L. Ann Marie (11 page)

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Authors: Tailley (MC 6)

BOOK: L. Ann Marie
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"We'll take Elizabeth upstairs."  Jessie says, walking out the door.

Steve looks at Jess and me.  "Don't want to make him move."  Danny gets everyone a beer and tells Jess the water looks nice this time of night.  I laugh and walk to the patio.



I watch her walk away with a smile.  She fits right in.  When I look back Danny pushes a chair out.  I gladly sit, my leg is bothering me.  I take the pill out of my pocket and swallow it with some beer.  Doc shakes his head and sits.  One beer won't kill me.

When Kate walks, out VP starts.  "Brad got with the one percenters, got help from a Boss.  Started a campaign for US senate, didn't want loose ends.  Had pictures of Taylor, thought he was his.  Cloud works for Baxter, they oppose a backer.  Thought he could get rid of both with one Op.  Takin out FS for both was to throw us off.  Gave Jamie the backer.  Got Brad samplin from the last gang take.  Prospect's in holdin.  Waitin for you on him."

Pres goes to put his hand in his hair and Danny stops him.  "Fuckin stitches."

"Maybe he'll stop now."  VP says smiling.

"All this was to get rid of Jessie?  Fuckin Bob lost his leg, Amanda was in a fuckin coma for days, Max was shot, all because he wants to campaign?"

VP shakes his head, "And the backers for Baxter."

Pres isn't finished.  "They had fuckin C4 strapped to trucks to blow up however many people they thought they could.  Find me the Boss, I'll meet with Providence.  Get Brad strung and do it hard, drop him in a crack house with plenty of cash on him.  Baxter's can get a reporter to deal with his fuckin campaign going to hell.  Fuckin politicians."  He goes to put his hand in his hair again.  Danny stops him, again.  "Fuck, Brother."  He looks at me.  "I don't even know what to say, Bob.  Fuckin shit comes back to haunt me and you got hit in the crossfire."

I look at him.  "Brotherhood isn't just the good days, Pres.  We take care of our own every day.  Shit happens.  We're all alive; not much else to say."  Danny told me once that Pres feels it when one of his gets hurt because people bring shit to our door.  I see that in his face right now.

He throws chin.  "Fuckin Badass Brotherhood."  I throw it back.  What can I say?  I pledged to protect the women and kids just like they did.

"You got anything else?"  Pres asks VP.

"Prospect.  Took five grand to lose calls and pick up food."

He lifts his hand then puts it down.  I smile; he didn't try for his hair.  "Hold him until tomorrow.  Keep all Prospects out of Security.  We need to find out who else was approached.  Fuckin one percenters knew too fuckin much.  I hope you wiped them out.  Who knows what the fuck kind of blowback we'll get from this now.  Keep Security high for a couple more days.  Let's see how this plays.  We need to meet tomorrow.  My fuckin head feels like it's going to explode."

Steve stands up.  "The kids can help."  He laughs.  I turn and see what he's looking at.  Jeremy, Jacob and Brenna are standing at the door.  Steve nods to them.  They go to Pres, Danny puts Brenna on Pres' lap.  Jeremy and Jacob stand at his sides, holding his hands.  Jeremy talks soft, Jacob and Brenna answer him.  Pres closes his eyes.  I know he's feeling the heat.  It's fuckin crazy what they can do.  We all sit and watch until Jeremy opens his eyes.  VP picks him up putting his head on his shoulder.  Danny takes Brenna, I pull Jacob to me.  He sees my leg and falls to the floor, lifting up my pants.  I laugh.  Fuckin kids, I love every one of them.

VP looks at Pres.  "Feelin better?"

Pres smiles moving his head around.  "Yeah, Brother.  Thanks, Little Brothers."

"This is cool, Bob."  Jacob says.

I look down smiling.  "Yeah.  It's just for now; when I get the real one it will be all web, even the knee."

"Cool!"  I pull him up to my lap.  He watches everyone.  "We done now?"

Danny and Doc laugh.  "Yeah.  Thanks, Jacob."  Brenna wiggles off Danny and runs out the door with Jacob.

"Christian."  Jeremy says.

