KnightForce Damian (La Patron's KnightForce Book 4) (26 page)

BOOK: KnightForce Damian (La Patron's KnightForce Book 4)
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I'm hoping they break when I shift to my larger hybrid."

"I'll give you an energy boost to help break them. One second."

Raoul howled.

Gem joined him.

Damian released the howl as he heard the ticking bomb. Two pings of metal hit the ground. Damian sat up, rotated his arms and neck. With the exception of not being able to fully move his legs he felt much better.

"Thank you, Sir, Ma'am. I'd like to shift now, please."
A surge of heat rolled through him as his beast exploded and morphed to his hybrid. He gulped air and held his head to stop the dizziness. He didn't realize La Patron would pull his beast, which was one way to insure he shifted. The cuffs dug into his leg. He pulled and twisted them off and tossed them aside.

Eying the metal door, he backed up, took a couple steps and kicked it leaving a small dent in the metal. He kicked it a few more times until it hung crookedly on the hinges. One last kick sent it flying back. He ran out and searched for the controls. The panel was busted.

"Damn." Running to the next cage he pulled the bar in the small viewing window until it popped out. He pulled out the other one and reached inside. In human form, Gem slid through the opening.

"See if there's a way out of here," Damian yelled as he went to the next cage.

Save Ivona, they took her somewhere,
" Raoul said.

Angry that his friend would sacrifice himself for someone unworthy, Damian stepped backward, ran and kicked the door with the force of both legs. It bowed in the middle. "Move to the side so you can save your mate yourself."

He ran and kicked it again, this time it flew backward. Raoul was crouched in the corner and followed Damian toward the exit.

"The door's locked and there's just a minute on the clock. They must have a speedboat out there if they think to escape the blowback from this,” Gem said stepping aside.

Damian kicked the door, pain radiated up his leg and made his teeth chatter. He needed something to ram against it. "Get that canister." He pointed to the metal canister near the cages. Raoul picked it up and dropped it in front of him.

"Move back," Damian said as he picked up the solid metal canister and took a few steps back for running room. Moving quickly to the base of the stairs, he threw the metal canister at the door with considerable force and unerring accuracy. The boom from contact and the light streaming through the sides made his heart skip. The sound reverberated in his head, and then he moved up the door and kicked.

It flew open.

They ran out the house and into the yard. He recognized Agatha's complex and headed toward the road. Gem was right behind him.

"Where's Raoul?" Gem asked as they crested the top.

"Shit, he went after Ivona." Damian looked at the house, thought of the bomb, and then looked at Gem. "Follow this path, it'll lead to the road. Barticus' pack will be here soon.

"No. I'm going with you, don't waste time arguing." She ran behind him as they retraced their steps to help Raoul. Damian tracked his friend to the docks where he sat on the ground holding Ivona. One boat had left and another remained moored.

"Come on guy, let's go," Damian said, looking at the boat and then at Raoul.

Raoul's face was wet with tears as he held up his hand covered in blood. "She stabbed her. Right in front of me, that little witch stabbed her and ran on board. I'm surprised they haven't left."

Damian put his arms beneath Raoul's. "I'm going to move you over here so your mate will have cover. Gem's a doctor and can help her, but not if she takes a direct hit from the explosion. Work with me, come over here beneath this outcropping."

Holding Ivona, Raoul scooted back under the rock. Damian pushed Gem beside him and ducked as the explosion blew the roof and contents into the air. Metal debris and fiery pieces landed everywhere. The ground shuddered and fire erupted throughout the house.

"Are you okay?" he asked Gem and Raoul.

"Yes, I'm good, Gem said.

Raoul didn’t answer, instead he rocked back and forth holding a limp Ivona. Damian didn’t hear her heartbeat. Raoul’s grief beat against him, he’d failed to keep his friend’s mate safe. Heavy hearted, Damian stood and strode to the barn.

The animals were gone.

Heat from the burning building buffeted him. What could he say to Raoul? He didn’t know. Would Raoul die with Ivona? His heart lurched at the idea of losing his friend. Goddess, he hated not knowing these things. The idea of losing Raoul cut deep. If that was the price for having a mate, he didn’t want one.

He and Gem could be a couple just fine without being mated. Maybe they’d have pups, work a few more jobs together. For the most part they got along fine. The more he thought about it, the better he felt.

A few seconds and returned to his friends and almost stumbled at the sight of Ivona sitting on Raoul's lap talking and looking better than she had a few moments ago.

He looked at Gem, who shrugged.

Quentin and several pack members arrived with instructions to burn everything to the ground, including the boat.

Alpha Barticus offered no mercy.

Pack members boarded the boat. A few moments later they returned carrying Daphne and Tara, both near death.

"What happened?" Damian asked, thinking the pack had killed the two.

Tara reached for Ivona. After some hesitation, Ivona took her hand. "Forgive her. She didn't understand to kill you meant killing herself."

"The blood-line," Ivona whispered, as tears pooled in her eyes. She looked at Daphne, who looked as if she were asleep except for the bloody wound in her stomach.

"Why? I don't understand,” Ivona said, her voice whispery thin as she looked at her mom and then her sister.

"Jealousy, an ugly thing, something she and I both shared when it came to you. She wasn't yours, your princess died during your illness from childbirth. I've told you before but you never believed. Start your life free from all of this." She coughed and moaned. "Saffi has the gatekeeper’s position. She’s smart, I think she knew… anyway it's been accepted by the council. Forgive me for not being a better mother, things got mixed up, but we did have fun and love once. Remember those times when you think of me." Her head dropped and she released Ivona's hand.

Ivona turned and leaned into Raoul's chest. Her shoulders heaved as they returned the two bodies to the boat.

