Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods (28 page)

BOOK: Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods
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A girl saw him; she and her sister were market traders. She’d seen him every day, but never once saw him buy anything. She realized that he hadn’t eaten for a while, and so she decided to give him some food.

“Why did you give me your food for free?” he asked with tears in his eyes.

She smiled at him, “You were hungry,
and so I fed you.” Her name was Tasha, and her sister’s name was Celina.

Axil thanked her and cried, this was the first time in his life he had accepted someone’s help. It was like this every day, until Tasha and her sister decided to give him a small job. After working hard and showing dedication, they became closer and Axil told them about his past.  He never told them about his past, about his family’s wealth, just the abusing part. Soon they let him move in with them. For once, he felt like he had a true family. Soon afterward he became attractive to fighting. He would go to local fights and started making a name for himself. It wasn’t too long before he met a man who became his master and taught him how to fight better. He was a natural; he was told his strength was outstanding. He started falling in love with fighting. It was a way for him to release the anger deep down inside.

At the age of nine, he left his new family to join battle-arena. Tasha and Celina did not like the idea. Battle-arena is an underground fighting tournament, it had no rules; it was known for attracting criminals and murderers. It was illegal throughout the Six Great Kingdoms. But the amount of gold was to die for. Axil joined and quickly made a name for himself; he was known as, “The boy without fear” The more fights one won, the more gold one received; and more respect. At the age of thirteen, he had become one of the top ten fighters at battle-arena. The other fighters hated him; a child so strong that no adult could touch, not even their abilities seem to have an effect on him. He was fast and strong.  The leader of battle-arena asked Axil to meet with him in his office. A Strong Arm he was, always wearing a suit as if he was the boss of this world.

“You’re only
thirteen years old and you make the other warriors look like amateurs.”

Axil only came to see the man for his share of the gold.

“We have been watching you. A lot of our customers bet big gold on you, kid. They bet more gold on you than any other warrior.” The man was five times his size with a cigar in his mouth.

Axil didn’t remember ever seeing him without a cigar in his mouth.

“Let me give you some advice kid. Stay away from the other nine warriors. I know you’re one of the top ten, but they’re all murderers.”

Axil thought he was just another gold hungry boss; he only wanted him to fight weaker warriors so he could make more gold for him.

Soon Axil went against the warning and challenged one of the others, a man name Samuel. Samuel was known for being a cold-blooded killer; he was wanted for so many murders that they lost count of how many he’d killed. He had glasses on his face and long white hair. The fight had started and Axil was keeping up with his moves. Samuel used his clones, but Axil was too strong for his weak clones.

As the fight continued, Samuel suddenly stopped and said, “I give up.”

The crowd was stunned by Samuel’s decision to give up the fight. They were outraged. After all, they paid gold to see the fight. Not to mention all that they had bet.

“What do you think you’re doing?” asked Axil.

Samuel looked back at him, “I’m leaving this place. I’ve been here for too long.” With a malicious smile on his face.

Samuel left b
attle-arena. The crowd was still furious about the gold they’d lost. To calm the crowd down, they had to send five new warriors in against Axil. He was insulted, he wanted a real challenge, and the fight had lasted ten seconds. The crowd wanted more, and so did he.

“Bring out the remaining eight of the top ten warriors, I’ll fight all of them at once!” offered Axil.

The crowd was happy, gold was being tripled on him. Battle-arena saw more gold than ever before. The leader agreed to his offer as he saw all the gold piled in. At this point, he no longer cared for his other fighters. Axil was his gold-maker now. Everything he told Axil went out his head when he saw how much gold he was making him.

As the fight started, King Victor’s army showed up. A man by the name
of Angelione was sent to shut battle-arena down. This was part of the world’s alliance, the Six Great Kingdoms helping smaller ones. The crowd ran, many were placed under arrest, as so was the leader, on the back of his right hand was the symbol of a question mark.

The other warriors were caught. Axil attacked Angelione as soon as he tried
to apprehend him.

“I’ve been watching you, Axil. You have lots of potential. Most warriors kill their opponents, but you don’t. On the other hand, your methods are unorthodox for you to be here.”

“Yea, you know nothing!” said Axil.

“I know you have a good heart kid, come with me and we can put it to good use!” he extended his hand to Axil.

Axil did not like the idea of working for Victor or for anyone. As good of a fighter he was, as strong and fast as he was, Angelione was better.

“Train with me and I can turn you into a powerful force.”

Axil’s eyes became weary, he could see this man wanted to teach him.
No one had given me a choice before, to use this strength for good.

“You have three choices, I can kill you, throw you in the Furness, or freedom. Those warriors that you’ve been fighting are nothing compared to my ability that I promise you.”

Axil knew he had been fighting low-level vampires and Purebloods.  Compared to Angelione they were inferior. Axil always knew he loved to fight, but he also had a strong desire to protect people who cannot protect themselves. When he started fighting he was thinking about joining the Queen’s army and try to do good, but he hated the Queen of Conalian. He had met her once when his wealthy family hosted a banquet at their mansion. There was something about her that he didn’t like, and for that he wanted nothing to do with her army. With his superb strength becoming one of her top warriors would have been easy for him. He had heard of King Victor before, how he was a kind King. 

Axil looked at Angelione and said, “I choose freedom.”

