Kindling Flames: Smoke Rising (The Ancient Fire Series Book 3) (12 page)

BOOK: Kindling Flames: Smoke Rising (The Ancient Fire Series Book 3)
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Darien parked the red convertible along the side of the darkened road. “I think we’re here.”

Vicky looked at the line of cars parked alongside the curb in what was normally a quiet neighborhood. “Vanessa’s house is just up the street.” She had been looking forwards to this party all week and had been almost too excited to work today. Vicky had been giddy when Darien announced that they were leaving early to get ready for the Friday night party. He had been very secretive about her costume, and Vicky nearly died of excitement when she came out from her shower to find the dress laid out across the bed. The rich blue, Victorian-style gown was amazing. She had been a little overwhelmed with the layers involved in the dress, but Darien laced her into the corseted garment with skilled fingers. It was obvious he had wrapped more than one woman in a corset in his days.

“Do you think she invited enough people?” Darien asked as he got out of the car. He was careful to make sure his entire silk cape was out the door before he shut it.

Vicky smiled as he opened her door. “Vanessa really knows how to throw a party,” she said as Darien held his hand out to help her from the car. Taking the offered hand, she stood carefully on the grass between the road and the sidewalk. Vicky ran her gloved fingers down her stomach to smooth the wrinkles from the pale blue panel. Her hand stopped at the darker blue material wrapping around her waist that attached to a flowing bustle and train. The dress was a magnificent piece of work with its many folds and lace accents. Vicky moved stiffly in the unfamiliar corset. The only other time she had been in something remotely close to this was the spider-silk dress Darien had hidden away in his office closet. That dress was bespelled by the fay and made Vicky irresistible to men.

Darien had taken the gown until he could find a way to break the enchantment on it. It was too beautiful to destroy, but he didn’t need anything driving him to the woman. Vicky had enough pull over him already.

“You look lovely,” Darien purred as he shut the car door and tossed the edge of his cloak back out of the way.

Vicky blushed slightly. “Thank you,” she said as they paused for a group of kids to pass. Beggar’s Night had started, and hoards of trick-or-treaters were already out. “But, don’t you think the neckline of this dress is a little low?” Vicky asked as she looked down at the cleavage pushed up by the corset. The strip of material that served as sleeves for the dress was a band of fabric barely two inches wide with fringe on the lower side. It framed her bosom and wrapped around her upper arms to join low between her shoulder blades.

Darien chuckled at her. “Not at all.” He ran his fingertips across the exposed skin of Vicky’s chest and shoulder. He was glad that an Indian summer had blown in; the weather was warm enough so Vicky wouldn’t have to wear the heavy cloak he had prepared for her. It would have ruined the look of the dress. “The chest wasn’t considered forbidden during this era.”

Vicky blushed as his hand continued to her arm and fell to her hand.

Darien gently pulled her hand up and rolled it palm up. “It was the wrist and ankles that were considered erotic.” He placed a kiss on the material over the scar he had left on Vicky’s wrist.

Vicky shivered from the heated look in his eyes.

Darien wrapped her captured hand around his arm and led her to the sidewalk. “Anyway, it suits a vampire’s minion to show a little skin at the neck.” He leaned over. “Makes it more enticing to bite,” he breathed to her.

Vicky drew in a quick gasp of air at the suggestion in his words. “Oh, shoot.” She stopped quickly and turned to look at the car as she remembered something.

“What?” Darien asked, concerned. He stepped closer to Vicky as some little kids ran past him.

“I left my collar,” Vicky said, distressed, as she raised her hand to her throat. She had pulled it out and set it on the bathroom counter before Darien had done her hair, but she forgot to put in on.

“Your collar?” Darien questioned.

“You know,” she looked up at him, “that black velvet one with the red crystals.”

It only took Darien a second to remember the black velvet band with the fake vampire bite that had teased him so. “What about it?” He smiled at the memory.

Vicky took his arm back, and they started walking towards Vanessa’s house again. “I was going to wear it to round out my costume.” She sighed. “I can’t be a minion without a proper vampire bite.”

Darien smiled broadly, flashing fangs. Vicky squeaked as he spun her around and wrapped her up in his arms. Before she could protest, the tips of his fangs sunk into the pulse on her neck. He drew one mouthful of her blood before slowly sliding his fangs from her skin.

She quivered in response to the bite.

He licked the little dribbles of blood that oozed from the closing wound.

“Mommy, Mommy! That man’s a vampire. He just bit that lady!”

Vicky was shocked to hear the voice of a little girl that had stopped to watch them.

“That’s nice, dear.” The child’s mother patted her daughter on the head as she fiddled with her phone. “Now, let’s go before he bites us, too.” The mother led the child to the next house for more treats.

Vicky stared at them, and then looked up to the satisfied smirk on Darien’s face.

His smile widened before he placed a light kiss on Vicky’s lips. “One vampire bite, as requested.” He set Vicky back on her shaky feet.

She gawked at him as she regained her footing. “I can’t believe you just did that!” Vicky gasped as she raised her fingers to the bite mark. She touched the skin gently.

Darien pulled her fingers away from the side of her neck. “Don’t press on it, or you’ll get it bleeding again.” He wrapped her hand over his arm again and started walking towards the party.

Vicky fell into step with him. “You bit me,” she said, shocked.

“And?” Darien asked smugly.

“In public!” Vicky looked around for anyone coming with crosses and stakes.

Darien laughed. “Halloween is the only time of year vampires can walk around without worries.” He patted Vicky’s hand. “I could bite you just about anywhere, and no one would say anything. People think it’s all for show.”