"It's too much."  VP says.  Jeremy puts his head back down.

Cloud comes in from the patio.  "They done for today?"

"Did good.  Brantley and Taylor on control."  VP tells him.

Cloud smiles.  "Beau said they handled like pros.  Little Ninja help you out, Ben?"

Pres smiles, "Yeah, he did."

Cloud takes Jeremy from VP.  "You hit everythin today.  Thanks for havin my back, cuz."

Cloud throws him chin.  "We take care of our own."  The kids run into the room and Cloud takes them home through the Club's hallway.

"We should have told him he could take them out."  Doc says.

"Not yet."  VP says.

"I'm out."  I say standing.  I take a second to get my balance then find Mandy and our house.  I stop and kiss her once we get in the door.  "I need a shower then bed."  She looks up at me with a question in her eyes.  "I have a promise to keep, I'll meet you in bed."

She smiles.  "I'll be ready."  I wrap her hair and pull raising her face to so I can get to her mouth again.  She moans, making my dick swell.  "I'm ready."  She says when I lift my mouth from hers.  I laugh and let her go.  She walks toward the office and I go to the closet.

I get the brace off and sigh.  It feels good; I think I did too much today.  I take the sock and bandage off and use the crutches to get to the shower.  It's been a fuckin day right from the beginning.  I'm standing in the shower, smiling like a pussy.  I rode my bike, even jumped with it.  My foot came off the peg but I did it.  I'll have to ask Dave about something to hold my foot better.  After a while I didn't even notice the clicking of the brace.  For a first real work day with a new foot, I did fuckin good.  I nod and start washing up.  What a pussy.

In the closet I open the bag with the bandages, pulling out what I need.  I get the cream on, Doc said it would help me heal faster.  I get myself bandaged and put the sock on.  I use the crutches to get to the bed.  I don't want to hop around and hurt my back or look like a fuckin animal.

Amanda is sitting on the bed, fuck she's beautiful.  I love her hair down covering her nipples, just like that my dick jerks.  Her sleeve and the heart above her heart get me hard, I'm smiling when I get into bed.  "I love seeing your ink and jewelry.  You’re that man mothers warn their daughters about."  She says, thinking the same thing I was.

I turn so I'm facing her.  "I love you."  I pull her to me and kiss her, holding her head and sliding my hand down to her nipple.  She changed the rings.  I moan wanting to see so I pull away.  "You switched your rings; these are fuckin sexy babe."  She has studs with gold balls on each side of her fat nipples.  Fuckin sexy as hell.  I put my mouth on her and feather my tongue hitting the studs, making her moan.  Fuck, I'm fuckin ready.

"Harder, babe."  She moans out.  I suck harder and her hand is in my hair, pulling it and moving me to her other nipple.  Her other hand finds my dick and starts stroking.

"Fuck that feels good but I need to give you some relief before I come on your hand, baby."

She stops stroking me and pushes the sheet off her then straddles me.  "Sally says I can be on top."

Fuck, she lifts up and slides right down on me.  "Babe, I need a condom."  She shakes her head no.  Holy fuck, it feels too good to stop her.  I kiss her as she moves on me; my fingers find her pussy and feel a stud with the balls on the end.  I pull my mouth off her and lean back so I can see.  "Fuckin sexy as hell."  I watch her slide down on my dick; she rolls her hips and the ball rubs my dick.  "Fuck."  My fingers circle her clit, making her moan.  I need to put my mouth on her and try out the fuckin stud.  I lift her right off me and turn her so she's flat on her back.

"Fuck, I was feeling it right where I was."  She's not happy.

I slide off the bed and pull her to the edge opening her legs wide.  "So pretty, baby."  Kissing up her leg, I make it to her pussy and swipe my tongue across her clit.  She cries out, letting me know that's where she wants me.  My hand goes to her tit and rolls her nipple.  I watch her back arch off the bed and slide my finger in her pussy, curling them against her wall.  She arches up again; fuck if that's not the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.  She cries out my name, her pussy grabbing my finger.  I circle around her clit until she calms.

