KILTED DESIRE - Sands of Betrayal (16 page)

BOOK: KILTED DESIRE - Sands of Betrayal
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“Fine, why?”

“Well, where we’re going now is where yer surprise is. I
dinnae want yer tae get any clues. So, would yer mind reclining yer seat and
letting me blindfold yer fer a while so yer dinnae see anything. I promise yer
will nae miss any scenery as we have tae come back doon this way tomorrow. So
yer will see anything yer miss today. It should only take an hoor or so.”

“I can do that. I was feeling a little tired, so it may not
be a bad idea if I try to take a little nap.”

“That sounds perfect. Thanks fer playing along babe. It will
make things even more special if yer completely surprised.”

Katie was very intrigued. Every time she thought she’d
already been given her surprise, he said there was more to come. She knew she
wouldn’t be able to sleep, but she was happy to play along with his plan, since
he’d put so much thought and time into it. She reclined her seat and Scott
helped her wrap one of her scarves around her eyes. She closed her eyes, lay
back and relaxed as he drove the car towards their next destination.

An hour later, the car stopped and Scott rested his hand on
her shoulder.

“Are yer awake?”

“Yes. I’m just relaxing. Scott, can I look yet?”

“Nae, nae yet. I have tae get oot of the car and get
something. I will only be five or ten minutes. Yer perfectly safe here. Nae one
can see yer, so please just stay where yer are fer a few more minutes.”

“Okay, I will. I trust you.”

“Thanks, baby. Yer being a really guid sport. I’ll be back
in a few.”

A few minutes later, Katie heard the car door open.

“Reet, I’m back. Are yer still doing okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine. I’m actually very relaxed and very excited.”

“Great. We have a wee bit further tae go, but we have tae go
on foot now. Will yer promise tae keep yer eyes closed or should we leave the
blindfold on?”

“I’ll keep my eyes closed, but I don’t want to fall.”

“I’ll nae let yer fall. I’ll guide yer and I promise I will
nae let anything happen tae yer.”

“Okay, I know you won’t.”

“We have tae go doon quite a lot of steps and then up a few
too, but yer know I’ll look after yer.”

“I promise. I won’t look until you tell me.”

Scott took her hand and led her slowly away from the car and
down what seemed like hundreds of steps. When the downward steps ended, they
walked for a few minutes on flat ground before climbing more steps. All the
time Katie could hear voices, mostly Scottish, but foreign ones, too. She could
also hear the sound of water and was pretty sure they were by the coast or by a
lake. There were birds making a lot of noise too, but it still seemed very
peaceful. She did feel silly walking with her eyes closed and was worried about
what the people who could see her were thinking. She gripped Scott’s hand
tightly and pulled him close to her.

“Are we nearly there?”

“Will be aboot one minute, baby, then yer can open yer eyes.”

“Okay, the suspense is nearly over then.”

“Aye it is. Just a few more steps.”

“Great, I can’t wait! This is so exciting!”

Scott stopped her and positioned her facing a certain way. Then
he stood behind her and held her.

“Okay baby, yer can open yer eyes now.”

She opened her eyes gradually and the view took her breath
away. They were standing in part of a medieval castle that over-looked another
part of the castle which, in turn looked over a beautiful loch. There were a
few small boats on the water and the hills that surrounded the loch were
covered with beautiful, purple heather.

“This is Loch Ness. We’re standing in the remains of
Urquhart Castle looking oot over one of the most beautiful parts of the Loch. What
do yer think?”

“It’s amazing! I don’t know what to say.”

“How aboot say yes,” he said, as he stepped in front of her,
took her left hand and placed a diamond ring on her finger. He had changed into
his kilt and traditional Scottish dress and was now kneeling in front her,

“Katie, will yer make me happiest man in the world and be my

She couldn’t speak for a few seconds; she was in complete
shock and was so happy. She thought earlier that this day couldn’t get any
better, but it had.

“Oh my God, yes, of course, yes, yes, yes, yes!” she said,
as she burst into tears.

