Read La Sposa Online

Authors: Sienna Mynx

Tags: #crime, #drama, #mafia, #ir, #bwwm erotica, #bwwm contemporary romance, #bwwm erotic romance

La Sposa (24 page)

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Don’t wake Eve,” she whispered,
moving to please him.

I promise,” he said through a
tormented moan, tightly wrapping his arm around her waist and
thrusting in and out of her. The more he moved, it felt as if the
walls of her pussy melted and relaxed to give him full access.
Together, they found a tempo that bound their bodies in rhythm.
Giovanni breathed in soul-drenching drafts and caressed his hand
down her growing belly to find her distressed clitoris. Again she
whimpered and moved against him. He plucked her swollen bud and
thrust in her a little faster, so they could shatter in climax

Eve’s head lifted when they lost control and
Mira soothed her back to sleep. His daughter didn’t suspect. He
pressed his face into Mira’s neck to silence his hard pants of
surrender. He wanted to sleep buried inside of her. He swore she
felt softer and warmer than normal.
Was it his

Mira…” he wheezed.

Shh, it’s okay. Go to sleep,” she

Like a good boy, he withdrew his cock and
drifted to sleep, holding her to him with his hand on her

Chapter Six

– Wedding


After a cool wet swipe went across his brow,
and holy water trailed downward like a single tear along the bridge
of his nose, Giovanni’s lids lowered and his breathing went
shallow, and then even. Father Anthony Rissoli made the sign of the
cross. In Giovanni’s hand was his mother’s rosary. He cherished it.
The last time he touched it, was the prayer service he attended,
when he believed Mira had died. He crumbled the tiny beads
connecting the silver cross into his palm, and bowed his

A wonderful inner peace overcame him as he
accepted Father Anthony’s words. Eve would be christened on or
shortly after her second birthday. His faith was important to him.
She had told him she would be willing to convert to Catholicism. In
fact, she’d already attended Mass with Zia and met with their
family priest, Father Rissoli. In a matter of a few hours, he would
take the next step in his life with the blessing of God, the
church, and family.

Father Anthony patted Giovanni’s shoulder.
“Dio ti benedica.”


The priest left the altar dedicated to Our
Lady of Montevergine. Giovanni remained on his knees in his black
tuxedo next to the baptismal fountain. He closed his eyes, and
prayed again for penance for his sins. And in the previous year,
there had been plenty. He wanted a clean mind with a pure heart
before he took his vows. When he lifted his gaze, the marble statue
of the blessed Virgin Mother Mary holding the child Christ, made
him remember his own mother and all the promises he’d made to her
as a little boy.

He made the sign of the cross before him and
kissed his fingers in respect. Easing the rosary into his pocket,
he stood and headed for the doors of the church. Lorenzo was the
only other person in the sanctuary. He waited, dressed in a tuxedo
identical to his own. He held his hands together in front of him,
shielding his watchful gaze behind the dark lenses of a pair of
sunglasses. The bruises and scratches on his cousin’s face gave him
pause. If he dared to cause issue with anyone on the eve of his
wedding, he’d put his fist through his neck. The long scratches
across his cousin’s jaw stretched to his neck. And the purplish red
bruise on his left cheek reached up to his cheekbone.

You’re late. Domi had to drive me
to the church.”

Lorenzo nodded his head in respect. “It
couldn’t be helped.”

Do I need to know about this?”
Giovanni asked, gesturing to Lorenzo’s appearance. Thankfully, he
had cleaned up and showered. Lorenzo would stand at his side when
he took his vows. To his question, he received no answer. Giovanni
chose not to press the issue further. It was Lorenzo’s birthday
yesterday, and every man in his crew knew it was the hardest day of
the year for his cousin. If ever his indiscretions were to be
forgiven, it would be now.