I reach for the bar and pull myself up to standing.  Flipping her over, I put her right under the chain and bar.  I use it to balance and slide in with a moan.  I don't remember ever feeling any better than this.  She pushes back as I move forward.  "Fuck I like that, Mandy."

"Harder, faster."  She says slamming back.  Fuck, she's going to push me over.

I hold her waist and pound into her.  I use my stump to steady me on the bed and put my other hand on her waist.  "Love seeing my dick move into your fuckin tight pussy, babe."  I roll my hips hard, letting her know how fuckin much.  I push down on her shoulder blades, tipping her pussy up and start pounding in again.  She's making fuck me noises that send heat down my back.  "Put your fingers where I can't reach, babe; slide that stud on your clit."  I see her sleeved arm move and picture her fingers playing with that sexy as fuck stud.  I lose it, slamming her against me, feeling my balls draw up.  "So fuckin sexy, babe."  She yells my name and I'm fuckin shooting into her, feeling like I'm going to pass the fuck out.  I grab the bar, putting my hand in the center of her back.  "Fuck," is the only thing I can get out.

She looks back, panting like I am.  "Every fuckin time."  She says in between breaths.  "Think everything is working, Bob."  She takes a couple of breaths.  "Let's try a new way and make sure."

I laugh, "Any fuckin thing you want, babe, but I need a minute."

"I got just one."  She says, fuckin sassy as hell.  It dawns on me she's fuckin perfect and mine.  No one will ever have her again.  I pull out and grab the crutches.  She moans, letting her body fall flat, half on the bed.  She makes everything fuckin sexy.

"Stay right there, Mandy."  I growl, turning for the bathroom.  I get her cleaned up and pull her up the bed.  It's harder than it used to be.  I need to start working out to fix that.

She pulls my mind back.  "You used your stump to balance, babe.  It was fuckin good; gave you more stability to ram your big fat dick in me.  I felt every bit of it."  I kiss above her heart, smiling.  I did.  It hurt a little but not enough for me to stop.

"My fuckin big fat dick likes the description baby; it's getting bigger and fatter."

She moves so fuckin fast I laugh.  I'm on my back and my dick is in her mouth.  She pulls off and I moan; it was fuckin good.  "You should thank Mitch for writing the book.  She taught me how to swallow."  Fuck, she swallows me right the fuck down.  Anything she wants, I'll agree to right now.  My fuckin brain is on overload and my dick is calling the shots.  With my hand on her head, she fuckin taunts me then puts her hand on my balls, scraping her fingernail right down then pulling back and squeezing.  "Fuck!"  I can't hold back and shoot down her throat.

"Fuckin perfect, Mandy."  I'm not ever letting her go; she takes me with the bar and not once gags.  Fuckin perfect.  I'm gasping for breath with a smile.  She sucks hard coming up, making my whole fuckin dick feel like pins and needles.  Perfect.



Chapter Eleven

Two days


I'm so fuckin excited.  I dress so my sleeve shows.  "You going to thank Mitch for the book?"  I ask as he pulls gym shorts up.  "I know you don't want to hear it but the brace is kind of sexy.  I like the web look, it's futuristic."

He laughs at me.  "You’re fuckin off, Mandy."  He kisses my head.  "No, I'm not saying a fuckin word about the book that teaches you how to have good sex.  She has three fuckin men guarding her.  Every fuckin one of them is bigger than me and SEAL trained.  They'd pound me into fuckin pulp, thinking sex and their woman in the same sentence."

"Fuckin men."  I put my hands on my hips.

He looks at me, "I don't want you saying anything either.  Her men don't need to picture your fuckin mouth on their dick.  It's a book, leave a fuckin review."  He's not mad but not smiling either.

"Wow, the pissing on my leg thing is fuckin hot."  I tell him standing on my toes, I kiss his lips.  "Ok, I'll leave a fuckin review, put your dick away, Badass Biker Babe."

He laughs.  "Biker Babe is a chick, Mandy.  It's funny as hell but not what I want coming out of your mouth when you think of me."

Fuck, it is, isn't it?  "Sorry, I'll think of another name; I can't use G-Spot Rubbing Stud.  It's not good with company."  He's fuckin laughing at me, hunched over like I punched him in the stomach.  I spin around and walk out of the closet, "I may pick fuckin asshole.  That suits you right now."  Jerk.

