

Then the invitation came, another minor miracle. I was so excited, I just knew that we would meet and fall in love. But then she dropped her little bombshell and tore my whole world apart.

She claimed that he had got her pregnant; in fact what she said was that he forced himself on her and was forcing her to have an abortion. Then she disappeared and I had no choice but to believe her story.”

From the looks on her face I was thinking that maybe I shouldn’t have said anything.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“Too late, but don’t be silly, you didn’t upset me, she did. Now what do you plan to do with her now that you have had me invite her to dinner tonight?”

“Uh, maybe I shouldn’t tell you?” I had figured out that with Jackson around, there was no way I was going to escape his notice to pay that little bitch a visit, so I had to come up with something else.

I hadn’t thought beyond getting her here, I wasn’t sure what came next, other than I had the need to plant my fist in someone’s kisser and since he won’t let me flatten mom or one of her brats, Sophia was the next best thing.

“Well he’s going to see her if she shows up here, so you better tell me what you have planned, maybe I can help out.”

“I’m not sure, I was thinking of meeting her halfway, before she made it to the house.”

“You really think he’s going to let you out of the house? We’d better think of something, short of poisoning her soup, I’m not sure what all we can do with her when she gets here.”

I think my eyes lit up when she mentioned poisoning the wench, but she laughed at me. “I can’t let you do that, as much as I find myself wanting to do just that. That was a horrible thing she did, I don’t think Jackson has ever been alone with the little twit ever.”

“I can’t just let her get away with it. I have to do something.”



I knew she was up to something; the way she kept trying to get rid of me, I finally caught on and played along. I guess she thought I would relax my guard since she was going to be alone with mom. Hah.

What mom doesn’t know is that after her accident dad and I had decided to cover the whole house with security cameras.

We knew that her pride would not allow her to tell us when she was in need, so we did the only thing we knew how.

It’s not like dad didn’t have her tagged, we just upped that shit by like a thousand. I usually gave her as much privacy as possible, only checking in on her every once in a while if dad wasn’t home, and she was having a bad day.

I hardly ever turned on the audio, but thank fuck I did today. I should skin her little ass for going behind my back, but I understood vengeance.

Too bad I was going to have to take this away from her, the Ambrose girl wasn’t worth her time. My first inclination was to call and rescind the invitation, but I thought better of it.

Might as well get it out of the way. Firefox needed her pound of flesh. I will try to give it to her without her getting her hands dirty. That was now my job.

Now I just needed to find out if her brother had been invited as well and if not, extend the invite. Looks like today was a day for exposing people’s dark dealings.

I went down to the music room where there was supposed to be a lesson going on, instead it was like a Shakespearean tale. They were plotting who knows what.

The looks of guilt on both their faces were comical. “Hey, did I miss the lesson? That’s too bad I was looking forward to hearing it. Mom you must be tired, why don’t we get out of your hair?”

I made sure old battle axe was okay before taking her new partner in crime with me. Maybe I can find a way to work off some of that steam she had going under the surface.

I pulled her into the closest room, which turned out not to be a room after all but a coat closet with barely enough room for both of us to stand.

“Jackson what...”

“Shh.” I lifted her shirt over her head and latched onto a nipple while pushing her bottoms down her legs. Thankfully she had changed since our ride and now wore a tank and shorts.

I released her from just one leg of her shorts and lifted her up so that her legs went around me. Fighting with my belt and zipper, I finally freed my cock, which seemed to be permanently hard around her, and pulled her onto me.

Each time I came into her felt better than the last. I swallowed the wild sounds she made as I surged up into her.

Because there wasn’t much room to move around, we were much closer, my cock felt deeper inside her and instead of wild pounding thrusts, I had to fuck her with deep grinding strokes.

We were both cumming within ten minutes, each catching the other’s scream and growl in the other’s mouth.

“If you do anything to put yourself in danger, I will tan your ass.” I let her down and fixed myself while she looked at me as if trying to decipher what I was talking about.

I didn’t give her a chance to question me. “Go clean up, it’s almost time for lunch and your family should be back soon.”

With a long lingering kiss I let her out of the closet and headed back to my office to make a call. Thomas was due here any second, but if mom was issuing invitations to dinner I might as well kill two birds with one stone.


Chapter 33




Dinner was fast approaching, and Maxie was getting antsy. She and my mother passed nervous glances back and forth, as I guess the appointed time for Sophia to arrive drew near.

“Why are you so jumpy? If I didn’t know better I would swear you were up to something.”

“Nope not up to anything.” She took a sip of her sparkling water and looked anywhere but at me. Little liar.

“I’m going to the bathroom, I think I forgot to wash up before dinner, be right back.”

I let her slip away and gave her five seconds before following her. I really wasn’t sure what it was that she had planned, an ambush, or what?

I pretty much figured out that my little scrapper was planning a showdown of some sort; I just don’t know how she had planned to keep me in the dark.

I kept to the shadows as the little sneak bypassed the bathroom and headed for the French doors leading to the patio at the front of the house.

