Kidnapped at the Gun Show [Ransomed Hearts] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (4 page)

BOOK: Kidnapped at the Gun Show [Ransomed Hearts] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“I guess so. I’m not much of an outdoor person, though.”

“I remember. But a little walk will help clear your head. Go put on your coat.”

They stepped out the front door into an unexpected stillness. “Temperature’s dropping.” Kale reached for her, pulling Sara into his side. “We won’t stay out long.”

“I thought it was warming up this weekend.”

“It’s Texas. Weather is always changeable.”

Entering the woods surrounding the cabin, they followed a rough manmade path between tall pines. The ground was littered with pine needles and leaves left by trees whose names were unknown to Sara. With no breeze and no movement from the native wildlife, it was like walking through a surreal bubble of suspended nature. She felt completely at ease and safe within Kale’s arm, and when he suddenly stopped walking, she froze.

He tipped his head closer and whispered, “The big oak, straight ahead. Do you see the knothole just above the lowest branch?”

Sara followed his directions and saw a large brown squirrel slip out of the hole and scurry to the branch Kale mentioned. Moments later, two much smaller squirrels followed. A family searching for food. She held her breath while the smaller animals played on the branches and the mother foraged. The woods might not be her thing, but the beauty of the moment wasn’t something she could deny. She squeezed her body closer to his and laid her head on his shoulder as they watched together.

She’d missed this, the connection between their bodies and minds, the sense of safety she had when his arms were around her. And, in a way, she understood why he’d left. The need to self-analyze wasn’t unusual and she’d done more than her fair share lately.

Something cold and wet fell against her cheek, and Sara reached up to wipe it away. The reflexive movement caused all three squirrels to freeze then flee into their home.

She let out a breath. “Sorry.” She looked up to see what might be dripping on her, and her chin dropped. “Oh, my.”

Kale held out his hand to catch a fluffy white snowflake. “This wasn’t supposed to happen. Were we magically transported to New England?” he asked with a laugh. Snow in this part of Texas was rare. “Let’s head back to the cabin and see if we can get a weather report.”

“I think it was supposed to snow along the Red River, but not this far south,” Sara told him. “Maybe it won’t last long.”

They retraced their steps, and Kale started picking up fallen branches, small pieces to use as kindling. “Look for small, dry branches, Sara. Just in case we need a fire to keep us warm tonight.”

“Could that happen?”

“Probably not, since all the power lines are buried, but there’s nothing wrong with being prepared.”

They both had an armful of sticks when they reached the cabin’s door. Kale located the metal tinder bin and added their contributions. The cabin was already nice and warm, but Kale set about stacking kindling and a fat log in the fireplace in case they lost power.

Sara hung her jacket on a hook near the door, crossed her arms over her chest, and rubbed a little heat into her hands. Even though the cabin was warm, she couldn’t help worrying about the snow and how it would affect their drive back to Dallas. She heard Kale moving around the room, but her gaze was focused on the increasing number of flakes in the air outside. Already, the truck was coated in white and the ground was beginning to disappear.

Fascinated by the winter wonderland, she jumped when Kale pressed his body to hers and wrapped strong arms around her. “Want some hot chocolate?” He nuzzled the sensitive skin below her ear, dropped a soft kiss there, and a shiver skittered down her spine, igniting a small fire in her belly.

She turned in his arms and slid one hand up his chest, brushing over the hard muscles hidden by his shirt. His gray eyes gleamed, heating her from the inside out. Moving a little higher, Sara encountered bare skin, and her fingers lightly stroked the ridge of his collarbone. They traced a line up the side of his neck then around to his chin, where his five o’clock shadow prickled and encouraged her fingers. She threw caution out the window and traced the outer edge of his full bottom lip.

An unexpected groan got away from her when he dropped his chin and sucked her finger into his mouth. Sara sagged against him, the feel of his tongue flicking around her index finger, the nip of his teeth across her skin making her knees weak.

He released her finger and dove for her mouth, taking full possession.

