Knight of Ocean Avenue (31 page)

BOOK: Knight of Ocean Avenue
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Billy shook his head. “Nothing about this is fun.”

“You’re psyching yourself out. Stop it. Come on.” He pulled on Billy’s arm.

Billy sighed, swung out, and followed Shaz into the kitchen. The cats danced around the floor, announcing their presence with authority.

Shaz looked over his shoulder as he walked out of the kitchen. “Would you feed the boys? Plus you’ll find some things in there for us. I’m going to go prepare our study session. Okay?” The last word was said with a wiggle of his hips. Okay, so Billy might be terrified, but his cock wasn’t. The beast bounced in reply to Shaz’s invitation as Shaz rounded the kitchen island and headed toward the stairs.

Billy opened the refrigerator, getting a fur massage on both legs. Beside the packages of home-cooked, superhealthy, superexpensive cat food that Shaz always got for the boys was a plate of cheese, another plate of strawberries, sliced pears, and melon, and, beside that, one of many bottles of champagne and two glasses chilling. Okay, sexy picnic. That did sound a little fun.

He filled the cat dishes and gave the boys water, then placed all the food plates on a tray with some napkins and the crackers Shaz had left on the counter. He picked up the tray and started upstairs. Butterflies soared in his stomach, and not many were because of tomorrow’s test.

When he walked in the bedroom, he about dropped the tray. Candlelight flickered off every wall and surface, a big cotton comforter covered the bed, and Shaz sat against the headboard wearing only his aqua boxer briefs and holding his study guide. All that was lovely, but Billy’s eyes riveted to the three dildoes lined up on the bedside table. He swallowed. “Uh—?”

Shaz extended a hand toward the toys. “Meet Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Baby Bear. We have no expectation of reaching Papa tonight, but I put him there aspirationally.”

Something like a giggle popped out of Billy’s mouth. Shaz put down the study guide and hopped up from the bed. “Let me take that before we feed it to the cats.” He grabbed the tray, and all Billy could see was the bulge of his cock in the briefs and then the beautiful thrust of his butt as he carried the tray to the side table. Shaz looked over his shoulder at Billy. “Hungry?” He must have noticed the look in Billy’s eyes, because he smirked. “Yes, I can see you are. But remember, we’re studying.”

“We are?”

“Yes. Get undressed, please.”

“To study?”

“Yes. It’s required.”

He was confused, but his cock wasn’t. As he undressed, Shaz opened the champagne and poured two glasses, then carefully placed a big cushion in the middle of the bed. Okay, this looked like fun studying.

Shaz glanced over. “Hmm, you seem to like the lesson plan.”

Billy looked at his now bare and very upright penis. “Seems so.”

Shaz swayed his way to Billy and extended a glass of bubbly. Billy took it and they clinked, then Shaz gave a little salute to Billy’s cock and sipped his champagne. “Have a little food and we’ll get to work.”

Billy shoved a piece of cheese in his mouth. “Is this what they call work?”

“Trust me, you’re studying.”

He managed a couple of crackers, but he was too anxious. Interesting how Shaz had him looking forward to studying.

Shaz pointed to the pillow. “Lie down on your stomach.”

Billy dove into position. He glanced back and saw Shaz grab one of his economy-sized containers of lube.
Looks promising
. And his study guide.
What the hell?

Shaz sat on the bed beside Billy’s well-presented ass.
. Ever since Shaz had found out that Billy wanted to bottom, he’d given no attention to Billy’s aching hole because he said he wanted to wait for “his surprise.” It looked like the drought might be over.

Shaz patted his butt, then cracked it a little harder.
. Billy looked back as Shaz separated his ass cheeks and slipped a little dollop of cool gel right where Billy most wanted it. “Yes.” The word came out on a long breath.

A very small digit inserted itself into Billy’s butthole. It felt weird. And it felt good. “Uh, you couldn’t find anything smaller?”

What had to be Shaz’s little finger pushed in farther. “Billy?”

“Mm.” He pushed his butt back so the finger slipped in another inch.

“Who do you contact before starting to work along the railroad tracks?”

“What? What the fuck?”

“Answer. Fast. Don’t think.”

“The Railroad Engineering Department.”

The finger pulled out and thrust back in. “How many guest rooms must a building have to be called a hotel? Answer!” Out and in.