Chapter 15

Enter Absolute


was the kind of man that hated imperfection, so when his personal chef cooked him meat that wasn’t well done, pink even, he bit his fangs into her neck, drinking her dry. His lips filled with her blood; this was his warning to the others. He wiped his mouth as he sat on the balcony. A deviant smile on his face, he extended his hand to the sky as if he could grab the moon. He had on a silk black shirt and a red blazer with a napkin stuffed down into his shirt around his neck.  By his side was a table with a shiny marble chess game set up for play and to the right of it was a man planted firmly in a chair fit for royalty with a crush red velvet cushion layered with thick gold brass backing and feet.   The man was seated with his legs crossed at the ankle as he reclined back onto the chair with his chin rested on his clasped hands. He had declined Absolute’s invitation to play chess and told him he would not last against him.  Absolute had an eye for beauty, his house was magnificent. The black and white waxed linoleum floor of the entrance glowed, obviously having been cleaned before Absolute had his guest. Two doorways were on each side of the balcony, one admitting into the kitchen, the other into the living room. The walls were a bright red with rich black stripes crossing over and across diagonally, in an almost checkerboard fashion.  There is a double staircase curving up to the top floor where Absolute’s master bedroom is located.  The best architect had designed his mansion, painted in bright red.  It must be the dream of every individual in Nacune, including humans, Purebloods, and vampires respectively to have a home as beautiful as this.  Absolute was rich beyond recognition, richer than the king. 

“Most Purebloods drank from the blood-rain, but you do it from your servants,” said the man seating next to him.

On the table was a fine bottle of wine.  The man was holding a spotless sparkling crystal glass, which Absolute’s servants had cleaned for him, filled with a red liquid.  A bad smudge or spot on the glass will cost someone their life. Absolute looked at the man and looked back at the moon, how dare this man judge Absolute for his taste of blood? Here this man sat next to him with fresh blood in a bottle. It wasn’t like Absolute didn’t like the blood-rain; he just preferred blood fresh that’s all.

Absolute replied with a gleeful face, “I find the blood-moon a bit bitter. Nothing satisfies my taste like fresh blood. The blood-rain was created so we can stop feeding on the humans but Pureblood
s like me just can’t help it.” Absolute looked the man in his eyes and said sarcastically, “I’m sorry, how rude of me, I’ve gone and forgot your name again.”

The man was insulted and fuming, here sat next to him a man with a child’s mind.
Do we really have to bring him in?

Absolute wanted to laugh as he watched the man’s face getting angrier, “I’m sorry you’re not insulted are you?”

“It’s L. and don’t worry I’m not insulted, I’m used to dealing with children.”
I came all the way to Atnuis for this?

Absolute thought L was a brave man; he came to his home and had his chest up high with confidence and pluckiness.  Absolute had never met this man named L before or even heard of the guy. A few days ago he received a letter in the mail that with the symbol

on the front. Just a few days after he had called the council’s meeting against King Victor. He had long hated the way Victor was ruling this land. He opened the letter, which was presented by one of his servants who looked scared handing it to him. It was presented to him in a polished silver serving tray.  As soon as the servant opened the tray Absolute could smell the blood. He took the letter and saw the symbol
On the front, he flipped over to the back and saw dots of blood on it. His eyes became more aware as he stared at the symbol. A smiled crept onto his face as he realized what the letter meant. This was no doubt an invitation to join the Numeral Society. He had been waiting for the day when he would receive the letter. Only those worthy are selected to join in their rank. Absolute rushed to open the letter, not even bothering using the fancy gold letter opener provided to him, he had to just rip it open to get to the information as quickly as possible. Usually he would have opened carefully and cautiously not to tamper or tear the document inside, but this was a letter from the Numeral Society and he couldn’t waste time being neat.  He started to read with much excitement.


              “Mr. Absolute, my companions and I have been watching you for a long time now. We have been waiting for the day when you would be ready to join our Brotherhood. Your father, who was an elite member, left his legacy to you.  We have recognized your talent and intellectual ability and have decided it was time. In a couple days you will be visited by one of our members, he will officially invite you join our rank. Should you accept our invitation; with our help we can do many wondrous things. Should you not accept, then the consequences will not be pleasurable. ? T.N.S 


Absolute could now hardly wait for this man’s visit. His father was a member of their group and he was hoping to join them one day, follow in his footsteps. Now he sat at the balcony and was officially being invited to join.

              L was a tall man with a deep baritone voice. He had a long black belted trench coat on.  He was very brawny and huge, his hands and arms were wide and muscular. He was close to seven feet tall. He hated being the one to recruit this “abomination” as he calls Absolute to the Numeral Society. The sun was long gone; the shadows of the night blended with L’s dark skin complexion.

              Absolute’s skin was pale as snow, staring into his eyes there was nothing there but emptiness.

“You already know who we are,” said L with his deep baritone voice.

Absolute stretched and yawned as though he was annoyed. “Yes! I already know about your society. You and your kind brought down one of the most powerful Kingdoms in Nacune. It took the High King of Alvichi fifteen years to take back his country from your kind. If you’re here than that can only mean one thing.”

L sipped on his wine and said. “That’s why we’re recruiting you, we find your
power very …unique. When you called the meeting and spoke against King Victor, a High King, we knew we found the man we were looking for.”

   “Are you saying that you managed to penetrate into the meeting? I must congratulate you.”

“Yes, we have our ways of getting into places if you may say. I find your King feeble and unfit to rule this land.”
Dragan to stand in our way, we can take this land

Absolute laughed. “So you want me to becom
e king is that it? As you know the Five Kings of Awakening are coming back to this world. What do you think is going to happen then? They are going to take back what belongs to them, this world.” Absolute heard L laugh for the first time, it was a--we have it under control type of laugh.

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