La Fleur Rouge The Red Flower (13 page)

BOOK: La Fleur Rouge The Red Flower
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Jay watched as the group rode off on their bicycles, his eyes especially following Hildy. Something about her looked familiar. She reminded him of someone, but he wasn’t sure who it was. Had he met her before?

They soon disappeared around the corner, and Jay entered the barge. He was impressed by the interior appointments which were every bit as ornate and beautiful as the exterior. He pondered the possibility of using something like this in Greg’s new musical. It would take some tricky engineering to make the barge appear authentic on stage, but it was not impossible. He wondered if something like this had occurred to Greg, and if that was possibly what he had in mind in the rewriting he was doing back at the inn.

One of the crew showed him around as he combed the whole barge. After an hour of exploring he went up on deck to get some more ideas.

The beauty of the countryside reflected in the mirrored waters of the tree lined canal fairly took his breath away. Birds were singing their beautiful songs, and the air was still and soothing. On the grassy shore an artist hovered over his easel, capturing the glory of the landscape. I’ll find out where this barge will be tomorrow, Jay decided, and bring my artist along. What a perfect setting for the backdrops of Greg’s new musical!

He didn’t know why, but he felt reluctant to tear himself away. It surprised him that he couldn’t get Hildy out of his mind. Something about her drew him like a magnet. It was the same feeling he had back in Boston two years ago when he first laid eyes on Hilary Simone. Hildy’s angelic face pulled at him, just as Hilary’s had done. She seemed so vulnerable, yet strong - an odd but thoroughly attractive combination of qualities. Who did she remind him of? Hilary? Maybe. But Hilary is blond. He was still pondering this when the group returned to the barge.

“Did you see everything you wanted to?” Peter asked him.

“I sure did!” Jay exclaimed. “It’s given me some wonderful ideas for Greg’s new musical.”

Peter eyed Jay intently. “Jay, how would you like to stay and have dinner with us? We have only a few more scenes to shoot today. Maybe you’d like to sit in on the filming.”

Jay jumped at the invitation. “I’d really like that. You’re sure it’s not an imposition?”

“Not at all. What about Greg? Is he expecting you back at the inn for dinner?”

“I did tell him I’d probably be back,” Jay replied, “but he’ll eat when he’s hungry, with or without me.” He smiled at Hildy. “I’d love to stay.”

Hildy looked away, and Jay sensed that she was upset. Does she have something against me?

Peter broke the awkward silence. “We’d better get on with the filming,” he said. “We have a couple of hours left with enough daylight to get the effects we want. Jay, would you excuse us? I want to speak to Hildy for a minute.”

* * *

Peter took Hildy by the arm and steered her to the railing a short distance away. “Hildy, you know the last thing I would do is to put you in more danger, but I think if Jay can see you at work, it would help to convince him that you were telling the truth about your musical. I hope you don’t mind.”

Hildy was relieved. “I should have known you had something like that in mind,” she told him. “Thanks. Let’s hope it works.” The three of them went up to the top deck, and Hildy sat down on the seat that was marked with her name. Jay dragged up a chair and sat down beside her.

Hildy was doing her best to brush away any feeling she had for Jay - attraction - animosity - but her emotions were swinging back and forth like a pendulum between desire and disdain. Nothing can happen between us, she warned herself. I don’t want anything to do with him - even if I’m able to prove beyond a doubt that what I tried to tell him about Greg was true. He should have believed me in the first place! No, nothing can ever come of this!

At first she had a hard time concentrating, but the anger she felt at herself for the tremendous attraction she felt for him, opposed to his refusal to listen to her, gave her the determination to do what she must, and she forced her full attention on the work at hand. At one point Peter caught her eye and winked, and she relaxed. Thank God for Peter, she muttered under her breath.

“What are you mumbling about?” Jay teased.