By now, there was a small crowd of onlookers and they all
started to cheer and clap. Katie blushed a little, but she was so happy at that
moment, it didn’t matter. Scott stood up and kissed her, a long lingering kiss,
and when it was over he spun her around again so she could look out over the Loch.
He stood behind her, wrapped his arms around and held her tight, enjoying the
view together.

“Are yer going tae look at yer ring?”

“It doesn’t matter. It could be a ring top from a can of
soda for all I care,” she said, as the tears continued to stream down her face.

“I wish I’d known that afore. That would have been a lot
less expensive.”

She laughed, trying to stop the tears from falling, but that
wasn’t going to happen for a while. She looked at her ring. It was a two-carat,
princess-cut diamond in a white gold, antique-setting, with a thick-band setting
which contained over a carat of smaller diamonds. It was a beautiful ring for a
beautiful occasion. Several onlookers approached them and offered their
congratulations, as they continued to look out over the Loch. Scott was still standing
behind her with his arms wrapped tightly around her. He had his love in his
arms and was not about to let go. Eventually, when she stopped crying and
reapplied a little makeup, she asked someone if they’d mind taking a few photos,
so they would have pictures to remember the day. Of course they were happy to
oblige. Katie was excited to have the memories captured forever. Plus, it was
one more thing to show the girls and her parents when she got home.

“I take it yer happy, baby.”

“Oh, you have no idea how happy I am. I still can’t believe
how amazing this whole weekend has been.”

“I get the feeling I’m going tae get lucky tonight,” he said,
with a big smile on his face.

“Oh, you can count on it! I think I am the lucky one.” She

She didn’t want to go. Since it was such a special time,
Scott agreed and they stayed a little longer. Sooner or later they would have to
leave. He had booked a hotel which overlooked the Loch and it was a half hour
drive from the castle.

As they climbed the steep steps back to the parking lot, she
saw the path she walked down earlier. It was beautiful. Even the view from the
parking lot was stunning! From where they parked, you could see the entire castle.
But, actually standing inside the castle when he proposed to her was so special,
she would never forget it as long as she lived. Soon they were back in the car
and driving down another beautiful road to the hotel.

“I don’t think I can stand much more excitement this
weekend,” she said to him, as they were driving.

“We can just relax tonight at the hotel. It has a restaurant
there, so we dinnae have tae go anywhere. We can just enjoy a quiet evening fer
yer birthday.”

“Sounds perfect.”

“Aye, it does, we’ll be there soon. It should nae take any
longer than aboot half an hoor. It’s nae too far away.”

Sure enough, in just a little over half an hour, they pulled
into the parking lot of the luxury hotel on the banks of Loch Ness. It was a
beautiful, old, traditional building, the perfect location for the end of a perfect
day. Flowers and champagne were waiting for Katie in the room for her birthday.
The room was elegant, with a four-poster bed and a working fireplace. It had an
overall warm, romantic feel to it.

After freshening up and getting changed, they went down to
the dining room to enjoy their engagement dinner. They both thought the surf
‘n’ turf was a fitting meal for such a special occasion. They realized they
both had enjoyed every moment together and would always remember this wonderful

The hotel put the finishing touches on the meal and brought a
birthday cake to the table. Katie and Scott appreciated the gesture and it was quickly
eaten. All they really wanted was to be alone and enjoy each other. When they
arrived back in their room, they went out on the balcony with their glasses of
champagne to share the amazing view that overlooked the Loch.

 “I’m nae used tae getting guid food like we’ve eaten this

“Nor me. It’s been amazing, although I admit I probably get
better food than you do over in Iraq.”

“Aye, fer sure yer do. All I get tae eat is soggy pasta and sandwiches.
They do have meat available at the hotel, but I dinnae trust the look of it. I
could never tell what animal it was supposed tae come from.”

She laughed at his humor, but she felt sorry for his
predicament. The only good thing about their situation was his contract was a
bit more than half over. In a little less than three months, he’d be coming

“Here’s tae us, to an amazing day, yer birthday and the
future,” he said, as he tipped his glass towards her. She touched her glass to
his and smiled before taking a sip. The sun was lowering on the horizon and it
was beginning to get a little chilly. They decided to step inside and get warm

“Now, it’s my turn to give you a surprise,” she whispered,
in his ear.