Is everything in order? I want no
news trucks, no outsiders, and no surprises. The day must be
perfect for my Bella.” Giovanni began to walk with his hands
clasped behind his back. They stepped out of the drawn open abbey
doors into the sunlight. It was warm and crisp against his skin.
The sky was clear. The church went under the name St. John the
Baptist Parish and overlooked the sea from the west with the
expanse of the township
Conca dei Marini
to the east. Above
them in the tower, the large iron bells rang, announcing the
approaching hour to the townspeople. All of
Conca dei Marini
prepared for the event. The doors to the church were closed and a
blue satin ribbon was tied to secure it. The entire township had
prepared, just as tradition required. All he needed was his

Even God has blessed this day.
Look! Look at that sky. He’s sent the sun instead of rain!”
Giovanni exclaimed.

Yes, I see,” Lorenzo said, dryly,
through a deep yawn. “There is no need to worry. All you have to do
is be ready for the big plunge.”

I never worry.” Giovanni

Oh. There’s something you should
know. I’ve brought a guest. She’s waiting with the boys. If that is
okay, I’ve put Renaldo on her,” Lorenzo said. Together, they
bounded down the red brick steps.

Giovanni shrugged his shoulders. He glanced
over. “A woman? A date or a hostage?”

Lorenzo smiled. It was the first smile
Giovanni had seen on him today. “Both. Wait until you meet her. She
has something in common with Mira.”

How so?” Giovanni dropped his
hands into his pockets.

She’s a black American,” Lorenzo

Giovanni stopped. “Is this a joke? Are you
trying to insult me?”

No. It’s a coincidence. I met her
and I like her. Same as you did with Mira.”

Then why is Renaldo watching

To keep her out of trouble.”
Lorenzo turned his face and touched the red ripe scars. “She gave
me these. Part of our courtship.”


They were love taps. Nothing to
concern yourself over,” Lorenzo chuckled. Giovanni could sense the
need for rebellion in his cousin, and the resentment over handling
the tedious affairs of this day. But he also knew that yesterday
had to be a bitch of a day for him. So however he dealt with it was
his business. If Lorenzo wanted some strange woman on his arm to
feel like a man, he’d let him keep his balls.

They began walking through the streets again.
Several market owners came out of their doors and clapped; and a
few on motorbikes and box- shaped cars blew their horns,
congratulating him. It would be bad luck for him to conduct any
business on his wedding day or during their honeymoon. And he had
plans for Mira that would stretch into several weeks. He glanced
over to Lorenzo, again wavering on whether he could trust his
cousin with the family business.

After the wedding I plan to take
Mira directly to Capri, for several weeks. I am trusting you and
Carlo to manage everything in the
. Santo has
offered to assist you in Milan.”

No.” Lorenzo dropped his head and
kept walking. “Forgive me cousin, for my mood. Yesterday, I needed
to get out of here for reasons you understand. I’m not slipping.
I’m ready to handle our affairs. I want this day for you.” He
glanced over at him. “I’m proud of you today. She’s a good

Giovanni smiled. “She’s my Bella. Born that

Lorenzo patted him on the back. “Then let’s
see to the end of your bachelorhood.”

The walk was a long but casual one. The
winding narrow streets of the town were shaded by the tightly
aligned buildings and homes. For a moment, they strolled in
silence. Lorenzo reflected on all the bullshit ahead of him, and
Giovanni reflected on the opposite.

Now. Tell me about the Capriccios
and the factories, all of it. Any problems?” Giovanni

Interesting developments. Not so
cut and dry. It’s nothing I can’t manage.”

