Knox (BBW Bear Shifter Moonshiner Romance) (120 Proof Honey) (123 page)

BOOK: Knox (BBW Bear Shifter Moonshiner Romance) (120 Proof Honey)
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She chuckled. “Fine, don’t answer. For the record, I didn’t even ask a question.”

If there was anything this band wasn’t, it was quiet. Nicole had hoped she would get some sleep before it was time for supper. That would let her get to work that evening. All she needed was a brief insight into their lives, see what they did and how they coped backstage and then get one or two fancy quotes from them and her job was done. As the tour came to an end, she would be handing in her article and then moving on to the next thing.

But that wasn’t the case. She had been tossing and turning in bed for the better part of an hour and sleep was nowhere in sight. To make matters worse the guys had been loud, their boisterous conversation and occasional bellowing challenges ringing through the thin walls. But their happy mood was contagious so she reminded herself that being upset was as much of a choice as being happy. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and threw the covers off.

She got out of bed, had a quick shower in the attached bathroom and pulled on a pair of trousers and a tee.
Might as well go see what all the commotion is about
. She was walking past the room beside hers when she heard raised voices. It was none of her business and she was just going to walk on ahead to the sitting room but something drew her back.

She’d always had a curious streak. It got her into all sorts of trouble growing up. Peeking, peeping and eavesdropping were as natural to her as breathing. She was the first to tell all her classmates what boys had
down there
. She was the only one brave enough to look at the roadkill raccoon during that field trip to the history museum. She’d always felt a pang of guilt, but like an addict who can’t beat their fix, she would never turn down an opportunity to snoop. It’s why she was a journalist in the first place.

One of the raised voices was one she knew: Greg's. Never could she have guessed he was capable of raising his voice but then she knew nothing about him. Then she heard a growl, a deep one that sounded nothing like she had ever heard. Some primal instinct inside her triggered, a gift from her ancestors that pumped adrenaline through her veins and told her to run. But she couldn’t: she was rooted to the spot. They started up again and she put off the growl to her imagination. That surely didn’t come from in there.

“Why are you bitching my ear off?” the other voice said.

“Because you need to be a lot more responsible. For your actions. For your duties. I’m sick and tired of cleaning up after you.” Greg replied.

“Clean up after me? I clean up after myself just fine. And this whole stardom thing was your idea so forgive me if I want no part of it.”

“You talk as though you don’t enjoy the perks that come with the fame.”

“I don’t and you know it! All I want to do is do my music and put smiles on faces. I don’t need all the attention and fame. I want to live my own life without having to conform to anyone’s expectations. Now I can’t. Everything I fucking do becomes news before I can blink. I spit on the sidewalk and someone puts it on Instagram. I burp while pumping gas and it’s on Youtube,” the man said, his tone becoming worn down. “The only safe haven I have is with you guys, where I can just be myself with my Clan. But now she’s here. An outsider.”

“And hey, remember your contact lenses. I don’t like them either but it’s the way it has to be. I know it’s a pain in the ass but that’s no reason to leave her stranded.”

Nicole gasped when she heard this. That was Michael in there. He had left her stranded on purpose. She felt her blood boil. How could anyone be so inconsiderate? He hadn’t even met her yet and he had already made up his mind about her. She could feel a strong dislike brewing in her already. She was so lost in thought that she hadn’t heard when the door opened and Michael stormed out.

Half a stride out, he saw her standing by the door, nosing into their business already. He gave her his best condescending smirk. Pure shade.

“I see you have decided to get into the business of snooping around straight up,” he said, turning his head so she couldn’t see his eyes. “If you want to know something about me, you should have the guts to ask me yourself.”

“I wasn’t snooping. I was just passing by and I heard you arguing.”

“Save it for the others. I’m out.” he said and stormed out.

Nicole looked back at Greg, embarrassed by being caught. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t sleep.”

“It’s alright. And you just met Michael.”

“Is he always so grumpy?”

“No. He’s actually really sweet on the inside. He just hasn’t gotten the hang of all this and the fact that he doesn’t exactly have a private life anymore.”

“He isn’t going to make this easy, is he?”

“Can you blame him? Two years ago we didn’t have any of this,” he said, arms taking in the house. “We were clearing hiking trails, hauling scrap, that kind of thing. It’s a big change to go from fried bologna sandwiches to fresh salmon and crab legs. Will he make it easy for you? That’s your job,” he said with a shrug. “Just talk to him and show him that you aren’t here to make his life worse. The reason his fans are so rabid is because they don’t know anything about him. He’s a big mystery, and I think once you shine a little bit of light on him, the fans will get their fill.”

“Should be really easy now now that I have to win his trust first before I can even work.”

“See why I like you?” he said and they both chuckled. “Let’s get you something to eat. Then you can worry about the little stuff, ok?”

“Yes, the little stuff like my whole purpose for being here and my continued employment.”

“Exactly, the little stuff!” he said with a big grin.

“Have I mentioned how much of a gentleman you are, Greg?”

“If I didn’t know better I’d say you were getting sweet on me. You’re going to have to do your best to resist my natural charms. For your journalistic integrity, of course.”

She pretended like she was thinking about it for a little bit and then said, “No comment.”

After a scrumptious dinner of freshly baked bread, spiral cut ham and mashed yams, Nicole retired to her room to get everything ready for tomorrow.
That’s when work would begin.
Right now, she was drop dead exhausted.

A knock came from the door.

“Come in,” she said.

Ben walked in, “Getting settled in ok?”

“Yeah, everything is great.”

“We’re going to head into town. There’s a quiet little honky tonk where we like to stir things up a bit. Helps us blow off steam before we’re all cooped up on a road trip. You’re welcome to join us,” he said.

