L. Ann Marie (18 page)

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Authors: Tailley (MC 6)

BOOK: L. Ann Marie
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VP smiles.  "Fuckin paperwork."

"We need more Security."  I tell them.  I'm stretching the schedule.

Pres looks at me.  "How many?"

"At least five.  I'm spreading HS but the Security details are going to be left short."  I look at VP.  "You're calendar is full for the next two months.  Concerts and convention and shit.  If I pull eight from you that takes five and your buffers."

He looks at me.  "Yeah."

"You need eight to keep that buffer."  Pres says.

"Lost one, need nine.  Got four Brothers on the list, trained and ready but had no room.  Need five to be comfortable."

"Fuck, this is not the time to be trying to get background checks and training done."  He runs his hands through his hair and winces.  His head must still be tender.

"Send the names to Ben.  We'll get your background checks done."  Jamie tells him.  Pres nods;  VP throws him chin.

"That leaves training.  Straight Security can be done in a week.  Tiny, can you run that?"  Pres ask.

He nods, "Yeah, that's what the Brothers run through now.  With a threat they'll be more wanting to step up.  It will work for both.  I don't do the book work.  Patches or the Associates do that."

"Start Monday.  Get as many Brothers as you can into training.  I'll talk to Patches."  Pres looks like he's making a list in his head.  We all wait on him.  "Am I missing anything?"

"Cloud and Danny."  Tiny says.

"Cloud is hopping back and forth with Baxter's, so I don't want to put too much on him.  Danny is staying open.  I'm not locking him in anywhere; he's the only Brother that can do any job, from mine to the Prospects.  I can move him daily; he's ok with shit like that.  Let me know if and where you need help."  We all nod.  I'm wondering when my neck is going to get sore, all I've done today is fuckin nod.

"If I'm all done here, I need to make a new schedule."  I tell him.

"One last thing.  The Baxter kids are going to be spending some time with the Club Kids.  They have some computer ability that they can play off our kids.  They haven't been training as long but they have Kevin and Mitch guiding them."

Fuck, more Security.  "They have their own security."  VP says.

"Down in the Club?"  Fuck, I'm shocked.

"We've got nothing on the Baxter's.  Their Security is as loyal as ours."  Pres says.  I'm not sure I like this.  I don't know Baxter's Security.

"Good to be cautious.  Use Jeremy to meet BS before they go down."  VP tells me.  I throw him chin; I had planned to.  My fuckin kids are safe there.  He laughs.

"Get the fuck out of my head."  I look from him to Pres.  "Anything else as a one last thing?"

He smiles at me.  "No."

Jamie laughs.  "I'd be nervous with my kids too, Bob.  We don't trust many with them."  I nod and stand.

I look at Pres.  "Am I still meeting up with you at the office?"

"No, we're done."

Thank fuck!  "I need to go make a schedule."  I think about my steps so I don't scrape my foot walking out.



Chapter Nineteen

Two days


It's Bob's birthday, I'm so excited!  I snort/laugh.  "What could possibly be funny before you open your eyes?"

I smile.  "Happy Birthday."  I roll on top of him and kiss his lips.

"It could be."  He says smiling.  I scoot down his body and take him in my mouth.  "Fuckin Happy Birthday."  He says, moaning.  His hand goes into my hair.  He lets me tease him for a full three minutes, then he lifts me off him.  "I like this way better."  He kneels, putting a pillow at his stump, then puts me on my knees, straddling his lap.

"I like this way too."  I bite his shoulder.   He pushes me down on him with a growl.  I love the growl.

My mouth goes to his nipple ring.  "Fuck, baby.  You're not going to come if you keep that up."  I move my mouth away quick.  He kisses me, hiding his smile.  "Put your fingers on your bar, babe."  He pushes me out at an angle so he can see.  I love him watching and make it good, getting them wet first.  "Fuck."  He leans into my tit, biting my nipple, making waves roll through me.

