Kiss of the Dragon (20 page)

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Authors: Nicola Claire

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy & Futuristic, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Paranormal & Urban

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I must have zoned out there for a while, thinking about my family name and the loss of all the future Baxter - my father's surname, I took my aunt and uncle's, who raised me - Nosferatins. It would have been nice to watch them arrive every generation. To aid in their training, to give them that support and guidance from birth, that I did not have. That's why when Nero turned up I clung to him. He became my adopted Nosferatin family.

"He's like a beloved brother to me," I said, realising how true those words actually were. "I don't understand how he has come back, but I believe in my heart that Amun Nadeem is Nero. I recognise him from somewhere deep down inside." I placed my hand against my chest, palm flat, above my heart and rubbed. "And there could be no better, no more noble, kindred than that."

My eyes came up to meet Sophie's. She was breathing a little quickly, as though she'd lived my memories along with me. I held her gaze for a moment and then nodded. I couldn't force her to make this decision, but I'd given her something to think on. As well as my blessing should she choose this path. I hoped she would. Not just for Nero and the reaction to her presence that he'd had. But for her. If there was ever a Nosferatin who needed to get out from under the thumb of her parents and betrothed, then she was it.

I stood up and stretched, feeling exhausted all over again, but also a little relieved. Despite the fact that Sophie could choose incorrectly, a weight had been lifted off my shoulders tonight. I had already accepted that Amun was Nero, despite not understanding how. And I had allowed his memory back in unchecked... and survived.

All in all good progress. Now I just had to deal with vampire politics, rogue armies hell bent on revenge, Viktor Davydov, what the dragon shifters were hiding and Samson's mood swings and jealousies.


But in order to strike anything off that list, I was going to deal with one thing at a time. First Amun/Nero. Alliances to be made, ensuring he's free of Viktor's influence. And making sure he has Sophie's heart.

For that she'd be accompanying me when the sun sets tonight. A little matchmaking was definitely on the air.

Chapter 19

Sleep did come and it was blissfully deep and unbroken. Just what my exhausted body and mind needed. But being woken by my cellphone on nightfall was annoying, and all that good karma from recharging through slumber was lost by the second ring.

I answered a little abruptly, grumpy to have been so rudely awakened from a cute little dream about kittens. I shook my head at the rapidly retreating images. I'd never been a huge cat fan, but the dream had been cute all the same.

"Yes?" My voice cracked slightly, relaying my half-woken state.

Ma douce?
" Michel said, just as abruptly. "You were still asleep?" He sounded incredulous. Damn him.

I looked at the bedside clock and checked the unshuttered windows, then stifled the groan that threatened to spring loose.

"I was late to bed," I replied a little stiffly.

"Matthias said you went to bed at half past ten. It is now after six. You have slept for seven and a half hours." Nosferatins didn't need as much sleep as normal humans and since I had rejoined with Michel, my sleep requirements were even less. He was trying to make a point.

"So?" I didn't want to concede it.

There was a pause. "Are you all right?"

"Other than being woken up from a particularly satisfying dream, yes." The dream was cute, I'd hardly call it satisfying. What was wrong with me today? Super bitch much?

"Talking of dreams," Michel said silkily, an indication he was getting as riled as me. "I could not reach you in yours. You were blocking me."

I was? "Not intentionally," I grumbled.

"Is there a reason why this is so?" he asked, but I think he was holding back.

"I have no idea, Michel. I was

"Perhaps you had another visitor?" he remarked, still in that silky voice that let you know the snake was about to strike.

"Little kittens?" I offered, not getting where he was going with this.

"Kittens?" he replied. "What the hell have kittens got to do with it?" The silkiness had gone.

"I was dreaming of kittens, Michel. So, unless killer kittens are about to commandeer my mind, you've got nothing to worry about."

This time the pause was lengthy. I used the break to shuffle to the loo. I was busting. When the tinkle began I heard him sigh.

"You were dreaming of kittens," he confirmed.

"And little balls of colourful yarn," I added, finishing my business. Sweet relief.

"Very well," he said. Neither silkily nor anything else for that matter. I paused with the toothpaste hovering above my brush.

