Killer Love (29 page)

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Authors: Alicia Dean

Tags: #romance,suspense,anthology,sensual

BOOK: Killer Love
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“You’re not too bad yourself. Sitting there in nothing but a towel, wearing handcuffs. Kind of sexy.”

“Fuck you. Just get me loose.”

Wayne squatted to unlock the cuffs and noticed the blood. “What the hell happened to you?”

“A bullet. Just a flesh wound.”

“Who shot you?”

Luke stood and grabbed a towel. He wiped the shaving cream from his face, then turned to the manager. “You have a bandage somewhere?” The guy nodded and disappeared. After he left, Luke looked at Wayne. “Jade.”

“What? The woman you’ve been busting your ass to help
you?” Wayne’s mouth twitched. If Luke hadn’t been so happy to see him, he’d have punched him.

“It’s a long story.” The hotel manager returned with a large band-aid. Luke wet a washcloth and wiped the blood from the wound, then covered it with the band-aid. He pulled on jeans and a gray Henley. “Not that I’m complaining, but what the hell are you doing here?”

“When you called me the last time, I’d had enough. I knew you were on the verge of some major shit and I was missing out on it. I wasn’t sure if it would be DiMarco or the US Marshals but I knew someone was getting ready to fry your ass. I thought you could use the help.”

“You have no idea how glad I am that you butted in.”

“I tried to call your room. Ahmad here rang it but it showed out of service. I convinced him to open up and boy, was I surprised at what I found. Didn’t think you’d take the time for kinky games with all the shit going down but I guess you never really know a person.”

“Ha. Laugh it up, funny man.” Luke winced as he shrugged into his leather jacket. “We need to go. Now.”

“Go where?”

“I’m not sure yet, but we’d better find out quick. DiMarco is either here or on his way.”

“How the hell does DiMarco know to come here?”

This was the part Luke dreaded telling him. It made him sound like the stupidest sonofabitch alive.

“He knows because I told him.”


Jade eased off the accelerator as the icy road narrowed. Frozen tree branches reached out like the talons of a prehistoric bird and scraped against the car, sending shock waves of anxiety along her nerves.

She searched through the deepening dusk for Sailboat Road, barely able to feel the steering wheel beneath her frigid hands. She wasn’t certain if they were frozen from the cold or fear for Ashley.

Her headlights reflected off a blue street sign. Sailboat Road.

Tendrils of apprehension buzzed through her system as the reality of her situation dawned on her. At any moment, she would come face to face with Bryce. Her heart stilled for a moment then beat with the intensity of a rock and roll drum solo. Her fear wasn’t only for Ashley. She was also terrified for herself.

She turned onto the gravel road and only went a few miles before the road ended. She took the dirt turnoff as Bryce had instructed. Closer now. Closer to Ashley and to the evil hidden behind the mask of the man she’d married. The man she’d once thought she loved.

A figure stepped in front of the car.

She screamed, then clamped a hand over her mouth.
For a crazy moment, she was tempted to floor the gas pedal...send two thousand pounds of steel and rubber over his body, crushing his murderous soul. She couldn’t do that though. He had Ashley.

She stepped out of the car. Bryce held out his arms as if inviting her into a hug.

Fat chance, motherfucker.

She pointed the gun at his chest. “Where is she?”

He dropped his arms and slipped his hands in the pockets of his parka. He smiled and it was as if Satan’s demon’s had painted the expression on his face. Pure evil radiated from him. How could she have ever thought him handsome?

“Put that thing away, darling.” He took a step toward her. “You would never hurt me.”

“Wanna bet? Where the fuck is she?”

He moved closer and his eyes went to her scar. “Good God. I did that to you?” He looked away. When he turned back to face her, she thought she saw moisture in his eyes. He cleared his throat before speaking. “I’m sorry. You have to believe that I never meant to hurt you.”

“Never meant to hurt me? You almost killed me. You’ve killed God knows how many people, including a woman who was like the mother I never had. And you dare to say you never meant to hurt me? If you’ve done anything to Ashley...” She raised the gun. “Tell me where she is. Now.”

“The only way she goes free is if you stay with me. Waving that gun around will only get your little friend killed. Now give it to me.” Bryce held out his hand.

She was carrying Luke’s gun. Hers was tucked inside her boot. She handed the 9mm to Bryce.

“Turn around and put your hands on the car.”