I shiver and he does it again.  Fuck is right.  Lifting his mouth, he pounds me down on him.  I come yelling his name.   Holy shit!  He's not stopping; I move my fingers to his mouth.  He sucks them in as he's lifting me up.  Fuck that's sexy.  I pull my fingers out of his mouth and squeeze my nipple; I'm ready again and moan.  He moves faster.  "Give it to me, baby.  Come on my dick."  He bends and bites my other nipple, flipping the jewel; I'm fuckin gone.  My brain floats back to me while I'm sucking air against his chest.  It takes me two tries to say Happy Birthday.  He laughs.  "Thank you, babe.  I'm happy."

When he lifts me up, he kisses the heart on my chest.  He liked the web, saying that him and Meely guard my heart now.  He's smiling; I made him happy for his birthday.  "Want me to make you breakfast?"

He gives me a look.  "Are you making toast?"

I laugh.  "I could take you to the hotel in the City, they have an awesome breakfast."

He's strapping his shower leg on but looks back at me.  "No one leaves the yard, Mandy."

"But you’re a head of Security and it's your birthday."

He's thinking about something.  "We can go to the Diner.  Sam makes good burritos."

Fuck, something big is going on.  "Ok, the Diner it is."  He smiles.  I get up and get his present from the closet.  When I give it to him he's surprised.  "Open it."

He takes it with a smile.  "I don't get birthday presents.  Thanks."  I watch him; he doesn't get presents?  His parents are as bad as mine.  Fuckin parents.

He's looking at the picture.  "Did you do this?"  I nod.  "You had to have done this before I got my leg."  I nod.  "Thank you, this is incredible.  I like the picture on it too."

I lift my hand and give him the small box.  He looks at me.  "It's your birthday, you can get more than one present."

He smiles and opens it.  "Fuckin cool as shit!  I love it.  Thank you."  He pulls the ring out and slides it on his finger.  "It fits perfect."  He pulls me into him and kisses me.  Holy shit does he kiss me.  "I never got presents, I love them thank you."

"One more."  I turn around and move my hair.  "This was hard to hide but I did it."

He touches my shoulder blade.  "It's beautiful.  Thank you.  I want to fuck you again so I can see it but we'll be late.  Tonight, I get to see it while I'm sliding my dick in you, babe."

I suck in a breath.  Shit.  "Ok."

He laughs and pulls me into the shower.  He washes me, touching the ink on my back.  "I love it.  You're a fuckin awesome artist babe."

I'm glad he can't see the tears in my eyes.  "Thank you."



Chapter Twenty

One month


Everyone is at Security;, watching allies of the Outlaws and Rebels meeting at a bar outside of New York.  Our New York Brothers did a good job getting us the feed.  Chairs are fuckin everywhere in Surveillance but most of the Officers are standing.  The Club kids are smiling, which puts the Brothers at ease.  The meet on the boards was set up so they would have an hour to go over the plan.  Outlaws and Rebels are fuckin pissed that three groups haven't shown yet;  they are the majority of pussies that are coming our way.

Little Ben looks at his phone.  "They're pulling in now."  We all watch the feed but all it shows on the outside are cars pulling into the back.   What the fuck did they do?  Groups of people are getting out of the cars and the Brothers start laughing.

"What the fuck are they wearing?"  Tiny asks.

"They're Trekkies."  Jessie says with a smile.

"Are those in the red shirts fuckin green people?"  Rich asks, moving closer to the board.

Tiny laughs "Look at the dogs with horns!  What the fuck are they going to do, beam us up?"  Everyone is laughing.  Women and men are dressed in costume; some with big wigs, some with lobster looking things on their faces.  All of them fuckin freaky looking.  There has to be fifty fuckin costumed people lining up outside the bar.  They're yelling; at first I can't make it out.  The Brothers stop laughing and listen.