Hildy jumped, startled out of her thoughts. “Oh - - nothing that concerns you,” she replied. Her answer sounded curt, and she forced a laugh. “I’m sorry, Jay. I’m just trying to concentrate on my musical.”

Jay nodded. “From what I’ve seen so far, you’re quite a talented young lady!”

Jay had a copy of her script in his hand, studying it. This didn’t worry her. The name of Hildy Swenson was on it - not Hilary Simone. That would go on later once the film was finished. Well, well! she mused. He’s finally acknowledging my talent. Wonder how he’d feel if he knew who I really am?

The scenes were completed in time for dinner. The barge crew had been busy preparing the meal in the galley below, and as soon as the film equipment was put away for the night, the long table was set up.

Hildy didn’t take much food. Knowing about Greg’s presence in France had ruined her appetite. Part of her wanted Jay to join her at the table by the railing, and part of her hoped he would choose to sit somewhere else.

Jay walked over to her and put his tray down. “Think you could stand some company?”

Hildy looked into those blue eyes, and the pendulum swung again. “Sure, that would be nice,” she heard herself replying, much to her own surprise. Why do I even want to be near this man?

Jay looked puzzled. “Would you rather I sat somewhere else? I can go and sit with Peter.”

His question startled her. She hadn’t realized her feelings showed that much. “No - no,” she answered, attempting a smile. “Of course not. I’m just thinking about the musical and some scenes that are coming up tomorrow.”

Her alibi sounded phony to her, but Jay seemed to accept it.

Zack joined them and Hildy made room for him. All through dinner he kept a close eye on Jay. They finished their meal quietly.

* * *

Jay kept stealing a look at Hildy, wondering what was on her mind. He instinctively knew it had something to do with him, but decided not to press her for an answer.

He looked at his watch. Eight o’clock. Where did the time go? He excused himself and went over to where Peter and Jenny were sitting.

“I’d better be getting back to the inn,” he said. “Where do you expect to be tomorrow? If you don’t mind, I’d like to bring Greg and my artist along and see if we can’t get some more ideas.”

Peter extended his hand. “We’ll be in Nuits tomorrow filming at the Chateau de Rochefort. Is that anywhere near the inn where you’re staying?”

Jay’s eyes lit up with pleasure. “The inn is right near the Chateau - great! I’ll see you in Nuits tomorrow. Greg may still be working on his musical, but I’ll be there with the artist. Thanks for everything, Peter.”

“Glad you could join us.”

As Jay settled himself behind the wheel of his car he waved. “See you tomorrow!”

The last thing he saw as he drove off was Hildy standing by the railing of the barge. The full moon shone down on her, and it seemed to form a halo around her head. She’s so beautiful, he thought, and his heart began to do strange things.

* * *

When Hildy heard the tail end of Peter’s conversation with Jay she cringed, terrified. What if Greg decides to come along with him tomorrow? I can’t face him without showing my feelings. How do you face someone who tried to kill you? she thought with horror. She watched Jay and the Jaguar disappear around the corner and she again found it extremely difficult to fight the mixed feelings she had for him. Why did he have to be Jay Stuart? she lamented. Why couldn’t he have been someone else? Everything would be so much simpler.

And Greg? What am I going to do if he comes tomorrow? Will I be able to carry it off without a hitch? Maybe he won’t come. But she didn’t hold out much hope.

As she pondered these things, Jenny and Peter joined her.

Peter slipped a reassuring arm around her shoulder. “Hildy, I’m sorry about Jay’s request. I really didn’t know what to say. I’m sure everything will be okay. Let’s hope Greg decides not to come. But even if he does, your disguise is perfect. He’ll never recognize you.”

Hildy’s eyes were full of fear. “I can’t forget that Greg tried to kill me. What if he tries again?"

"What can he do with us here?"

"Greg always finds a way!" she exclaimed. "He's done it before. He'll do it again."


Zack had been listening to the conversation between Hildy and Peter. His ears rang with her words - “Greg always finds a way! He’s done it before. He’ll do it again!”

