Read Laces and Lace (Assassins #6) Online

Authors: Toni Aleo

Tags: #romance

Laces and Lace (Assassins #6) (49 page)

BOOK: Laces and Lace (Assassins #6)
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Sucking in a deep breath, she whispered, “Oh yes.”

He loved that she loved when he touched her there. He thought her ass was the greatest thing on her, and the fact he got to play with every single inch of it had his cock begging for release. While he would love to get in that ass, he wouldn’t do that unless she was okay with it. The thought was almost enough to have him rocketing to an orgasm. His baby was a dirty little thing.

Taking her clit into his mouth, he removed his fingers and slid them to her ass. Still licking her, he swirled his wet with her arousal fingers around her tight hole. When she clenched her asshole, he smiled against her pussy.

“Relax, baby, I won’t hurt you,” he said, nibbling at her nether lips.

“I can’t handle it,” she cried out, her body arching toward his mouth.

“Yes, you can,” he demanded and he slid his finger inside her achingly slow. Crying out, her hands gripped his shoulders as her ass squeezed his finger. His whole body went tight; he wanted to bury his dick inside her, feel her like this, but she was panting and it made him nervous. Maybe he’d misread this.

He went to remove his fingers, worried he was hurting her, but then she began to writhe against his mouth, and that’s all it took to know she was ready. Unable to control his breathing, he began to slowly move his finger in and out of her tight ass as his cock ached against the cloth of his boxers. He couldn’t handle this. He was going to come, but pushing his need back, he sucked her into his mouth, wanting her to get hers before him.

“Oh God, Oh God, fuck me, Karson, shit,” she panted and then she jerked against his mouth, her clit throbbing against his lips as her ass squeezed his finger with her release. Leaning his forehead against her pussy, he took in a deep breath, her scent intoxicating him as he slowly withdrew his finger.

“I swear, Lacey Arielle King, you are the hottest woman I have ever been with in my life,” he whispered against her pussy before running his tongue along the length of her lips. “I just want to eat you, over and over again. Never stop.”

Kissing up her stomach to her breasts, he ran his lips along the lace before meeting his mouth to hers. Slowly, he removed his boxers, standing up fully as his cock nestled between her legs. As she wrapped her arms around his neck, he hooked her leg over his hip and pressed into her heat, her slick, wet pussy covering his cock with her arousal.

“Fuck, I want you,” he said roughly against her jaw.

“Take me.”

Sliding his hand over her ass, his fingers tickled the spot he wanted. “Here?”

Her eyes met his and she blinked, her breathing picking up as she searched his eyes. She wanted it. He could see it in her sweet, beautiful eyes, but she was scared.

“I’m scared it will hurt,” she admitted and he couldn’t help but smile.

She was so perfect.

“I’ll go slow and take my time. I’ll make you feel good, I promise.”

Bringing her lip in between his teeth, his eyes burned into hers, praying she trusted him enough to take her in the most delectable spot. Licking her lip, he released it and she smiled, her heart pounding against his chest. “I’ve never done it before.”

“I know,” he said softly, moving his hands down her back and cupping her ass. “You’ll like it.”

“I think I will,” she whispered shyly, her eyes dancing with lust.

“Mmmm, I like that my baby is naughty,” he said and then he smacked her ass hard. When she didn’t flinch at all, his cock throbbed even more. “Oh, I’m going to fuck you so good.”

“Please,” she whispered. “Now.”

Taking her by her hips, he lifted her up and then over his shoulder before carrying her to the bathroom. Opening his drawer on his side, he got his lube before going back to the bedroom and throwing her down on the bed. Grabbing her by her ankle, he pulled her to the edge of the bed before licking up her ankle to her knee, where he nibbled as he opened the bottle and coated his cock with the cool liquid. She watched with intent eyes, her green eyes a glittering color that had his chest tight.