They're yelling for Spock.  Fuckin bikers inside are moving toward the door.  VP is laughing.  I can't believe the kids sent Trekkies to a biker bar and the Trekkies are pissed.  The bikers come out, just looking at the Trekkies.  They're still yelling for the bikers to give them Spock.  One guy yells for them to stop, he's Spock.  Every fuckin one in surveillance starts laughing.  Pres tells us to shut the fuck up.  By the time we do, the Trekkies are throwing shit at the bikers.  The dog people are bringing laundry baskets of fuckin vegetables to the Trekkies.  The bikers don't know what the fuck to do; some are trying to go back into the bar. 

The police show up; the Trekkies throw shit at them too.  They're still yelling for the bikers to release Spock.  The kids are hysterical on the chairs.  Pres is trying to keep everyone quiet; then a tomato hits a Rebel right in the face and he pulls his gun.  The cops pull their guns, telling the Trekkies to get out of the way but no one listens.  More bikers are pulling their guns because the cops are.  The fuckin Trekkies are still throwing fuckin vegetables.  Everyone is yelling but no one is fuckin listening.  This is the funniest and strangest fuckin thing I've ever seen.  As the Trekkies baskets empty, they go back to the cars.

The cops and bikers are still pointing guns at each other.  More cops show, standing behind cars, pointing their guns.  The Trekkies start driving away, causing a roar of laughter from the kids and Brothers.  A SWAT truck pulls in and the cops finally stop a car of Trekkies.  They start yelling and the cops let them go.  The Brothers are laughing again; I look around the room and can't help smiling.  Danny and Rich are doubled over.  The Brothers are wiping their eyes.  After the tension of the last month, this was fuckin perfect.  When I look back at the boards, the cops are arresting bikers.  An Outlaw is fighting two cops; more cops surround them finally using a taser to bring him down, making the kids laugh again.  Holy fuck!

I look at Pres; he's watching the boards.  VP is watching with a smile.  Jessie is watching everyone with a smile on his face.  Darren is standing on the side of me, leaning against the wall watching everyone.  I sign, 'nuts.'  He signs, 'it was supposed to be.'  I nod.  Fucking kids.

Digs swings a headset around.  "Pres, Snake from New York Ops is on."  Everyone stops and watches.  "New York, MC Ops.  You’re on with Ben James, Pres from the Mass Chapter.”  Digs looks at Pres. 

“Snake, that was some nice video.  Thanks for your help with that."  Pres looks up at the board.  "We watched the whole thing, crystal clear.  I didn't get too much of the sound.  Fuckin Brothers were laughing.  We'll have to see it when there aren't so many around."  He listens.  "I'll make sure we listen to that.  Thanks for the heads up.  I'll tell them."  He listens again.  "Thanks, Brother, I'll let you know.  Pres out."  He hands the headset to Digs and looks at us.

"I need the room cleared; Officers in Security, Little Ben, Jessie, Darren I need you in the meeting room."  Pres says walking to the door.

Digs yells for everyone to take chairs, there are no Prospects allowed in Surveillance anymore.  Brothers are carrying chairs to the meeting rooms as they go down the hall toward the exit.  Tiny has Brothers bring enough chairs to fill our table.  The rest go down to Security's role call room.

Jessie walks out to the hall with his phone to his ear.  Little Ben looks at Darren and Darren follows Jessie.  Little Ben goes into the meeting room.  Jessie and Little Ben used to do that, understand with just a look; now Darren is doing it with them.  Fuckin eerie.

I sit, waiting for what we missed.  Danny sits on the side of me.  "Fuckin kids are crazy.  I want to ask where the fuck they found all those Trekkies and how they got them there but I'm afraid of the answer."  He's smiling.

"Sometimes you're better off not knowing."  I tell him.