“Really? That sounds interesting.”

“Take your clothes off and lay on the bed. I will be back in
a few minutes,” she said, in a very authoritative manner, as she took her
suitcase into the bathroom.

He’d never known her to sound like this. He smiled. He kind
of liked it. He did as she asked and stripped down to his boxer shorts and lay
on the bed. He turned off the main light just leaving a small lamp on. A few
minutes later, the bathroom door opened and Katie stepped out. Scott couldn’t
believe his eyes! She looked so sexy, it was unbelievable. She was wearing
thigh-high, black-leather boots with high-platform stiletto heels; they must
have been six inches high. Plus, a matching black leather thong and bra set
which didn’t leave much to the imagination. She was carrying something in one
hand, but he couldn’t make it out. He didn’t care what it was, he was so
excited. He couldn’t take his eyes off her! Her hair was tied up into a high
ponytail. He thought she looked amazing! Katie walked very slowly and
provocatively across the room towards him. He was getting very excited just
watching her walk towards him. He couldn’t wait to touch her.

“You like?” she asked him, with a sexy smile.

“Aye, I like it very much,” was the reply. He was very
turned on. She could see he was very excited. He sat up and moved towards her.

“Baby, come here,” he said, with a wolfish grin.

“No, lie down!” she said sternly.

Scott didn’t take any notice; he wanted to touch her and
moved towards her.

She took what appeared to be a small riding crop and swatted
him across the leg.

“Lie down! This is my night for you. You don’t touch me
unless I tell you.”

This was so unlike her and was very arousing. He did as he
was told, this time, and lay back on the bed. She moved to the bed and climbed
over him, straddling him and rubbed her hands over his chest and arms.

“Put your arms over your head.”

He obliged and when his arms were above his head, she moved
forward and leaned on one of his arms. He wondered what she was doing at first,
but soon realized she had secured his wrist to the bedpost with a strap she had
hidden in her hand.

“Wow, this is hot.”

“Quiet,” she replied, as she moved to his other arm and did
the same. Now for a change, he was totally at her mercy and he liked it. She removed
his boxer shorts, leaving him totally naked.

“Now you’re all mine and it’s my turn to pleasure you,” she
said, raking her long nails all over his body.

“Yer can do anything yer want. Baby, I want yer so bad reet

“What do you really want?”

“I want tae kiss yer doon there and make yer happy?”

“Mmmm, how badly do you want it?” she said, as she wrapped
her hand around him tightly and started to stroke him slowly.

He groaned with pleasure and struggled, but there was
nothing he could do to get free. He was tied down and tied down good. He wasn’t
going anywhere. Truth was he kind of liked it.

“I want tae make yer feel guid.”

She stood up and removed her thong. She gave him quite the
show, which only excited him more. She moved to where his lips and tongue could
work their magic. She knew while she had been stroking him, he would not last
long, and she wanted to satisfy him at the same time. She turned herself around
completely facing his body and started to stroke him again. At first she was
moving slowly and very intentionally. She then stroked him more intensely and a
bit faster, while he continued to tease her with his tongue. From the sounds he
was making, she knew he was enjoying himself pleasuring her and from the way
his body was reacting, she knew that he was enjoying what she was doing to him.
After a few minutes his body began to shake and she knew he was experiencing an
intense, amazing orgasm. Even through his excitement, he didn’t stop; he kept
teasing and kissing her until she was ready to explode. She knew he really
wanted to grab her and pull her closer to him, but he couldn’t. It didn’t take
long before she was experiencing an incredible orgasm of her own. When her body
finally collapsed in ecstasy, she untied him and they lay together in the
afterglow hugging.

“Did you like that?” she asked, as she unzipped her boots.

“Aye, it was amazing. It really was.”

“I’m glad you liked it. I thought it was really hot too.”

“It was. I cannae remember ever being that turned on.”

“Good, that was the plan,” she said as she smiled at him,
while they snuggled back together in bed.

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