Kindling Flames: Smoke Rising (The Ancient Fire Series Book 3) (19 page)

BOOK: Kindling Flames: Smoke Rising (The Ancient Fire Series Book 3)
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“May I have this dance, My Lady?”

A warm, male voice pulled Vicky’s attention back up from the floor. Her eyes met with a tall, handsome man with red hair and dark eyes. He was dressed in an elegantly embroidered doublet of dark green and loose pants tucked into leather boots.

Vicky took the hand that was offered to her. “Umm… yes.”

The man swept her up and away into the swirl of dancers.

Vicky wasn’t sure how the dance was supposed to go, but the man led her across the floor with ease.

“I guess that you’ve never been to a masquerade before?” her partner asked softly as they twirled around the room.

“No.” Vicky shook her head shyly.

He laughed a warm, rich note. “Then let me fill you in,” the man began. “The object of tonight’s game is to find a partner. It could be someone you already know, or someone who piques your interest. If you think you know who someone is, you can take them to one of the mirrors and speak their name. If you’re right, they’ll be revealed to you. For each person you guess, a flower will appear on your bracelet.”

Vicky’s eyes flipped to the silver strand around her wrist as she listened to the man speak.

“For each person that guesses you correctly, there will be a leaf.”

Vicky looked back up to her partner’s face.

“To make the game more interesting, you cannot reveal who you are. At the end of the night, Lord Dakine will break the enchantment. When the spell ends, the person with the most flowers and fewest leaves will win a minor boon from our most excellent host.”

“A boon?” Vicky asked. She had heard that word before but wasn’t sure what it meant.

“Something like a favor,” the man explained.

“Ahh,” Vicky said as she understood. “So, we just have to guess who everyone is and keep out identity secret as we look for our partner.”

“Exactly,” Vicky’s partner said.

Vicky took in as much of the man as she could. She was sure he was no one she knew, but she could tell a few things from him. What she had learned in the clubs would help her in this game. The man dancing with her was neither hot nor cold. This ruled out the possibility of werewolf or vampire. He didn’t feel right to be human, so Vicky put him in the fay category. “But, I don’t know a lot of people,” she said sadly.

“Then, you won’t get many flowers tonight.” The man swirled her over to the edge of the dance floor as the music ended. “Good luck, My Lady.” He bowed over Vicky’s hand and kissed it. Releasing her, he went back over to the entrance where Vicky had come in, and picked up another young lady for the next dance.

An epiphany struck Vicky. He was definitely a fay—a plant, sent to make sure that everyone knew the rules of the game for the evening. She turned to make her way over to the buffet table in hopes of finding Darien before he went for his disguise. Her eyes didn’t find the man she was looking for, but she did stop and stare at an unusual sight.

“Master Clara.” Vicky stepped over to the head of the Vampire Council. “What are you doing?” She watched the vampire licking chocolate frosting from her fork. “I thought you couldn’t eat food.”

Clara looked over at Vicky, unsure of who it was. “Lady Aine has made some special arrangements for the vampires tonight,” Clara explained. “Try the chocolate cake.” She grinned widely. “It’s magnificent.”

Vicky laughed and agreed. “Have you seen Darien?” She looked around for him.

Clara smiled knowingly at her. “He and Elliot have just left to get changed.” She pointed to the men’s door with her fork. “And you may want to refer to him as Master Darien or Kian for the rest of the night, or you will find it hard to hide yourself, Miss Westernly.”

“Oh!” Vicky was surprised that Clara saw through her disguise so easily. “How did you know?”

Clara chuckled. “You’re the only woman that says his name without fear or respect.”

“I respect him,” Vicky said defensively.

“That may be true,” Clara said softly, “but your voice holds other things when you speak his name. It gives you away.”

Vicky thought about that for a moment. “Thank you for the warning.” She dropped a curtsy to Clara. “I will remember that.”

“Good luck in finding your man.” Clara cut another piece from her cake. “Oh, and the fay have done a splendid job on your costume. Master Darien would be wise to find you fast before someone else tries to snap you up.”

Vicky blushed at the compliment and went to mingle among the guests in hopes of finding her love.




The familiar man dressed in a green tunic and tights held Vicky’s attention. She knew the fay would have changed his appearance so he could participate in the masquerade, but this unknown person was Darien’s doppelgänger. Vicky studied his familiar features and sparkling, green eyes for a moment. The wavy, brown hair she knew so well was hidden under the Robin Hood cap that completed his outfit. Vicky smiled to herself and approached him, wondering who the imposter could be.

“Good evening, Robin.” Vicky called the man by the name of the character he was dressed as. “May I?” She held out her hand, asking the man to dance.

“But of course, my lady,” Darien’s double answered and took her hand.