Pres comes in with Steve and Casper; he talks to Rich then looks at the table.  He's waiting for Jessie, Darren and Digs.  Tiny sits by Danny, then the boys come in and sit by Little Ben; they're signing, mostly under the table so I don't catch what they're saying.  Digs comes in and sits at the console, pulling the bar up on the board.

"Play inside during the whole vegetable fight."  Pres tells him.  We watch the pussies go out, hear the yelling but it's hard to make out.

Spock comes back in with eight guys.  A pussy in a Rebel cut is pissed.  "Your fuckin idea of help?"

Spock doesn't look too happy, "The bulletins went every fuckin where!  Those motherfuckers answered the call.  I emailed them telling them we needed firepower; they're from all over the fuckin country.  How would I know they're costume fuckin freaks?"

Rebel guy looks at him.  "You're the fuckin guy putting this together and this is what we get.  Months of planning, for this.  I've got money in ammo, missiles, fuckin hired guns and you bring me eleven and that fuckin circus out there."

Spock puts his hand up, "Twelve with me."  Rebel nods at a big guy.  He takes Spock into the back; he's fighting to get away but the big guy drags him kicking and yelling through the door.

Rebel looks at the pussies in the bar.  "Fuckin eleven; we'll see who follows him and who stays.  Fuckin MC is getting hit no matter who the fuck we have.  Too much time and money on this.  All we need is to hurt them, blow the fuck out of their buildings.  Motherfuckers are nothing without their fuckin Security.  If we get a chance at the women, take em; I don't give a fuck.  We hit them to hurt them."

The guys around him nod talking shit.  "What do we get if we don't get the women?  What the fuck are we wasting the ammo for?"  One guy asks.

The Rebel looks at him.  "We get paid if they're out of commission for a while, Guidos will jump on them while they're down; they'll get the women before the dust settles.  I'm not risking fuckin members for a fuckin clean MC.  They have nothing we can use or sell, fuckin pussies.  We get our payoff and screw."

"Boss, last crew went up there got wasted.  They ain't stupid fucks."

The leader looks at him, "Are you sayin we are?"

The guys nervous.  "No, boss. I'm saying we need a plan to make it work.  They got Knight.  He's fuckin deadly; he runs their Security."  We all look at VP.  He's watching the board.

"We got me.  I ain't fuckin pulling out now.  Got Outlaws meeting us at the old Club tomorrow on the way; we'll take what we got and do our damage.  If you’re too fuckin pussy we can put you out of your misery right the fuck now."  The guy backs down, shaking his head no.

Someone yells they need help from the door and the pussies walk out the front.  "You got Sticks on this, Digs?"

"Yeah, Pres."

"What did you get, Jessie?"  Pres surprises him.

He smiles.  "We'll get hit tomorrow, the same as what Jeremy gave VP but less people die.  Tess and Amanda are taken.  They try for Kate and Jess but don't get them.  Jeremy says older kids stay safe in the Kids Club."  He takes a breath.  "I think there's more but Brantley was talking for him.  If he thinks it will hurt him, Jeremy won't say more."

Pres nods.  "Casper, we're locking down the town.  I want the families at the Club tonight.  Cloud, get the chopper to the Club; make sure there's bedding and food in the Kids Club.  Tiny, get me a tractor trailer; get all the ammo and supplies out of this building.  Make sure you get VP's stash so the whole fuckin town doesn't blow up.  Danny, check the Kids Club doors; make sure they work for a lock down.  Rich, find me safe havens for the women and little kids; I want them separated.  They need to be moved tonight.  Call your women, get them to pack a bag for three days.  Digs, get what you can up to the club; put it in the basement safe room.  This building will be hit; I don't want to lose everything.  Keep Sticks on the bar until they leave, he can move up with Geek when they do.  VP, I want the fuckin boss’s son.  I don't give a fuck how you do it.  I want him in this building.  Go ahead and call your women.  I'll get Patches and Sam on the Club.  Danny, call Kate and get Prospects to the businesses to shut them down for a couple of days.  Go, Brothers."  He pulls his phone and everyone moves.

