Lacey's Luhpynes [Beyond the Veil 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (21 page)

BOOK: Lacey's Luhpynes [Beyond the Veil 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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“You’re thinking awfully hard, Lacey. What’s going through your head? I can see it on your face so you might as well tell me what the actual thought is. Otherwise I might concoct some tale and spread it around. In this place, it would go like wildfire.”

“Will we be able to have sex, just one-on-one or will we always have to be three?” she blurted out, her face actually starting to turn red with her question. “Sorry, I know that’s crass but I really need to know. Will I be able to love with just one of you at a time?”

“Of course you will. The bonding is completed, we can do whatever we want, however we want, whenever we want. There are no more restrictions, Lacey. So if you ever feel the need to jump one of us, go for it. We’ll be doing the same, I’m very sure.”

“Oh that is a very, very good thing. I want to be able to, at the drop of a hat, be able to grab one of you and fuck you silly and then go about work. I think that sounds like a great idea, don’t you?” she asked happily.

“Don’t know how much work you’ll be getting done after a good fucking. You seem to get very limp and relaxed. You’re more likely to sleep instead of work,” he pointed out, grinning at her. He rolled so he was over her, his nose brushing hers. “But I’m never going to turn down the opportunity to be buried between your legs, Lace.”

“That’s a damn good thing.” Reaching up, she touched his cheek, her fingers tracing his lips. “And if I sleep after, then so be it. The boss will learn to deal or I can leave the force. If push comes to shove I would chose you two over anything.” Over herself, even.

“This will get under control soon enough. But it’s also why it’s mandatory to take a week off after a mating,” he said softly. “So we can get most of the driving needs under some semblance of control. Otherwise we’d be knocking boots on every flat or mostly flat surface.”

“Good. I hope that we are able to get it all under control. I truly do. I really love you boys, like whoa, but damn it would be nice to be able to walk into a room and not jump you where you stand. Although when we are home that’s totally a great thing to do,” she added happily.

“As long as there isn’t any company. As much as I love you, Lacey, I will strip you naked and fuck you right there and then. I mostly won’t care who’s watching.” He smiled at her. “Now, are we planning on chatting, getting up, or fucking like bunnies until Zhubin comes back with food?”

“Oh I am so down with fucking like bunnies.” Lacey moved toward Ansell and all but jumped into his arms. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she didn’t speak, simply kissed him for all she was worth and demanded the same from him.

He was smiling against her lips as he kissed her back. Then he put some serious effort into the kiss and she realized he’d been holding back. The entire time, every time, he’d held back. Pressing her lips open, he slid his tongue in deep and kissed her harder, deeper. His hands weren’t idle either. No, they were moving all over her body, moving her, stroking her and revving her engine right up.

Lacey’s back arched away from him and she cried out. “Ansell,” she cried out his name, the realization of how much he had been holding back had her completely and totally stunned. “Never, ever again hold back from me again. Please.”

“No need to now,” he said, his gaze practically burning into hers. “You are ours, for the rest of time which means you can now handle everything we dish out.” She wasn’t sure why but that sounded like a very serious and sensual promise, one she wasn’t one-hundred-percent sure if she was ready for, yet she was completely ready to find out.

“Show me.” Her words were a whisper, they were a caress, a sensation of need over both of their bodies. She needed, he wanted and together they would. “Please,” she begged him softly. “I need you, so very, very much. I need everything.”

Chuckling deeply, he tossed the blankets toward the end of the bed, baring her to his gaze. Catching her hands, he pushed them up over her head and to the pillow. “Keep those right there until I say otherwise, or I stop. Clear?” he asked softly, the devil dancing in his eyes. As she stared at him, he trailed a very light finger down her arm and headed for her breast but stopped before getting to her nipple. Right, he was waiting for an answer.

She turned her hands and fisted them into the pillow under her head. Biting her lower lip she arched into him and shuddered. “Ansell. Do that again,” she asked in pure need. It felt amazing, the way that he was touching her, the way that his hands were working her body. This was just exactly what she needed and wanted.

“No,” he said, his hand lifting and then coming down on her belly. He ran his finger over her skin and lower, teasing her mound lightly. He never touched the folds or her clit, just worked around her curls and drove her slowly closer to insanity.