Minutes later the boat went up in flames.

Chapter 35



Damian pulled into Gem's driveway and looked around her neighborhood. Her home sat in the middle of the block and looked similar to the others. He stepped out and watched two dark wolves run and play in a yard across the road. Leaning on his vehicle, he chuckled as they darted in and around each other, yipping and trying to howl with no bass in their voices. Had he ever been that carefree? No. At that age... he shut down those thoughts and enjoyed the view.

The front door opened behind him and Gem met him at the car. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her hard.

I'm happy to see you too
," she said and ran her finger over his lips. "
Good day?"

"Busy. Alpha Bart finally dealt with the rogues, they've been sentenced to serve a few years in the Junction, the regional prison. What about you? How'd your first day as lead doctor at the main clinic go

She laughed, the sound filled him with warmth and he pulled her closer. "
Anna Morgan wasn't thrilled that she now works for me, but after La Patroness' glowing recommendation to place me on the Health Organization Board, she kept quiet and faked excitement for me. Even tried to act as if we were friends
." She snorted.
"I don't have time for that

He squeezed her waist. "
Yeah? What do you have time for?"

She ran her finger down his chest without releasing his gaze.
"I have time for... ice cream.
" She laughed.

Damian picked her up, spun her around and kissed her again.

"Hi Ms. Gem."

Damian looked down at a young boy and girl staring at them, smiling.

"Hi, Greg, Ginny. Saw you playing a few minutes ago." She pointed across the street to where Damian saw the pups playing.

"Yep, who's this?" Greg pointed at Damian.

"Damian Farkas." She paused. "KnightForce."

The kids’ eyes grew large and they stared up at him. "Do you catch bad guys?"

Damian glanced at Gem, noted the laughter in her eyes, and stooped low to talk to the kids. "Yes that's my main job. I catch guys who don't obey La Patron's rules. You obey his rules, don't you?"

They nodded several times.

"Good, then we can be friends. I always need help from pack."

"That's because pack always help each other." Greg said, reminding Damian of Adam, La Patron's son.

"Sire says we all work together to make the nation strong," Ginny said.

Damian nodded, touched that these two understood what he was just learning. "Your sire's right." He stood. "We'll walk you home and meet your parents."
It was time he integrated with the pack and now was a good time to start. 

"Oh boy." Greg jumped up and down before running across Gem's large front yard and back to meet them.

"You just made two kids very happy," Gem said, holding his hand.

"Just two kids?" He looked at her with hunger. It had been too long since they spent alone time together. Barticus had them on a plane to the States an hour after the explosion. When they arrived in the states, he and Gem flew to La Patron's compound for debriefing for two days.  He'd spent most of that time in meetings or with his family.

Asia and La Patroness really liked Gem and more than hinted he should take her off the market before she was snatched up. La Patroness' almost exact words. “She may not be your mate, but she should be your woman.” Considering most full-bloods weren’t mated, La Patroness made an excellent point.

When they returned to Florida, he'd hoped they could spend the night together, but there was some sort of emergency at the hospital and Gem left him at the house with Raoul and Ivona.

Those two had now found a place of their own and moved last night, which suited him fine. He'd never forget the problems Ivona put the pack through. La Patron sealed the files on the itching to keep pack members from seeking retribution on her and Raoul as a favor to Barticus.

You make me happy, too
." She smiled as he squeezed her hand.

The kids ran ahead inside. Damian heard the chatter over KnightForce several times before two full-bloods walked outside and greeted him. They talked a few minutes, asked questions, and before he realized it, a crowd had gathered to meet him. Many had questions, others welcomed him and patted him anywhere their hands landed. At first it felt strange being surrounded by so many strangers. Gem rubbed his arm periodically, and after a while he relaxed as his beast connected with the people around him.

"No, I don't get involved with domestic situations."

"Yes, I chase rebels and those who threaten La Patron, so don't do it."

"No. I'm not going to shift into my hybrid."

"Yes, training for this job was the hardest thing I've ever done."

It seemed he stood out there for an hour, answering questions, putting minds at ease while holding Gem. A few mentioned half-breeds, but he cut them off by referring to La Patron's decree and La Patroness’ status. That stopped all conversation about breeds. Someone brought instruments and started playing music. Several shifted and ran around on all fours. The night turned festive as platters of food, tables and drink were brought outside in the driveway.

Dance with me
," Gem said.

Before Damian could answer, he'd been slapped on the back several times with good-natured advice on how to dance. Gem took his hands and they swayed to the music.

"First time dancing
?" She asked.

I believe so, but it's not so bad
." He twirled her around to the crowd's delight.

"How's Ivona
?" Gem asked.

He shrugged. "
Good I guess. They moved and I haven't talked to Raoul today. He's taking time off to spend with her."

Gem sighed. "
You're going to have to let it go. She messed up, made some bad decisions, we all did. But Raoul's our friend, your best friend, and she's his mate."

Damian didn't say anything, instead he focused on his moves and pulled her close. He placed his hand on her hips and ground against them. "
No more dancing, say good-night to your neighbors."

Gem smiled and took his hand. "Good night all."

Damian didn't bother hiding the proof of his desire, if they were interested they'd smell it anyway. He waved and watched Gem walk for a few seconds before picking her up and lifting her high.

She screamed as he carried her toward the front door.

The neighbors clapped and offered a lot of unsolicited advice. Once inside, he allowed her to slide down against him. Her brown eyes darkened as she leaned forward and kissed him.

When they broke for air, she grabbed his hand and led him to the bedroom. More than ready to be alone with her, Damian watched her crawl across the bed with a promise in her eyes. Brow raised, he closed the door behind them, locking the world out.


The end




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