Throwing the bottle down, he took her by the back of the neck and brought her up to him before covering her mouth with his and swirling his tongue with hers in an erotic dance. Her chest arched against his, her breasts pressing into his chest as she deepened the kiss. He could feel her heart beating out of control and that excited him. She was going to like this. He knew she would.

Tearing his mouth from hers, he flipped her over, smacking her ass hard before kissing it softly, her soft cries filling the room and making him harder than ever. When he smacked her other cheek, she looked over her shoulder at him before he lowered his mouth to her sweet ass, kissing and soothing the red spot where his hand was. Running his lips along her ass, he smiled. “You are so beautiful, Lacey, and all mine.”

“Yeah, I am,” she said and then she wiggled her ass at him. “Take me, Karson. I need you.”

He swore he almost came at that moment. Drawing in a deep breath, he moved behind her and parted her cheeks to the side, squirting the lube down the crack of her ass before swirling it along her hot, tight hole. Working his finger into her to ready her for his cock, he said, “It’s gonna sting a bit, but you’ll like it. If at any time it’s too much, tell me, I’ll stop.”

“Ohh, I don’t want you to ever stop,” she said, her eyes closed and her mouth parted as his finger picked up speed in her ass. His free hand was shaking against her ass, his body so taut that he wasn’t sure if he was going to last inside her. He knew it would be quick, which was good since this was the first time for her. He was excited for the future though.

Withdrawing his hand, he held her ass open and moved his cock to her entrance. “All right, sweetheart, here we go,” he whispered and then slowly moved into her. It was a fucking tight fit and he thought she was going to stop him, but his baby took him like a champ, whimpering his name. “Fucking hell, Lacey, you blow my fucking mind,” he said through gritted teeth, trying to hold out, but she was squeezing him oh so fucking tight. His hand trembled against her ass as he continued to move in and out of her, her body squeezing his like a vise grip.

“Oh my God,” she cried out, arching her back as he slowly, achingly slowly, moved in and out of her. Moving his hands from her hips to her ass, he held her as he watched himself disappear in and out of her. Moving his hand around to her pussy, he slid his fingers along her clit, finding the nub and moving figure eights around it. Crying out, she arched against him, her body shaking under his touch. His whole body was burning, his chest felt as if an elephant was standing on it, and every time she whimpered his name, his cock throbbed inside of her.

Lacey cried out, her nub throbbing against his fingers as her orgasm took over. Curling his toes against the hardwood floor, he gripped her hips, his heart hammering in his chest as his balls drew up and he came hard inside of her. Closing his eyes, he rocked in and out of her, drawing in deep breaths as his heart pounded in his ears.
Fuck, that was good
, he thought as he slowly ran his hands along her thick ass. Opening his eyes, he slowly pulled out of her and then reached down for her, bringing her back against his chest, running his hands along her breasts and stomach.

Kissing her jaw, he asked, “How do you feel, baby?”

“Sore,” she answered, her hand running up into his hair as she lengthened her neck for him. “And dirty, but amazing too.”

“Good,” he said with a grin, kissing her neck and then her ear. “Want to take a shower?”

“Will you wash my hair?” she asked, nuzzling her nose along his.

“Of course,” he agreed, his mouth moving along her jaw. “You are unbelievable, baby. Did you like it?”

A grin pulled at her lips as she nodded slowly. “I did. A lot.”

“That’s great,” he said breathlessly. “I love you.”

“I love you more,” she whispered back.

She lay languidly against him, and he wasn’t sure she was going to make it. It had been a long night, and then he had just given it to her in the naughtiest way. Crawling off the bed, he picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. Her nose nuzzled in his neck as she said, “You don’t have to carry me; I weigh a ton.”

“You weigh nothing,” he answered, opening the glass and marble shower and stepping inside.

She smiled. “That’s ’cause you are all strong and stuff.”

His mouth broke into a grin as he turned on the shower, the water running over their bodies. Standing her up, he leaned her against him and held her. Kissing his cheek, she wrapped her arms around his waist and closed her eyes as she laid her head against him. He held her close and moved his hands along her slippery body. Reaching for the soap, he lathered her up and then him as best as he could before washing them off. When she looked up at him, a sneaky grin on her face, he smiled, putting some bubbles on her nose before reaching for the shampoo all while her giggles ran down his spine.