She was pretty sure that she was going to kill him. The way that he was teasing her was cutting into any reserve that she had. “Please,” she begged finally, gasping for air and pushing back once again. “Ansell, please,” she begged him without hesitation.

His chuckle filled the room. He sounded relaxed, looked playful and definitely like he was enjoying himself. “Since you asked so very nicely,” he said softly. Pushing her folds open with two fingers he put his mouth on her, fast, hot, and drove his tongue into her pussy.

Lacey screamed again. She couldn’t have stopped herself had she tried. This, this was what she needed, what she wanted. Holy mother of the Gods the way that he worked her body, he owned her. She rode his tongue, his fingers, she couldn’t help herself. “Please.” She continued to pant, to repeat herself but she couldn’t stop her repetition had she tried.

Only after she’d come the third, or maybe it was the fourth, time he lifted up over her. A moment later his cock filled her pussy as she continued to shudder. The friction nearly had her flying again but he wasn’t moving. He was giving her a moment, it seemed.

“God.” She breathed and held tightly to Ansell. Her nails had already dug into his skin but she didn’t let go. Their sweat-slicked bodies seemed to fuse together at the chest, hips, everywhere they touched and she loved it. Pulling back, she grinned. “Now you give me a breather?” she teased with a quick nip of her teeth to his lips.

He growled at her, his lips curling into a grin. “Well, yeah. I’d hate for you to pass out from lack of oxygen. Doesn’t bode well for what I have planned, even if it is an ego boost.” Kissing her, he withdrew his cock slowly before thrusting in hard. “You can pass out after you scream my name, not one moment before.”

“Oh.” She was very much in on that plan of action. She liked that thought, a lot. The thought of screaming his name to the heavens. “Then I really think that you should.” She gasped when he pulled out again and thrust into her just a bit harder. “Damn. You should move.” The last word drug out on a moan of a sound.

His laugh was low and caused her body to react. “I am moving, can’t you feel me moving?” he asked, his voice down a couple octaves. A hard thrust had her rocking on the bed under him. “I love the little sounds you make.” He growled in her ear before nipping at her lobe.

She was growling at him when he began to growl. She couldn’t help herself. “You should move faster.” She moaned. “I really think that you should move faster because you are killing me here.” In such a good way! “I love the way that it feels when you move inside of me but faster, faster would totally be better right now.”

“Not necessarily,” he said quietly to her. “Slow can be just as good, even better sometimes. If done right,” he said with a growing grin. Then he thrust, hard and fast, hitting her deep and slowly sliding out until only the tip of his cock was inside her. “But if you want fast, I can give you fast. You ready?”

“Yes.” Lacey hissed. “Ansell, I want fast. I want hard. God I want you to imprint your fucking self on me. I just need.” She ached. She wanted. She needed. She was freaking desperate and knew it.

Chuckling, he wiggled his cock in slowly. “You sure? You really, really sure?” he asked. When she gave a big nod and growled at him he finally gave her what she wanted. He began to thrust into her hard, fast, pressing her down deep into the bedding. His mouth was on her neck, nibbling and licking as he drove her toward the edge of insanity.

She pushed up against him harder, faster. She moved with him because she knew that this pleasure was what she wanted and needed. “God yes.” She whimpered. This was what she needed from Ansell and she showed him by tightening her muscles around his cock, this was it and they both knew it.

A growl built in his chest, vibrating through her a moment before he clamped his teeth to her shoulder. He didn’t break the skin, just held on and held her down. One of his arms slid around her waist, lifting her up and he thrust in once, twice more before he came. Stilling, he spilled deep into her as his teeth tightened just a bit more on her skin.

Lacey was as limp and weak as a kitten. She slumped against him with a silly smile on her face and sighed. “I think that you just killed me.” Her words were said with such affection and love that he’d know she was teasing him, just as she always did.

His reply wasn’t nearly so intelligible, more a rumbling growl than real words. But she could feel the curve of his lips on her neck so it was likely something rude and teasing. He lay over her for a long time, his weight pressing her down but not crushing her. He was keeping a lot of it off her as he regained his breath.

