Kira's Reckoning (17 page)

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Authors: Sasha Parker

BOOK: Kira's Reckoning
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He turned from the window where he stood watching the waves crash upon the shore as the door opened.  He saw that Thomas brought a tray of food for him.

"Thank you,
Thomas.  Any news?" he asked.

"Yes, sir
.  He has retrieved your items with no problem and everyone believes the story you told," Thomas informed him.

.  Any other news, what of Una?" he said as he sat down to look at the food that had been brought.  He indicated for Thomas to sit as well.

sat across from him and said, "Una is regaining her strength.  They have stopped all visitors coming to Council until the threat has been reassessed."

"I see
," he sighed.

"How are you feeling, sir?"
Thomas inquired with concern.

"I will regain my strength,
Thomas.  I am not out for the count," he said.  "I just need to change tactics.  I will have to go back to my plan A and use my guests."

nodded his head.  "Do we need to move them again?"

"Not just yet, let's wait
," he ordered.  "I have some calls to make and some meetings to set up first.  We must put the bait where they can see it.  They must work it out first."

"They are receiving new Guardians this week and the uncle goes to join them as well
," Thomas told him. 

He shook his head
.  "I figured as much.  It is getting more difficult to get to them, this needs to end.  I will send my bait and we shall see.  They had to suffer a little first," he said vehemently. 

"Yes, sir
," Thomas said.

"Let me know when my visitor arrives
.  I may lay down after lunch," he said in dismissal.

stood and said, "Of course, sir, as you wish." The man let himself out of the room as he finished eating the lunch.  He then stood and went to lay down on his bed.  The battle had taken more out of him than he thought, the little witch had dealt some good blows, he had to admire her.  However, in the end he would win this. 

He grinned as he lay his head on the pillow thinking of his surprise for them
.  He knew those witches would do anything for what he had.  That was something he was counting on, but first he wanted to poke some of the old wounds and wind them up.  Then they would see just how powerful he really was.


Kira came bursting out of the front doors of the castle in the glen and flung herself into
Donald's arms with a cry of welcome.  "I am so happy to see you! How are you?" she babbled. 

swung her up and spun her around in a circle, laughing as he did.  "Ach, it's great to see ya, lass."

As he set her on her feet, his nephews stepped up to give him a man hug and a
slap on the back.  "How are ye, lads?" he asked.

"We are good,
Uncle, and you?" Ronan said with a laugh.

," Donald said as he turned to indicate two men who were as tall as he was behind him.  "Brought you some help."

"We could sure use it
.  These women are a handful," Brendan said as he winced when Kira smacked his arm.

let out a booming laugh as he gestured for the two new Guardians to come forward.  "Ronan and Brendan LeStrange, my nephews and Guardians of the Blessed Five, meet Cruz and Rafael Castillo, your new Guardians." The men all exchanged handshakes and Donald added, "And this beauty is Kira Kirkpatrick, one of the Blessed Five."

Both of the new Guardians bowed to her with their fists over their hearts as was tradition of the Guardians and she smiled her welcome
.  She would have shook their hands or hugged them even, but her men had suddenly crowded her, showing their possessiveness and she decided to indulge them.  She saw that Donald had also seen what had occurred and she rolled her eyes at him.  Just as he let out another booming laugh, the main doors behind them opened again only to spit out her sisters, Erin and Sheela as well as Erin's fiancés, Myles and Aedan. 

Kira knew her grandmother and Calli would be out there if they hadn't gone into town for supplies
.  Ari and her men were probably sleeping in as they were still in their honeymoon stage.  Kira turned and gestured to the new Guardians.

"Gentlemen, these are two of my sisters, Erin and Sheela
.  Also, this is Myles and Aedan O'Conner, Guardians as well as Erin's fiancés," Kira said as she introduced the new Guardians as she linked her arm through Donald's.  "This is Donald LeStrange, Ronan and Brendan's uncle, and these two gentlemen are the new Guardians, Cruz and Rafael Castillo."

