Kidnapped at the Gun Show [Ransomed Hearts] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (11 page)

BOOK: Kidnapped at the Gun Show [Ransomed Hearts] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Sara, stop.” He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, enjoying her sigh. “I don’t want to push you any harder than we already did last night. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You didn’t hurt me,” she whispered, her flushed face coming into view, her eyes already in soft focus.

“So you enjoyed having us both inside you?”

Her eyelids dropped to half-mast and her lips parted. She was remembering the feeling of their cocks within her. The expression of her arousal caught his breath. So beautiful.

“Yes,” she whispered.

Riley pulled her a little closer to his body, even though she was already as close as two people could be without penetration. Still, he wanted her tight to him.


He kissed the bridge of her nose then captured her mouth when she lifted to him. “Yes?”

“Make love to me.”

Her request was barely a whisper, softer than her skin, and he knew she was unsure of the situation. She wanted him but didn’t know if she needed to wait for Kale.

“Are you okay with being with just me, or do I need to call Kale?” He’d pitched his voice low, careful to let her choose her comfort level.

“Will he be all right with just us?”

“Yes. We want you to be with us individually and as a group, but if you’re not ready for that, I’ll wait.”

“I don’t want to wait, Riley.”

“Thank you, sweetheart,” he whispered. “Let me go get a condom.”

Sara pulled him tighter against her. “I—um, well, are you healthy?”

“Yes. Regular checkups and blood tests are clear. You?”

Sara sighed. “Yes. I haven’t been with anyone but Kale since, well, at least six months. And I’m on birth control.”

She was killing him. The idea of her swelling with a child, no matter which of them was the biological father, had him salivating. Riley wanted a family and knew Kale did, too. But now wasn’t the time to bring it up to Sara.

Instead, he rolled her onto her back and pushed her legs apart with his knee. Her hum of approval rushed over him, a wave of desire pulsing through his already-engorged shaft. He settled his body between her legs, his cock laying in the wet slit of her sex, its head twitching in the nest of curls above her entrance.

Riley laid his mouth on hers, tasting her lips with the tip of his tongue and listening to her murmurs of pleasure. He dipped inside to explore and groaned at the feel of her tongue prodding at his. Riley’s hips began to move of their own accord, sliding back to find the right angle to enter her. When the head of his cock found her opening, he surged inside, filling her, feeling her tight sheath grip him.

Riley tore his mouth from hers and cried out with satisfaction. Sara burned around him, surrounding him with her heat. He cupped her head, his fingers burrowing into her silky hair. Her eyes met his, pleasure meeting pleasure, a connection being born. He was falling in love with this woman, and even though he’d just met her, they connected in a way he’d only imagined.

Sara’s hand crept up his chest, stroked across his collarbone, and moved onto his jaw. They stared at each other, their bodies joined completely. Soft fingers slid to the back of his head and tugged him forward. She lifted her head, reaching for his kiss.

Riley fell into the kiss and into love for the first time in his life. At this moment, with this woman, he knew he would spend his life loving her.

Chapter 12


Kale stretched out on the couch, the remote in his hand while he channel surfed. It was almost lunchtime, and he was trying to decide if he needed to wake Riley and Sara. He’d checked on them an hour ago, finding them wrapped up around each other. He smiled to himself and shook his head. It might not have happened yet, but Riley would fall in love with her. He wouldn’t be able to resist. Sara was a warmhearted woman with a sense of humor and a natural joy of life.

Hell, Kale had loved her for years, even when he thought she’d stomped on his heart. Having her here in their bed was perfect.

“Hey, any coffee left in the pot?” Riley asked, rubbing a hand over his face.

“I just made fresh. Sara still asleep?” he asked.

Riley smiled. The first true smile Kale had seen from his friend in months. “No, she’s in the shower.”

He made a beeline for the coffee, and Kale followed him.

“I was just thinking about lunch, but maybe a big breakfast would be a better idea, since you both slept in.”

Riley nodded. “Sorry. Didn’t plan on it, but—”

Kale laughed and slapped Riley on the back. “She’s amazing, isn’t she?”

“Hell, yeah. Words cannot describe that woman,” Riley said, lifting his cup for a sip of caffeine. “We should tie her to the bed and keep her forever.”

“I was hoping you’d say that,” Kale said with another laugh.

Riley’s expression turned serious. “I’m falling hard for her, Kale. I didn’t expect it but can’t seem to stop.”

Kale leaned against the counter and crossed his arms, watching Riley as he spoke. “Does that bother you?”

“It’s just a surprise. Kind of like entering a raffle for a cruise and winning the whole damn boat.”

Kale grinned. Life was looking good.

The doorbell rang and he left Riley in the kitchen, already pouring his second cup of coffee. Sara must have truly worn him out. He returned with a large white envelope addressed to Riley.

“Your office found you,” he said, dropping it on the kitchen table. Kale opened the refrigerator and began pulling out ingredients for breakfast while Riley opened his mail.

“Holy shit.”

“What is it?” Kale asked.

“Our girl is in trouble. This is from the United States Attorney’s office.” Riley stopped talking while he read through the documents, and Kale started the bacon, feeling like a good meal would make everything easier to handle. Thinking was easier when hunger wasn’t an issue, and after last night, they should all be starved.

By the time the bacon was done, Riley had read through the document twice, the second time with a highlighter, and he and Kale had talked through a few key points. Sara walked in just as they finished. Her hair fell around her shoulders in disarray, a big shirt falling almost to her knees. She stopped next to Kale and lifted her face for a kiss and a whispered “morning” then gave Riley the same greeting.

