Kissing Kendall

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Authors: Jennifer Shirk

Tags: #Maritime City#2

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Book 2 in the Maritime City series

Jennifer Shirk

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Copyright © 2012 by Jennifer Shirk. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce, distribute, or transmit in any form or by any means. For information regarding subsidiary rights, please contact the Publisher.

Entangled Publishing, LLC

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Bliss is an imprint of Entangled Publishing, LLC.

Edited by Stacy Abrams

Cover design by Jessica Cantor


Manufactured in the United States of America

First Edition December 2012

The author acknowledges the copyrighted or trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:
Volkswagen Beetle, Girl Scouts of America, Elizabeth Taylor’s White Diamonds, Victoria’s Secret, Chef Boyardee, Cheez Whiz,
, Hooters, Boy Scouts of America, Snoopy, Coach, Neiman Marcus, Phillies, American Bakers Association, Pebbles Flintstone, Betty Crocker,
The Very Hungry Caterpillar

For all my friends and readers who read
Georgie on His Mind
and demanded that I give Brad and Kendall a happily-ever-after too.

Chapter One

“We’re here to kidnap you.”

Kendall Grisbaum stood in the doorway of her home and tried to keep a straight face. “I hate to break this to you, Dee, but kidnappers don’t make a big announcement that they’re going to kidnap you. They just

Dee shot her a sheepish grin. “Well, that’s good to know for next time.”

“Thanks for the warning.” Kendall was about to give her one more piece of advice on proper abduction techniques, but instead closed her mouth with a frown. “Hey, did you just say, ‘
going to kidnap you’?”

Dee rolled her eyes, then jerked a thumb behind her. “Yeah, well, my sidekick in crime is still getting out of the car.” Kendall peered behind Dee and saw their other friend, Georgie—seven and a half months pregnant but looking ready to burst any second—trying unsuccessfully to hoist herself out of Dee’s Volkswagen Beetle.

“Some kidnappers you are,” Kendall joked.

“Hey, we might be slow, but we’re stubborn. So no excuses this time. You’re coming with us…or…or else.”

“Yeah, or else!” Georgie chimed in from down the sidewalk. A few moments passed before she finally managed to waddle up to the front porch, her face flushed from the exertion. “We’re here to kidnap you,” she announced, a little out of breath.

Kendall chuckled. “I gathered that already. So to what do I owe this rather poorly executed kidnapping?”

Georgie sniffed, pretending to be insulted. “You’re being kidnapped to spend the afternoon at The Helene Moorhead Spa because friends don’t let friends wallow into hermit status. It goes against the friendship code.” She attempted to peer at her feet, wiggling her toes. “Plus, I could use a pedicure.” Then Georgie glanced back up, and after studying Kendall a little closer, her eyes clouded with concern. “Hey, honey, are you feeling okay?”

“Don’t be silly. I feel fine.” Kendall squirmed under her friend’s appraisal, knowing exactly what Georgie was seeing. She hadn’t been eating right. Or sleeping much. Her recent job loss had thrown her over this brink of semi-depression. Needless to say, Kendall didn’t need to glance in a mirror to know she looked as though someone had worked her over. She could use a day at the spa for that reason alone.

“Could have fooled me. I’m worried about you. At least I have an excuse for looking so tired,” Georgie added, rubbing her rounded belly.

Kendall smiled, stifling a wistful sigh. Georgie had married her brother’s best friend, Walt Somers, a little over a year ago and they were already expecting their first child. Kendall had hoped for a child early on in her own marriage, too—a real family of her own—since she’d never had much of one growing up. Between the loss of her parents and having a grandmother who spent more time traveling than with her only granddaughter, it was no wonder Kendall was so desperate for the kind of stability she’d never known. But that wasn’t meant to be. At least not with Jake.

Kendall felt her smile falter a bit, so she looked away, flicking an imaginary piece of lint from her capris. “I’m not a hermit. I’m just… I’m…”

Oh my gosh. I
a hermit.

Her shoulders wilted. Her friends were right. Since she had been let go from her waitressing job a few weeks ago, all she had managed to do was learn the fine art of crocheting. What did she really have going on in her life? Nothing except her new puppy, Deuce, whom she’d picked up from the animal shelter. Maybe she
need to get out more.

“Okay, you win,” she told them. She swung the door open wider, allowing her friends to come in. “But before we go, would you two kidnappers like a cool glass of lemonade?”

