KYLE: A Mafia Romance (The Callahans Book 4) (108 page)

BOOK: KYLE: A Mafia Romance (The Callahans Book 4)
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Chapter Twenty Nine


The man inhaled deeply. The apartment had that closed up odor that only seemed to intensify the smell of her in the room. He wandered around, picking up tchotchkes and examining her framed pictures.

He strolled into her bedroom, a place that was once so familiar and yet so different. He took off his boots and lay on her comforter, burying his face in her pillow, inhaling the scent of her shampoo and perfume.

The man pulled open the bedside drawer. No condoms. He became livid. That Decker asshole was having unprotected sex with his girl! How could she be so free, so giving of herself to him as to trust he’d be clean?

Oh, he had done his research on Mason Decker. The billionaire tech wunderkind had a reputation for being a total Lothario. Laura deserved better than some dickhead who would use her and throw her away.

She should be with me
. Laura was always his perfect mate, even if she didn’t realize it. He got up from her bed and moved to rummage through her dresser.

He pulled open her underwear drawer and one by one pulled each pair out, turning them over in his hands as if they were precious artifacts from a different world. He dug until he found his favorite pair. A pair of leopard print, lace boy shorts. She looked so magnificent in these with just a hint of ass cheek peeking out of the bottom.

He rubbed the wad of lace against his cheek, drawing out the memories of having them pressed against his face once before. He always loved how she would squirm and writhe around him as he fed from her. The man licked his lips as he remembered how good her cunt tasted.

His hand hovered over the open drawer. Should he put them back? He decided not to and slipped the underwear into his coat pocket. They were his favorite, so no one else should get to enjoy them.

The same went for Laura. She belonged to him. It was only a matter of time before she realized it and came running to him. He would welcome her into his life with open arms and never let her go.

A photo on the bathroom wall caught his attention. The gilt frame drew his eye, but it was the actual photo that set him on fire. It was Laura on the beach, side by side with Decker, looking smiley and happy. Decker’s arm was wrapped around her, drawing her body close to him, and his free hand rested on her upper thigh in an almost sexual way.

The man tore the frame off the wall and chucked it against the tile, shattering the glass and disjointing the wood. With a smothered roar he stormed through the apartment, knocking every photo of her and that disgusting man-whore to the floor, smashing the contents under his boot.

He flew around the room, upending furniture and leaving a wake of destruction behind him. When he finished he whirled around to look at his handiwork, but the disaster wasn’t enough; he had to let her know how much he loved her. All of this was for her.

He rifled through the junk drawer in the kitchen and fished out a fat-tipped Sharpie. After clearing off the only wall in the living room that had been dry walled and not done in brick, he began to scribble huge, black letters across the surface.

Chapter Thirty


“Please return to your seats. We will be landing at JFK in roughly thirty minutes. Thank you for flying American Airlines.”

Mason nudged Laura. “Wake up. We’ll be home soon.”

Laura wiped the sleep from her eyes. She had been so wired the last few days she hadn’t had any rest. She had been out since shortly after takeoff. “Thank you for doing this. I really tried.”

“It was a bitch finding two tickets to New York on Christmas Day, but we got lucky.” He slipped his fingers between hers and lifted her hand to kiss her knuckles. “I had a feeling you wouldn’t be able to stay away from home.” He grinned at her.

“I’m sorry. I feel like I ruined our trip.”

“Don’t be. You were a little naïve to think this whole thing would just disappear. You’ll be home in a couple of hours, so sit tight.” Mason secured both of their tray tables and put Laura’s magazines away.

On one hand, Mason was disappointed the vacation had ended much sooner than he had hoped. On the other, he was glad that Laura had pulled the plug. He could tell the stress of receiving the text from her neighbor was eating her alive. She hadn’t slept well, didn’t have much of an appetite for food or sex, and was getting punchy over little things. It was time to leave.

Laura rested her head against Mason’s shoulder as the plane descended. The closer the plane got to the ground the calmer Laura became. Each foot closer to earth brought her that much closer to ending her situation.

“You called the security company and the precinct to let them know what time we’d be back, right?” There was no way she was entering her apartment alone.

“Yes. The cops are on standby, and I have a guard meeting us at your building to check things out before we go in.” Mason patted Laura on the knee.

“Good. I’m looking forward to nailing this guy.” Laura was fed up. She had been violated and driven crazy with all of the weird behavior. The letters and gifts had unraveled her to the point that she didn’t even want anything from Mason. On their last day in Switzerland he’d surprised her with chocolates and a stuffed mountain goat, and she’d burst into tears.

