Kindred (56 page)

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Authors: Nicola Claire

BOOK: Kindred
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Italy then, so this mammoth water feature must be the Trevi Fountain. I'm not a well travelled person, I'm only 25 and live on a bank teller's salary, but I watch the
Discovery Channel
and love the travel shows. So, even if I didn't recognise the landmark immediately, I could fish it out of the depths of my armchair traveller mind.

So I knew where I was, I just didn't know why.

I really had no idea what to do. I looked around for anything familiar, half expecting Alessandra to pop out from behind a statue in some slinky slutty outfit, but nothing, no one. Alessandra is an Italian vampire, a Master Vampire aligned to Michel. More than that, they have an accord, which basically means they will fight for each other and help each other out whenever required. Unfortunately, I think Alessandra made the accord for different reasons than that. Anything she could do to get her claws into Michel, her
mio caro
, she tried. The woman was determined.

That's why she was the first person I thought of when I realised I was in Italy. And yes, I call vampires
, I've come a long way since I arrived in the city two years ago.

But, no Alessandra, no one I recognised at all, but there was a vampire signature in the air. As soon as I homed in on the
Sanguis Vitam
, or blood life power of that vampire, I felt it. The pull. I call it the evil-lurks-in-my-city pull, but this wasn't my city. So why was I feeling the pull?

I started heading in the direction of that magnetic force like a fish being reeled in on a line. It was instinct, it was what made me a Nosferatin, or vampire hunter by birth. It was part of who I was and undeniable. I could no further have fought that pull than turned into a bat. It called to me like sweet music on the air. A lover's embrace waiting for my body, but there'd be no loving embrace when I got there tonight, it would all be deathly real.

And that's when I realised I didn't have a stake. Not even a silver knife. I don't sleep fully armed, it's just not safe, you could get a knick or two and besides extremely uncomfortable. When I Dream Walk normally, I lay down in my hunter gear, fully armed and ready to go and that's what I appear as in the Dream Walking state. But tonight, I'd been asleep, in my sexy slinky shortie nightie with nothing but my wits to protect me from harm. Crap.

It didn't stop me from running towards the evil stench of vampire on the hunt though, did it? It wouldn't be able to see me, they can't when I Dream Walk and I'd think of something when I got there. I'm clever, I can do this. Besides, if I was feeling the pull, then an innocent was in trouble and I simply could not ignore that even to protect myself from possible pain.

I ran past the tourists milling around that beautiful fountain and on down the cobbled street, barely recognising the sharp stab of loose pebbles on my bare feet. I rounded a corner and felt the humming of
Sanguis Vitam
in my mind reach a crescendo. This was no baby vamp, maybe 300, maybe older. He was pissed off and not hiding it. I doubled over briefly, trying to catch my breath after the onslaught of that powerful signature, staggered slightly, but managed to stay upright. I took a slow deep breath in and centred myself, concentrating on my frantic heartbeat. I didn't try to slow it, I just used it as a focus to centre my mind and calm my nerves. It's what I use when I enter the Dream Walking state usually. Of course tonight, nothing was as usual. Still, the heartbeat meditation worked and I felt I could move against that terrible anger-filled power.

was going to appear behind door number three?

I walked steadily towards the pull, the power and the crescendo of noise, all of which were sending little prickles of pain down my skin, like red fire ants on a march. I worked hard on not trying to scratch myself to pieces, but I still failed miserably. I could feel blood under my nails where my skin on my bare arms had been scratched raw, but still I wanted to keep doing it. This vamp meant business and I was unarmed. The first tendrils of fear started to creep in.

I swallowed as I approached the corner of an old slightly dirty brick building, which was on a lean towards the centre of the cobblestoned road. I knew what was behind that corner, I knew I wasn't going to like it and I knew without a doubt that I couldn't walk away. Go the big bad hunter, me.

One last breath to centre myself and I stepped out into the weak glow of a nearby lamplight. I felt the soft spray of its light bathe me as I stood stock still in the centre of its circle. The vampire wouldn't be able to see me, the human wouldn't either, the light was all for me. There's just something about facing your worst fears, light makes it easier, there's just no denying it.

Down the alleyway - it's always an alleyway, somehow they just seem to be drawn to creepy dark dead end places - about three metres away stood a tall man dressed in a long black cloak. It was summer here in Italy, I could tell, because even though it's dark, it was still really warm. So, the cloak alone gave me a hint. Not to mention the ooze of
Sanguis Vitam
pouring all over the alley. His hood was down, so I could see his long black hair, tied back at the nape of his neck. It shone slightly in the residual glow of the street lamp. His head was bent over a smaller figure; male, about 5'8” I should think. Making the vampire well over six feet, he was having to bend significantly to get fang to neck.

I was late, usually I can get there before they bite, but this was not a usual hunt. I wasn't even in my own city for crying out loud. This was so far from usual it wasn't funny. The man being served up for dinner was dark skinned, although I only knew this from his arms, desperately tying to pry the vampire's grip from around his shoulders and chest. His face, in comparison, was deathly pale. The human wasn't succeeding and by the look on his face, he'd been trying for a few minutes. Michel only feeds for about 30 seconds, no longer, but then again, he is a mega Master Vampire. This vamp although powerful, wasn't quite at Michel's league. Still several minutes can mean a death sentence and is not necessary if you're just satisfying hunger. I was guessing this vampire was satisfying a hell of a lot more than just hunger.