She was surrounded. Encased by his body, seduced and claimed by his mouth. Sara gave in completely, feeling passion return to her life. She’d put her body into cold storage too many years ago. Now, finally in his arms, she felt free to care again. The fear still haunted her, but she gave in to the chance of happiness.

Chapter 4


Kale slipped his hands down her body, saturating his senses with the feel of her. Damn, he’d missed this woman. She was like a drug to him, and after being apart for so long, he was reveling in every touch. Palming her perfect ass, he pulled her closer. Her quick exhale told him she’d discovered his erection. He’d been hard for her off and on all day, and he was beginning to think he might pass out from the lack of blood circulating through the rest of his body. Now that blood pounded in his veins, fueling his desire.

Sara cuddled closer, opening to him, and Kale lifted her off her feet. Never losing contact with her mouth, he walked down the hall and set her on the bed. “If you want to stop, now would be the time to say so, honey.” Her response drove him nuts.

She started at the top of her blouse, slipping each button free in her own sweet time, until the shirt fell open. Her fair skin shone in the waning light coming through the window, forcing air to stagnate in his chest. Damn, she was beautiful. Sara slipped the sleeves down her arms and left the blouse in a puddle on the bed.

But she left the bra on, every cherry-red inch of it, while she toed off her shoes. When she reached for the zipper of her jeans, Kale sucked in a painfully inadequate amount of air and waited to see if the bra came with matching panties or, Lord have mercy, a burning-hot thong.

He had no doubt she was watching him sweat, since she took forever and a day to lower the zipper. Before he could see the panties, Sara slid off the end of the bed and turned away from him, giving Kale a teaser of a show. When the jeans finally eased down her hips, he hissed.

The satiny red fabric barely covered her ass, and Kale fought the urge to lay his cheek along the curve of hers. Instead, he turned her to him and nudged her to the bed.

Kneeling at her feet, he tucked his fingers into the waistband of her jeans, his knuckles brushing down smooth, feather-soft skin from her hips to her heels. Kale tossed the pants behind him and traced back up her leg with his fingers and his tongue.

“Damn, woman. You’re giving me a heart attack.” Kale covered her mound with his palm, letting the heat of her soak into his skin. But the contact wasn’t enough. His mouth took the place of his hand, and Sara flinched, cried out with what he hoped was pleasure.

“Let’s get rid of these. Hot as they are, I’ve got to have what’s underneath.” He made quick work of freeing her from the panties, taking care to keep them in one piece even though ripping them off was appealing.

Maybe next time.

Sara sat up as the red undies hit the floor. “Too fast, Kale.” She rubbed her hand across her face and into her hair.

Face flushed, her eyes beginning to glaze, her words were at right angles to the signals her body was putting out. But he stopped. He would not take advantage. She deserved better than being manipulated.

“You set the pace, Sara. Tell me what you want, honey.”

“Kiss me?” She was trembling, aroused and unsure, hesitation in her eyes. Kale didn’t want to touch her until she made a decision. Until she invited him.

“Where, Sara. Where do you want me to kiss you?” Her expression was killing him, and mind-numbing lust was working its way along every inch of his body.

Sara’s hand lifted, took his, and brought it to her mouth for a soft kiss. She exhaled across his wet skin and lowered her lids when he groaned.

“Honey, you’ve got to help me. I’m dying here. Tell me what you want.”

When she didn’t respond, he cuddled her face in his hands and laid his lips on her soft mouth. She opened for him immediately and he drove deep, tasting, exploring until he retreated from lack of oxygen. Looking for her reaction, Kale was bowled over. Trust and lust were the only emotions in her expression.

“Kiss me, Kale, kiss me everywhere.”

He started with her mouth, cherishing her trust, then nibbled on her bottom lip, her chin, and sucked gently at the base of her throat until he couldn’t wait any longer. Reaching behind her, he released the catch of her killer bra and eased the straps down her arms. A flick of his wrist sent it to join the other clothes in the pile.