He’ll find the gun.
She stared at him, not moving.

“Do it now. I’m going to search you. We can either do it this way or you can strip right here in front of me. In the freezing snow. Which will it be?”

She turned and put her palms on the still warm hood of Luke’s car. Bryce’s hands roamed over her body beneath her jacket, lingering around her ribs, just below her breasts. She sucked in air, trying not to throw up as his touch went lower.
The gun. He’s going to find the gun.
His hands pressed over the legs of her jeans, down to her boots.

“Sonofabitch. Sneaky little thing, aren’t you?” He lifted her pant leg and unzipped her boot, pulling the gun from its hiding place. “You won’t be needing this.” He slipped it in his pocket. “Leave your cell phone in the car and come with me.”

Resentment chased through her along with hopelessness. The gun had been her last chance to get out of this mess. What the hell would she do now?

She tossed the phone inside the car and followed Bryce through the snow-covered shrubs. She stumbled and Bryce took her arm to steady her. Revulsion, quick and sharp, shuddered through her system and she jerked away. His gaze turned as icy as the ground beneath them but he didn’t respond. She followed him until he stopped near an abandoned mine.

“Good God. Is Ashley in there?” She turned to him in horror.

He smiled. “Yes, she is. In that cold, deep, dark mine.” He gave a mock shudder. “Horrible, isn’t it? Your worse nightmare.”

“Wrong, asshole.
my worse nightmare.”

He shook his head. “When did you get such a smart mouth? You were always so loving, so docile. What’s happened to you?”

You happened to me, s
he wanted to say. But that would probably please him. “I’m here now. Let her out.”

“Oh, no. It’s not that simple, darling. She stays right where she is. I just wanted you to know what she’s going through. If you’re a good girl and do exactly as I say, maybe sometime in the near future, I’ll let her out. But she’s my insurance policy. You see, I no longer trust you. You’ll have to earn that trust once again.” He reached up and brushed a hand across her cheek.

The revulsion returned but stronger this time. “Don’t touch me!”

“That kind of attitude is not going to help your little friend. I have a place for us to stay. You’ll like it, I promise. Not as lavish as the home we shared but at least we’ll be together.”

“You can’t leave her here. She’ll die. I’ll go with you but you have to let her out.” He didn’t even know the extent of his cruelty. The girl’s father had died in a mine just like this. Was that going through her mind? Adding to her terror?

Bryce grinned and reached into his coat. He pulled out a flashlight and held it out to her. “If you want her, go in and get her.”

Jade took the flashlight from him. She hefted the weight in her hand. Did she have enough strength to knock him out with it? No. Not from this distance. And not with one blow.

A scream echoed from within the mine.

Bryce’s smile widened. He knew she was terrified of the dark. He didn’t think she’d do it. She wasn’t sure she would either. Wasn’t sure she could.

She stared at him for a moment, then turned and ran to the entrance of the mine. She stopped. Darkness reached out to her. Much darker than the night around her. Black and deep. Evil. A shudder ran through her, her muscles clenching in dread.

I can’t do it. I can’t go in there.
Hot tears scalded down her cheeks as a powerless groan left her throat. She wanted to help Ashley, but her legs wouldn’t move.

She shook her head and backed away, her fingers going limp as the flashlight almost slipped from her fingers. Squeezing her eyes shut, she tightened her grip, searching for courage, but knowing that was something she didn’t have...had never had.

As she stood there, with hopelessness and defeat weighing her down like the aftermath of a cave-in, Ashley’s cries came to her from the pit. Jade’s eyes flew open. She couldn’t let Ashley down...couldn’t let her die. Even though it was the most difficult thing she’d ever done, she had no choice.

Taking a shaky breath that ended on a sob, she stepped forward and plunged into the yawning mouth of hell.

Chapter Twenty-One

On the way to Jade’s apartment, Luke dialed her cell phone over and over while Wayne called ‘On Star’ to track the location of Luke’s car. No answer from Jade. Wayne was still on hold when they arrived at her door.

Once inside, Luke’s guts seized. Bryce had been there. The thing in the chair was obviously his handiwork. He had no idea who the man had been...but he certainly wouldn’t be able to tell them.

What now? Where was Jade? Did Bryce have her already? God, no. Please, no.

Luke searched the apartment, but she was gone. Wayne finally got through to ‘On Star’. “Your car’s about fifteen miles from here, near a lake,” he told Luke as they headed to the parking lot.