Finally, the plane had landed. Now it was a matter of getting off and getting home quickly.



So she’s coming home today?
What a nice little surprise. The man had overheard two of the neighbors discussing her homecoming from Switzerland –
Of all places. How stupid. –
and the strange figure that had been creeping around outside her door.

He had thought about being there to greet her when she saw his handiwork, but decided to get them at Decker’s building. He wanted Laura to come running to him on that bastard’s home turf. That would show him, the visiting team getting the win.



“You don’t want to go in there.” The security guy had come out of the apartment with a look of terror in his eyes and his phone pressed to his ear. “I’m calling the cops. I found no sign of a person still on the premises, but I’m sorry, ma’am, your apartment has been destroyed.”

“What!” Laura squeezed past the large man and into the foyer. She gasped as the scene in front of her. Everything had been destroyed. Broken glass and couch stuffing were strewn across the floor. The kitchen looked like the cabinets had exploded their contents all over the room.

Fear gripped her chest when she read the graffiti on her wall.


Mine you are, but you dont know

How quick it was my love to grow

Lost in time to one undeserved

Come back again Youre mine you see

Fall into my Embrace

A dangerous game you play with my heart as your wager

Mine again youll be when that fucker goes down


Laura couldn’t be sure if was the shock, the jet lag, her empty stomach, or some combination of the above, but her eyes rolled back into her head and she crumpled to the floor.




Chapter Thirty One


“Laura! Holy fuck! Laura, baby, wake up!” Mason desperately shook her. The state of her apartment turned him to ice. He felt a blood lust so strong he thought he’d kill the next person who so much as looked at her sideways.

He yelled to the security guard, “I have to get her out of here! When the cops show, tell one of them to either call me or get to my penthouse. I can’t leave her here, interview or no.” Mason scooped her up into a fireman’s carry and took off through the building. Smith had waited at the curb, and for that, Mason was grateful.



Slowly, Laura came to. She felt the jarring of a bump and realized she was moving. “Where the fuck are we going? I have to talk to the police!” She sat up in a panic and tried to escape the car.

Mason gripped her shoulders and pinned her to the seat. “You will…at my place. I had to get you out of there. You completely cracked. I left security at your place in the meantime. An officer will meet with us as soon as we get home.”

Laura stiffened like a cornered animal. Her eyes darted back and forth, her breathing picked up almost to hyperventilation, and she felt like she may bolt from the car at the next red light.

Much to Mason’s relief, the car slowed and pulled over in front of his building. “Go home, Smith. And thank you.” Mason helped ease Laura out of the car and put his arm around her waist to keep her standing all the way to the elevator, where she collapsed against the wall.

Laura continued to stare off into space. Her eyes had gone glassy with the film of unshed tears. The ominous feeling that Mason was going to die settled on her shoulders. Her admirer had been upsetting to this point, but he had kept his distance. Twice he had been inside her home and this time destroyed it.

She didn’t care about the furniture or the decorations. Every photo of her and Mason had been shattered, stepped on, and torn. The man after her had sent a very clear message that Mason was in the way and would be dealt with.

The tears silently overflowed and soaked her cheeks. She was about to have her happily ever after taken away…again! “Mason, I’m really scared.”

“We’ll figure this out. Don’t worry.” He scanned up and down the corridor with no sign of another person before pulling Laura out towards his door.

“Mason, stop! I think this guy wants to kill you. I’m freaking out!” Laura dug her heels into the carpet and yanked her arm away.

“Then we had better get inside now before he realizes we’re here and not where he thinks you’ll be.” Mason gripped her hand, and without another word, dragged her across the threshold.

In their arguing, neither of them saw the man step into the corridor from the stairwell and slip in behind them.

“Mason, let go of me!” Laura tugged at Mason’s grip and couldn’t beak it. A voice from behind them drew their attention.

“Let her go.” The man tossed his hood back to reveal a full head of dark hair streaked with silver, straight brows, and eyes like ice.

Laura’s jaw dropped. “Frank? What are you doing–” As the words were leaving her mouth, she knew: it was all him.

“I came for you, my love. You deserve so much better than to be a chew toy. I can take you away from all of this and we can be together.” The sincerity in his eyes tugged at Laura’s heart. She had thought their entire relationship was just for fun.

“Frank, I had no idea you felt this way. I thought we were just fuck buddies.” Her eyes widened when she thought of the photos he’d sent her. “You photographed me without my knowing, didn’t you?’