As he washed her hair, he realized he had never really thought this was how he would spend his night with his wife. But there he was, a grin on his face, feeling completely content. He always thought marriage was going to be shit because he wouldn’t be with the girl he wanted. But by the grace of God, he was with her, and being married to her was more than he could have ever dreamed of. He had so many plans for them, but even if all he did was stay in the shower with her and wash her hair, he’d be okay.

Once he was done washing them, they got out and were playful as they brushed their teeth and redressed for bed. Crawling under the sheets, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to him and kissing her forehead. Her face was full of a blush and her lips were still swollen from their hot kisses. In other words, she was drop-dead gorgeous. Running his hand up her face, he twirled his fingers in her wet hair and smiled when she opened her eyes.

“I’m worn out,” she said shyly. “That was amazing, all of it.”

“It was,” he agreed, his other arm tightening around her so she couldn’t go anywhere. His arm was falling asleep but he didn’t care. He wanted to be as close as he could to his striking wife. Kissing her lips, he closed his eyes, basking in the feel of her so close. He was going to miss her when he was gone, but the thought of coming home to her after a long two weeks away almost had him excited. If they did these kinds of things when they hung out all the time, he could just imagine what they would do once they were back together after being apart for so long.

Opening his eyes though, he remembered the reason for the hot sex and eyed her for a second. He’d been trying to ease her tension and he’d succeeded, but they needed to talk. He didn’t want to upset her or stress her out, but he had to know what he had said that was wrong.

When he moved his thumb along her jaw, she opened her eyes and then smiled.

“What?” she asked, her cheeks warming.

His eyes searched hers. She was tired, he could see that, but he needed to know what was going on. “What happened earlier?”

Her face didn’t change expression as she asked, “Earlier?”

“Yeah, when I asked about having kids,” he reminded her, and as soon as the last words left his lips, she looked down between them. “What’s up with that?”

She shrugged and he could feel her heart picking up in speed. “Nothing.”

“Nothing? That’s not an answer. What’s going on?”

Meeting his gaze, she bit into her lip. “I’m not ready for that.”

Something was off with the way she said that. “What do you mean? You’re not ready to discuss having kids, or having them?”

“Both,” she said softly. “It just seems so soon, you know? We’ve only been married a month.”

“No, I get that.”

But still he wanted to talk about the possibility of having them in the future. The way she said it kind of gave him the feeling she never wanted them. That was insane though. She loved kids.

“How many do you want?” she asked softly as he met her gaze. Yeah, something was definitely off; she was holding something in and he didn’t like that.

Shrugging, he said, “I don’t know, maybe three?” When her face twisted in horror, he added, “But if you aren’t ready yet, which I totally understand, then maybe we can get a dog or a cat?”

“Yeah,” she said softly. “We’ll see.”

“You’re okay, right? I’m getting the vibe that this isn’t something you want,” he said and she moved her nose against his jaw.

“I don’t know,” she whispered.

“Why don’t you know? It’s pretty much a yes or no question,” he said, pulling back so he could see her face, but she looked away.

“I just don’t know,” she answered again. “Is that a deal-breaker for you?”

“What?” he asked confused. “What do you mean by that?”

She shook her head. “I don’t know, ignore that, I’m sorry. I’m supertired, Karson, can we do this later?”

“Do what? Talk about our future?”

She let out a breath as she met his gaze. He could see something in there. He wasn’t sure what it was, but her eyes were watering a bit with tears and he was extremely confused. Looking away again, she said, “It’s just I don’t know what I want. I know I want you, but the thought of having a child just isn’t there right now.”

“Okay,” he agreed before taking her chin in his hand and lifting it up. “But you know you can tell me anything. I love you, no matter what.”

BOOK: Laces and Lace (Assassins #6)
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