Kissing Fire (5 page)

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Authors: A.M. Hargrove

Tags: #love, #suspense, #relationships, #humor, #sexy, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Kissing Fire
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Justin had done his residency and fellowship out
here and then went back to Charleston to practice medicine, but
when Terri had died (or so everyone still thought) in the car
bombing, he couldn’t ever fully engage into life again, so he came
back here. All the surgeons were ecstatic to have him because they
called him, “Miracle hands.” It worked out to be the greatest
excuse for the two of them and now here they were, living the dream

Caroline gave me the grand tour and giggled the
whole time. In her previous life, she had sold real estate with my
dad in the family business. I couldn’t stop myself from asking, “So
sis, did you always get this giddy with your clients when you
showed them a house?”

She just kept on giggling and said, “No way! But I
never showed anything like this! Can you believe this place?”

I really couldn’t and told her so. Then I picked her
up and swung her around and around. That was exactly how Justin
found us when he walked into the kitchen.

“Man, it’s a damn good thing you’re her

I clapped him on the shoulder. It had taken him some
time to forgive me for taking her away from him. Caroline explained
that I didn’t have a choice. It was life or death for either of
them. I didn’t want their deaths on my hands. I already had my
father’s and I knew I wouldn’t have been able to live with another

Then we did that awkward man hug thing.

“It’s really great to see you Justin. You make her
happy, man. Anything that can put a smile on her face like that
makes me happy.” And that was the damn truth. I loved my sister. I
had lost her for too long and I wanted her to know how much she
meant to me.

“Aw Preston.” She was in my arms hugging me.

“Well aren’t we a bunch of sappy assed faces?” I

“Yep,” she agreed.

I turned to Justin and said, “Man, this is some kind
of crib you got here.”

He laughed. “You like it, huh?”

“Oh yeah. But you still have that apartment,

Caroline asked, “You mean in case of

“Yeah.” I never took their safety for granted. I
made them keep an apartment as a safe house, just in case.

“Yeah, we do. I pop over there every so often to
check on things.”

“Good girl.”

They wanted to know how long I planned on staying
with them and I really didn’t know. So we all just sort of decided
it would be for a couple of weeks. After going back and forth over
what to do for dinner, we all decided on going out for seafood.
There were a million and one places to eat, so we let Justin choose
one and off we went.

We returned home about two hours later and Caroline
put on a pot of coffee for us. Justin had to be at the hospital at
six a.m., so he wouldn’t be up much longer. I disappeared for a
moment and came back down with a CD in my hand. Can we put this in
one of your computers? There’s something I want to show you

Caroline looked at me all sorts of funny but she
said, “Well yeah. Can we wait till the coffee’s done?”


As soon as she had our cups made, the three of us
went into their office and she slipped the CD into the computer. I
made Justin sit next to her and when the first couple of pictures
popped up, they both turned around and I wish I’d have had my
iPhone’s camera pulled up, because it would’ve made a great shock
shot. I just chuckled, plopped into a chair behind them and watched
the show.

The photos were perfect. Caroline’s expressions were
exquisitely captured and the way the camera caught Justin’s eyes as
they gazed at her...the photographer was a genius. Even though I
had seen these a dozen times, my cheeks were damp when the slide
show finished. It was nothing compared to the two of them.

“How did you do this?” they both asked.

I chuckled again and then cleared my throat. “You
won’t like this, but I was there.” I looked at Caroline and said,
“So was Pete.”

“Who’s Pete?” Justin asked.

“He’s a coworker and a friend.” I answered.

“How were you there?” Caroline asked.

“I just was. The Middletons aren’t exactly obscure.
I knew your marriage would hit the web immediately and I couldn’t
have you two out there alone, without protection, just in case. So
I was there. Anyway, when I saw the photographer, I freaked. I know
how they all have their web sites and I know how they post their
work online. I couldn’t have that for you two. So I sort of bumped
into her and stole her smart chip. I paid her only it was sent
anonymously. She probably went home and thought the chip fell out
of her camera when I charged into her. I made it all look like an
innocent accident. But I had every intention of getting this to you
earlier, except my fucking job got in the way...again. So, I hope
you like your wedding album. Personally, I’ve never seen a more
beautiful bride in my life. You probably could’ve done a little
better on the groom, but it wasn’t my call.”