Holy shit
. “Five guest rooms.”

“Right.” Out, in. Out.

“Wait. What—?”

Something bigger and cold pushed against his opening. “How far from a crawl space or access door can cleanouts be?”

His head was swimming. “Tw-twenty.”

“Twenty what?”

“Feet. Twenty feet.” In. Out. In. Je-sus, it felt— “Holy shit. Oh my God.” His body lit up from the inside!

“May I introduce your prostate? What do you use to join a copper and a galvanized pipe?”

“A brass adaptor.” He shot his hips back against the wonderful intruder. “More. More.”

“Ah, see how we crave studying now?” Shaz set up a deep, steady rhythm with the dildo. “What do you call the place where a gable dormer meets the main roof?”

“A—a valley. Mmmm.”

Shaz laughed, but he didn’t stop. He moved on to a slightly larger dildo—and to the hardest legal questions. Billy’s lips opened and closed and made sounds, but he couldn’t hear them. He’d answer forever if Shaz just wouldn’t stop. In, out, in, out. Asphalt shingles. Liquid solar. Ordering structural steel. In. Out.
My. God

His balls tightened and his cock throbbed. So close.
More. More. Heaven. More.

“With 120 tiles in a box, how many boxes of tile are needed to cover a wall six feet by ten feet using six-inch-square tiles?”



Everything went black. A hot hand grabbed his cock and started to pump it. In. Out. In. “Answer!”

The world lit up like a Christmas tree. “Oh God. Oh!”


“Twooooooo.” Semen shot out of his cock onto the blanket and that perfect hand kept stroking as one, two, three more blasts poured out of his happy-dancing dick.

Billy’s body melted into the pillow he lay on.
Wonder of wonders
. The bed bounced as Shaz got up. Billy opened one eye. Shaz was gathering the dildoes and putting the lube away. What? “But wait. Aren’t you going to—?”

Shaz chuckled by his ear. “Fuck your adorable ass? No, my dear. That comes after the test. Now go to sleep and dream about what comes next.”

“But you—”

“I’m happy as a cross-dresser with a new garter belt. Go to sleep, darling. Sleep.”

Billy’s eyes felt heavy. He lay there with a satisfied body, staring at a funny, ragged stuffed cat. “Shaz?”


“Tell me about the cat.”

“Oh, just an old souvenir.”

“Umm.” Despite all the potential terrors to come, Billy slept.







Hmm. That was one too many meows. Billy opened one eye. Black furry face. Orange furry face. Red hair with green eyes.

“Good morning, Glory. Time to get up and face the firing squad.”

Holy shit. The test
! Billy sat straight up in the bed, sending two cats in opposite directions and making Shaz laugh.

“No worries. We have just enough time to have breakfast and make the drive. Coffee’s made. Eggs are on. The boys have been fed. Take your shower and then call me, okay?”


He grinned. “You’ll see.”

Shaz left the bedroom trailing cats.
Oh shit
. Billy wiped a hand over his face. He’d actually slept. Couldn’t believe it. But now the terror tremors vibrated in his stomach like a sick purr. He shuddered, crawled out of bed, and dragged himself to the shower.

Under the hot water in Shaz’s shower fit for a king, he leaned his head against the cool wall and let the multiple jets rain down on his back. Had to admit, he felt scared, but he felt good. Jesus, what had Shaz done to him last night?

He shaved, scrubbed his sensitive and tingly butt, and then stepped out onto the heated stone floor. There stood Shaz, holding up the door frame, with his arms crossed and an expression that had left evil behind a few smirks ago.

“Uh, what’s up?”

Shaz flipped one of his arms out holding a—butt plug! Half baby’s pacifier, half dildo, the thing glowed iridescent pink and had a big curved bulb on the end.

“What? No.”

“Oh yes.” Shaz walked toward him with his beautiful sway, waggling the plug in his fingers. “You’ve already proved that you can slam dunk, pardon the sports reference, this test no matter what distracts you or how much hell breaks loose. Any man who can calculate tile requirements while having an orgasm has got this test conquered. You just need a little distraction. And a reminder of the goodies that await you as soon as you get out of that test.” Shaz stretched up on tiptoe and kissed Billy softly on the lips. “Bend over.”

“Are you sure?”


