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Authors: Delilah Devlin

Knight Edition (2 page)

BOOK: Knight Edition
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“Oh, Christ,” Sidney moaned. “Eat me, Moses.” Her hands smoothed over the crown of his shaved head, and her fingers curved around his ears.

His tongue lashed out and rimmed her opening, licking as deeply as he could reach along her channel walls while the rough pads of his fingers tugged and massaged her pussy.

Sidney squeezed her eyes shut at the delicious sensations—his tongue caressing her sensitive flesh, his fingers now pinching the hood guarding her clitoris.

He sucked her lips into his mouth again and let them go. “If I wasn’t hard as a rock, I’d spend hours here.”

“Just like a man,” she teased, breathless. “Full of regrets and blaming his cock.”

“Rain check?” He kissed her inner thigh and looked up her body, his expression unrepentant.

“All right, lover. But you have to fuck me like you mean it.”

“You’re sassy when you’re horny.” He grinned. “Turn over—I promise to give you everything you got comin’.”

Just as eager to get to the rough stuff, Sidney rolled to her belly and came up on her knees. She spread them wide on the slippery comforter and tilted her ass up to receive his cock.

Moses’s hands curved around her waist, and he jerked her higher. “I’m gonna make you howl like a wolf.”

.” Her words ended on a moan as the crown of his massive sex eased past her entrance.

Moses pressed forward, pulsing as he stretched her to accommodate his size. “Baby, you’re tight. Ain’t had a brother in a while, huh?”

“No one fills your…shoes,” she gasped, wriggling backward to take him the rest of the way inside. Her arms trembled as she tried to hold herself up, but her vagina was already quivering and spasming around his cock.

Finally seated with his groin snug against hers, Moses leaned over her back and hugged her tight. “
Oh, damn!
You ready to be fucked to hard?”

She fisted her hands in the bedding and grinned. “Do the wild thing, baby!”


As Sidney drove
to the estate nestled in the hills overlooking Seattle, she fought fatigue. After stopping at her apartment for a quick shower and change, she had only a few precious hours before the sun rose.

Her body was still warm, pliant, and ached deliciously from Moses Brown’s rough

Their conversation afterward had been brief. With his eyelids drooping and his deep voice purring in her ear like a contented cat’s, he’d finally given her the lowdown on the latest homicides.

The dead men inside the nondescript house had been savaged, their necks laid open, their bodies drained of blood.
No doubt about it.

But something about the choice of victims niggled at Sidney’s mind. Forty-something scientists meeting over dinner? Not an obvious target for creatures that tended to roam the streets seeking younger, more tender morsels.

Not that she fully understood vampires’ appetites and habits. Hell, she hadn’t even known they existed until a few short months ago.

Back then, she’d been following a trail of missing teenagers taken out by gang violence—or so the police reports stated. Never satisfied with the official accounts, she’d done a little digging.

First, she’d found notices posted in the obits of the Seattle Times for rosaries, eulogies, and remembrance ceremonies—but the bodies were never presented for viewing, and stranger still, she couldn’t find a single instance of an actual burial. The few parents willing to speak to her had been told the kids’ bodies were dumped in Elliott Bay and never recovered.

Next, her curiosity had led her to Moses Brown, a name that appeared again and again in the police reports. A uniformed cop at the time, he’d worked the areas where the teenagers tended to disappear. She’d hounded the man, stalking him to his hangouts and to his apartment door. She’d even joked with him that her middle initial “P” stood for “Persistence”.

Then one night, following a tip from one of the victim’s friends, she’d attended a Halloween party at a trendy nightclub called
The Cavern
, and she’d discovered the truth for herself.

The club was near the docks in West Seattle, situated among a shabby row of brick buildings. Its violet neon sign beckoned from the street; techno music pounded from the open door.

Once inside
The Cavern,
she’d tugged at the hem of her French Maid costume, feeling exposed and conspicuously older than the majority of the revelers. For a Halloween party, few of the young people in attendance actually wore costumes—if one discounted the dime store fangs.

“Well, if it isn’t Sidney Coffey—the ‘News at Nine’ girl.”

She jumped at the sound of the masculine voice drawling so close to her ear and whirled.

The man in front of her was tall and lean, dressed in a black leather jacket and pants. With his pale skin, longish dark hair, and porcelain-smooth vamp dentures—he looked like Dracula gone biker.

“Do I know you?” she asked, raising her voice to be heard over the music.

“Not yet.” His dark gaze swept down her body in a slow, sensual perusal.

No prude, Sidney could out-ogle most lounge lizards—but something about the predatory way this man loomed over her raised her hackles. She flashed him a small, tight smile. “Not ever.”

His grin reminded her of a crocodile’s toothy grimace. “We’ve started this conversation in the wrong place.” He held out his hand. “Name’s Nicky Powell.”

Although he was handsome, Sidney had reluctantly laid her palm in his hand to shake it. “You already know my name.” She lifted her chin in challenge and tried to pull away her hand.

He held her tight, the pressure just shy of cracking her knuckles. “You’re a bit spiny. Delicious.” He drew out the words like a man who meant to savor a treat. Then he bent over her hand and licked her skin.

Sidney blinked and tugged in earnest. “Okay, Vlad—enough with the tasting. Let me go!”

Instead of heeding her request, he followed her arm upward, licking and scraping his teeth along her skin, raising goose bumps and her heart rate. However repulsive he’d seemed at the start, her body started to quiver the higher his tongue caressed.

When he reached the cuff of her short sleeve, he looked up into her eyes.

Sidney swayed toward him, drawn to his bottomless gaze. She wet her lips, anticipating a kiss—

“Uh huh, sugar. How many times I gotta tell you to leave off the rum ’til I get here?”