She was on top of me, hugging the breath out of me
before I could say another word.

Justin still sat at the computer. There were several
pictures taken of Caroline by herself, looking at the sea,
laughing, the wind blowing her hair. And there was another where
she had this really special smile on her face. I knew she’d been
looking at him, because I remember thinking that maybe one day a
woman might look at me like that. Justin simply stared at them. He
didn’t have to say anything. I knew exactly what he was thinking by
the look on his face. My sister had herself a good man.

Chapter 5





The weekend hit and I finally realized I couldn’t
put it off any longer. I had to go visit Justin and meet his new
wife. If I waited any more, it wouldn’t look very family-like of

Don’t ask me why, but I decided against calling
first. Maybe I was hoping they wouldn’t be at home. I don’t know.
For some reason I was terribly nervous. I hadn’t seen Justin in
over a year. What did one say to a brother they hadn’t seen for
that long? And then, what would I say to his new wife? Nice to meet
you was over really fast.

Before I chickened out, I hopped in the taxi and
gave them the address. When the cab pulled up to their house, he
asked if he wanted me to pull into their driveway. I told him no.
It was gated and I was embarrassed. What if Justin’s wife was there
and didn’t let me in because we had never met and I scared her or

Crap! Maybe this was a bad idea. I probably
should’ve called first.

There was an intercom buzzer thingy on the gate, so
I pushed it and waited a few minutes. When no one answered I
started to walk away but I stopped. I was wondering where the heck
I would go. I had absolutely no idea where I was. This didn’t look
like a place where taxis usually hung out.

Suddenly, I heard this soft voice ask, “Can I help

“Awwhk!” I wasn’t expecting that thing to talk so it
scared me.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, sorry about that. You scared me is all.
Anyhoo, I’m Avery Middleton. Is this the Middleton residence?”

“Justin’s sister, Avery?”

“The one and only.”

“What a surprise. Come in, please.”

Did I imagine shock in her voice or was it just
plain old surprise? Oh well, let’s find out then, shall we?

The gate slid open so I mustered up my courage and
walked through it.

This place was amazing. Grand,
huge, unreal. Not really the Justin I knew, but oh well. I walked
up the circular driveway, which wasn’t exactly short and then up
the steps to the front double doors. I was reaching out to ring the
bell when the door was opened by a tiny blonde haired woman. She
was much shorter and way thinner than I. Well, let’s be honest
way thinner than I was these days. But she was super tiny and I was
super jealous.

“Hi!” I bellowed. Did my booming voice just echo
throughout this whole house? I never really thought I had a booming
voice before. “I’m Avery. But lots of people call me Ava. But
that’s back in Charleston because my grandmother is also Avery.
She’s big Avery and I’m little Avery. Well, I’m not so little
anymore.” I bent my head in and kinda whispered that part. I’m not
sure why because it wasn’t like it was exactly a secret or
anything. “Actually, we should probably change it to Big Avery and
Extra Large Avery. That would be more appropriate I think. But, as
I was saying, back in Charleston, lots of people call me Ava so as
not to get us confused. Now that I’m in Seattle, I’m thinking about
dropping the Ava and just going with Avery. What do you think?”

I finally took a good look at her and her brows were
all scrunched up and she was gaping at me like a fish that had
suddenly found itself out of water.

Oh dear God Avery, would you stop all that rambling
and just introduce yourself like a normal person?

