Kiss Me, Kate (6 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Clare

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #Victorian, #General

BOOK: Kiss Me, Kate
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With a groan, George pressed her down into the mattress once again and covered her body with his. The weight of his body atop hers was a delicious sensation she had no words for.

“I’ve wanted you for so long, Kate.” He kneed her thighs farther apart and positioned himself so the jut of his manhood pressed against her wet center. He closed his eyes with that first touch and held complete still above her. His forearm was braced on the bed next to her arm. “I need to be inside you, joined to you.”

When he opened his eyes, the blacks of his pupils could not be distinguished from his brown irises.
wasn’t a strong enough word for the expression ensnaring her. Hitching up her pelvis with his free hand, he pressed slowly inside her. Fingers tangled together, they watched each other as he filled her.

“There won’t be a day that will go by where I won’t tell you how much I love you, Kate.”

“I love you, too, George.” Her back arched and her body opened up to him further. 

As he moved inside her, their gazes never broke. He brought her to that apex of pleasure once again with gentle thrusts in and out of her hot center. His hand reached between them so he could roll his thumb around the nub of nerves above her sheath. She nearly died away when the feelings became so much that they hit that final climax again. Her body clamped and milked his, until his motions quickened to a feverish pace. With one final hard thrust and a strained expression tightening the features on his face, she felt the pulse of his cock inside her as he held their bodies tightly together with a sound that was nearly a shout. Bracing his arms on either side of her, their bodies crushed together damp with sweat, he rolled them both over so they faced each other side by side.

With her head resting in the crook of his arm, she drew lazy circles over his bare chest. Despite the fact that they were eloping, she’d just been intimate with a man not yet her husband. Emotion choked at her throat when the ramifications of their hasty actions dawned upon her: What if her father found them and forced her to go home? After she’d had the audacity to thoroughly ruin her reputation? What would he think, knowing she had fallen victim to the same carnal nature her mother had?

George was a calm presence beneath her, but he seemed to feel that something was off, for he asked, “What’s wrong, love?”

“This is all so new that I just don’t know what to say or do.”

“You don’t have to do anything differently than you always have.”

She pushed up on her hands so she could see his expression as she asked, “Then why do I feel so different?”

His smile was slow, his eyes understanding of her feelings. “It’s just the two of us here as it should be, as it was always meant to be. Are you having second thoughts?”

She started to shake her head, then stopped. Was she having second thoughts? Did she regret turning her back on her father? If given another chance, would she repeat the actions of last night? She knew her answer.

“George, I would have done anything to avoid a lifetime without you.” She laid her head back down on his chest. “My father called me a lot of things he probably would have called my mother had he had the chance before she ran off.”

George brushed her hair back from her shoulder and rubbed the back of his hand over her cheek. “He’ll come around, angel. He loves you too much to stay angry for long.”

“I didn’t tell you what else my father said to me last night. He accepted Westmoore’s proposal; I was to wed him in six weeks’ time.” And really, that was what had decided her to leave with George in the end. She could have stayed and pleaded with her father, but once his mind was made clear, she knew she’d never be able to persuade her father in a different direction.

“We’ll be married in less than a week.” George rolled her onto her back, his weight held on his forearms. “You need not worry about Westmoore a moment longer.”

“I’m merely saddened by the fact that my father won’t see me married to the man of my choosing.”

“He’ll come around in time, and we can get married all over again when he does, if you want.”

George was always thinking of her. She had been silly to wait so long to elope, but she’d always held out hope that her father would come around to liking George. She knew better now.

“You don’t think my father is on our tail right now?”

He shook his head as he nibbled at her lower lip. “He won’t be. He’ll expect us to go on a direct path there, not backtrack and take another route altogether as we did last night.”

“You’ve been planning all the details for some time, haven’t you?”

“I might have been.”

George pushed off her and moved to the edge of the bed to reach for his breeches on the floor. She rolled to her side, gathering the sheet close to her breast, still not quite ready to parade around him as naked as the day she was born.

“Are we leaving already?” She brushed her finger down the strong line of his spine.

“Not yet. I’ll have water brought up for you. You’ll want a bath so you aren’t sore.” He looked over his shoulder and gave her a slow, devilish smile, caught up her hand, and kissed the inside of her wrist. “And if I don’t get dressed, I’m not likely to get out of bed for the rest of the morning.”

She blushed, having a good idea why she might be sore once the pleasure from their exercises faded. Half-dressed, he looked around the room for his shirt, which had been tossed clear to the other side. Once his clothes were retrieved, he came back to the bed and gave her a sweet kiss on the mouth.

“I’ll have breakfast sent up for you, too. I’ll be back in half an hour. Throw on a dressing gown when I leave; the maids will be up with hot water before long.”

Kate flung herself across the bed, arms stretched out. “I do wish we could laze about here all day.”

“My sentiments exactly.” George tucked in his shirt and smoothed his hair back at the washstand. “Once we are married, we can spend weeks in bed.”

“I like the sound of that. Who would ever have thought marriage meant spending your days in bed?”

She pulled the sheet around her as she stood from the bed. Creeping up behind George, she pressed her cheek between his shoulder blades and let out a sigh. Twisting her fingers around the ring he’d given her only a couple of hours ago, she said, “I cannot wait to wear this ring in truth.”

George turned around and took her hands in his. “Never think you aren’t wearing this is truth, even now.”

Tipping forward, she gave him a kiss, lingering for a few moments with their mouths pressed together.

“Go have the horses readied. I’ll be quick about preparing for the rest of our trip. The sooner we are wed, the sooner we’ll be safe from my father stealing me back.” And her having any more second thoughts.

