Knight of Her Heart (Conquering the Heart) (29 page)

BOOK: Knight of Her Heart (Conquering the Heart)
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“Nay,” both denied strenuously.

Why such a strenuous denial?
Rowan felt his frown deepen.

Tilting his head thoughtfully, Rowan tapped a finger against his tableau. “Have we met before?”

“Nay.” John shook his head vigorously. “We’ve both lived all our lives at Bridlemere in service ter the Blake family. My lord—”

Rowan cut through his speech. “Are you well, Crofter?”  The man had broken out into a sweat and was unsteady on his feet. “A chair, Sir Dwaine.” The knight grabbed a chair hurriedly as ordered, and Rowan guided the man into it.

“Thank yer, my lord,” Crofter mumbled. “I’ll—”

“He’ll be fine, my lord. He has these turns every now and again,” Cartwright rushed. “But, we have news of Lord Blake that we must tell yer about.”

Reassuring himself that Crofter was not about to pass out Rowan gave the other man his attention, but he couldn’t shake his unease. ’Twas as though the man had rushed into speech to distract him from Crofter’s reaction. “Tell me this news.”

There was something not right—a missing piece of a puzzle. Rowan’s instincts had always served him well. Whenever trouble brewed he sensed it. The sense of trouble was strong right now. Despite their denials he was certain he’d met Cartwright and Crofter before. That they would lie about this merely intensified Rowan’s resolve to be on his guard.

“Lord Blake came back from Lady Lisette’s wedding in a black rage,” Cartwright began, still addressing his shoes rather than Rowan. “His temper was severe and he cursed yer name from dawn until dusk.”

Not surprising. Blake had received his public comeuppance at Collins’ keep and wouldn’t have taken kindly to that.

“He started drinking more ale than usual and began talking ’bout gettin’ even with yer.”

“Look at me when you speak to me, man,” Rowan commanded.

Apologies were mumbled quickly, but the faces that finally looked back confirmed Rowan’s suspicion that Cartwright was hiding something.

“Do you have any idea how he planned to do this?”

“He plans to join forces with Baron Baddesley, my lord. He spoke about unitin’ with yer enemies.”

“Those men are fools if they think their forces can stand against yours!” Sir Dwaine scoffed.

“Never underestimate the capability of men who bear a grudge,” Rowan cautioned. “Those who are desperate or deranged pose greater risk as they will chance more without either seeing the inevitability of loss, or without caring whether they live in the face of defeat.” He paced to the window and regarded the strong walls of the castle he now called his home. It would take a far greater force than either Malin or Blake could gather to breach Romsey’s defences. “Do either of you have anything further to add?”

“Nay, my lord,” they answered in unison.

“Cartwright. Crofter. You men may leave. You have my gratitude for escorting Lady Genevieve safely to Romsey Castle, and also for the information you bring.”

The men both appeared to be relieved to be dismissed. They bowed and made a hasty retreat. Crofter had not made eye contact again with Rowan and yet he’d first entered the room with confidence. What had he found so intimidating?

“Dwaine, I want you to have those men watched. Neither of them is to be with the countess alone at any time.” Mayhap they were more foe than friend. ’Twould not do to trust them when they were so obviously ill-at-ease. Instinct urged him to keep Lisette safe. It may be that the men had been sent by Blake to strike from within the walls of Romsey.              He frowned. His gut told him that wasn’t the plan—that something else was afoot. “Watch them closely and report any suspicious behaviour to me.”

“Aye, my lord. Is there anything else?”

“Double the guard. Tell the men to be extra vigilant—especially those who remain at Romsey tomorrow when Sir Richard and I ride out to see King Henry. Lady Lisette’s safety is, of course, paramount.”

“I will see to it at once.”

When Dwaine had taken his leave, Rowan dropped into a chair. He would question Lisette about the two men and urge her to be on her guard, but he could not shake the premonition that something was gravely amiss.












Chapter 16




’Twas late in the eve before Rowan climbed the stairs of the donjon toward the chamber he shared with Lisette. The plans he had made with Richard for their departure the following morn had taken longer than expected. Everything was in place for their journey.

