Kissing Shakespeare (33 page)

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Authors: Pamela Mingle

BOOK: Kissing Shakespeare
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Edgy and inattentive the following morning, I repeatedly lost my place during pageant rehearsal. Thomas sent me away, saying, “You are unwell, mistress. We shall go on without you.” I breathed a sigh of relief.

During lunch I said to Jennet, “Shall you help me with my embroidery this afternoon?”

Her face colored faintly, though not noticeably unless you were expecting it. “Pardon, Olivia, I have promised Cousin Elizabeth I would gather herbs today.”

I faked disappointment with a frown and sigh. “Very well. Another day, then.”

I’d told Bess to help Elizabeth in the stillroom again this afternoon. Since she’d been away for so long, they were behind in brewing up their little potions, or whatever it was that went on in that place.

As soon as Bess left, I began my transformation into a young man. The hose were the biggest challenge. I pulled them all the way up to the tops of my thighs and tied garters around them. No matter how tightly I tied, though, the hose still bagged around my knees and ankles. My boots would cover the worst wrinkles, so I wasn’t too worried. I’d chosen the thickest doublet I could find in Stephen’s wardrobe and left my bodice on underneath to add some bulk. While I pinned my hair up, I stationed myself by the passageway windows. When I saw Jennet walking through the courtyard carrying a basket, I bolted toward the staircase, plopping the hat on as I went and praying I wouldn’t run into anyone.

Suddenly conscious of the true import of my little scheme, I paused and took a ragged breath. I’d either find out the day and time of the raid—or I’d fail. Worst of all, I might get caught. If I were sent to prison, could Stephen send me back to Boston? Would he even be allowed to visit me? I had no answer, and since I didn’t even know where he was right now, what was the point of speculating? After making a final adjustment to my baggy hose, I headed for the trees.

Low, feathery clouds rode the sky earlier, but a steady wind had risen and blown them out. It was still windy, but not unpleasant with the sunshine. My plan was to walk through the forest, where the risk of being seen would be less. After what seemed like forever, I spotted the main road. Keeping to the woods, at last I glimpsed the alehouse by the side of the road. Farther on, I could see a few cottages and thatch-roofed huts.

Now that I’d found the place, my courage was wavering. And then Jennet emerged from around a curve in the road. I ducked behind a large fern, peeking around the fronds. She walked up to the front of the place and, presumably, right through the door. I needed to make my move.

I stood, brushed myself off, and walked toward the building. When I rounded the corner to the front, I nearly freaked out. There were horses, dogs, and lots of men standing around.
I hadn’t expected a crowd. I tried to put a swagger into my step. Difficult when a bunch of rotten little mongrels were jumping at me and nipping at my ankles. Some of the men snickered, and one of them called to the dogs. I scurried inside, pulling my hat low over my forehead.

I knew I would have only a moment to size up the situation. If I lingered too long in the doorway, I’d draw attention to myself. After a minute, I saw Jennet and her buddies over in one corner. I walked to a table near them, but not close enough to be obvious.

The alewife approached me. I lowered my voice an octave, hoping to sound like a teenage boy. “Ahem. A tankard, if you please.”

She nodded and turned. I should order some food. Less suspicious that way, and eating would keep me occupied. “And, uh, I’m hungry. What’s on the menu?” I smiled up at her, and she shrugged.

“The usual. Mutton pottage and bread, sir.”

“Excellent. I’ll have some of that.”
Oh, geez. I sounded like I was dining at some fancy restaurant in contemporary London
. I felt my cheeks flushing.

It looked like Jennet and company hadn’t gotten down to business yet. The sheriff and Lowry were scooping pottage into their mouths and mopping up gravy with hunks of bread. There were few other people in the place, and the alewife soon plopped a tankard of ale in front of me. Jennet, I noticed, was neither eating nor drinking. After a minute, the three of them began talking quietly. I’d be lucky to hear anything.

The sheriff’s strident voice suddenly surprised me. “Mistress Hall, it is not your place to question what we do!”

I jerked to attention and pricked up my ears.

“I am simply saying if you get the one you really want, why do you need the other? He can be of no use to you,” Jennet said.

“You will do as you are told!” The sheriff again, roaring his disapproval at Jennet.

I scooted my stool slightly sideways so I’d have a partial view of them. Jennet had stood, and Lowry’s hand shot out and grasped her arm. But when he spoke, it was to the sheriff.

“Restrain yourself, sir! We are in a public place.”

My food arrived, and I busied myself breaking off a piece of bread and dunking it into the stew. Lowry was speaking to Jennet now. She’d sat down again.

“We need young Shakespeare to give evidence against the Jesuit at his trial.”

I couldn’t hear her answer, just bits and pieces of it. Basically, it sounded like she was saying they’d never get Will to cooperate.

I shoved some food into my mouth and washed it down with the ale. The whole mass landed with a sickening thud in my stomach.
They wanted to use Will to testify against Campion!
That was why the sheriff had been interested in Will all along.

“We have ways of persuading, mistress. Your friend will not wish to endanger his family. Or himself, for that matter.” Lowry again.

I waited, but none of them spoke.
Tell them when they’re supposed to come for Shakespeare and Campion! That’s what I really need to know

What happened next was so unexpected, so amazing, that I hardly had time to react. The door burst open, and Copernicus came bounding through. He sniffed around for a minute, and then made a beeline for me. Flinging himself at my chest, he licked my face joyfully, nearly knocking me off my stool. Stephen sauntered in and looked around for his dog.