Vicky’s heart jumped at his words. The fay had done an excellent job of mimicking her love’s penetrating voice. The sound rubbed on the inside of her skin like black velvet in firelight. Vicky shook herself slightly and stepped into the man’s arms so they could dance out onto the floor. He was much warmer than Darien should be, so she sorted him into the werewolf category.

“You look magnificent,” he complimented as they danced.

“Thank you,” Vicky smiled in return. “So, have you found your partner yet?” The man’s face spread into the seductive smile that always sped her pulse. What threw the smile off most were the fangs that Darien didn’t normally show.

“Not yet,” he purred. “Are you interested?”

Vicky laughed a sound that skipped out like bells. “That depends on who you are.” She smiled brightly at him.

“Who do you think I am?” Darien’s double asked as he pulled her closer to him.

Vicky knew this body, but it just did not feel right being in his arms like this. “I know you’re not Master Darien,” Vicky said as he twirled her around the room. “You’re a wolf,” she added.

The look that crossed the man’s face told her she was right. “Maybe,” he smiled at her, “but how can you tell?”

“You’re warm.” Vicky moved her hand up to his chest and felt him.

A thoughtful expression crossed the wolf’s face. “Werewolves do have a higher metabolism than humans, so I guess that could cause us to be warmer.”

Vicky listened to the analytical way the man talked. She recognized his thought process and felt she could venture a guess at whom he was, but she needed a little more information before she was sure. “So, is there anyone in particular that you would like to find tonight?” Vicky prodded. The warm glow of her partner’s eyes told her yes.

“There is one, if I can find her.” His eyes cast around the room filled with people. “She is special to me.”

“What is she like?” Vicky asked softly.

Darien’s double looked down at her and smiled. “If I tell you who she is, then you would know who I am.” The man shook his head.

“I didn’t ask
she was, I asked
she was like,” Vicky clarified.

A twinkle of amusement showed in his face. “I will share if you will.”

“Agreed.” Vicky nodded. “But, I asked first, so you get to start.”

“Fair.” The wolf grinned. “My lady is lovely, fun, and smart. She is a wonderful listener and always knows how to make me smile.”

Vicky could hear the love in his voice.

He paused as he thought about the woman he loved before turning his mind towards the woman in his arms. “Your turn,” he said, flashing a bright smile at Vicky.

She thought about the best way to describe Darien without giving him away “He’s tall, handsome, fun loving, and respected. Many have heard of him, but few know who he is,” Vicky said cryptically. She was sure the man would know whom she was describing. They danced together, thinking, until the song ended. “I’m ready to guess who you are.” Vicky pulled the man over to one of the many mirrors around the room. She laid her wings down her back and stood in front of Darien’s double.

He wrapped her up in his arms the same way Darien had done. “So, who am I?” He grinned broadly.

Vicky sighed the man’s name, and the illusion melted away to reveal Karl dressed in the green tunic and tights.

Karl stuck out his lower lip and pouted. “How did you know?”

“I’ve met you before,” Vicky smiled knowingly, “and I know your lady.”

Karl thought about that for a moment before trying to guess who Vicky was. He failed three times before they turned away from the mirror so the next couple could have a go.

“So, who are you?” Karl couldn’t contain his curiosity anymore.

Vicky rose up and kissed his cheek. “Someone you helped save once.” She fluttered her wings. Confusion crossed Karl’s face, and Vicky left him to think about her identity. She still needed to find Darien.



Darien looked at his reflection in the mirror and tugged on the edge of his scarlet and gold doublet. Personally, he wouldn’t have chosen to wear these colors, and it looked like someone had skinned a couch to make it, but the cut of the coat was very flattering to the form he wore. Long, black hair framed his sculpted features, and the gold in the top brought out the shine in his root-beer-colored eyes. Overall, the fay had done an excellent job with his disguise. Darien shook his arms to settle the loose sleeves of the black shirt into their proper place. The outfit was finished off with a pair of loose, black cotton pants and matching leather knee-high boots with turned-down tops. Darien picked up the black leather cavalier’s hat and stroked the scarlet and gold plumage that stuck out of the bent up side. He popped the headpiece on and turned to look at the man standing behind him.

“What do you think?” Darien held his hands wide so Elliot could give him an honest opinion.

Elliot rubbed his neatly trimmed mustache, considering Darien’s disguise. “You just need a nice goatee to be a proper villain,” he chuckled.

“And you need a cape to be a proper Zorro.” Darien looked over the all-black outfit the fay had given his friend. His tight, Spanish pants and V-neck shirt would have looked great on the Western film hero. Elliot tugged on the black suede gloves.

“It would get in the way.” Elliot smiled at him. “But you do look nice, Barnabas.”

Darien chuckled at the use of the classic TV character’s name. “Thank you, Varney.” He performed a sweeping bow that fit the outfit he was wearing.