He was divided about his trip to Henry’s court on the morrow. Part of him was jubilant that the king would finally have reason to arrest Malin, and that Lord Blake would also be prevented from any further wrongdoing. A greater part of him regretted the need to part with Lisette.

Taking his wife with him was not an option. The trip would be arduous and although Lisette’s pregnancy was not yet visible, he was conscious that she tired more easily. Not only would he have liked to have had her by his side and presented her at court, but he also had a nagging concern that she would somehow do something rash while he was away and some harm would befall her. ’Twas in her nature to act impetuously and that caused him concern.

God forbid that she should try to rescue anyone from a fire while he was gone!

He groaned aloud. The worrying scenarios were endless. If she thought some baby starling had been abandoned by its mother in a tree she was just as likely to place herself and her child at risk by climbing up the tree and trying to rescue it. It simply didn’t bear thinking about.              

Somewhat wearily, he shook his head. He wished he could stay, but King Henry needed to know immediately what was afoot. He would be given an immediate audience with his liege whereas Richard would most likely have to petition for a hearing.

Rowan would caution Lisette to take extra care. Much to his disgust, he wasn’t sure she would heed his advice.

‘Twas possible Malin and Blake would decide to strike against Romsey if they discovered Rowan was on his way to Henry’s court. The guard had been increased and orders left that every visitor to the castle needed to be identified and searched for concealed weapons while Rowan was absent.

The only other possibility that concerned him was that Lord Blake had sent those two male servants to Romsey will mischief in mind. Rowan had already taken steps to monitor every move made by the two servants from Bridlemere. He felt his forehead crease into a frown. His subconscious was still working on the suspicious behaviour of those two men. It irked him that he could not find a reason for their strange reaction to him.

He shook his head unwilling to focus on anything else now but his journey to his chamber.  At the end of this long, eventful day, all he wanted to do was to climb into bed with Lisette and lose himself in her body. He would not wake her if she was sleeping, but he hoped she would rouse and would desire him with equal fervour. Making love to her was the one sure way to forget his concerns. When he was with his wife ’twas as if only the two of them existed. Everything and everyone else in the world dimmed to insignificance each time he thrust into her sweetness. The fierce passion between them raged hotter and brighter until they were both mindless with need. And afterwards, when they had both been hurled to the heavens together, the sense of completeness as they lay entwined in each other’s arms and drifted back down to earth, brought him peace and a completeness he’d never known.

’Twould be more than a sennight before he lay with her again after this night. Depending on King Henry’s response, Rowan may be away even longer. At least he should be back in good time for the celebration of Michaelmas. Still, ’twould be too long to be away from this woman whose body he craved.

He frowned again. What kind of magic did his wife weave that she had been able to reduce him to a man who was tempted to stay behind and indulge with her in the pleasures of the flesh when his duty to his king called? This need for her could not take precedence over his sworn oath of fealty to Henry. It could not take priority over bringing Malin to justice. The part of him regretted—even resented—leaving her to do his duty, must be crushed. He was a knight of honour. A knight who had longed for the opportunity to bring his parents’ murderer to justice. All that he had vowed to bring about was within reach.

Malin’s plot would be unveiled to Henry. If Rowan had his way, Malin would make another confession before he swung from the gallows for treason. Rowan wanted Malin to confess to the murder of the former Baron of Baddesley and to repent the murder of their mother.

Rowan paused just outside the door to the chamber he shared with his wife. Although he must still speak to Lisette about the servants from Bridlemere and ensure she was extra wary while he was away, he would put the rest of his plans from his mind.

A vision of beauty, Lisette sat alone as he entered, brushing her long blonde hair. He was filled with a sense of déjà-vu, remembering how he had helped her brush her tresses the eve he had made her his wife in truth. They had come far since then. There was peace between them now, despite the shaky start to their marriage and the fact that she would bear another man’s child.

The smile she sent him warmed him through as surely as if he’d been enfolded in her embrace.

