Kissing Cousins (8 page)

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Authors: Joan Smith

Tags: #Regency Romance

BOOK: Kissing Cousins
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re not such a tartar,

she said forgivingly.

Having exhausted this topic, she turned to admire the sea before it disappeared from view. She thought about Esmée, and a young Edward.

It is hard to think of you being in love,

she said.

He stiffened up.

If you

re implying I

m marrying Louise only because her papa is in the Cabinet, you are greatly mistaken.

In a cabinet? Is he a loony? Oh, you mean
Cabinet, at Whitehall. Of course. Actually I was speaking of Esmée

thinking of her, you know, so the Cabinet did not come to mind.

I expect Esmée was an infatuation,

he said, embarrassed for his outburst.

I recovered, eventually. My feelings for Louise are quite different. She is a much more serious lady, takes a keen interest in politics.

This hardly reeked of romance, or even love.

Papa had no opinion of politics. He said it was merely the legalized picking of the farmers

pockets by the chosen few.

It costs money to run a country,

he said.

And pay for Prinny

s extravagances.

That, too. I pay my share, and resent every penny of it.

They reached Brighton within the twenty minutes stipulated by Sykes. It seemed impossible to Samantha that she and Salverton were getting on so well, after she had subjected him to such humiliation. He was beginning to seem quite human. With the proper wife, he would recover from his stiff ways. But Lady Louise, she felt, was not the lady to complete the necessary change. If only she had a little more time to work on him.

Salverton saw her frown and said,


re here. Don

t worry, Samantha. It will soon be over.


she said, attempting a wan smile. That was what she was afraid of.


Chapter Six


Sykes drew the team to a smooth halt at the east end of Marine Parade and descended to speak to Lord Salverton.

Which hotel do you want to go to, melord?

he asked.

Not one of the fancier ones, eh, when your errand is of a clandestine nature?

Salverton cast a troubled glance at Samantha. It seemed wrong to take his cousin to a lower-class establishment, yet Sykes was right about the secrecy, damn his eyes.

No doubt you can recommend one that is clean and decent but not well known, Mr. Sykes,

Samantha suggested.

It annoyed Salverton that she called him

Mr. Sykes.

He was a servant; he was Sykes. And furthermore, he disliked that Sykes called himself, Salverton,


Servants generally called their master

your lordship.

Even a simple


was preferable to


That had a touch of familiarity to it. He wished for no familiarity beyond the necessary with the jackanapes Sykes.

In a fit of pique, Salverton said,

We will go to the Curzon, Sykes.

The Curzon was in the heart of polite Brighton, just at the north end of Cavendish Place.


ll meet half of polite London there,

Sykes warned him.

Let us go to some smaller establishment, Edward,

Samantha urged.


ve already asked my groom to meet us at the Curzon at eight in the morning.

I could leave a message for Foley,

Sykes suggested.

Objection had the effect of hardening Salverton

s resolution.

The Curzon, Sykes,

he said firmly.


re paying the piper; you call the tune,

Sykes said doubtfully, and returned to his perch to wheel them along to the elegant Curzon Hotel.

At one
., parties were ending; the hotel was bristling with people. Salverton recognized several of them, who would just as quickly recognize him if he descended from the carriage. When he spotted Lady Louise

s friend, Miss Hanson, among the throng, he was ready to change his mind

until Sykes

s face appeared at the window.

I don

t like to say I told you so,

he said with a saucy grin.

Shall I go on to the Brighton Arms, melord?

This will do fine, thank you,

Salverton said, and alit.

Having bit off his own nose to spite his face, he at least retained enough sense to see if rooms were available before assisting Samantha from the carriage. By ducking and dodging he managed to avoid Miss Hanson, and was vastly relieved to be told there were no rooms available.

He could say with an easy conscience when he returned to the carriage,


re all filled up. All the better hotels will be at the end of May. We'll try the place you recommended, Sykes.

The carriage proceeded smoothly north to a street one block long called Stone Street. It was respectable if not elegant. The Brighton Arms was a private residence that had been turned into a rooming house. It had a small tavern-cum-coffee shop on the ground floor. A sign in the window advertised


but the house was in darkness. Sykes hopped down and opened the carriage door for them.

The place is closed for the night,

Samantha pointed out.


s all right. I

ll set you up with Mabel,

Sykes said.

My old aunt Mabel Sykes runs the place for me. I

ll see you get a good price, melord.

You mean you own the establishment!

Samantha said approvingly, as if the ramshackle house were the prestigious Pulteney, or Clarendon.

I won it in a game of cards,

Sykes boasted.

Salverton reminded himself never to play cards with Sykes as he took his cousin

s arm to lead her up the cobblestone walk.