Her breasts were calling. And he was sweating with anticipation. Kale cupped them in his hands, felt their weight and the tight prodding of the nipples. He had to taste them.

One lick.


A repeat for the other breast.

Sara’s moans and sighs were like music to him. A siren call. She was reeling him in without even trying. He wrapped his lips around one of the dark-pink buds and suckled, feeling her body respond.

Sara began to sag, her body going limp from the onslaught of his voracious mouth, and Kale slid an arm around her torso to support her. Slowly, he lowered her to the bed and licked his way down the slight swell of her belly, spending a few minutes worshiping each little indentation, kissing the smattering of freckles he found. His fingers wandered through her soft curls, parting them in anticipation of his favorite treat.

Separating the lips of her pussy, Kale licked up the wet slit, taking in the taste of her. Sweet, creamy syrup coated her lips and his. Sara’s hips moved, lifted to him as if begging for more, and he gave her what she needed. He explored until he found just the right spot then carefully scraped his teeth against that ultrasensitive bundle of nerves.

He could feel, and taste, how close she was, and he wanted her climaxing over and over, until she couldn’t think of anything or anyone but him. He wanted her to crave him and the pleasure he could give her.

“Shh, honey,” he crooned. “I’ll take care of you.” He laid his hands on her hipbones and went to work with his lips, loving the sounds of her climax as it rolled over her. He eased up as he felt the spasms waning and quickly shed his clothes. He grabbed and donned a condom then squatted between her legs, wanting to make damn sure she was still moist and ready for him. No way in hell would he take a chance on hurting her.

Kale dragged his tongue through the wetness, one more taste before he took her completely. Sara moaned his name, and her need pushed him to move a little faster. She was so wet that his cock easily slipped inside, but once there he was bombarded with the aftershocks of her climax.

She was tight. So tight he worried he’d finish before he got in very far. Sara didn’t give him a chance to hesitate. She lifted her hips and took him inside.

Kale struggled for breath. The incredible clasp of her body around his left him airless, speechless, and dizzy with the feeling of completeness.

He stilled within her, waiting until her eyes opened. When he had her attention, he cupped her head and wrapped her hair around his fingers. “You belong with me, Sara.” He slid out of her until only the head of his cock was within her body then thrust hard into her core. Her gasp drove his pace, pushing him to coax another orgasm from her.

Vowing to drive her over the edge of pleasure, he withdrew and waited. He teased her opening, barely brushing against her with his dick until she squirmed, then thrust deep. Sliding to the edge again, he waited and baited. Again and again, he thrust then tormented. When Sara’s breath was ragged and her nails pierced his arms, he pulled out one more time then pounded into her with a fierce pace, driving them up the bed and into oblivion. Her cries of pleasure surrounded him and gave him the release he craved.


* * * *


Kale blinked, and came awake slowly, eyes refocusing in the dark. A glance at the clock told him it was after midnight, barely. And according to the window, it was still snowing. The layer of white reflected the half moon’s glow and illuminated the woods.

The luminous face on the next pillow slumbered on, exhausted and replete after so many orgasms. At least, he hoped so. After the last one, she’d fallen asleep immediately.

There it was again. The slight knock that woke him. Someone was at the front door. He slipped out of bed, making sure Sara didn’t wake while he pulled on his jeans and left the room. As soon as the door closed behind him, Kale fast footed it to the front room. He pulled open the door and grinned.

“Thought you weren’t coming until Monday.”

“By Monday, I might not have gotten here.” His best friend stepped across the threshold and shook the snow off his coat. “Freak storm is socking in most of the area. I brought extra provisions, just in case. Where is she?”

Kale slapped his friend on the back. “Riley, you have a one-track mind. She’s sleeping. Want a peek before we carry in your supplies?”

“Hell, yeah.” Together, they tiptoed down the hall, and Kale opened the bedroom door. Riley stepped inside and padded to the side of the bed. “She’s beautiful,” he whispered to Kale.

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