Kindling Flames: Granting Wishes (The Ancient Fire Series Book 5) (6 page)

BOOK: Kindling Flames: Granting Wishes (The Ancient Fire Series Book 5)
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Passion raged between them and she tore at his shirt, driven by the need to touch bare flesh. A flash of light and the blast of a car horn ripped them out of the moment. Reality came crashing back down around them as the car raced up the ramp to the street. Cathren threw her head back, drawing in great gasps of air, while Patrick let out another groan and dropped his head to her chest, breathing hard. Cold water cascaded over them from the heavy storm swirling above them.

Slowly, he lowered her back down so her feet were touching the ground again. He leaned back and looked down into her passion-glazed eyes. Reluctantly, he stepped back so she could stand on her own.

Cathren’s thumping heart fell as she saw the serious look on his face. She was sure he was regretting that kiss now.

“Come with me.” Grabbing her hand, Patrick turned back towards the parking lot and took off at a slow lope.

Still rattled from the sudden change in her world, it took Cathren a few steps to match his stride. She had just shared a very passionate kiss with the man who was supposed to be hooking her up with someone else. Sorrow stabbed at her as they ran. This was definitely going to throw a monkey wrench into her plans to remain his friend after her wishes were granted.

“Get in.” Patrick practically tossed her in some dark car.

She had been so caught up in her thoughts that she hadn’t noticed where they were going.

He slammed the door, cutting off the torrent soaking her.

Cathren watched as he raced through the rain to the other side of the car and jumped in. “Patrick?” she said, drawing his attention.

He looked over at her as he fumbled with his keys.

Trying to put all of her thoughts and emotions in her eyes, she said the only thing that came to her mind. “I’m sorry.” She wasn’t sorry they had shared that kiss, but she didn’t know how else to convey the feeling beating at her.

Patrick considered her a moment before reaching over and wrapping a hand around the back of her head. Pulling her to him, he crushed his lips against hers, melting the ball of fear that had formed in her chest. “Don’t be,” he breathed as he broke the kiss and rested his forehead against hers with his eyes closed. After a moment, he released her. “I’m not.” Sitting back up, he finally got the key in the ignition switch.

Cathren hung where he left her, shocked.

“I’m usually pretty good at getting wishes right the first time.” Patrick started the car and maneuvered out of the parking lot. “But, I’ve had a heck of a time fulfilling yours.”

She shifted in her seat. “True love is a tall order.”

Patrick chuckled. “Not when there’s magic involved.”

She whipped around and looked at him. “You can make people fall in love?”

“Love is easy.” He grinned. “Two people that match pretty good, a little suggestion, and they can be happy for the rest of their lives.”

She looked at him, horrified. “But what if they weren’t meant to be together?”

“Then the match doesn’t work.” Patrick shrugged. “I can’t
people fall in love. A suggestion doesn’t work that way. They may spend a few memorable nights with each other, but if they don’t have anything in common, there’s nothing to hold them together when the suggestion wears off.’

Cathren sat back in her seat and thought about this for a moment. “But I didn’t have any memorable nights with any of the guys you sent,” she pointed out.

“That’s because I didn’t compel any of them,” he answered as he drove the car down the winding road around the mall.

“Why not?”

Patrick let the question hang for a moment before answering. “I’m not sure,” he finally admitted. “I came in several times to set the compulsion, but the matches just never seemed right to me.”

Cathren sat there thinking about that as they drove. This would explain the number of times he’d stop by with a potential suitor. She usually ended up talking with them for a few minutes before Patrick called them to go. Movement from outside the window drew her attention from her thoughts. She glanced out as Patrick pulled out into the rain-soaked streets. “Where are we going?” She looked back at the mall where her car was still parked.

“Someplace dry,” Patrick answered.

Cathren wasn’t sure what he was doing, but she just nodded her head silently in agreement.

Reaching out, he took up her hand and kissed the back of it. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

He weaved their fingers together and dropped them to his lap. “Trusting me.”

“You have my best interest at heart.” Cathren shrugged. “Just the fact that you didn’t force me into dating one of those guys shows that.”

Patrick chuckled. His thumb caressed her knuckles as he drove. “I’m not sure it’s your best interest I have in mind.” His voice held a suggestive note that drove Cathren’s eyebrow up. “But I did finally figure out why I haven’t been able to find you a match yet.”

“These things take time?” she guessed.

He chuckled again as he released her hand and turned the car into a driveway. “No.” He killed the engine in front of a darkened house.

Cathren looked up at the small, suburban home.