He catches me at the bedroom door.  "Babe, G-Spot Rubbing Stud is fuckin funny to anyone that hears it."  He's smiling.

I take a breath, "Alright, let it the fuck go so I stop feeling stupid."

"Sexy as fuck, compassionate, smart and funny."  He kisses my head.  "Babe, stupid can never be used to describe you."

The doorbell rings; I kiss his lips and run to the door.  He's fuckin laughing again.  Jerk.

Mitch, Aleena, the doctor and two guards are at the door.  One guy stays outside, the other steps in and stands at the door.   Aleena does PT with Bob but she's our neighbor, so I'm not as nervous as I thought I'd be.  Mitch introduces the doctor.  She's cute and happy; she reminds me of an older Tess.  She wants another tattoo and looks at my arm; I'm glad I wore the tank.

The doctor checks Bob's leg; he's surprised how fast he healed.  Mitch's eyes are shining, she knows about the kids.  Aleena nods at me.  Fuckin people, no one ever said Aleena is a freaky mind reader too.  She doesn't react as I'm thinking that was mean, maybe she's not.  Bob has the new brace on; he's jumping with a smile.

"This one is good until we get your robotic done.  I have one for the shower; it doesn't have moving parts, it's more for stability.  The other is another light weight but heavy duty brace.  It can withstand eight hundred pounds of pressure.  You'll be able to lift your bike as long as you distribute the weight evenly."  She's so happy, I'm smiling with her.  "The old brace was just temporary to get you use to walking again without the pull on your stump.  It isn't good for everyday use but you could use it around the house or I'll take it back and recycle it."

"This one feels better.  You can recycle that one; it may help someone else like it did me."  He tells her.  She bounces clapping her hand to her robotic.  I smile at Aleena; she's smiling right back.  Mitch is just like Tess.

"We need to get the robotic measurements again.  It's a ‘measure twice’ concept."  The doctor says.  He opens his bag and takes out a laptop and connects a computer thing to it.  Bob stands straight with his feet apart.  He bends his knees when Mitch tells him to.  Once that's done the doctor asks to see his leg again.  He wants to make sure there's no problem with the connector parts on his leg.  "You've healed fast.  I'd think you’re farther along but I saw you in the hospital.  Whatever you're doing, keep it up."  Bob nods.  He packs up his computer stuff while I get Mitch an appointment time.

I tell her to email me a design or she can pick it when she comes in.  "I can't wait!"   She's bouncing and clapping again; Aleena laughs.  She hugs me before she leaves.

Bob laughs as soon as the door closes.  "She always reminds me of Tess."

I smile, "I was thinking the same thing.  She's one of the beautiful people."  He gives me a funny look.  "You know, beautiful inside and out.  They're all around us."  He's been here longer than me, he should know.

"I get it, I'm just surprised you used those words.  The parapsychologist said it just like that."  He pulls me to him.  "I love you, Mandy.  You don't see it but you're one of those too.  The old ladies never see it."

Old lady!  He thinks of me as an old lady?  Fuck!  I want to jump up and down.  "I'm not an old lady."  I say against his chest.

"You will be.  I need to meet your parents and you mine.  If you still want me after that, we'll talk about forever."  He pulls away, watching my eyes.

"You don't need to meet my parents; I don't even know them anymore."  I'm ready now.

He smiles.  "They need to know who's taking care of their girl.  Even if they don't appreciate you, they need to know you're ok and have a man who loves you."

Fuck, he's going to make me cry.  I just nod, putting my head back on his chest so he doesn't see.  I'm blinking like crazy, then let him go.  "Can I go to the shop today?"

"Nope, we're going away for a couple of days.  I need you to pack a bag, light; you can buy what you need when we get there."  He slaps my ass, making me yelp.

I go to the office, first packing my laptop, then getting a bag ready.  He changed into cargo shorts and a Security polo.  Fuck, he's sexy; his shirt is tight on his chest and arms.  I love the web; I'm thinking of a tattoo with that web design around a heart, my heart.  I shake my head and put the bags by the door.


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