Placing the brush down, she stood and walked toward him. “You were quiet at dinner, my lord. Does something trouble you?”

Aye. He was troubled, but his most pressing need at that moment was his flesh straining against his braies as she sashayed toward him. Her wondrous, womanly curves were outlined by the candlelight. It shone through her thin night shift and he could not look away from her.

“I shall miss you, Lisette,” he admitted, gathering her close to him.

“And I shall miss you, Rowan.”

Her kisses were as fiery and passionate as he needed them to be. Lisette’s tongue duelled and danced with his and her hands ran over his body with urgency.

“You have far too many clothes on. I want you naked, my lord.”

He couldn’t shed his clothing fast enough, ripping off his tunic with almost savage movements. As he shucked off his hose, she lifted her night shift over her head. It didn’t matter how many times he saw her naked, he still marvelled at the sheer perfection of her feminine form.

“This is our last night together for some time.” She trailed a fingernail down from the base of his neck toward one male nipple. “I want to make sure you remember it as you travel to our king. I want to make sure you remember me every second we are parted.”


Her finger moved up to rest against his lips to stop his words. “This night you are mine. I want to pleasure you most thoroughly.” The heat from her hands warmed his shoulders as she gripped him there and urged him backward toward the bed. Once he was there she trailed her hands down over his flesh. When she splayed her fingers over each male breast, she gave a firm push and he did not resist. The next moment he’d fallen backward on to the bed.

“This night I intend to drive you mad with longing.”

She was already succeeding. The power she had over him was disturbing, but her take-charge attitude and the boldness of her expression this eve had his length eager for her touch. Desire pulsed through him as he wondered what she was going to do—just how she had planned this eve of seduction.

“Woman,” he groaned. “Join me.”

The pleasure she experienced in her disobedience lit her features. Instead of joining him she merely took a step away from the bed. She raised her arms up slowly in a sinuous action, lifted her hair up above her head and rotated her shoulders in a way that accentuated her breasts. All the while she regarded him with a small smile of satisfaction that told him she enjoyed flexing her feminine power over him. Her attention didn’t wander from his face as she shook her hair out and allowed her hands to drift down, to trail her fingers across her breasts.

“I love it when you touch me here.” Her eyes closed just for a second as she cupped each breast and squeezed her nipples between her thumbs and forefingers. “Mm.” She moved her hips restlessly as her tongue darted out between her lips.

Rowan’s mouth fell open. He watched transfixed as she pleasured her own nipples. God’s teeth! He’d never seen such a display. Where had Lisette learnt this seductive art? Her self-stimulation had him on fire. Before he could leap up and throw her down on the bed to ravish her, Lisette’s hands left her breasts and trailed along the outside of her curves, moulding the outline of her waist and down to the flare of her hips. The sight left him rigid and almost shaking with want.

Glancing at him from beneath lowered eyelashes, she smiled again. “I love your hands on me everywhere. I especially love it when you touch me...Ooh!” One hand dipped to the thatch of hair between her thighs.”Here.”

Rowan gulped. Just as he was about to tell her that he could stand no more, she stepped toward him.

“I am so ready for you, my lord. This eve I shall take you!”

He was so ready to be taken. Excited beyond belief, he was both shocked by her brazen behaviour and admiring of the way she’d brought him to this fever pitch of arousal. Had any husband been thus seduced by his wife?

Each step she took toward him was slow and deliberate. Each step was sheer torture. Anticipation made his breathing fast and shallow so that his heart rammed against his ribcage.

Just as she reached him, something made her trip. The seductive spell was broken. All the sensual finesse was destroyed and she sprawled heavily on top of him forcing the air from his lungs.

“I’m so sorry,” she said, immediately contrite.

Rowan stopped breathing. His mind seized as memories assailed him. As she scrambled up on top of him to relieve him of her weight, his eyes widened in almost panicked disbelief.

“That wasn’t quite the way I’d planned it,” she giggled, her expression apologetic. “I...” She tilted her head in concern. “Rowan, are you alright?”

Nay! Not Lisette!

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