Once again there was a round of handshaking from the men and bowing to the women
.  Cruz and Rafael exchanged surprised looks and then smiled.  Cruz stepped up to Sheela and took her hand in his.  Everyone heard Sheela gasp as he raised her hand to his lips, kissing it slowly and thoroughly, saying in a heavily Spanish accent, "
Mucho gusto, senorita
.  It is a pleasure to finally meet you."

Rafael stepped up to her as well and took her other hand
.  "An honor,

Sheela, who had turned slightly pale, said, "Oh shit."

When Erin and Kira looked at their sister and saw her face, it clicked.  They burst out laughing and Kira said mockingly, "Oh this one
get to tell Ari!"

"Not if I get there first!" Erin yelled as both sisters made a dash toward the castle front doors.

Sheela who was trying to disengage her hands from the Castillo brothers, who seemed to refuse to let it go, glared at the two men.  "Now see what you did!"

Books by Sasha Parker


The Blessed Five Series


’s Storm

Book One


’s Awakening

Book Two


’s Reckoning

Book Three


Book Four
– Coming Soon






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Excerpt from Awakened by a Dream

The Hidden Pack

By Gracie Meadows



The fog had returned, except this time at the end she would reappear as she did so many nights
—the woman in lights.  Each time she showed she had some weird tidbit to share about what Becky needed to do for her upcoming task.  So many times she tried to bring her men into the dream, but the woman never would allow it.  If only she could just understand, Becky needed her men.  The woman in lights was the only way she could describe her.  So many unanswered questions, but time and time again she was left to the point of annoyance.  However, tonight something was off, different from her normal pattern.  Her feet moved her forward in the same recurring pattern, except this time instead of the pond—it was a cave.  The trees covered the entrance some, but not enough for her not to see it.  Understanding the danger that came with dreamwalking now, she treaded carefully.  As she entered the cavern the lights started to bend around a certain tunnel.  The walls seem stable enough she didn’t fear a cave in and the color was breathtaking.  A brilliant blue and green cascaded off, reminding her of being under the ocean.  The comforting feeling suddenly surrounded her as she got closer to another opening.  This time when she stepped through, the light illuminated her, creating a shadow behind her as the spray of water hit her face.  She had somehow walked into another world.  A waterfall cascaded down the side of a cliff as wild flowers bloomed, filling her senses with the fragrance.  She was in awe at the sight before her.  As she contemplated touching the water, the woman in lights reappeared once more.

Rebecca, I am so glad you came to me.  The time is getting closer and you need to gather those whom you trust to go on your journey.  Your mates may come, but they will not be enough to protect you.  Trust them to help you through this, and put trust in those who are feline.  However, you must heed this warning, child, the evil still lurks close to you.  So tell no one of this quest, and remain silent.  When the time comes to leave, look for the valley of the unknown for only you may enter.  Once inside you will be able to speak from the heart to open all magic that has been locked away.  Wake, child, your mates are getting impatient and are waiting for you."  With those once again cryptic words, she left in a glow of lights.  Turning around, Becky walked down the same path she entered from as everything went white. 

Blinking her eyes open, Becky looked around only to see her mates staring down at her with concern etched on their face. 

“You okay, sweetheart?  You weren’t crying or screaming, but you were, umm…more wiggly than normal," Nik said as he caressed her cheek. 

Wiggly huh, you’re being nice because you just want to play before work.  You’re not the one she hit in the gut with her elbow," Dmitri countered as he rubbed his extremely flat abs as if he was in pain. 

Laughing she said,
“Sorry, guys.  It wasn’t crazy or anything, I mean I did see her again, but it was a different location.  Like a secret world, and it was so beautiful.  I wonder if she is prepping me for the journey to come.  Which reminds me, isn't today when you guys have those new people coming in to go with us.  You said these were people you met before, but are they trustworthy and willing to do this?" 

He knew what she was hinting at.  Becky had made it clear that too many people have been put in danger since their secret had gotten out. 

