Killer Diamonds (15 page)

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Authors: Michael Goins

BOOK: Killer Diamonds
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Seconds later, flames spread throughout the Hummer. Hitman slid into the Lexus and time pulled away. The headed back the way they had come. Time was driving five miles under the speed limit when he changed lanes. At that
moment, blue lights began to flash behind them. They both looked back simultaneously.

“You’ve got to be kidding,” Hitman cried.

“I’m doing the speed limit.”

“Ah man…”

“What do you want me to do?” Time asked repeatedly checking the rearview mirrors.

“We’ve got guns and blood on us. There are three bodies down the road in a Hummer with headshots…”

Time floored the Lexus. Soon they were riding at 130 miles per hour down the highway. “We’ve got to get off 40. If we stay on it, we’re dead. I know this area up here,” Time said indicating the Mississippi River exit up ahead. Hitman looked in the passenger side mirror and saw a Mustang fast approaching. He took out his cell phone and called Lendora. She picked up immediately. “Report the Lexus stolen. Now,” he told her.

“Are you alright?”

Hitman looked over at Time, “Yeah, we’re going to be alright.” He hung up and looked back at Time. “There’s a path that runs along the river. It leads to this girl’s house that I know,” Time told him.

“Get us there.”

Time took the exit at 100mph. When he hit the ramp, he slowed down to 60. Out of nowhere, blue lights flashed in front of them. They were attempting to cut them off. “Watch it,” Hitman yelled raising up in his seat. He knew Time wasn’t going to stop, and he wanted to see what would happen.

At the last second Time yanked on the emergency brake and locked the wheel. Their bodies jerked forward and the Lexus’s
rear end began to slide out.

! The tires began to billow smoke. Time waited until they were about fifteen feet from the end of the ramp. He then came off the emergency brake and floored the car. Abruptly, the car seemed to shift in an impossible way. It caught traction and Time, Hitman, and the Lexus slipped through the trap.

“God damn boy,” Hitman said excitedly. He was looking back at the police
vehicles as they scrambled to resume the chase without hitting each other.

“We’re on the Boulevard now. The path is only about a half mile up.” Time grabbed the .9mm and unstrapped his seatbelt. “Get ready,” he said slowing down.

“Now,” Time yelled making the perfect stop. They bailed out. Time lead the way in the darkness with Hitman following. They maneuvered through the wooded area dodging branches. After they had run about a hundred yards, Time suddenly stopped.

“What’s wrong?” Hitman asked.

“You hear that?”

“What?” Hitman listened to the nighttime noises. All of a
sudden, he could hear a helicopter. Its rotating blades were reverberating above their heads. A high beam scanned the area and they could hear the sound of dogs barking.

“Fucking dogs! I hate those things!” Time sprinted off again with Hitman right behind him. After the
y ran another hundred yards, they reached a clearing. “Which way?” Hitman asked desperately. The helicopter beam seemed to be following them.

“I can’t see!”

“We have to swim,” Hitman whispered hearing the approaching dogs.

“Hitman, I don’t know how to swim.”

“Look all you have to do is paddle your arms. The current will carry you. We’ll stay close to shore so you can stand if you have to.”

Time listened to the rushing river. It seemed to be so powerful and intimidating. “The current will kill me!”

“Those white people will kill you if you don’t!”

Time thought about it. “I can’t do it,” he finally said. “We’re going to split up. Listen… we’ll both try to make it to Tip’s house.”

“Alright.” They gave each other a pound and Time watched Hitman run along the bank, then disappear over the top.

Time sprinted off again, only to find himself quickly surrounded. “Get down,” a voice shouted. “Get all the way down,” another yelled. Time froze in place hearing their guns moving into action.

He fell to his knees, then his stomach, and waited for them to apprehend him.


To be continued…















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