He knew he couldn’t keep the truth to himself any longer. He felt guilty for having kept quiet for so long, and realized the time had come to tell them who he was.

Peter had finally told him last night about the bomb and Greg’s threats, and vowed to give Greg no more information. Now that his suspicions about Greg were confirmed, he was more determined than ever to protect Hildy.

He stood over by the railing apart from the others, wrestling with himself, trying to figure the best way to tell them what he was sure would be devastating at best. He knew he could very well be signing the death warrant to the friendship that had come to mean so much to him, but he had no choice.

There was no mistaking the look of concern on his face as Peter looked at him. “Zack - is something wrong?”

Zack walked over to them. “You’re right,” he said. “There’s something I have to tell you. Please,” he gestured, “sit down. After I finish, if you don’t want me around any more I’ll understand. I’ll keep this as simple as I can, but please hear me out.”

He felt sad, but determined. He only hoped that when he finished telling them, it wouldn’t make a difference in their relationship. But the secrecy had gone on far too long.

“My real name is Daniel Zachary Davis,” he told them, “known to my friends and clients as Dan, not Zack. I’m a detective. I was hired by Gregory Wilcox to track down a young woman named Hilary Simone wherever she went and report her whereabouts to him. He didn’t tell me why he wanted to find her, so I had no idea what he was planning to do. It was just another job to me.”

He looked at Hildy, who stared at him, dumbfounded. He rose and started pacing nervously. “I didn’t find out that Hildy had changed her name until after I told Greg she was going to France. I found her real name on a passenger list at Parisian Airlines. I knew nothing about Greg’s threats on her life, or the bomb. He finally told me he had to find her because she was stealing ideas from him, and he had to stop her. I know now that’s not true. If I had known what kind of a man he is I would never have agreed to work for him in the first place.”

He sat down again and nervously tapped his fingers on the table. Then he looked up and faced them head on, determined to finish. “Greg paid me to come to France and get the name of the hotel where Hildy was staying. I found out what alias she was using, and that you needed a bodyguard for her. So I applied for the job, figuring that way I could keep a closer watch on her. I’m glad now that I took this job. I’ve been able to protect Hildy from Greg, and I got to know all of you. You’ve become my family.”

He turned and spoke to Hildy directly. “By the time we were ready to leave on the canal trip I had come to feel very protective toward you. I knew you could never steal from anyone. It just isn’t in you. Besides,” he chuckled, “I’ve watched you work. You’re one hell of a writer!” He reached out and took her hand in his. “Hildy, I’ve felt like a double agent ever since I accepted this job as your bodyguard. But after hearing about Greg’s threats on your life, and that he probably put that bomb on your plane, I’ve had the strongest feeling that I have to stick around and protect you.”

* * *

Hildy stopped trembling. This was Zack telling them this - Zack, whom she had come to trust with her life! Something in his eyes arrested her fear. She saw kindness and honesty. And somehow she knew she could trust him. Otherwise, why would he be telling them all this?

“Did you tell Greg that Hildy changed her name?” Peter asked him.

“No way!” he declared vehemently. “I had a gut feeling I shouldn’t. I just told him I was going to the wine country to look for her. I had to make some explanation for not being at the hotel in Paris when he called. I hoped this would keep him from suspecting that I was on to him. When he asked what town I thought Hildy might be in, I simply said I didn’t know. I don’t feel he has a right to any more information, even though he’s paying me good money to find her. If he went so far as to put a bomb on Hildy’s plane, he won’t stop there. And who knows who else might be in danger because of him, or who else he may have stolen from? He’s nothing less than a criminal, and he has to be stopped!”

“Thank you for telling us this, Zack.” Peter was silent for a moment. “Zack, I want you to stay on and continue to protect Hildy. There’s just one problem. Won’t Greg suspect something? Since he hired you to find Hildy, won’t he recognize you and guess that Hildy is Hilary?”

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