Elliot laughed at Darien’s name choice. “I haven’t read penny dreadfuls since the mid-1840s!” Sighing, he wiped a tear born of laughter from his eye.

“I have a copy of
Feast of Blood
at home if you would like to reread it,” Darien offered.

“I will take you up on that.” Elliot pushed off from the wall he was leaning on and started towards the doorway. “Come on, Barnabas, you have a lady to find.”

“After you, Varney.” Darien waved for Elliot to lead the way out.

William, having just gotten into the room to have the fay change him, stopped as the two vampires started to make their way out. “So, we’re going with fictional vampire names.” He grinned at the two leaving. “Does that mean I can play Edward?”

Darien and Elliot paused and looked at him. “Vampires don’t sparkle,” they said in unison.

William laughed and continued on to be enchanted. Most of the Council kept up with current vampire fiction to see how the worldview of them changed over time. That particular book had been passed around for a good laugh. The vampires were so far off the mark that none of them could take it very seriously.

Darien followed Elliot out of the room and looked over the elaborately dressed guests twirling around on the dance floor. His eyes landed on several people with golden-blond hair who were about the right height to be Vicky, but he knew none of them were her. The fay would make it a lot harder for him to find her in this crowd.

Elliot looked over the crowded room for a possible partner. “So, where are you going to start?” His eyes landed on a beautiful woman in white with large wings, dancing with the Robin Hood version of Darien.

“There.” Darien pointed to a woman with golden locks, dressed as a princess. Even from a distance, he could tell that this woman was the spitting image of Vicky.

Elliot drew his eyes away from his first target to look at the woman. “You know it’s not her.” He grinned at Darien’s choice. Of course, he would start with the ones that looked close to the woman he loved.

“I know,” Darien said, “but I’ve got to find out who the fay chose to dress like her.”

Elliot chuckled and locked his eyes back on his target. The woman in white had taken her partner over to one of the mirrors for a guess. He could tell by the look on the man’s face that the girl had guessed right. “Go have fun.” Elliot patted Darien on the shoulder. “I’ll meet back up with you when Dakine calls for the mixer dance.” Darien nodded, and Elliot headed off through the crowd to claim a dance with the winter fairy.

Darien watched his friend go before turning his attention to the woman standing on the edge of the dance floor. She was getting a lot of odd looks, but no one had asked her to dance. It could be the fact that she looked identical to Vicky. The sky-blue eyes and golden locks were set off by the high-waisted, Renaissance-style dress and matching headpiece. Darien bowed to Vicky’s double. “May I have this dance?”

The woman smiled and held out her hand for him.

Darien took the offered appendage and kissed the back lightly before pulling her out onto the dance floor. He instantly knew it wasn’t Vicky. This woman was too familiar with the older movements for it to be the modern woman he loved.

“I was wondering if I was going to have to ransack someone to get them to dance with me.” The woman smiled as they stepped lightly across the floor.

Darien chuckled. “I think it’s because you look so much like our host’s lady,” he returned with a grin.

“Now I know how poor Vicky feels.” The woman sighed.

Darien raised an eyebrow at how she spoke. Most of the supernatural community referred to Vicky as Darien’s Lady or Victoria when she wasn’t around. This had to be someone Vicky knew well for them to be using her shortened name.

“I imagine it has gotten worse recently.”

Now he was really curious as to whom the woman was. “What happened?” Darien asked in a tone that sounded a little disinterested. He didn’t want to come off too strong and startle the woman into not speaking.

She looked at him, not sure if she should continue the gossip. “It doesn’t matter.” The woman decided it wouldn’t be a good idea to go on.

“Please.” Darien pulled her in against him, trying to persuade her to continue. He wanted to know what she knew and how she knew it.

She pushed away from him a little. “Be careful.” The woman looked around them for anyone that may have seen and objected to the close contact. Her eyes fell on the double of Darien in the green outfit, but he hadn’t noticed. “Master Darien wouldn’t like to see that.”

“Why not?” Darien asked as he took her back in his arms respectfully and danced on. “I thought he let his lady dance with whoever pleased her.” It was mostly true.

“Yes,” the woman sighed, “but I have it on good authority that he has become a little possessive of her as of late.”

Darien’s couldn’t keep the shock from his face. How had this woman come to that conclusion? “Last time he went to the club with her, he sat in a booth and watched,” he said, trying to figure out where this woman got her information.

“That may have been true, but, apparently, he has now staked more of a claim to her.”

Darien was totally flabbergasted that Vicky’s doppelgänger knew this fact. “Who told you that?” He tried to keep the demand out of his voice.

The woman’s eyes widened in surprise at his tone. “I… really shouldn’t say anymore.” She tried to pull from his arms, but he held on to her tightly and stopped dancing.