“I’ll see you soon, darling.”


Chapter 6

So far, they’d traveled six days without incident or a run-in with her father, and they were in the final stretch of their journey and fast approaching the Scottish border. Spending so much time in a carriage at the wicked pace they traveled wasn’t ideal for resting, and they were both worn and tired. Though Kate was still in good spirits, he worried she’d refuse to marry him once they arrived in Gretna.

“What’s ensnared your mind so thoroughly?” Kate asked.

Turning away from the passing scenery, he faced Kate. “I was just thinking of how well the trip has gone.”

She gave him a slow smile. “It’s a sure sign that we are doing the right thing.”

“I never doubted eloping for a single moment.”

Kate squished herself onto the seat next to him and rested her head on his shoulder. “I know.”

The light was fading as night enshrouded them on the busy road. This time tomorrow, they’d finally be married. 

George tilted her face up to his. “The horses are fresh and we won’t stop until we reach our final destination. What shall we do to amuse ourselves until then?”

Kate brushed her hand over the stubble that had grown on his face over the course of the day. “Hmm.”

Her hand slipped lower, pressing over his chest and stomach and then over his quickly hardening member.

“There was something I wanted to do that first day we were at the inn.”

He had an inkling of what she referred to, and was impossibly hard at the thought of his fiancée’s sweet mouth wrapped around his cock. He cupped her breast and tweaked at the nipple with his fingers. He wanted them in his mouth while she rode him, though it would be difficult to do on the small seats of the carriage. But simply tasting of each other might prove easier. 

Hitching up her skirt, he pressed his hand between the soft folds of her womanhood. When his fingers met with dampness, he groaned from the need that bombarded him. Kate tugged at the flap on his breeches and loosened the buttons carefully. His fingers sank deep into her sheath and pumped softly at the part he wanted his mouth around.

Cool air kissed the naked flesh that sprang forth from the confinement of his breeches. Her mouth was immediately on him, spreading warmth and wetness around the head. Her tongue swept around the head tentatively. “Suck it into your mouth, love.”

In her inexperience, she took in only the head, but she sucked it with a hunger that surprised him and turned him on more. He thrust his hips up from the bench, taking her mouth like he wanted to take her sheath. With his free hand, he reached down the front of her dress, slid his hand beneath the lightly boned corset, and grasped her breast, rolling the distended tip of her nipple till mewls fell past her lips and hummed along his manhood and tightened his testicles.

“Don’t be afraid to suck it harder and deeper, love.”

His fingers were pumping in and out of her at a steady rhythm now. They were drenched with the evidence of her desire. The blond curls atop her head bobbed back and forth as she licked and sucked at him with a fervor that nearly undid him.

“Take the base in hand and pull it up and down.” His voice was hoarse, needy.

She did as he asked, and he knew that he’d be done before long. The first awareness that he was going to climax in her mouth tickled at his balls and he felt the first bit of pre-come push out from the tip of his cock. He should pull out and fist his climax into a handkerchief, but he never wanted her to stop sucking him. He grasped her breast tighter, fucked her sheath harder with his hand, and tried to hold back, but before he could tell her to slow down, he was spurting into her willing mouth. She took him greedily, hungrily.

He pulled her off him and pressed her back on the opposite bench. Falling to his knees, he hitched her skirts out of his way and opened the lips of her sex to his gaze. Even in the semi-darkness he could see her juices glistening around the entrance of her sheath and dampening the soft curls.

He thrust his tongue deep, sucking at the lips and moving higher to pull the nub of her clitoris into his mouth. It was swollen and pulsated against his tongue as he licked and tasted at her like a man starving. Her hands reached for his shoulders, and her slippered feet pushed against the opposite bench. She panted out heavily, and her grip tightened and loosened at his shoulders, in rhythm with the thrusts of his tongue. He grew impossibly hard again, needing to take her the moment she reached her climax.

“George, oh God. I need you so badly, George.”

She continued to make noises of need above him, her sheath milking his tongue as he sucked on the juices of her pleasure. The thrust of her pelvis against his tongue and face told him she was close to finishing, and then she did climax around his tongue.

Her movements were jerky, desperate. Pulling back, he came over her and thrust up into the heaven between her legs. Kate cupped his head between her hands and licked at his mouth. Their tongues tangled as their bodies completely joined, till finally they hit a second climax together and fell half on the bench, half on the floor, completely entangled.

It was some minutes before either of them moved. George hoisted Kate up and helped to twist her dress back in place. Her cheeks were flush, her eyes glazed with a look of euphoria.

“You look well tumbled, dear.”

“I imagine I do.” She reached for the loose pins in her hair and started pulling them out so she could rearrange the long tresses. “Thank goodness we will be out of the carriage in a few short hours. Traveling for so long has been tiresome, and I want nothing more than to sink into a hot bath to soothe my sore, cramped muscles from being trapped in the carriage for so long.”

She twisted her hair into a simple bun before yanking up the front of her dress where he’d pulled it down so far that her nipples were nearly visible.

“You look perfect, darling. No one will know what naughtiness we’ve just committed.”

“I should hope not, George.” She narrowed her eyes on him. “You’ve turned into quite the rascal. What’s come over you?”

“You.” He smiled.

“I should suppose you’d say exactly that.” She leaned toward the window and stared out into the night. “How far off do you suppose we are?”

“An hour, two at most.”

The horses slowed their pace, stealing his attention away from his lady as he focused on the carriage; he realized they were slowing very quickly.

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