The sooner we have Mirabella’s
moved to Italy and the company finances under control, the sooner I
can make her happy, and move forward with my plans. Finalize it

Giovanni was reassured that his Bella would
have Milan for her business needs. All in all, it was a good day to




Catalina loved children. Eve was the first
baby of the family that she could keep all to herself. She smiled,
watching her run around in circles. Grinning after the late night
she shared with the family. Children had such energy, and a spirit
of resilience to be admired. Today, Eve looked like a little doll.
Mira had made the top of Eve’s dress from satin pearl- colored
fabric with short puffy sleeves, and a blue ribbon tied at the
waistline. The princess bottom consisted of layered silk taffeta
material that bounced and floated, as if it were made of feathers.
Her chunky blondish brown curls were held back by a blue

Nippy!” Eve said. She picked up
one of the hand puppets and brought it over to Catalina. It was now
Catalina’s turn to entertain her.

Why does she call you that? Nippy?
What does it mean?” Rosetta asked. Cecilia, Eve’s care giver,
observed with a smile too.

I don’t know.” Catalina accepted
the puppet and worked it in ways that made Eve clap and laugh. “The
first night we spent together she lost her pacifier, you know, she
calls it her ninny. When I found it, she called me Nippy, and has
been ever since.” Eve scrambled to her feet and Catalina puckered
her lips. Her little sunshine came over and gave her a quick pop
kiss, taking some of her red lipstick away. Rosetta asked for the
same but Eve put the pacifier, pinned to her dress by a satin
string, in her mouth instead. The girls laughed. The little brown
girl with blue eyes walked over to her dollhouse and went inside.
It was clear that Eve was blossoming into a little girl, and not
just the baby they loved to coddle.

Catalina rose from the bed and walked over to
the princess mirror, to check her appearance. She loved the dress
Mira made for her. It was a classic blue silk garment that slimmed
her figure with a triangular hem to the front and back, and
tasteful splits on both sides. It refined her look with a bit of
sophistication. This is how she wanted to appear to the Americans
running Mirabella’s. She had gone through her closet and packed
subdued business attire, or what she thought business attire would
be like.

Mira had suggested for accessories, that she
wear her mother’s pearls and earrings with her dress. She agreed,
since wearing gold on your wedding day, or to a wedding, was often
considered bad luck. Catalina had her natural locks washed and
blown straight for this occasion; so her hair reached to the middle
of her back with a luster and buoyance that flowed around her
shoulders when she walked.

What’s taking her so long?”
Rosetta asked. She too wore a blue dress, but it was store bought.
And she had the nerve to straighten her curly hair in a similar
fashion. Catalina rolled her eyes at how pathetic an imitation it

Problem?” Catalina put on a fresh
coat of lipstick.

We need to be leaving for the
church, everyone is already gone. I saw Carmine, and…”

Catalina’s gaze lifted from the mirror to
Rosetta’s. “You aren’t flirting with Carmine are you?”

Me? No. Why would you say

Catalina turned. “Don’t flirt with any of the
men while we are gone. When you stay here, stay away from them.
Giovanni won’t like it.”

He seems to like you and Domi.”
Rosetta challenged.

Oh be quiet! You could have left,
you know.” Catalina tossed back. “I’m the only one in the wedding
and Cecilia has to stay to care for Eve. You serve no

Before Rosetta could respond, the door opened
and Zia walked in. “Catalina, she needs you. Go, go now. Where is
my Evie?” Zia went to the dollhouse; she bent with her hands to her
knees. Eve blinked at her from inside one of the windows. “There’s
. Come to Zia,” she coaxed. Catalina hurried into
the next room and closed the door behind her.

I can’t get the side zipper up.
How is it in two days I’ve gained so much weight?” Mira said in a
panic, her eyes glistened with the threat of tears.

You’re with child. That is why.
Here, let me help.” Mira stood before the floor length mirror,
holding the front of her dress to her chest. Catalina struggled a
bit to move the zipper an inch and then another. Mira was right;
her waistline had expanded a bit.

Are you holding your stomach in?”
she asked.

I am. Wait, let me try again.”
Mira sucked in a deep breath once more. “Oh please, God, make it

Catalina bit down on the side of her tongue
and snatched on the tiny tab of the zipper before running it up.
“There! Crisis averted!” Catalina exclaimed.

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