Stunned, I did nothing for several seconds, just let Copernicus lick and whimper. Then my brain finally kicked into gear. By now, everyone’s eyes, including those of Jennet, Lowry, and the sheriff, were riveted on me. I jumped to my feet and pushed the huge dog away. “Down, boy!” I commanded in my young man’s voice. I threw some coins on the table and rushed out, shoving past Stephen. Heading for the woods at a run, I realized too late that Copernicus was chasing me.

, I heard Stephen calling Copernicus. I glanced quickly behind me. He was gaining on me, but I kept on running. I couldn’t risk being seen by Jennet and her pals.

“Stop!” Stephen yelled.

I was losing steam fast. When I sensed him right at my heels, I stopped abruptly and spun around. I had a wicked stitch in my side. Bending over, my hands grasping my thighs, I tried to catch my breath.

“Sir! That is my dog. I only wish to—”

I rose and pulled the hat off. Stephen stopped speaking in midsentence.

“Olivia! I might have known. Explain yourself.”

I gave him the evil eye. “Keep walking with me. That sneaky wench Jennet and her friends Lowry and the sheriff are in the tavern. I can’t let them see me.”

“By God, they’ve already seen you!”

“They didn’t recognize me.”

“Because of that clever disguise you’re wearing? Men’s clothes and a hat.” He took a closer look. “My doublet, no less. And that must be my shirt and hose, too. Aye, you look like a real man, Olivia.”

I felt like slapping him. “I fooled
, didn’t I? You disappear for days and then have the nerve to question what I’m doing. And what gives you the right to be so … so condescending?”

He stopped, hands on hips, and watched me. “Forgive me. That was uncalled for. You did indeed fool me.” He smiled his captivating Stephen smile, but I was in no mood to be charmed.

“I must return for my horse. If I did not, it would look suspicious, although I expect they’ll have fled by the time I get back.”

“Fine,” I said.

“We shall talk later.” He whistled to Copernicus and off they went.

I made my way back through the thick trees, feeling half sick. I’d missed out on the crucial piece of information—the timing of the raid and the arrest of Shakespeare and Campion. All because Stephen, after disappearing for a week, had chosen this exact moment to show up. And then he’d had the nerve to give me a hard time!

I decided to enter through the servants’ door to avoid running into Elizabeth or Alexander. Or worst of all, Jennet. As it turned out, I passed a few servants who seemed hardly to notice me. If they wondered who I was or what I was up to, they didn’t ask. It took me a while, but I finally located the stairs leading to my chamber. I closed the passageway doors at both ends and changed back into my own clothes. Seated on my bed, I was pulling pins out of my hair when Stephen tapped on the door and asked if he could come in.

He didn’t waste any time with small talk. Nor did he bother explaining where he’d been for the last several days. “Would you care to enlighten me as to what you were doing?”

I tugged the last few pins from my hair and began brushing it out. “Something came up while you were away.” I quit brushing and met his eyes. “A new threat to Shakespeare far more dangerous than anything from the Jesuits. Lowry and the sheriff intend to arrest him along with Campion. They want Will to testify at Campion’s trial, and they’re going to force him into it by threatening his family.”

“God’s breath! You were right to suspect Jennet. She must have discovered Thomas’s true identity and informed them.”

I described the note I’d found from Jennet’s father and how that had prompted me to take action. “Because you and Cop came bursting in, I couldn’t stay to find out the one thing we desperately need to know—where and when the arrest will take place.” I glared at him.

“Great God, is there no end to it? Will one threat after another crop up?”

“Something occurred to me—why Will Shakespeare? Why not Alexander? Or you, for that matter.”

“I can only speculate, but Master Will is young and thus more likely to be intimidated by them—and they may know about his father signing the spiritual testament. Who has ever heard of the Shakespeare family? Alexander, on the other hand, has some powerful friends, and as for me, I am under his protection while living here.”

I heard footsteps. “Shh! Someone’s coming. Open the doors. I’m going to sit on the settle with my needlework. Let Jennet think that’s what I’ve been doing all afternoon.”

In a minute, both Shakespeare and Jennet came walking through the passageway. “Stephen, well met!” Will said. “Where have you been, friend?”

“My father required my help for a few days.”

Jennet wandered over to check out my embroidery. Good thing I’d spent some time working on it since she’d last seen it.

“You are slow and deliberate, mistress,” she said, laughing. “But you progress.”

Ha, ha. At least I’d never betray my friends
. “Aye, but you need not worry. I shall never be the needlewoman you are. How was your herb gathering? ‘Twas a lovely afternoon for it.”

“I gathered by the stream. Bladderwort and willow. Some fresh watercress for the kitchen.”

“So we shall have some in a salad tonight.”

“Perhaps. I must change for the evening meal,” she said, exiting toward her chamber.

Will followed shortly, and Stephen said, “I must wash off the dust from the road before the meal. Until later, Olivia.”

“Would you care to walk with me?”

I was on my way upstairs after dinner when Stephen overtook me on the staircase. “Come,” he said, taking my arm.

I got my cloak and we tramped through the courtyards toward the tilting green, Copernicus loping after us. Neither of us spoke. The longer the silence lasted, the hotter the anger and resentment inside me burned. After we passed under the great keep, it burst out.

“How could you have abandoned me like that?”

“You are angry with me.”

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