Only when the sound of a door opening and shutting hit them did he lift his head. His nostrils flared and the tension that had slipped in at the sound leached away. He pulled back and fell over onto his back next to her. “He has coffee and fresh baked goods,” he told her with a yawn as he stretched.

“He is truly a god among men,” Lacey whispered sleepily and nestled back into the heat of Ansell. “I think I’m not ready to move much yet, though. Nothing against coffee and baked goods but I’m worn out, in such a great way, too.”

Laughing softly, he hugged her closer. “He’ll bring it in and we can eat in bed. No need to move, no need to dress, all we have to do is lie here and wait. Since I can hear dishes being moved around I’m thinking not very long.”

“That sounds very, very good to me.” Lacey pressed a kiss to Ansell’s chest and grinned. “I really, really think that having the two of you boys feeding me in bed is something that every single woman in the world would look forward to. Just sayin’.”

“Don’t think this will be happening every day,” Zhubin commented, entering the room. His hands were full of a tray overloaded with dishes and a large carafe of coffee. He set the tray on one of the little tables in the room. “But since this is our mating this is an appropriate time for breakfast in bed.”

“I couldn’t agree more. Who knows, maybe you will convince me to feed you boys in bed from time to time,” she teased. “I think that I might be able to do that. In fact I think it might be a great deal of fun to be lying on the bed with the food all over me and you eat off of me.”

“Oh hell, now there is a temptation if I ever heard of one,” he said. Shaking his head, he sat on the edge and leaned in to kiss her shoulder. “You’ll need to sit up to eat this time, all of this is fairly hot and not for putting on your lovely and soft skin.”

“That is what it was meant to be, a temptation. I want to tempt you boys as often as I possibly can. I love being able to tempt you. I love being the center of your attention. Just saying,” she teased. “And it is something I would enjoy as well.”

“Uh-huh, well, you are the center of our attention always,” Ansell said. He was moving, sitting up and shoving himself to sit against the headboard. After rearranging pillows he looked to where she was sprawled from his move and grinned. “What? I’m hungry damn it, someone has me burning a lot of calories.”

“I know that I am and I love it.” Giving him a grumpy look she moved so that she was sitting up against the head of the bed and shook her head. “Silly man.” He could have at least warned her before shifting and dumping her on the bed unceremoniously.

He leaned in and nuzzled her cheek. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” He sounded worried, he looked worried, his eyes anyway, when he pulled back to look into hers. He didn’t say anything else and he didn’t move, just stayed right here and still.

“No, you didn’t hurt me but warn me next time please?” She shifted so that she could be nestled up close to him she added, “Besides, I rather love being close to you and feeling the heat of your body against mine. Would be even better should Zhubin join on the other side.” Her not-so-subtle way of asking him to get into bed with them.

“All you had to do was ask,” Zhubin said before he bounced his way up to her other side. He was still dressed but so very warm. He nibbled on her shoulder and gave her a squeeze. “But I’m hungry too, darling, so can we cuddle after we eat?”

“I think that sounds good.” Lacey sighed as the heat of both men soaked into her. “Goodness I love just how freaking hot you are because I am freezing. I mean that I’m totally cold so how about you let me cover up and then we will eat?”

Zhubin sat up and pulled his shirt off over his head. “Arms up,” he ordered and tugged it over her when she did as he asked. Tucking it down he moved and pulled the blankets up and over her as well. “You need more meat on your bones, then you wouldn’t be so cold all the time.”

She snorted at him and then with a smile said, “You are too funny. I just need you holding me and hugging me. Oh, or loving me. Loving me is a very, very good thing. I love the way that it feels when you boys hold me.”

“We can’t hold you all the time,” he said. Leaning in close he kissed her lips, nipping at her full lower lip and then drew back. “Sit all the way up. We need to eat and then we have things planned. A bit of a tour of this side of the Veil and, if we are lucky, we’ll also gain some information on your stalker so when we go back, we can stop this maniac.”

“Oh god.” She had, for a moment, forgotten about the madness that had become a part of her life. Taking a deep breath, she nodded. “Well then let’s do what we can on this side. I don’t want to think about going back to my side right now please.”

BOOK: Lacey's Luhpynes [Beyond the Veil 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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