“I’d love to, Ben, but I’m exhausted. Regretfully, I think I’ll have to pass.”

“Ok, well sleep tight. Obviously make yourself at home. The TV in the living room gets like two thousand channels according to Abel. Just don’t mess with the DVR or blood might be spilled,” he added with a friendly twinkle in his eye. “Tons of snacks in the pantry. Help yourself. Our casa, su casa,” he said, leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

She heard the boys hooting and hollering as they left the house and piled into a pair of pickup trucks. The rumble of their vehicles left behind an almost ominous silence. Peaceful, but peaceful like death. She lay her head down on the pillow and realized she wasn’t tired anymore.

She got up and left the bedroom, walking through the dark house. It was big, and it was a nice structure, but you could tell they still had their humble roots. Their decorations were simple reflecting a simple lifestyle that they came from and sang about. Their hit song, “Dust Moon Rising,” was a clarion call to the life of subsistence and appreciation of your neighbors. It was about the American spirit, eternal and uplifting. Their songs resonated with their audience, complimenting their raw talent.

Nicole opened the door that lead to the back yard. A bunch of sunning chairs were laid out around a big in-ground pool. Lights from the pool cast odd shadows, and in the light she could see vapors rising off it.
Heated. Nice!
The air was good for her. It was cold but it was good. After all, she needed to clear her head and her thoughts and devise some means to coexist peacefully with Michael. He had been closely guarded and silent all through dinner. It was as though he was trying his hardest to make sure he gave up nothing. His brooding demeanor and huge physique gave him an air of danger that Nicole couldn’t shake.

He had actually smiled once though. During dinner, Abel had been talking about their childhood and how they used to get together almost every night. Michael would start to sing and gradually every other person would fall into harmony.

“We would just sing from the heart. If we were down about something. If we were happy about something, it didn’t matter.” Abel had said. “I think that was what started this music thing.”

It was at that point that Michael had surprised her. His face had cracked into a smile that softened his entire look. His voice was nothing like the harsh tone he spoke to her in earlier. “When our mother heard us, her face would light up like we had given her the world. That had to be the most amazing sight then.”

“Is that why you make music?” she had asked.

Michael clammed up immediately.

Tanner caught the awkward silence and interjected. “Yeah, in a sense. We make music because of the smiles that it brings to our fans. It just feels right. There’s too much of the negative stuff out there already.”

She had stored that away into the back of her head, filed away with Michael's smiling face. She needed to get to that side of him. She needed to think of ways to make him open up and be that smiling Michael again. Only that Michael would give her the information she needed. Only that Michael would be of any use to her.

She walked towards the pool. She was cold but there was this crazy feeling to just go swimming. She’d been swimming five days a week for years. Some people jogged, but she swam. She gazed at the pool with longing.
Why not?
This was her only opportunity to get a swim in while the guys were gone.

She quickly stripped off her clothes, folded them neatly and laid them on one of the chairs. She walked back to the pool and gently lowered herself into the water. The water was warm, contrasting with the cool air of the mountain evening. She lay motionless at first, just letting the water soothe her.
She closed her eyes. She could get used to this.
This feels good.

A splash shook her out of her reverie. She was disoriented before she realized someone had gotten into the pool with her. In a panic she dove underwater, not really sure what her plan was. She rushed on up gasping.

“What the hell?” the voice said and started swimming towards her. “Who is that?”

She knew that voice. Of all the people she had to be stuck in a pool naked with, it had to be Michael. This was the last thing she needed. The big brute seeing her in her birthday suit. “It’s Nicole. Please stay where you are.”

“Wanna race? I’ll give you a head start,” he said as he swam over to her.

Nicole was even angrier. “Stay where you are! I came for a swim. I didn’t know you were going to be back so soon. I thought you’d be at the pub. Please don’t come closer,” she said but it was too late.

His broad shoulders bobbed up and down less than three feet away. “Why?”

She was exasperated. “Because I’m not wearing any clothes,” she blurted out. There. She had said it.

His eyes went half lidded for a moment and he inhaled through his nose. “Look, I didn’t know you were in here. I thought I had the house to myself,” he said, his eyes normal and wide again. He didn’t why away from her. He wasn’t embarrassed or awkward at all.

“So did I. We were both apparently wrong. I’ll leave. Close your eyes, please,” Nicole said. She couldn’t tell if it the temperature of the pool got turned up, but the water felt hot. Electric. The warmth spread through her body, a tingling sensation that was adrenaline and excitement. To be naked in front of an alpha male stud rockstar like this was thrilling. It was primal.

“You don’t have to on my account,” he said, closing his eyes.

“I’m cold already. I need to get in,” she said and swam past him. She got out of the pool without another word. She walked back to where she lay her clothes and got dressed quickly. Without another word, she walked back towards the house. Today was all shades of wrong.

Nicole tried to open the backdoor but it wouldn’t budge. She assumed she wasn’t turning it all the way, and she strained against the big oak door with all her might. She was so cold, she was shivering already. Why was everything going wrong for her today? Why in the world was it like this? She was going to hit the door with her shoulder again when she felt a presence. She turned to face Michael clad in nothing but a towel.

“Need a hand?” he asked.

Something in Nicole snapped. The spider silk thread that held her patience together broke clean in two. “There has been nothing but problems since this morning! I’m freezing and wet in the mountains! The door won’t open. I didn’t even want to take this assignment but my boss insisted. I seem to be stuck with someone who has chosen to hate me and make me suffer for the next week because of the singular fact that I am a journalist!” she blurted out. She got livid when he started to laugh. “And what is so funny?”

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