With a sheepish grin, Frank admitted it. “I did. I videotaped you too. The wild abandon in your eyes and body when you rode me…” He shivered with delight. “I watch you over and over. Your body is so beautiful, and you were so good in bed. How can you expect me to just let you go?” Frank took a couple steps forward.

Mason stepped in front of Laura. “That’s enough. You need to get out of my house. Now.” His hands balled into fists at his sides, hanging onto his last remaining shred of composure.

“Not until I get what’s mine, you fucking limey.” Frank returned his attention to Laura. “Come back to me. I did all of this for you. To make you realize how much you truly love me too. I have to be with you, Laura.”

Mason’s mouth set in a hard line, his nostrils flared, and heat crept up his neck. “She is with me now.” He took a step forward. “I am sick and fucking tired of your games, Frank. You’ve pushed way too far. You need to fucking leave.”

In a few quick steps, Frank closed the gap. In a blink he reared his arm back and clocked Mason in the mouth.

The room swam for a brief second. Once the shock of being hit wore off, Mason lunged. The two men traded blows and crashed into walls. Laura pressed herself into a corner, horrified at what was unfolding in front of her. She surveyed the room for any sort of a weapon and settled on the trophy case.

Praying it was unlocked, she yanked on the door, nearly pulling the shelves down on top of her as it opened. She reached inside and grabbed his heaviest looking soccer trophy and clubbed Frank over the head with it.

His body collapsed on top of Mason as several bangs came from the front door. “Police, open up!” Laura dashed to the entrance to let them in while Mason struggled to get out from under a large amount of dead weight.

“Cuff the unconscious guy! Quick, before he wakes up!” Laura pointed at the heap that was her former lover. “He was the guy following me around.” Laura began to shake from the surge of adrenaline. An officer sat her on the floor while his partner went to talk to Mason and take care of Frank.

“Okay. Tell me everything that happened, and leave no detail out.” The husky officer sat on the floor in front of her with his notepad and pen at the ready.

Laura told him everything from the relationship she and Frank had to his hostility when he found out about Mason, all the way up to that night. “I have all of the things he sent me, plus the giant death threat scrawled across my living room wall.” She shook her head in exhaustion. “I just want him gone and out of my life.”

The second officer came out of the room, shoving a handcuffed Frank in front of him. Laura could hear him being read his rights as he was guided towards the front door. Frank glanced over at Laura and tried to make eye contact. She saw the pleading look in his eyes and dropped her gaze to the floor. She would feel sorry for him later.

“I’ll have a detective call you two in the morning,” the husky officer instructed as he got to his feet. “We’ll keep Romeo in custody until the trial is over. I suggest taking out a restraining order in the meantime in case someone posts his bail.” The officer tipped his hat to Laura before leaving. “Have a good night, you two.”

Laura collapsed against Mason’s chest. The adrenaline fatigue had set in, but another, more primal, urge for connection rose up right behind it and quickly took over her body. 

She pressed herself up against him and pulled his mouth down to hers. Her kiss was hot and demanding, her tongue sweeping over his with the need to claim and be claimed.

Mason gave right back. The last of his simmering anger poured into that kiss. Laura was his and his alone. How dare another man try and come to stake a claim on his relationship. Grabbing her ass, he pushed his erection into her pelvis. He did not intend to be slow or gentle.

Laura could sense she was in for a ride. She snaked her hands under Mason’s t-shirt and raked her fingernails down his torso to his belt buckle, culling a primal growl from his lips. With deft fingers she unclasped the buckle and button and slipped his pants down his hips, freeing his cock. With a firm hand she began to stroke.

Mason moaned into her mouth. She was driving him crazy. He tore at her pants, jerking them down her legs so he could finger her and get her ready. To his surprise, she was already there.

He ripped her underwear off and tossed the scrap of fabric into a corner. In one motion he hoisted her up and pressed her against the wall. Laura let out a groan of surprise as he pushed inside of her and began to thrust.

Laura dug her nails into Mason’s taut shoulders for grip and wrapped her long legs around his waist to allow him to go deeper, slamming into her most delicate parts. The sharp twinges of pain carried over into pleasure. She wanted to hurt. Laura needed the pain as an outlet to release all of the emotional pain and stress.

In a moment of tenderness she pressed her mouth to his ear. “I’m yours. I always will be.” Before she became speechless and was only capable of moaning and sighing.

On the next thrust she pressed her head against the plaster, her cries echoing off the walls as her orgasm consumed her. Fueled by her pleasure, Mason pumped a few more times before joining her with his own.

He buried his face in her neck and silently vowed to protect her with whatever it took, including his own body.


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