"What did you want to do in my dream?" Images of all the wicked things Michel could get up to sprang to mind. I was sure he was experiencing the same ones. I expected his next words to be soft. Or turned on.

"I wanted to advise you that the Ambrosia has agreed to meet at the Vibe. He would like to inspect Amun as well."

Oh. Business. How disappointing.

I slumped down onto the lid of the toilet, feeling ridiculously hurt.

Ma douce
," Michel murmured, no doubt receiving my emotions loud and clear. "Of course I had other reasons to visit your dream. I am equally as disappointed that it failed."

"I didn't realise I was blocking you," I admitted in a quiet voice.

"I'm not entirely sure it was you," he said, the words shooting adrenaline through my veins.

"Has someone...?" Goddess, I could
go through another mind possession/manipulation. I just could not.

"Nothing like that,
ma belle
. I could tell if it was. This was part of you, but also not. It is difficult to explain."

"Then why did you ask if I had a dream visitor?"

"Because the block was different from your usual mental signature. For a brief moment I felt someone, some
, else."

"This isn't good, Michel," I breathed.

"It is fine,
ma douce
. Please do not dwell on it. I spent the time refortifying your shields. There is no way anyone could get in. Not even Davydov."

Michel had boosted my shields in the past, but now he was the Champion, he had more power at his disposal to make sure my mental walls were never breached. The thought that Viktor Davydov, a strong mind manipulator, couldn't access my shields was an enormous relief. I sagged against the back of the toilet, toothbrush in my hand forgotten.

"The Ambrosia will meet you there an hour after sunset," Michel suddenly advised, back on topic again. "I believe you have forty minutes left."

Holy crap! "You could have told me that to begin with!" I exclaimed around my toothbrush, toothpaste beginning to foam in my mouth.

"That is why I am phoning," he explained smoothly. "And I could tell you had already begun your morning routine."

I grunted as I spat toothpaste out and then rinsed before I replied.

"It will take half an hour at least to get there. I'm going to be late."

"Then I shall not delay you further." And he rang off. Just like that.

What the hell?
I sent the thought flying at him at great speed. There was a satisfying mental grunt when it hit him in response.

You seemed distracted. I decided it better if I just left,
he replied, silky mental voice in attendance now.

Are you angry with me?
I demanded.

Of course not,
he shot back a little roughly.

They were kittens, Michel. Little furry, cute, kittens.

And I do not like being unable to reach you, ma douce. You are mine.

Oh. I got it. He was still on that jealousy wagon, heading hell for leather towards the pissed off ravine.

, I said softly, ceasing my efforts to get dressed as I dealt with this.
I will always be yours. Always.

I know,
he said so quietly I could tell he was ashamed at his jealous actions right now.
Nero is back,
he admitted, still so very softly, as though saying the words right then, even mentally, hurt.

And he has only ever been a brother to me and nothing else.

He didn't reply, but I knew he was still with me.

I added, starting to get dressed in my hunter gear again.
Sophie is his compatible kindred and I have every intention of getting them joined before I release her back to Yves in Paris.

He perked up at that.
How did she react?

Oh goody, gossip time. I sent him images of the entanglement, not leaving a thing out. I could feel his joy as each progressively shocking picture flashed through his mind.

Why didn't you react to me like that, ma douce?
he teased.

You know why,
I shot back with a smile.
You wouldn't have been able to handle it.

No, you are right
, he replied, seriously.
I wouldn't have been able to stop at just a kiss. Nero should not have let her go after that.

I laughed as I sheathed my sword down my back and then slipped my jacket on over top.

Oh, I think he regretted it immediately
. I was planning on him having had a long night to reflect. I wanted him panting for her by the time we arrived. Sophie was going to need all the encouragement she could get to break free of her family's wishes.

This is promising news, ma belle. Please keep me informed.

I smiled and whispered,
You'll be the first I tell.

Good luck
, he said with a chuckle, then added,
Je t'aime et merci.
The thank you was for putting his mind at rest, I think. I made sure to send him my love back, wrapping it up in my Light to give him a little metaphysical bliss.
Ah, ma douce. I am counting the minutes until you are back in my arms.
And then he left, feeling a damn sight happier than when he arrived in my mind, that was for sure.