A strong arm circled her waist, and Sidney found herself glancing up into Moses Brown’s chocolate gaze.

Nicky released her arm and stepped back. “Officer Brown, how nice to see you.”

Sidney shook her head, trying to rid herself of the muzzy, lustful feelings still ruling her body. When she looked up again, several young men stood behind Nicky, flexing their muscles and trying to look tough.

As she scanned the group, her body turned cold like she’d been doused with ice water. Their faces were familiar—she’d seen their pictures in the obituaries. “What the hell?”

Moses pulled her closer and leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Not now, baby. Wait ’til we get to the car.” To Nicky, he said, “You won’t mind if I dance with my girl, will you?”

Sidney shivered as the man’s eyes narrowed, but he shrugged and tilted his head to his
for them to follow him as he walked away.

“Moses,” she hissed. “Those boys—”

He grunted. “Bet you couldn’t hold your piss for five seconds when you were a little girl.” His hand slid from her hip to her arm, and he pulled her onto the dance floor. Once there, he tucked her body close to his, a thigh nudging between hers as he began a sexy dance that rubbed his body—chest to groin—against hers.

Her body still hummed from the other man’s seductive lick-fest, but she trusted Moses wouldn’t do her any harm, so she snuggled closer to his tall, hard-muscled frame, riding his thick thigh. Conversation was impossible the music was so loud; her questions would wait. She closed her eyes and just—felt.

Her body melted all over him as she ground her crotch on his leg, heat pooling between her legs.

“Dammit, he’s found himself another target,” he muttered in her ear. “Let’s get out of here before all hell breaks loose.”

Sidney blinked dreamily and looked over her shoulder. Nicky Powell held a plump blonde woman in his arms who was struggling to free herself. “Looks like she needs help.”

Moses nodded to two men moving in on the couple. “That’s the owner—Dylan O’Hara—he’ll take care of it. In the meantime, let’s get out of here.”

Sidney followed Moses’s long strides as quickly as her heels and shaky legs would allow. For the first time, she noted a dark undercurrent of rising excitement stirring the crowd. Laughter had stopped, and all eyes turned to Nicky and the blonde.

“Keep walking!” Moses pulled her behind him, until once more she was outside the bar.

That night clouds had obscured the stars and a misting rain held the chill of coming winter. She’d raised her face to the mist, letting the cool clear the sensual fog from her brain. “You have a lot of explaining to do,” Sidney said, casting Moses a sideways glance.

“I’ll give you answers, but we need to get out of here quick.”

She lifted her hand to point. “My car’s over—”

He halted beside a black sedan. “Just get in.”

Something about his expression got through to Sidney—his body was rigid, alert, his face hard, his eyes searching the shadows around them.

She opened the passenger door and slid into the seat. She’d hold her questions—for now.

As the engine growled to life, Sidney turned in her seat to stare at Moses. “Their parents think those boys are dead. Why haven’t you told them the truth?”

“Because they are dead, sweetheart.”

She hadn’t believed him. Not at first. Moses took her back to his apartment that night, and while she found the release Nicky’s seduction had inspired, she’d listened to Moses’s story.

Straddling his hips, she lowered her pussy over his straining cock, relishing the unfamiliar bite of his super-sized sex as she sank on it. “Let me get this straight,” she gasped. “You expect me to believe vampires really exist, and they’re here in Seattle?”

Moses’s large hands encouraged her to move forward and back, grinding his cock deeper into her channel. “I was there…when a couple of those boys were carried off to the morgue… They were stone-cold dead.”

She admired his concentration. Her legs quivered, and she braced her weight against his broad chest.

“I almost feel guilty…taking advantage of the lust he built in you…like this.” But his expression was anything but remorseful.

Sidney grinned then bit her lower lip against a groan as she slid the rest of the way down his shaft. “You have a
way to go to convince me of your story, Moses Brown.”

“Got all night, sister.”

“Remember, I’m a reporter. I’ve heard some wild things in my time. Most of it turns out to be a load of crap. I don’t believe in anything I can’t see, feel, or smell for myself.” She straightened and lifted, then sank again, enjoying the long glide and the rippling orgasm building in her core. “I have to check all my sources.”

“Plumb this source,” he said, and pumped upwards, spearing her on his cock.

Oh, she’d checked out the plumbing all right—and his stories. But it had taken actually seeing Moses Brown dust a vamp before she’d believed him.

Now, she sat on the edge of the scoop of a lifetime. She just had a few more wispy threads to weave into her final story.

Outside the wrought iron gate of the private estate, Sid put her car into park and reached for the intercom button.

“How may I help you?” The voice was rasping like withered leaves, and the formal speech resounded with a hint of an Old World accent.

“I’m here to see Mr. Navarro.”

“I’m afraid he isn’t in tonight, nor does he accept unannounced guests.”

Sidney smiled into the camera lens beside the keypad. “If you’ll tell him Sidney Coffey’s here—I’m sure he’s just forgotten about our appointment,” she lied.

There was a pause—which meant her hunch was right. He was at home.

“I’m afraid, I must ask you to leave. As I said before, the Master is not at home.”

She bit back a curse, hating to concede defeat, but there were other ways to skin a cat. “I’ll try another time. Sorry for the inconvenience.”

She backed out of the drive and circled the estate. The man must have buckets of money to afford a place like this. An intersection stretched before her and beyond it the lights of the city below flickered like the reflections of stars on a smooth sea. She turned right for another pass around his property. She wasn’t quite through.

A tall, brick wall surrounded the estate—not too tall, if one had a stepladder in the trunk.

Chapter Two

BOOK: Knight Edition
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