She kept checking her watch and fidgeting from foot to foot. I saw the headlights coming down the driveway and leaned back to watch her reaction.

“What the fuck?” That was her quiet expletive when Thomas got out of the car and walked around to help his sister out of the passenger side.

I stepped out of the shadows and stood next to her. “Just needed some fresh air?”

“Dammit, what did you do?”

“The question is what were you planning to do? I thought I told you to stay out of trouble, baby?”

“I wasn’t getting into any trouble. You sucked all the fun out of me pounding the duo of dumbville. Now you have to stick your fat nose in this too.”

“We’ll discuss it later.” The two Ambrose siblings came towards us, one looking rather expectant, and the other not quite so sure.

Thomas came forward with his hand outstretched and I took it. “Very nice of you to invite us to dinner, it’s been a while.”

“Welcome.” It had been a while since I’d seen the younger man. I knew that since the death of his father he’s been struggling to keep the family business alive.

I remember a very straightforward sort, who mostly kept to himself, but I’d never heard a bad word spoken to or about him.

Was it really fair of me to humiliate him for his sister’s doings? I’ve always been a fair man or tried to be, but I couldn’t let her get away with what she’d done. Still I couldn’t make him pay for her misdeeds. I had a quick change of plans.

Dinner wasn’t for another fifteen minutes or so; time enough for me to do what I needed. I introduced him to my fiancé and accepted his congratulations.

Sophia was pouting and glaring at Maxie, who was doing some glaring of her own, until I took her hand in mine.

“Why don’t you follow me into the study Thomas, some things we need to discuss before dinner. Sophia, you should come too.”

“Oh I hope you don’t mind, but I invited my friend along. Your mother didn’t say that I couldn’t so...”

She wasn’t looking so unsure of herself anymore as she turned to the car and beckoned.

It was only then that I noticed the passenger in the backseat and wondered what game she was playing at now.

This whole thing started because of the lies she told in an apparent bid to win me for herself.

Was it her hope that I would forget the whole sordid incident if she brought along a date? Not very likely!

“This is Roger Soames, Roger, Jackson Collins and Maxie Dove.” I didn’t like the way the skinny little twerp stared at my girl, but I guess I couldn’t fault him for being taken by her beauty.

“Hello Roger, I need to have a word with these two in private, why don’t I leave you with the others in the drawing room for now?”

I led the three of them back to where the others were gathered for pre-dinner cocktails. The atmosphere seemed lighter than it had been and I was glad of that for Mike’s sake.

With everything else that was going on around here in the last day or so, I had forgotten that his big day was fast approaching.

I knew he would be the last to mind, especially since I was doing it to protect my girl, but still.

I guess I had relaxed too soon, because no sooner had we entered the room than there was a scream of what are you doing here?

Miranda seemed to get ahold of herself after the outburst, but it was too late, all eyes were already on her.

I wasn’t sure if I should stay around for this latest drama or carry on with what I’d been about to do.

Since I didn’t know exactly whom she’d been addressing, I decided she’d been talking to Sophia and in an odd twist, was defending her sister.

I took Sophia and Thomas from the room, with Maxie on my arm, leaving their guest behind. As we left the room I noticed that he was still staring, kind of star struck I guess.

As the door closed behind us in the study I got right to it. “Two years ago your sister was on tour in Europe, she had to leave suddenly, why?”

“What, what’s this about? I thought you brought me here to finally discuss...” he looked at his sister and then back at me.

She seemed rather relaxed for someone who was about to be exposed and I got a very weird feeling, like someone had walked over my grave.

Since I don’t believe in old- wife’s tales, I put it down to the fact that I had to restrain myself from strangling her.

“What did you do Sophia?” He didn’t sound too pleased now. “At the time that you’re speaking of, there was a little mishap.”

“Where did she go?” He seemed to take forever to answer and I hated the way his shoulders slumped as if he’d been defeated somehow. I felt a pang of pity for the young man and was glad that I hadn’t done this at the dinner table.

It’s strange, but I had more care for him than I had my future in laws.

“She was placed in a hospital. Look, I don’t know what this about. You’ve obviously found out about...Will you just tell me what this is about? Obviously you didn’t invite me here to discuss business, so what is it that you’re really after? Did my sister do something?”

“You could say that.” The girl in question just sat there like we weren’t discussing her. She had to know what was coming next, but she just sat there with a strange look on her face.

I told him about what she’d said to Maxie all those years ago and what I’d overheard in the garden that day. Only then did she react.

“It’s lies Thomas all lies.” Her voice was different, almost sing song you could say, and sent the eeriest fucking feeling down my spine.

“Oh man she is totally nuts.”


“No seriously, look at her.”

I did and was inclined to believe she was right. The sick smile on the young girl’s face could only belong to someone who wasn’t quite there. Not to mention the way she rocked back and forth as she mumbled something that sounded like too late.

“She’s been having spells since she was a child, the list of what she’s been diagnosed with is as long as my arm, but she’s harmless.”