I felt pretty good too, so skipped down the stairs and grabbed a bite to eat from the kitchen before finding everyone else ready in the lounge. Sophie was hiding in the corner, clearly unsure if she was invited on this expedition or not.

"OK chaps!" I said happily as I bounded into the room. Natalyia smirked, M&M just shook their heads, and Sergei slowly blinked back at me, face impassively blank. "Sophie, you're with us again tonight." Her smile was beaming. "They're expecting us, we gotta skedaddle."

"Skedaddle," Marcus muttered, shaking his head at me again.

I patted him affectionately on the back as he passed me and started singing, "
High ho, high ho, it's off to work we go

Sergei started to look a little alarmed, Natalyia just asked if I was all right. Marcus and Matthias burst out laughing.

"Oh, she's all right," Matthias said between chuckles.

"Because the Master is also singing," Marcus finished for him.

"Oh, what's he singing?" I asked, cheerfully. Sometimes Michel's vampires got glimpses of his moods, sometimes they saw a little more. It could be embarrassing, but I'd learned to ignore it. Mostly.

Love Is In The Air
," they both intoned in disgusted voices.

Everyone stopped in their tracks for a moment. And then we all burst out laughing at once.

The mood remained upbeat until we approached the club. Even after everything that had happened and all the changes last night's visit had now made, the return to a venue we'd had to fight at more often than drink at, despite it being a bar, couldn't prevent a little tension seeping back into our frames.

The guards on the door let us in immediately and I couldn't help seeing that they had lost some of their Dark. Not as much as Amun, but because their master was now all Light, they naturally sought it out too. A promising start, but I didn't lower my guard just yet. A natural cautious demeanour and hard learned lessons made sure I
all the Dark signatures of the vampires within the walls out, and left myself on high alert.

Amun/Nero was still an anomaly and until I understood what had happened, I was going to stay on guard.

We were directed towards Amun's chambers, none of our weapons checked at the door. Another good sign, but still I didn't relax fully.

At the double height and width doors to his chamber the guard paused for instruction and then finally led us inside. The room hadn't changed one iota. Still white on white on white. Amun - Nero - stood waiting at his desk, his copper flecked eyes immediately trained on Sophie to my side. But he was not alone.

The Ambrosia I had expected, but the haughty vampire to his side I did not. I knew there was a reason I never lowered my guard. The Diviner had not been a friend of mine before, and Michel had confirmed at the
that he still was not. What the hell was the old, crusty
Councillor doing here? Dressed in his signature black frock coat and ornate brooch on his lapel, the aristocratic looking vampire surveyed us with ill disguised dislike.

I met his sharp brown eyes briefly, let him see the Light behind mine, then fisted a hand over
my chest and bowed to both Councillors, before I got myself into any trouble. As the Champion's mate, he could not harm me. And as Michel's mate, I was also expected to act with a show of force. But pissing off this powerful vampire was not at the top of my to-do list today.

My vampires and Sophie all followed suit and stood when I did, having not received permission to as yet. The Ambrosia looked mildly amused. The Diviner just stared at us all angrily down the length of his very long nose.

Go against Michel, would ya? I don't think so.

"It is good to see you again, child." The Ambrosia was the first to speak.

"You too, Ambrosia," I said inclining my head again in respect. He smiled, giving me his grandfatherly persona. But I knew his countenance could change at the drop of a hat. He was the oldest vampire known to live, but although looking barely over thirty in human years, his nondescript brown hair hung down to his knees and his eyes shone with a bright ancient knowledge I had only ever witnessed in my Goddess's eyes before him.

"Kiwi," Amun/Nero said, taking a step forward. "You honour me with your return to my home."

I swung my gaze to my old mentor and after only a moment's hesitation gave him a reassuring smile in return. His whole body rocked back with emotion. My heart beat a little faster on his behalf. He needed to get his reactions under control. He was not amongst friends.

The Diviner was watching him with a hawk eyed stare. It was difficult to tell if he was looking at those invisible strands that connect us all to others - his talent - or whether he was assessing Amun for weaknesses, so he could pounce and attack.

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