What the hell
. Billy held onto the chair in front of Shaz’s dressing table and bent. Shaz snuggled up beside him and slipped some cool gel on Billy’s pucker. “Are you sore?”

“Just sensitive,”

“Oooh good, I love sensitive.” He slipped his slender finger into the hole and Billy sighed. God, he couldn’t wait to get fucked. Then the finger popped out and something very cool and clearly plastic took its place.
Pressure. Pressure
. Billy closed his eyes tight.
. In it went.

It felt good. Funny. Weird.

Shaz stepped back.

Billy looked at him. “Uh, what now?”

“Now you get dressed, eat your breakfast quickly, and we go.”

“Like this?”

“Yes. That’s the plan.”

Okay, so maybe it would be kind of fun to ride to Norwalk with the butt plug in. It was only about forty minutes. No big deal.

He dressed quickly in his newest pair of nice jeans and a dress shirt. He even added a sports coat. Might as well look like an executive—sort of. The real treat was pulling on the slim jeans over the soft briefs and getting a zing in his balls from the plug. At breakfast, he shifted from butt cheek to butt cheek as he downed his eggs and toast and got a grin from Shaz. As they headed for the door, Shaz turned to the fuzzy parade following them. “Wish your daddy good luck, guys.”

“Daddy?” He tried to raise an eyebrow the way Shaz did.

Shaz knelt and gave a quick pat to the smooth fur. “Hey, I think we’re kitty daddies, don’t you?”

Billy’s heart did a little dance, and so did his ass as he crouched beside Shaz and put his hand over Shaz’s on Clancy’s back. The sweetness of this sophisticated man always amazed and surprised him. “Yes, I think we are. Be good, guys. Put your paws together for me. I need all the help I can get.”

Shaz gazed into Billy’s eyes. “No. You got this one.”

Billy stood and walked into the garage.
Wish Shaz would stop saying that
. Shit, it made him twice as nervous to be loaded down with expectations.

Shaz took the wheel, maneuvered to the freeway, and they drove quietly for nearly forty minutes. Music played so it wasn’t too awkward. Billy’s head throbbed, but not half as much as the plug in his ass. He shifted from cheek to cheek.
. It was cute and all that, but he didn’t need this distraction. He gripped his hands into fists, then relaxed and gripped again.

His phone rang. Billy pulled out the phone. “Oh shit, my mother.”

Shaz looked over. “You going to answer?”

“I better.”

. “Hi, welcome back.”

“Don’t give me that ‘welcome back,’ Billy Ballew. We’ve been home for a week and haven’t seen you.”

“Sorry. I’ve been busy.”

“It’s a shame when a man is too busy to visit his aging parents.”

He snorted. “Come on, Mother, you’re certainly not aging fast unless the Caribbean sun was very hard on you.”

She had the grace to chuckle. “I’d love to see you and tell you about the trip. Sunday dinner. Tomorrow. You’re expected.”

Oh crap
. “Yes, ma’am.”

“See you then.” She hung up.

He sighed and put the phone back in his pocket, which gave him a fizz of electricity up his backside.

Shaz hit the blinkers and pulled off at the exit in Norwalk. “She sounded like her usual charming self.” He grinned.

“Just what I needed today.”

“You knew she was back. You couldn’t put it off forever. She wants to see you?”

“Yeah. Tomorrow. Crap. One more thing!” He shifted again on the seat, half trying to escape the tingling and half chasing it. “Want to stop at a gas station so I can go to the head and take out the plug?”


“What do you mean no?”

“You’re not taking it out.”

“Shaz, come on. This is important. Not a sex game.”

Shaz glanced at him, then back at the slowing traffic. “That’s the point. It’s not all that fucking serious. You know the answers back and forward. You could teach this test, Billy. It’s just a pissant little technicality standing between you and what you want to do in life. Don’t give it so much importance.” He turned right into a parking lot, found a space, and stopped the car.

Billy glanced at his watch. “We don’t have a lot of time.”

“Then it’s a good thing we’re here, right?”

Billy looked around. “Here? This is the place for the test?”

“Right over there.” Shaz pointed to a building and turned off the car. “I brought my books”—he pointed at his e-reader—“and some food, so take as much time as you need.”

Billy stared at the dashboard. “What if I can’t pass?”

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