Sykes pulled his enormous key ring out of his pocket and unlocked the door. With a flourishing bow he bade them enter. Inside, he lit a lamp and led them to a deal table and hard-backed chair that served as a registration desk at the bottom of the front stairs.

Samantha looked around at a wainscoted hallway with aging flowered paper above. The oak floor was badly warped, but it was not so very dusty. The air was chill and smelled moldy.

You can use any name you like,

Sykes said, pushing the registry toward them.

I mostly get gents named Mr. Smith or Jones. I

ll tell Mabel you

re friends of mine. That

ll be a guinea each for the two rooms, and another if you want hot water and breakfast in the morning.

Salverton felt two guineas would have set them up in better style at the Curzon, but he was too fatigued and restive to argue. He placed two guineas on the desk. They promptly disappeared into Sykes

s pocket, where they rattled merrily against his keys.

Below a list of anonymous Mr. Smiths, Salverton wrote Mr. Jones, London. Samantha looked at it and wrote Miss Smith, London, below.

I feel like a criminal,

she said, laughing.

What you need is a nice cup of tea,

Sykes said.


ll fetch Mabel, then have a quick scour of the inns for your brother and his woman. What is the lass

s name?

Wanda Claridge,

Samantha said.

Wanda Claridge? That

s odd. Bayne

s been seen about with Nancy Hewitt the last months. Is she a dark-haired beauty?


s her. She

s calling herself Wanda Claridge this month,

Samantha said.

I first knew her as Sally Bright. Now, what has she been up to that she

s gone and changed her name again?


s robbed Sir Geoffrey of a thousand pounds.


s a live one is Nancy,

said Sykes approvingly,

but we

ll catch her.

Thank you, Mr. Sykes. I don

t know what we would have done without you,

she said.

Sykes left. Salverton took two steps that led to the archway into the main saloon. He was not pleased but he was not surprised either to see a man in a fustian jacket and stocking feet stretched out on a sofa, snoring.

Make sure you lock your door before retiring,

he said to Samantha.

She looked over his shoulder at the sleeper and shook her head.

I wager you have not been in a place like this since you were seeing Esm
e, Edward.

I had hoped I never would be again,

he replied, but he said it with a wry chuckle.

Mabel Sykes soon appeared. The dumpy woman with gray hair scrunched into a knob at the back of her head bore no resemblance to her nephew. Her face looked like a lump of leavened dough with two peeled grapes for eyes.

This way,

she said, stifling a yawn, and led them upstairs.

The rooms were numbered, not named.

Numbers three and five are the only vacancies. There

s a connecting door between them,

she added, obviously assuming the two rooms were a mere camouflage for debauchery.

Do you have a key for the connecting door?

Salverton inquired stiffly.

Oh, no, sir. She can

t lock herself in,

she said with a roguish shake of her head.

Salverton thought it better not to pursue this line. Samantha was shown into her room first. Mabel lit a lamp, which cast a wan beam on a small chamber with a canted roof, unadorned walls distempered in yellow, a quilted double bed with no canopy, a plain wooden floor, and a table holding a water pitcher and basin. Mabel led Salverton along to a similar room done in blue. She said,

Good luck, mister,

and vanished quietly.

Salverton thought he ought to apologize to Samantha for the shabby room. Knowing she hadn

t had time to undress, he tapped lightly at the connecting door. It opened at once, and a tousle of blond curls appeared.

I was wondering if I should say good night to you,

she said.

She still wore her pelisse. With her bonnet removed, she looked more ladylike, and completely out of place in her surroundings.

Perhaps we should leave,

he said uncertainly.

There might be one room for you at least at Brunswick Terrace or the Bedford.

The rooms are quite clean,

she said. She looked so weary that he didn

t push the matter.


s only for one night. Do you mind terribly, Edward? I know it is not at all what you are accustomed to, but if you could view it as an adventure


m not thinking of myself!

You need not worry about me. I would like nothing better than to fall into that bed and sleep the clock around.

As you say, it

s only for one night. We

ll want an early start in the morning. We

re to meet Foley at eight. I

ll have him take us someplace decent for breakfast.


ve already paid for breakfast here.

That was before I saw the rooms.

Let us eat here before meeting Foley. It will save time, and no one will see us.

Those are two important considerations. Very well. Good night, Samantha. Don

t worry. We'll find Darren.

Oh, yes, I have every reliance that Mr. Sykes will find him at one of the hotels. Good night, Edward.

On this facer, she closed the door. Salverton felt an angry clenching in his chest. Mr. Sykes would find him! There was gratitude for you! He wanted a glass of wine and a cheroot, neither of which was available to him at the moment. He hadn

t brought a change of clothes. He

d have to put on a used shirt tomorrow morning and borrow Sykes

s razor. And meanwhile his report for Liverpool sat unfinished on his desk. When would he have time to finish it?

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