Killer Swell

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Authors: Jeff Shelby

BOOK: Killer Swell
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“Move over Spenser, Travis, and Elvis Cole—Noah Braddock is here for his piece of the pie.”

J. A. Konrath, author of
Bloody Mary

“While the mystery contains surprising twists and turns, the real joy in this book is the characters. Like Harlan Coban did so well in his Myron Bolitar series, putting together two friends whose sarcastic banter is a hoot to follow, Shelby has done the same here.”

The Denver Post

“Shelby writes like a pro, with realistic characters, terrific plotting, and a setting that makes you want to jump into your jams and wax up your board.”

The Kansas City Star

“This is author Jeff Shelby's debut, and it's an impressive first effort. Braddock lives by his own code, like so many fictional private eyes. But he's surrounded by a strong supporting cast, particularly Liz Santangelo, a detective with the San Diego police and Braddock's ex-girlfriend. This promises to be a series worth following.”

The Albany Times Union

“California backdrops, an engaging, in-your-face, surfer-vs.-the-establishment attitude…a strongly recommended new series start.”

Library Journal
(starred review)

“A heck of a detective whose surfer appearance belies a thoughtful, tough, hardworking guy who knows his way around an investigation…. Shelby has written a serious detective story with a generous helping of humor that comes from the characters, not Shelby. And that makes everything feel just right, like a day at the beach.”

Detroit Free Press

“Sharp dialogue and splashy local color make Shelby's first outing more fun than a day at the beach.”

Kirkus Reviews

“Shelby handles the surf scene with finesse…. Braddock proves to be tough enough to keep going against the odds. Good action and a surprise plot twist make it a safe bet that Braddock will return.”

Publishers Weekly

“Reminiscent in tone and style to Robert Crais's
The Monkey's Raincoat
…a well-done throwback.”

—Sarah Weinman, author of
Confessions of an Idiosyncratic Mind

“[Shelby] writes crisply, cleanly, and…praise be!…economically, a virtue seldom found in first novels. Local readers will enjoy his use of the San Diego culture, and fans elsewhere will welcome this latest addition to the private eye pantheon.”

The San Diego Union-Tribune

“Mystery fans should love the San Diego setting as well as the smart-ass, but all-too-human surfer-turned-P.I. Noah Braddock.”

—C. J. Box, author of
Out of Range

“Primo action with a lot of heart. Jeff Shelby with his clean, precise prose and gripping story is clearly a writer to watch.”

—Clint McKinzie, author of
Crossing the Line

“Crisp and engaging.”

San Diego Magazine

“Well-wrought characters built to go the distance. An impressive debut…will leave you thirsting for more.”

—Jack Kerley, author of
A Garden of Vipers

“Manages to be both charming and laid-back and genuinely suspenseful. It has a great title, too.”

—Laurence Klavan, author of
The Shooting Script
The Cutting Room

“Put on sunscreen and shades, get a cool drink, and join in on the fun in the San Diego sun.”

Deadly Pleasures

“This is a fun beach noir that grips the audience from the personality-expressive opening line until the final reunion over the Pacific rocks.”

Midwest Book Review

“Shelby creates a believable new hero who loves to surf, has an old-fashioned sense of honor, and is not afraid to go in harm's way during an investigation…positively sizzles…[Shelby's] writing is witty and refreshing.”

—Roundtable Reviews

Killer Swell





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Copyright © Jeff Shelby, 2005

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ISBN: 978-1-1012-1225-7


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For Hannah Elizabeth

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