She was a little subdued, and it worried Kale. He poured her a cup of coffee and added creamer before setting it in front of her. Riley squeezed her hand and set aside the stack of papers while Kale served breakfast, thankful they were going to wait to discuss the legal problems. They already had plenty to discuss without that complication.

“How did you sleep, Sara?” Kale asked her.

She blushed but smiled. “Wonderfully, thanks to both of you.”

“We need to talk about a few things, just to be sure everyone is on the same page in our relationship,” Kale said, putting his hand on hers where it lay on the table.

“Okay,” she replied, the color in her face fading from his serious tone.

“Riley and I both want you to be comfortable about where you sleep and who you are with.”

“We don’t see a place for jealousy in our relationship,” Riley said.

Kale jumped in, “Except where other people are concerned.”

“What we’re trying to say is, we”—Riley gestured between Kale and himself—“won’t be jealous of each other, but we don’t want you to sleep with anyone else.”

Sara’s laugh surprised them. “Like I would have the time or energy to sleep with anyone else?” she said, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

“Good. Now that’s cleared up.” Riley turned to Kale. “Sara told me this morning that she’s got a clean bill of health and is on birth control, so we don’t have to use condoms unless you just want to.”

Kale grinned. He seemed to be doing that a lot lately. Sara brought out the best in both of them. “Great. But we probably need to continue using them when we take her together. A little extra lubrication during anal sex is always a good thing.”

“I agree,” Riley said.

Sara blushed, the pink stain on her skin covering her face and disappearing under the top she wore. She had on way too many clothes.

“And we’d prefer that you be naked when we’re in the house alone.” Kale raised both brows when her blush deepened.

“Which will be most of the time,” Riley added.

“Are you serious?” she asked them.

“You have a beautiful body, Sara. We like seeing it.”

Riley tugged her close and kissed her soundly. “No one else is in the house most days. The housekeeper comes every Wednesday, so you’ll know to be dressed then. And if Kale and I are at work, you can do whatever you want. But when we’re here, we want you bare.”

Before she could protest, Riley picked up the papers and set them in the middle of the table. “These came today, sent from my office in Austin. The United States Attorney has some interesting questions for you, sweetheart.”

“The U.S. Attorney?” she asked. “What do you mean?”

“Apparently, the people you worked for were not who they claimed to be. There are some serious issues with the products shipped from their warehouses in Dallas to overseas ports. In several cases, the shipments were then forwarded to locations accessible by terrorists.”

“Terrorists like to play video games?” she asked.

“The U.S. Attorney thinks the company, under the guise of a software company, was shipping classified technology to terrorist groups.”

“My former boss isn’t a terrorist. He’s an American,” she told Riley, her face getting whiter by the minute.

“Sara, calm down. Take a deep breath, honey,” Kale said, standing behind her chair and rubbing her shoulders. “They don’t suspect you in this plot. All they want to know is who was purchasing the product and where it was going.”

“I don’t remember any of the names. They were all unpronounceable. Too many consonants.”

Riley grimaced. “Foreign nationals. Anything you can think of will help the feds. Let’s read through the questions, and maybe something will spark a memory.”

He picked up the first page and read the questions one at a time. Sara made a few comments but couldn’t remember anything pertinent. After an hour, she gave up, sure she knew nothing helpful.

“Try not to think about it for a while. Sometimes memories will float up from our subconscious while we’re distracted,” Kale told her.

“Sure. As long as I don’t have to listen to any more three-part questions, I’ll be happy.”

Kale pulled her into a hug. “I know, sugar. Lawyers are naturally longwinded.”

Riley stopped organizing the paperwork and tugged until Sara was in his arms instead of Kale’s. “My turn. It’s not my fault you worked for criminals.”

Sara kissed him quickly. “Did I say thank you for all your work on my case?” she asked sweetly.

“Not yet, but I’m sure we can come to an arrangement on the fees involved.”

Chapter 13


The next morning, Sara awoke to find two red roses and a note on the pillow beside her. The men were out playing golf and would be back around lunchtime. She had the house to herself. She stretched the kinks out of a few muscles she didn’t know she had and decided to take a hot shower before exploring the house.

Refreshed and dressed—she refused to wander naked through an empty house—she fixed herself a little breakfast and checked out Riley’s office. The man had too many books, most of them legal tomes, but one wall of shelves was full of paperbacks. She pulled a few titles out and smiled. He liked science fiction.

A laptop sat on his desk, and she wondered if she could access her e-mail. She hadn’t been able to talk to Emma or Paige since the weekend.
She wanted to tell them she was okay and she didn’t hate them anymore. She sat in Riley’s leather office chair and scooted close to the desk.

Her cell phone sat next to his laptop.

Much better than an e-mail. She tried Emma first.

“Sara, are you okay?” Emma didn’t even say hello, just launched into conversation. “Please say you don’t hate us. Kale had a convincing argument about how you two ended it three years ago.”

“I don’t hate you, Emma. Calm down. I’m fine, and Kale and I are together now.”

“Oh, good. We were worried when you left with him. And then we went by your apartment yesterday and there was police tape across your door.” Emma took a deep breath and continued, “We were so afraid you’d killed him, or he’d killed you. No one would tell us anything. Where are you?”


“No, wait. Don’t tell me. Something really strange is happening around here. The police were asking questions about you yesterday. There was a man here at my apartment early this morning, saying he needed to talk to you about coming back to work.”

“Short, heavy-set guy with a mustache? Probably Mr. Nealy from the club I work at. I should call him.”

“No, Sara. I’ve met Mr. Nealy. Remember, I came by the bar that time and he bought me a drink? The one this morning was different.”

A shiver slid down her spine and she thought about the questions Riley was working through for her. “What did he look like, Emma?”

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