“Who?” Darien demanded.

The woman looked truly frightened.

“Please tell me.” He softened his words and swept his partner back into the dance so they didn’t draw any more attention. Had someone seen him drunk at the party?

The woman swallowed hard. “Vicky told me that Master Darien marked her.”

Darien stopped moving and stared at her. There was only one person that Vicky would talk to about her personal life. He laughed out loud and whirled the girl back into motion as he put everything together. “He did.” Darien sighed, happy that the answer was that easy. “But that’s not something you should be sharing with people, Sue.”

Sue’s mouth dropped open when Darien named her. Her mind churned on his words for a moment.

“Master Darien?” Sue asked.

Darien nodded his head.

“I am so sorry.” She bowed her head down so she was looking at his chest and not his eyes. “I should never have said anything.”

Darien chuckled.

“It’s all right.” He had, after all, pushed her to reveal the information. Moving his hand, he raised her face back up to look at him. “Thank you for being there for her.”

Sue smiled and nodded her head shyly.

“Let’s head over to one of the mirrors so you can get your flower.”

Sue thanked him, and they headed off to get her reward.




“May I have this dance?” Elliot swept his arm across his chest and bowed to Vicky as soon as she turned the duplicate of Darien loose.

“Of course.” Vicky dropped a curtsy and took his gloved hand. She couldn’t feel his temperature, but the gesture he had used was vaguely familiar to her. She had seen a few of the older vampires use it around Darien, so she tentatively sorted him into that category.

Elliot pulled her out on the dance floor and mixed into the couples. “I see you have already had some luck tonight.” His eyes flipped to the silver band around Vicky’s wrist. A small, blue flower sparkled on the bracelet.

“Yes.” Vicky smiled as she followed her partner’s eyes. “But something concerns me. The wolves can’t wear silver; are the bracelets going to hurt them?”

Elliot noted her consideration for the other races. “It would be a problem if the bracelets were silver,” he explained. “The bands are platinum, while the flowers and leaves are crystal.”

“Aha,” Vicky said thoughtfully as they danced. She looked around at the dancers, each with a band of platinum around their writs. “That is a lot of platinum.” She tried to calculate how much the bracelets would have cost. “Is Darien paying for them all?”

Elliot laughed at her. The question had given her away. “You don’t have to worry about that, my dear Victoria,” he grinned. “They are magical. And he could afford it even if they weren’t.”

Vicky’s wings shivered in surprise that her partner had discovered her identity so quickly. “How did you guess?”

Elliot cuddled her closer to him. “Your words give you away.” He purred into her ear. “Only one so close to Master Darien would use his name in such a way and worry about his finances.”

Vicky leaned her head forwards to rest on Elliot’s shoulder. Clara had warned her about using Darien’s name without the honorifics. Elliot tilted his head over to rest on hers, and she could taste just a bare hint of his power. The cool energy reminded her of dappled sunlight through trees, if that could have been a flavor. She smiled as she recognized the familiar feeling. Vicky stood up away from him. “Thank you, Master Elliot.” She turned a coy smile at him. “I will remember not to make the same mistake again.”

Elliot was surprised that Vicky recognized him in his short, dark hair and fine mustache. “You’re good at this game,” he smiled.

“Not really.” Vicky looked at him. “I could feel you.”

Elliot paused in their dancing as he thought about that. She shouldn’t have been able to feel him with Dakine’s spell active. He would need to go talk with the elf lord to make sure everything was working properly. “Very well.” Elliot smiled and pulled her over to the mirror for her reward. “Let’s see if you can find Darien with such ease.”

Vicky’s wings fluttered lightly as she named him for the looking glass to reveal. “But there are so many people here.” Vicky looked around the room as soon as they were done. “How will I ever have time to find him?” There were way too many men for her to dance with each of them.

Elliot petted his hand down her back, careful to not brush her wings. “Don’t worry,” he calmed her. “Dakine will be calling for a mixer dance as soon as everyone is changed.”

“A mixer?” Vicky said confused.

“That way we all get to dance with a lot of people in a short period of time,” Elliot explained. “You are bound to come across him in the dance.” He spun Vicky around so she was facing him again. “If you’ll excuse me.” Bowing over her hand, he kissed it. “There is something I have to check on.” Vicky agreed, and he left her to her own devices. He needed to go check with Dakine to make sure the spells were holding properly. It would be bad if the lesser fay got out tonight.




Vicky looked at the tall man in black with the gold and scarlet doublet dancing with another girl. She didn’t know how she knew it was Darien, but Vicky was sure she was right. He had been one of twelve people she had recognized in the mixer dance. Somehow, she could feel them and just knew who they were. Christian had been the most surprised when she correctly guessed his identity. Vicky already had their flowers on her bracelet and felt it was time that she collected on Darien’s.

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