Vicky opened her mouth to respond but couldn’t think of a good comeback. She looked up at Darien in his vampire costume. His hair was slicked back in a perfect imitation of Lugosi’s Dracula. Chuckling, she shook her head and sighed. “Point. Just keep your fangs out of the people at the party,” she teased him.

“Aww.” Dairen pouted playfully. “But what if I get hungry?”

“You just had a snack.” Vicky giggled at him.

A mischievous light lit his eyes as he turned towards her.

Vicky grinned broadly as she saw the idea pop into Darien’s head. “Don’t do it.”

“Bleh! I vant to suck your blood!” he said in a very bad Transylvanian accent, laughing. Grabbing the edges of his cape, he swooped it out as Vicky turned and ran, giggling, up Vanessa’s driveway between the cars. They ended up next to her garage with Vicky swaddled in the red lining of the silk cloak.

Vicky giggled as Darien kissed the side of her neck again. “You’re horrible.” Breathing hard, she tried to catch her breath. She enjoyed the playful side of Darien, but he didn’t let it out much.

“Yes, but you enjoy it.” He held Vicky against him and kissed her lips softly.

“True.” She leaned back from the kiss. “Let’s go see what Vanessa has done.” Vicky pulled from Darien’s arms and led him up the walk to the porch. The pair stopped at the door and knocked. The thumping music from inside grew louder as Vicky’s friend opened the door.

“Vicky!” Vanessa squealed and stepped out to hug her friend. The beads from the red, 1920’s flapper dress swung as the woman moved. “You’re late.” She released her friend.

“Only fashionably.” Vicky grinned at her best friend. “It took me a little while to get ready.”

“You look fantastic.” Vanessa looked over the two-tone gown her friend was dressed in. “I love the bite. It looks so real.” Vicky blushed slightly as Darien smiled, showing fangs.

“And you look amazing!” Vanessa turned her attention to the vampire. “I have got to show you off.” Vanessa grabbed Vicky’s hand and pulled her inside. “Beth and Maggie are just going to
.” Vicky stumbled after her friend.

“Ladies,” Darien called from the front porch.

Vanessa stopped to see what he wanted.

“Are you going to invite me in?”

She cocked her head in confusion.

“Invite me in,” he said again.

“Of course!” A grin split Vanessa’s face as she realized her mistake. “Vampires can’t come in unless they’re invited.” She released Vicky’s hand. “You are welcome in my home. Please come in.” Vanessa bowed regally, enjoying what she thought was a joke.

Vicky felt a ripple of power as Darien stepped across the threshold. Had he not explained how to feel magic, she would have thought it was just a light breeze.

“Don’t bite my guests,” Vanessa teased.

“Their necks are safe,” Darien promised.

She giggled and turned back to lead them into the main room.

“There is only one person here that I want to sink my fangs into,” he purred quietly to Vicky as they followed Vanessa.

Vicky swatted at him, trying to make him being good.

“Look who finally showed up,” Vanessa called as she led Vicky and Darien across the dance floor that had been Vanessa’s living room. All the furniture had been removed, leaving the wooden floor open. The space was lit by several floor lamps draped in green and purple fabric. It gave the room an eerie feel. Fake spiderwebs covered everything, and rubber bats hung randomly around the room. Vanessa had set up an ionizing fountain in one corner, and a light haze of fog rolled around the dancer’s ankles. There was a mash-up of creatures dancing and talking in the room. Everyone was decked out in some form of a costume.

Vicky waved at a few people she knew as she made her way to her friends.

“Vicky!” Beth cried excitedly when she saw her. “That dress is awesome.”

Holding her arms out, Vicky turned around for the girls to check her over.

Beth considered the tight waist and long train of Vicky’s costume. “But it might be hard to dance in.”

Vicky ran her hand over her corseted stomach again.

“I think it’s perfect.” Maggie smiled. “The color matches your eyes. Where did you get it?”

“Darien got it for me.” Vicky looked over her shoulder to the vampire standing behind her.

He flashed a fang-filled smile and bowed his head slightly to the women.

Vicky could practically see her friends drooling as they ran their eyes over Darien’s costume. The black tux and white vest were well suited to the debonair air he gave off. The only splashes of color were the red silk lining of the cape and the matching ascot at his throat.

“Wow,” Beth breathed, unable to find a better description. How they had missed their friend’s escort was beyond comprehension. He was

Darien took hold of the side of his cloak and raised it to his chest while bowing in greeting. “Good evening, ladies.” He stood up and studied each of Vicky’s friends. In addition to Vanessa’s red flapper, Beth was wrapped in the grass skirt of a hula dancer with several leas of flowers over her white body suit, and Maggie had a pointed black hat with a tattered black witch’s dress. “You all look lovely tonight.”

All three of Vicky’s friends blushed.

“You look wonderful, too,” Maggie finally found her voice. She looked closer at his face. “Those are amazing fangs. They look so real,” she said. “Where did you find them?”

Darien’s smile widened showing off his pointy teeth better. “I’ve had them for a very long time.”

Vicky coughed as she choked, trying not to laugh at Darien’s wry sense of humor.

Vanessa patted her on the back. “You okay?”

“Yes.” Vicky cleared her throat. “I just need a drink.”

“Let me.” Beth hurried off to the kitchen. She came back a few moments later with two glasses.

Vicky took one and looked at the drink. There was no telling what the woman had put in the glass.

“It’s just punch.” Beth shrugged.

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