"LB, get with Cloud on the food and bedding; the kids can help and save us some time."  He throws chin and moves.

"Rich."  I catch him as he's walking out.  "I can move women, tell me where to be."

"Give me a minute, Brother."

I follow him out; Brothers are already moving out here.  It's fuckin crazy how fast things move once they're out of Pres' mouth.  I go outside and call Amanda.  "Babe, I need you to close the shop for a couple of days.  Have someone call your customers, then get home and pack a bag for three days.  Make sure you have everything you need in it.  Do you need special food or drinks?"

"I need fruit juice but that's it.  What the fucks going on that I have to shut the shop down?"  She's pissed about the shop.

"We're going to get hit and don't need innocents hit in the crossfire.  I need you to trust me on this; it will be bad.  The Club and town will be locked down."

She sighs, "Let me get the Prospect on making calls.  Fuckin people better leave my shop in one piece.  This threat shit is getting on my fuckin nerves."

I can't help but smile.  "I'll call you when I know where you’re going."

"You think this is funny?  Fuckin men!"

"Babe, seriously?  I just watched them plan to take the women they can find; I'm not in the fuckin mood to play here.  I thought your reaction was fuckin cute."

She takes a breath.  "Sorry.  It's been tense lately and I don't do tense every fuckin day well."

"I get it; I'll call when I know where you're going."

"Ok, love you."

"You too, babe."  Fuck.  She hasn't shown she's stressed.  I wonder what the fuck is up.  I go back in looking for Rich.  Digs is supervising where and how to put the computer shit on tables someone put up.  It's fuckin chaos in here.

I find Rich in his office.  He's just hanging up his phone.  "Kate's got a shelter house open in Middletown.  Tess, Horse and his girl will be there.  Baxter's are taking Jess, Kate and the little kids.  CJ is being picked up; she'll be at the reservation with Mase and Sandy.  Nancy is at the Club with Mary.  Brenda and Amanda are in the Kids Club."

"I think you need to rethink Tess.  If she has a vision Horse isn't going to know what the fuck to do."

"Fuck!  Tess at the Club and Mary in the shelter."  He looks at me.


"I'll call Jess and Kate; be ready to transport them in two hours from the Club.  I'll have Nancy and Tess follow them, they can go through the Kids Club so they’re not seen leaving the compound."  I nod.  "Bring Amanda to my dad’s; get her to the Kids Club to help organize the food and shit.  My dad has two Brothers getting them a fridge and stove.  The Bakery and Sam's are pulling food and splitting it up for them, the Club and Mary.  I'll get Casper to get transport for Mary."

"I got Nancy, Brenda and Amanda."  I start scrolling and make my calls.  I need to get Amanda to bring stuff so she won’t go stir crazy.



I'm walking across the street and hear the helicopter.  What the fuck?  It's too low.  I jog to Kate's and watch the damn thing land.  Holy shit!  I knock on the door, frantic.  Jessie opens it.  "It's ok, that's just CJ, Sandy and Mase's ride."

"They're riding in a helicopter?  Shit.  Why is Sandy going with them, Nancy must be going crazy?"

"No, she's ok with it.  She can help in the Club without having to worry.  The reservation is a fortress.  They'll be safe there."  He's so fuckin sure of himself.  I guess he would know better than me.  "Come on, we don't have to go down yet.  You can help Ally pack; she's a mess."  I laugh and follow him up the stairs.

"Holy shit, your rooms are cool as shit!"  They have tree houses.  Ally's room is a castle, how fuckin cool.  She's in the closet at the end of a runway.  Fuckin crazy cool.  "I can help you, Ally."  She throws the clothes in her hands down and hugs me.  She's so damn cute.  "We need three days; what do you have so far?"  She points to a pile on the floor.  I laugh.  "Three days only.  Let's get that, then we'll put one extra just in case.  Ok?"

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