What to do? I'm unarmed, but I am strong. Stronger than your average bear, that's me. Just another freaky perk from Nosferatin ancestors and joining with a kindred vampire. But even if I get him off the man, what then? Frighten him off with a growl. Well, it was worth a chance, wasn't it?

I started walking toward the horror scene at the end of the alley. I can't be heard, unless I talk, in this realm, so I wasn't trying to sneak. That's why when I accidentally kicked a pebble into the brick siding of one of the buildings bordering on the alley and it made a loud clattering noise, I didn't jump. But then, why did the human? And why was he now staring at me with big brown, almost black, eyes showing way too much white?

Shit. He was a Nosferatin and I hadn't even noticed. His eyes flicked from me to the vampire and then back again. Y
eah, I got it dude, hang tight I'm coming.

I jumped at the vampire and tore his grip from the man. Somehow he managed to withdraw his fangs without taking half the guy's neck with him. This vampire was old and had centuries to practice. He spun to face his attacker and stopped. No one there, whoopee for me. I grabbed his arm, which had been hanging out in front of him ready to grab his assailant's neck and threw him against the wall of the alley. The Nosferatin had slumped to the ground with his hand to his throat to try to staunch the blood flow. Blood continues to flow from a vampire bite unless they lick it, something in their saliva coagulates the blood. But this vamp hadn't had the time nor the desire to be so kind, so the blood flow was still pretty impressive.

The vamp's head pounded into the brick wall causing a dent. Bricks don't normally dent, but then neither do vampire heads unless you use something sharp, preferably silver coated. In the world of physics I'd just discovered a new substance stronger than concrete, yippee. He didn't stay still for long but rounded on me in a flash. I'm not a novice, I've been hunting for two years now and picked up a few tricks along the way, especially play fighting with my best friend Rick's shaper shifter pack, so when he turned I had already moved up beside him. My knee hit his groin and when he doubled over I gripped both my fists together and brought them down hard on his neck. He stumbled to the ground landing flat on his stomach.

I didn't waste time, I jumped on his back, with my legs around his arms and chest and gripped his long hair in one hand twisting his head to the side and grinding his face into the cobble stoned ground as hard as I could. He tried to buck and nearly succeeded in dismounting me. I'm not heavy, I'm a little person. Only 5'4” and trim and fit. I'm a box of tissues to a vampire, they wouldn't bust a gut lifting me one handed that's for sure. But my grip on his head was enough to keep him down for now. That wouldn't last too long though.

Where's your stake?” I asked the Nosferatin without shifting my gaze from the vampire beneath me.


Your stake?” I mimed stabbing with my free hand, you know, the Norman Bates look:
ee ee ee!

Vampiro gioco
. It is gone, he throw it away.” His English was not perfect, but I got the gist of it.

Spare? Do you carry an extra one?” I always carry two stakes when I hunt, plus a silver knife as back up, you can never be too careful.

No. No spare. Nothing.”

You have got to be joking. Maybe European Nosferatin had it easier than the antipodes, but still, no spare? What an idiot. And now what? I'm sitting on 110 kilos of super strong and buff vampire arse, without a stake. We're just dinner waiting to be served.

You are unarmed Hunter. What now?”

The vampire's voice was low and even, smooth like a hot chocolate drink, dripping in sweetness and marshmallows. Something you just wanted to devour but knew you shouldn't. He had a hint of an English accent, laced with something else, something older, but I couldn't tell what. Not many vamps can capture me with their voices any more, nor their gaze, just the powerful ones. They
still glaze me if I'm not careful or I'm injured and by the judge of my increased heart rate, this vamp wasn't having any trouble coating me with his voice right now. Damn.

What's an old chap like you doing slumming it for your meal? A bit
Bela Lugosi
isn't it?” I asked between clenched teeth.

He laughed at that, actually laughed. Here he is with his face in the dirt, an invisible entity sitting on his back managing to hold his arms against his sides and he laughed. Comfortable bastard wasn't he?

Your accent is unmistakable Hunter. You are a long way from home. And as I cannot see you or sense you, I am picking you are Dream Walking. Not a common Nosferatin trait. The
will enjoy this piece of information.”

Shit. The
was the vampire equivalent of the Net, but all telepathic and supernatural. All vampires could connect to it, download the latest information; where it's safe and where it's hot, or find out what the rules are for any given city. It's the power that keeps the vampires in line, protects the humans from mass hunting and genocide, and offers a great gossip network when required. It's run on both Nosferatu and Nosferatin power, but controlled by the Nosferatu, somewhere in Paris I think. Basically, it's the eyes, ears and head honcho of the vampire world. Michel and I had been trying to keep my new powers from the
since the get go. This vamp wasn't the first to threaten my exposure. The others are no longer alive.

Shame you wont be around to tell them then, isn't it?” I replied coolly.

His responding laugh was warm and comforting, it wrapped around me like a familiar coat, snuggled in against my cheek and neck, and ran its fingers down my spine.

Cut that out!” I said as I banged his head against the ground.

He stopped laughing, but his chest was still moving, little rumbles rolling across his shoulders. It was doing nothing for my equilibrium, let alone my pulse. What was with this guy?

Suddenly I was airborne, the vampire had jumped to his feet in a smooth glide, like he had been lifted up by puppet strings. He spun around before my feet even touched the ground and thrust his hand out towards my neck. I don't know how he managed it, he couldn't see me, he couldn't sense me, but somehow he managed to grasp my neck.

And he had no intention of letting go.



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