“Baby, you need to tell us exactly what she said, word for word.  Maybe we missed something.  She said you have to do this, but there is no way in hell you are going alone, so don’t suggest that again.  We love you too damn much just to let you walk all willy-nilly to god knows where without us to protect you."  He was dead set on making sure she was protected from anything and everything.  He was trying to be serious, but she burst out laughing at him.

Willy-nilly, damn you have been talking to the girls too much.  You’re starting to sound like Cece," she giggled.  “But it seems like this is an argument I’m not going to win with anyone.  Everyone has sided with you two.  Okay, so now that we are all awake, I say we shower and head into town and grab some muffins.  I would kill for a pumpkin chocolate chip muffin.  We keep oversleeping and I never get any anymore.  So if you two want to make me happy I say we get a move on."  With those words, she tried to jump out of bed, but only managed to get halfway down before she was tumbled on her back as Dmitri took her mouth in a heated kiss, effectively melting her brain cells. 


Excerpt from Hades

Gods of Old Book Two

By Edlyn Reynolds


Hades could not believe his eyes, even with the evidence before him.  Ares was smiling gently at the human female and she was grinning up at him.  The looks on their faces supported Apollo's claims.  The God of War was in love.  He'd found his consort.

Signaling to his nephew he walked back out into the sunshine outside the temple. 
“You spoke true, Apollo.  Ares has indeed found his consort.”

Shocked and confused eyes met his. 
“His consort?”

Hades nodded,
“Every God has one or so the Fates mumbo jumbo tells us.  They say there is one person in the world destined to be ours.  One person who will, above all others, know us, honor us, and protect us at all costs.  That is what the human female is to Ares.  She is tied to him.  You can see the strands of their lifelines twining together.  It's not yet permanent, not until he gives her his vow.  Then, if anything happens to one it will effect and happen to the other.”

Like what exactly?” Apollo asked quietly.

If she dies, so too will he.  His powers will be absorbed back into the universe and never seen again.  Unless they had a child, then the child will take on those powers when he or she comes of age.”

Huh,” Apollo tipped his head.  His expression said he was trying to process the information.  “So, you're saying that we're all destined to turn into lovesick fools like Ares?”

That is the current rumor,” Hades said.  He gave a snort and shook his head.  “Whether it’s the truth or not, we have a piece of evidence before us that says it's possible.”

Well, hell!” Apollo looked mortified, annoyed and slightly disgusted at the prospect.  “Uh…did they happen to say if they were to all be humans?”

You know that’s not their way.  They speak in riddles and then watch us flounder around.  Until this moment,” he waved a hand toward the temple.  “I didn’t know they meant a consort.  Seeing them together, that piece of the puzzle fell into place and their prophecy or part of it anyway, made some sense finally.”

So, what does that mean for the rest of us?”

Apollo sounded more than a little apprehensive.  Given the way he liked to go through females, he likely was.  He wouldn
’t like the idea of being stuck with one female for the rest of time.  Unlike him, Hades thought the concept had merit.  Of course, he'd ended up screwed on the last deal he'd made with a female.  He would not be making the same mistake again.

Thank the Gods for a little known clause he'd found to get out of that.  All he
’d had to do was set that bitch Persephone up and let her hang herself.  Then he'd been free, free of her sadistic and conniving clutches and free of her bitch of a mother, Demeter, too.  Now all he had to do was figure out the best way to pay them both back, slowly and painfully.

Well, nephew,” he smiled.  Hades knew it wasn't a pleasant smile, not much about him was pleasant any more, not after being shackled with that bitch Persephone for so long.  “I’d either avoid this realm entirely or get ready to pick out china patterns.”

Apollo swallowed hard, yeah...he didn't like the idea at all. 
“What about you uncle?”

Hades frowned,
“What about me?”

Well, you're in the same boat as the rest of us, are you not?”  That said the golden little shit flashed away with a too smug grin.

But, he was right.  Gods protect the female that thought to bring him under her heel.  He'd been fooled once, nearly lost his life before it was his own again, there wouldn't be a second time. 
“Shit!”  He really needed a drink.  Maybe he'd hit up the Goth club.  At least there he didn't stand out and no one in their right mind fucked with him.


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