“No, she’s not. She was sane enough to make up a very convincing story that blackened my name. What if those lies had gotten back to the wrong ears? Do you know the damage something like that could do to a man in my position? Not to mention what she did to Maxie?

I’m sorry that she’s ill, but something has to be done. I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to do, other than wring her neck, and now that I know she’s fucked in the head I can’t say that I feel any less inclined, sorry.

The bottom line is this, I do not want her in the same county as my wife; she has to go. If she’s not gone by week’s end, I promise you, I will make life unbearable for all of you.

To ensure that you keep your end of the bargain I will give you that deal you’ve been after, but the first time she sets foot back here the deal is off and I will crush you.”

It was a mean thing to do to him, but I wasn’t about to relent. Crazy or not, she was dangerous, and I wasn’t sure that I wasn’t protecting her as much as I was my future wife. Knowing her, she wouldn’t stop until she got her revenge. This way I was removing temptation.

She jumped up from her chair and rushed to her brother. “You can’t send me away, I won’t have it. Mama said you have to take care of me remember?”

Poor Thomas looked torn. He obviously loved the little horror show. Maxie just shook her head as she looked at her old roommate, who was now singing something beneath her breath.

How had I missed the signs before? Granted I’d never really paid much mind to the girl before, but...

“What’s it gonna be Ambrose?”

“I can’t just...she’s my sister, she needs help I know, can’t we...”

“No, she can’t stay, you have a few days to decided what you’re gonna do, but I’ve made up my mind. She goes or I destroy you and everything you’ve worked for.”

“But I don’t understand, why so harsh? She’s sick don’t you understand? She can’t help the things she does.”

“All the more reason to put her in a hospital where she can get the help she needs, and I will be keeping tabs on her wherever she ends up.”

“I just don’t see the need for all this, it’s not like she hurt anyone physically.”

I wasn’t about to argue with him. He’d never understand what she cost me, the time that had been wasted. It was also very unnerving to have lived so close to someone and not know that they had that in them.

I don’t think she’s crazy, I don’t know what she is, but crazy people as I understand don’t have the faculties needed to plot and carry out something as diabolical as she did.

For that reason I didn’t feel any guilt. “You have a lot to think about, I will make your excuses to the others since I’m sure you no longer wish to stay for dinner.”

I showed them out after going to fetch their dinner companion. “Okay you’ve succeeded in making me feel bad for her; what’s going to happen to her?”

“I can’t say that I really care, now let’s go to dinner. I didn’t know that you’d told your family about her and what she’d done.”

“I didn’t, whatever gave you that idea?”

“So how did Miranda know?”

“Beats me, but I never uttered a word to any of them not even dad.”

Strange! I put it aside as we went in to dinner feeling a little lighter. I had no doubt Thomas would make the right decision in the end.

There were plenty of places he could send his sister where he could still see her if he wished.

There hadn’t been much I could do to repay her for what she’d done, short of knocking her the hell off, so this was the next best thing.

Now all that was left was her stalker and I would’ve removed all her enemies, until she made new ones. With that mouth of hers I had no doubt that I would be cleaning up her scrapes for a lifetime.


“What were you doing here tonight, how did you even know I was here?” The young girl smiled into her lover’s eyes as he held her under the moonlight.

“What does it matter? I’m here now. So, how are you going to sneak me into your room?”

“Oh I don’t know, I don’t think that’s such a good idea. I haven’t told my parents about us as yet.”

“I won’t wait forever, this is not the way I do things, this sneaking around like a thief. I thought you loved me.”

“Of course I do, but...”

“And your sister, why didn’t you tell me that your sister was the great Maxie Shaw?”

“How do you know about that?” She couldn’t hide her jealousy and he bit back the harsh retort that was at the tip of his tongue.

He couldn’t believe his luck at being invited tonight. It had been months since he’d been able to get anywhere near her.

He’d had to be cunning, going so far as to pretend an interest in this insipid creature. As if a man of his caliber could ever fall for someone as pedantic as she.

She was barely two short steps away from being a simpleton and it was all he could do to endure her presence. She was an okay fuck, but he was sure his ultimate goal would be so much more.

All he had to do was pretend for a little while longer and then he would have what he wanted. He had the place all ready and waiting for his trophy.

Now she would play only for him, those magical eyes of hers will only gaze at him from now on.

He remembered the man’s hands on her earlier and promised to make her pay for her little indiscretion. He hadn’t kept himself pure either, but he was a man, it was expected.

He couldn’t believe that it was almost at an end.

All he needed was for this one to find him a way in, that way he wouldn’t have to go through the hassle of figuring it out himself.

It had to be fate that brought him here tonight, which meant they were meant to be, just as he’d always known.

He had almost lost his mind the first time he’d lost her. She’d just disappeared that first time and he’d had no way of knowing where to find her.

There were no listings for Maxie Shaw anywhere that he’d looked all those years ago.

He’d all but exhausted his every avenue, when he’d been contacted by the Ambrose girl.

BOOK: Kicking and Screaming
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