“Well, you must be Caroline and I
can’t tell you how pleased I am to be meeting you. I am so excited
for you and Justin. Please forgive me Caroline, but if the truth be
told, I’m quite nervous about being here because it’s been a long
time since I’ve seen Justin and well, I just don’t know if he’ll
to see
me. And I’ve never met you and you know how that goes. Well, I
didn’t want you to hate me or anything. But I thought I’d stop by
to visit you because,” I spread my arms out wide and sang, “TaDa,”
and then I made a funny face. Don’t ask me why, I just did. “I’ve
taken a job with SoftwarePlus and I’m relocating to Seattle. I’ve
actually already started work this week. I got here the other day,
but I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had time to call. Well, that
part’s not quite true. I was nervous about calling. I didn’t know
if you’d even want to meet me or if Justin would want to see me. So
if you don’t, I can go. I’ll understand.” I made a funny face

What was it with these funny faces I was making

I was met with that very strange look. It was like
it had implanted on her face and wasn’t budging. It was there for
life. Well, I wasn’t stupid. I could take a hint. She wanted me in
her home about as much as she wanted a million fleas. Anyone who’s
ever had a flea infestation in their home knows exactly what I’m
talking about.

“Okay then. I guess that about wraps it up here.
Will you tell Justin I said, ‘Hey?’” I patted her on her tiny
shoulder right before I turned and ran down the steps, trying my
best not to cry. I really didn’t know where the double hell I was.
Should I go right or left? Did it matter? I knew the name of the
street I was on, but where was the best place to go to get a taxi?
Left, I decided quickly. I pushed my way through the exit gate and
kept on going. It didn’t take long before I was out of breath.
That’s what happens when you’re Extra Large Avery. You can’t run
but a sixteenth of a mile before you feel like someone stole all of
your oxygen. Oh dear God, no! Then came the side stitch. I bent
over in half, trying to get rid of it. Jeez, I really needed to do
something about this, because this was crazy.

Then I heard her calling my name. “Avery. Wait.
Don’t go!”

I would’ve said something back, but I couldn’t spare
any air, so I raised my arm in the air instead.

She grabbed my arm and tried pulled me back toward
the house, with me still bent over at the waist, trying to breathe.
Of course, with me being Extra Large Avery and her being super tiny
Caroline, she didn’t pull me too far. When I was able to breathe
again, I looked up and...well, I’ll be. I thought I had run so far,
but it was only a few feet. What the heck!

And then she was talking to me. “I’m sorry you
misunderstood. I was trying to process everything you said. Of
course we want to see you. And my word, Justin will be so happy to
see his only sister. I can’t wait to see his face when he sees

Finally, my lungs were able to work semi-properly
again. “Really? You wouldn’t just be saying that would you?” I
gasped, still somewhat desperate for air.

“No, come on. He’s home now.”

“He is?” I was suddenly overwhelmed with an
extraordinary case of the nerves, so much so that my stomach
started to rebel and began to make all sorts of odd noises.

Caroline looked at me and asked, “Are you okay?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Come on.” We headed back to the house.

She still held my arm and we went through the house
that kept going and going. We finally ended up in a room with a
humongous TV and there was Justin talking with another man.

“Honey, look who’s here,” Caroline said.

Justin turned around and so did the other man. I
tried to give him just a glance but sweet heavens he was really
something. I forced myself to look away and Justin had this
horrible expression on his face.

“Justin?” I half smiled. I couldn’t figure it out. I
mean I knew I was a bit hefty, but was I that offensive

“Ava? What are
doing here?” That was the most
unwelcoming welcome I’d ever heard.

“Uh, I, ah, er,” my mouth had gone suddenly bone
dry. He just kept staring at me with that awful look on his

Caroline came to my rescue and she said, “Justin,
your sister’s taken a new job in Seattle. Isn’t that

Justin’s face just went from awful to ghastly. Then
I knew it was time for me to leave.

In a voice that wasn’t my own, I said, “Yeah, I, uh,
I’ve taken a job with SoftwarePlus. I’ll be living out here. But I
won’t be a bother to you. I just wanted to stop by to say hey. So,
‘Hey.’” I held my hand up in the air and did a little Queen
Elizabeth wave.

I turned around to leave but I
didn’t know how to get the hell out of there. I just walked. I went
down one hall. I followed it to a room and it was a dead end. I
turned around and went down another hall where it did the same. I
finally ended up at an exterior door and walked out to their back
yard that had the most magnificent view of the water.

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