Killing Time

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Authors: S.E. Chardou

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Killing Time

The Ties That Bond Trilogy

SE Chardou



Killing Time

A Ties That Bond Novel #1

The Ties That Bond Trilogy

Copyright © 2014 SE Chardou / Selene Chardou

All Rights Reserved.

Cover Artist: Tabby Coots

ISBN: 978-1-3012-0404-5

Publisher: Midnight Engel Press, LLC


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This book is a work of fiction. People, places, events, and situations are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or historical events, is purely coincidental.






WARNING: This is a Dark romance novel, which contains adult situations, alcohol and drug use, explicit language and dubious consent. It also contains scenes between m/f, m/f/m, f/f and m/m. It is not recommended for those under the age of 17 or those who have certain sensitive trigger issues. 


A Murder Mystery…


Aurélie Segler-DeMarche is a journalist and the fiancée of a blue-blood attached to an empire. When her sister is mysteriously murdered, she knows there is more than what the police disclose to her.


Wrapped in a Love Affair…


Trésor’s lover, Rory Krieger, is dangerous for all the right reasons: he’s wealthy, successful, gorgeous and owns some of the most exclusive BDSM clubs in the country. Aurélie realizes in order to solve a mystery, she will to have to infiltrate a community where reality is an altered state of mind.




Aurélie quickly finds out not only is she no match for the multifaceted and intelligent Rory, his life with Trésor was a lot more complicated than imagined. An indecent proposal leads to more than a night of passion, and raises many questions. What happens when you have to lose yourself to find yourself and the truth?


The Ties That Bond
 is a trilogy, all books end cliffhanger free and will be released within three weeks of the previous books. This is a RE-RELEASE of 
The Ties That Bind Trilogy
 and has been re-written, extended and re-edited. 



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Table of Contents

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Table of Contents









Part One: Shock & Awe


Chapter One


Chapter Two


Chapter Three


Chapter Four


Chapter Five


Chapter Six – Rory


Chapter Seven


Chapter Eight


Chapter Nine


Chapter Ten


Chapter Eleven


Chapter Twelve


Part Two: Discovery


Chapter Thirteen


Chapter Fourteen


Chapter Fifteen


Chapter Sixteen


Chapter Seventeen


Chapter Eighteen – Rory


Chapter Nineteen


Chapter Twenty


Chapter Twenty-One - Rory


Chapter Twenty-Two


About the Author


Contacts & Resources


Books Available & Coming Soon






This novel is dedicated to my street team, Elle’s Sultry Saints, and the gorgeous women who help me every day with my career. I adore you all!

Thanks again to all my author friends and family.

Tabby Coots, my tireless PA and the amazing cover artist who re-did this cover. You’re wonderful and I am so happy SE Hall introduced us. Now I can’t imagine my life without you.

For everyone else who has a dream of being a writer or has ever put pen to paper, just know you’re doing it right when you can wrench emotion from people and make them feel, laugh, cry, want to throw their tablet or the physical book. Books are instruments of power and I respect them immensely.

And to all my readers and fans, this one is for you. Happy reading! <3




“Was It A Dream?” – Thirty Seconds to Mars


“I Want To Kill You Like They Do In The Movies” – Marilyn Manson


“Rx Queen” – Deftones


“Million Dollar Man” – Lana Del Rey


“Up In The Air” – Thirty Seconds To Mars


“Risk” – Deftones


“Hurricane” – Thirty Seconds To Mars


“Trophy” - +++ (Crosses)


“Beware” – Deftones


“In The Waiting Line” – Zero 7


“Old Money” – Lana Del Rey


“Love Is A Losing Game” – Amy Winehouse



Listen to
Killing Time Playlist
on Spotify!









fucking days.

That’s how long she’d been trapped in the cage, down in the dungeon. Her eyes were covered with a leather blindfold and there was no way to see through the thick yet soft material. This wasn’t the first time she’d gone through one of these sensory deprivation exercises but they always freaked her the fuck out.

She sat in the dungeon and although it was contained enough and the door at the top of the stairs was locked, she’d been placed in a cage. Her hands were free but she was deprived of even the smallest amount of pleasure as she wore an uncomfortable chastity belt with two metal dildos attached inside. One was planted firmly up her asshole while the other one surged in her wet, aching cunt.

Her clit could not be touched in any way as it was covered by a metal plate. Her master told her these punishments were to teach her how to behave in their relationship. She believed him but sometimes, she pissed him off purposely just to be sent down to the dungeon and locked in the tight, confined space of the cage too.

Many in the vanilla world would never truly understand real BDSM thanks to crappy, “mommy porn” books, which explored a fairy tale version of a world which simply did not exist for those who were truly part of the community. They weren’t all sick, twisted sadists and masochists with parent and background issues.

She considered herself perfectly normal as she had a very fulfilling job where she spent most of her time half naked anyway therefore modesty was not an issue. Once she left that job and came home, she was in a complete and utterly fulfilling relationship, which consisted of Total Power Exchange—or TPE, as it was referred to those in the community.

At home, she was merely a slave and the receptacle of her master’s pleasure. Nothing he craved or desired was taboo and she would grant him any wish he wanted. Although, technically, a slave, she wasn’t really treated like one and that pleased her very deeply. He liked the sound of slave and master though in fact they had more of a dominant-submissive relationship.

She did not have to eat on the floor beside her master since he preferred them to take their meals together. She also did not do any housework and although they spent way too much time at one of the many locations of Club X-Tasy, her master didn’t believe in participating in orgies, at least not any where she would be forced to share her body with others. He did go to them—after all it was his prerogative to do so—and sometimes she accompanied him as an observer. It was an activity he put together at least twice per month to keep his customers happy but she was never on the menu.

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