Georgie’s face lit up. “Oh, I could definitely use a cold drink. And do you maybe have any of those homemade banana muffins to go with it? I’m starving. Kidnapping works up an appetite.”

“I had no idea,” she said, trying not to be amused at Georgie’s insatiable hunger since becoming pregnant. “But yes, I do happen to have some of those muffins you like.” She led the way into the kitchen, where Deuce happily chewed on a bone. As soon as they stepped foot in the room, the dog glanced up and rushed over to them, tail wagging.

Dee bent down, letting the puppy sniff and lick her fingers. “Where did you get a gem of a watchdog like this?” she asked wryly when Deuce began to stroke his head under her hand.

Kendall made a face. “I didn’t get him for security purposes; I got him for company. I—I’ve just been feeling a little lonely lately.”

Dee’s head whipped up and she looked at Georgie. The room went silent for a long moment before Dee cleared her throat and spoke again. “Kendall, if you’re lonely, you didn’t have to get a dog. It’s okay if you want to start, you know…dating again.”

Kendall’s stomach lurched as soon as she heard the word
. No. She couldn’t. Just the
of dating stirred up fears she knew were irrational but couldn’t get rid of nonetheless.

She turned away, stalling for time by reaching for the muffins. “I’m not ready,” she said quietly.

With muffins in hand, she turned back around in time to catch the look her friends exchanged with each other—the same look a mother gets when she learns her child was the last to be picked for a sports team.
Great. More pity

She bit down on her lower lip when it began to tremble. It was exactly those kinds of looks and the remarks that went with them that made her resort to the so-called hermit status everyone was so worried about. Her interest in going to the spa withered and died; it had been a mistake for her friends to come. There were only so many “I’m so sorry for your loss” comments she could handle. Even after all this time—almost two years—it weighed on her heart to still hear them. She had lost her husband and now, to make matters worse, she’d lost her job. Her life was in shambles. So, if she wasn’t up for being social lately, she figured those were two pretty good reasons.

Kendall squeezed her eyes shut when her mind shot to the day she received that life-altering phone call. About a year and a half ago, Jake’s firefighting squad had responded to a three-alarm fire. It had gotten out of hand by the time they arrived—four firefighters suffered minor injuries and were briefly hospitalized for smoke inhalation.

Jake wasn’t as lucky.

Her hands began to shake.
Will these awful feelings ever go away?
First her parents and then her husband. How many people were dealt that kind of blow before they’d reached the age of thirty?

Dee must have noticed her reaction, because she rushed over and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “I’m sorry; we didn’t mean to push,” she said in a gentle voice. “We just want you to be happy.”

Kendall nodded, but she didn’t open her eyes right away. She was close to tears and refused to give in to them. “I know,” she croaked. “You’re right about one thing, though. I do need to at least get out and find a job.”

She’d been wallowing in self-pity for too long. It was time to change something in her life—even if it only meant employment. She used to work as a waitress at one of the more popular pubs in town, the Fish Bowl. She enjoyed what she did there and the tips were good, but after the accident that took her husband’s life, it was almost painful to show up for work. A lot of people from the police and fire departments hung out there, and seeing them only reminded her of Jake. If she didn’t need to support herself, she’d almost consider it a small blessing that cuts needed to be made and she was let go.

Georgie reached for a muffin and broke it in half. “Okay, I guess finding a job would be a good start to get you back into the world again.” She took a bite of the muffin and let out a content sigh. “Oh, Kendall, these are so good. Truly, the best

Dee reached for a muffin, too. When she took a bite, her eyelids fluttered and her lips slid into a dreamy smile. “Oh yeah, these are
,” she mumbled with her mouth full. “But I have to say, your doughnut muffins are still my favorite.”

“Doughnut muffins?” Georgie stopped chewing and frowned at Kendall. “How come I don’t know about any doughnut muffins? Have you been holding out on me?”

Kendall chuckled. “Not at all. The doughnut muffins were just something I’ve been experimenting with. I’ve had a lot more time to bake and try new things since being laid off. But I promise, once I’m satisfied with the recipe, I’ll bring over a whole basket for you and Walt.”

“Ooh, and me, too,” Dee added. “I don’t think you have to perfect the recipe, though. It’s absolutely delicious as is.”

Georgie’s face suddenly lit up as she shoved the last bit of muffin in her mouth. “Hey, I’ve got an idea,” she mumbled, snapping her fingers. “You don’t need to find a job, Kendall. I think your job just found you. Go into business selling these.”