They stepped to the bottom of the stairs and almost collided with a man and a woman. Special Agent Theodore Cummings and Special Agent Darla Blevins.

Luke looked at Wayne and his partner shook his head. “I didn’t tell them.”

“Luke Butler,” Special Agent Cummings said, “We’re here to take you into custody.”

“What the hell is this about? I haven’t done anything.” Luke turned to the woman. “Darla?”

She looked at the ground, refusing to meet Luke’s eyes. Darla Blevins was a stout woman with dark hair cut close to her face. She had been a friend of Delia’s. Rumor around the agency was that she would have liked to be more than friends but after years of speculation, no one was certain of her sexual preferences.

“The Marshals’ office called,” Cummings said. “Apparently, you’ve done quite a bit. We have orders to take you in for questioning.”

“You don’t understand. A woman’s life is in danger. Give me until the morning and I’ll turn myself in. You have my word.”

“I’m sorry, Agent Butler.” Cummings held out handcuffs. “You’re coming with us.”

“Get Madsen on the phone.” Panic built in Luke’s chest. He couldn’t tell them DiMarco might be here. That would start a manhunt that would endanger Jade’s life.

“We’ll call him from the car. Come on.” Cummings pulled out his gun. His chin lifted and a glint came in his eyes. He’d like nothing better than for Luke to give him a reason. They’d never liked one another. Cummings was a straight arrow and resented Luke’s unorthodox methods. He’d been waiting for years to see Luke brought to his knees.

Luke held out his hands and Cummings snapped the cuffs around his wrists.

“Where are you taking him?” Wayne asked.

“Denver. We’ll catch a flight there back to St. Louis.”

“I’ll follow you,” Wayne told Luke. “I’ll talk to Madsen. We’ll get this straightened out.

Luke nodded and followed the agents. His brain ticked off the seconds since Jade had left. Where was she now? More importantly, where the hell was DiMarco?


Jade held the flashlight with one hand and clung to the jagged surface of the walls with the other as she went deeper into the black hole. The smell of decay permeated the air. Coal dust coated her nostrils, her skin, even her tongue.

She clamped her lips together and tried to breathe through her nose but she couldn’t breathe at all. A rush of dizziness came over her and she stopped for a moment. She closed her eyes, but that only made it worse. Now she knew what it would feel like to be buried alive.

“Ashley,” she shouted. “Talk to me. I’ll follow your voice.”

“I’m scared, Jade. Please help me.”

“I’m trying, baby. Just stay calm. Keep talking to me. Are you hurt?”

“No. I’m okay.” Ashley’s voice trembled through the blackness, sounding like the wail of a lost infant. She rattled on about nothing while Jade moved toward the sound.

After a few disorienting turns and what seemed like miles, but was probably only about twenty feet, Jade was standing in front of Ashley.

The flashlight cast a grotesque glow around the frightened girl. Her arms were tied behind her around a wooden beam. Tears and black dust streaked her cheeks. She continued to babble.

“Shhh. I’m here, honey. I’ll help you,” Jade whispered. She knelt behind Ashley and tugged on the ropes that bound her.

“There’s a knife in my back pocket,” Ashley said.

Jade reached into the pocket of Ashley’s jeans and pulled out a switchblade. “Where did you get this?” Jade asked as she cut through the ropes.

“My friend, Tanner, gave it to me. I told him what Dennis did to you and he wanted me to have it for protection. I’ve carried it ever since.”

Bryce had searched Jade but not Ashley. It wasn’t likely he’d search her again. Once Ashley was free, Jade slipped the knife into her back pocket. The large sweatshirt she wore might conceal it. She’d rather hide it somewhere less conspicuous but she might need to get to it quickly. She’d have to take the chance.

She took the shivering girl into her arms and held her for a moment, smoothing her hair. “It’s okay now, honey. It’s okay,” Jade said over and over while Ashley sobbed into her shoulder.

When the trembling subsided, Jade pulled away and took Ashley’s hand. “Come on. Hold onto me. We’re getting out.”

She hoped they were getting out. She wasn’t sure she could find her way, even with the help of the flashlight.

By instinct or the grace of God, Jade retraced her steps and saw a glimmer. The opening of the mine. Although the stars provided minimal light, compared to the darkness of the coal mine, it was enough to assure her freedom was near.

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