Patrick picked her hand back up, drawing her attention back to him. “I was looking in all the wrong places.” Reaching up, he cupped her cheek. “I don’t know if I can promise you true love, but I can promise a memorable time.” He ran his thumb over her bottom lip suggestively.

Cathren’s pulse jumped as she processed his words. Her heart was already well on its way to being his. She leaped from the seat and into his arms. Her lips crushed into his as he tried to pull her into his lap. Some part of them hit the steering wheel, letting out a loud blast from the horn. Cathren jumped up, slamming into Patrick’s mouth.

He turned away sharply as blood bloomed from a split in his lip.

“God, I’m sorry.” Cathren tried to climb out of the odd position between him and the steering wheel, but Patrick held on to her.

He licked at the wound, stanching the flow of blood. “It’s all right.”

She managed to get her hands up to turn his face so she could see him.

“I heal fast.” He smiled at her, showing off the cut. It was red and slightly swollen, but the actual break had already sealed together.

“Wow,” she marveled.

“I know.” He licked his lip again before leaning forwards to kiss her softly. “Wow.” He breathed the word against her mouth.

Cathren leaned in, reclaiming his kiss. She wiggled in his arms and hit the horn again. This time, Patrick turned his head as she jumped in surprise.

“This car is too small,” Patrick grumbled as he held her up against him. Reaching down, he caught a hold of the seat release and slid it back as far as it would go.

Cathren clutched him to her at the sudden movement.

A pleased noise rumbled from his chest. “That’s better.” He shifted her so she was more comfortable in his arms and kissed her again. His hands roamed over her back and side as they held her to him.

Needing air, she broke away.

Patrick ran a trail of kisses down her neck to the top of her shirt and growled at the material stopping his progress. “But not good enough.” He nipped the edge of her clavicle, making her giggle. Popping the driver’s side door open, he helped Cathren out. “That’s better,” he said, slamming the door and pulling Cathren into his arms to kiss again. A loud crash of thunder rang out across the sky as the light rain turned heavy once again. Patrick turned an annoyed eye up towards the sky and squeezed Cathren against him. “Will you spend the night with me?” he asked.


“Good.” He kissed the wet hair on the top of her head. “I have plans for you.”

Cathren squeaked as he picked her up and headed towards the house. She wrapped her arms around him and snuggled into him, drawing in a deep breath filled with his damp scent. Her insides quivered in anticipation. Patrick squeezed her as if he could read her thoughts. If nothing else came of this, tonight would definitely be a night to remember.


A sea of white linen wrapped around Cathren as she woke from a very restful sleep. Drawing in a deep breath, she opened her eyes and stretched. The pull of slightly abused muscles made her smile as she relaxed back to the soft surface of the bed. She studied the golden chain around her wrist as it lay on the pillow in front of her face. Two of the shamrock charms gleamed green. She rubbed her face into Patrick’s pillow, breathing in the rich smells as she sifted through the memories from the night.

The crack of a door opening drew her out of her thought. She turned her head to see her fantasy man step into the room. Her eyes ran over the toned muscles of his bare torso and down to the cotton sleep pants slung low on his hips. Rolling in the bed, she moved so she could see him better.

Patrick smiled at her. “Good morning.” He crossed the room with a rolling gait that sent little shocks through Cathren’s body.

Shifting to a sitting position, Cathren tucked the sheet in around her. “Good morning.” Contentment turned up the corners of her mouth as she brushed the hair out of her face.

“Did you sleep well?” Patrick rounded the bed, settled himself on the open side next to her, and kissed her softly.

“Mmmm.” She let out a contented noise from her chest. “Yes,” she answered when he pulled back to lean against the headboard next to her.

“Good.” He held something out in front of her.

She took what felt like a plate. “What’s this?”

” Patrick pulled the cloth napkin off to reveal a thick stack of homemade blueberry waffles. He waved the napkin around with a flourish before depositing it in her lap.

Cathern laughed as she set the plate down on the cloth.

“Well, go on,” he urged.

Picking up the fork, she cut a chunk off.

He watched in anticipation as she swirled the bite around in the syrup and stuck it in her mouth. “Wish granted!” he said happily.

She looked down at his arm and the shamrock set into his skin. All three of the leaves were colored with the most brilliant green she had ever seen. Raising her hand up, Cathren leaned over and touched Patrick’s cheek. “I love you,” she said softly.

“I love you, too.” Leaning in, he kissed her warmly. He pulled back before things got out of hand. “And here I thought waffles would be the easy wish.”

Did you enjoy Granting Wishes?  Enjoy Julie Wetzel's first novel, Kindling Flames-Gathering Tinder for FREE on all platforms! 
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