Kendall wanted to laugh. Leave it to her friends to have their heads in the clouds. “And how am I supposed to sell muffins, door to door? Or maybe I should set up camp next to the Girl Scouts at the local supermarket.”

“No, better than that.” Georgie grinned. “You open up your own bakery. Remember, you used to talk about it a lot before you married Jake. Why not go for it now?”

Dee clasped her hands together and gave a little squeal. “Great idea! Now is the perfect time to do something like that.”

Kendall stared at her two friends, praying they were only pulling her leg.
Open up a bakery?
Oh, sure
I have nothing else going on in my life—just dealing with the loss of my husband and job
Piece of cake—no pun intended.
It was all too ridiculous. Just because her friends adored her food didn’t mean it would guarantee her ability to sustain a business. Then again… Who knew? Maybe she really could. She had talked about opening up her own bakery years ago. Had done most of the research already.

No. Better to play it safe than be sorry. Things worked out for her when she played it safe. The one time she’d thrown caution to the wind and went against that internal code was when she had rushed into marrying Jake.

She had learned her lesson.

“I can’t,” she told her friends.

Georgie planted a fist on her hips. “Well, of course. Not with that attitude.”

“Okay, I
,” she countered. Then, to divert their attention, she held up the tray and offered her friends more muffins. They eagerly took the bait.

There. Crisis averted. Her friends were going to have to be satisfied with getting their fill of her baked goods when they came and visited her, and she was going to find some other job. Doing something. Somewhere.

Dee looked thoughtful for a moment as she chewed, giving Kendall the feeling that their discussion was far from over. “You know, if you’re worried about being a business owner, I’m sure Walt could give you some pointers, maybe even help you write up a business plan. He’s doing a great job running the pharmacy, isn’t he, Georgie?”

Georgie folded her arms with a scowl. “He’s doing a great job thanks to
help. We’re a team over there, remember?”

Kendall glanced at Dee and suppressed a smile. Both Walt and Georgie worked as pharmacists at Walt’s uncle’s pharmacy
Dee worked as a technician there too. When Walt had first come to town to help his uncle, Georgie didn’t just sit on the sidelines and let Walt take over. She’d made sure she voiced her ideas loud and clear—much to Walt’s initial chagrin.

Kendall shook her head. “Look, I know you’re both just trying to help, but I think it might be smarter to get a job working in a bakery first before I make such a huge commitment and open one myself. Get to know the ins and outs of running one from the inside. Then I can decide later on if it’s for me or not, okay?”

Georgie clucked her tongue. “Kendall, you could be old and gray by the time that happens. Where’s your ambition? Your dreams?”

Kendall had plenty of dreams. She wanted a family of her own, a career she enjoyed, and a man who loved her. But those dreams were tucked safely inside her so that she wouldn’t suffer any more pain or disappointment. “Look, I just choose to approach life more cautiously than you do. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

“All right. Fine,” Georgie said with a shrug. “But honestly, Kendall, you really do need to start moving on with your life and stop being a loner. The way I see it, you’re about one step away from becoming Brad.”

Kendall’s attention perked up at the mere mention of Georgie’s older brother. Brad Mayer used to be one of her very best friends. She thought of him often but hadn’t spoken to him since Georgie’s wedding over a year ago. “Brad? What’s the matter with him?”

“That’s what I’d like to know,” she said with an exasperated huff. “You’d think my brother would have had a girlfriend or two, since I’m married now and he can’t butt into my life any longer. But
. He never goes out. I’m not the only one who’s concerned, either—Walt’s worried about him, too. Brad’s been acting different lately. He’s becoming…

Kendall burst into laughter. “Oh, please. Brad’s way too young to be crotchety.”
Way too kind and good-looking, too.
She had thought so since the first time she’d met him.

Georgie had been the one who first introduced Brad to her. Georgie lived with her brother after graduating from college and had invited Kendall over to their place for movie night. Brad had taken their chick-flick choice in stride and even stayed to watch it with them. Afterward, he’d ordered pizza and surprised them both by making the best margaritas. She and Brad found they both loved watching football and cheesy eighties movies, and something had just clicked between them. Eventually, he had become almost like family to her, even stopping by the restaurant at night while he was on duty to walk her to her car when her shift was done. Brad had such a wonderfully deprecating sense of humor, too. But Georgie was apparently oblivious to any positive attributes of her brother.

Georgie snorted. “Try telling
that. It’s work, work, work with him. And when he’s not working, he’s working on getting more work with his new side job. Who would have thought a police officer would have so much free time on his hands?”

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