Lacy (The Doves of Primrose) (12 page)

BOOK: Lacy (The Doves of Primrose)
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He was up the stairs before Lacy could speak. She rubbed her fingers across her mouth
, lost in wonder and confusion. What was happening? She slid her hand down with her gaze to the lavender V-neck silk top. To her chagrin it had slid from her shoulder and was exposing most of her bra on the left side.

“Fantastic.” She shook her head and adjusted her shirt
, amazed that in all of that commotion Kyle could keep a level head. Hers had detached and floated into the trees the moment she saw him.


She wandered out of her daydream with the sound of Scarlett’s voice and the touch to her arm.


“I wanted to let you know that I assigned the remaining rooms to some of the new crew members, it’s all in the computer and one of the assistants told me the rest of them would be staying in the RVs but they may be eating some of their meals here. So we’re going to need to make another grocery run tomorrow. Mrs. Walters said she would go with me. Can we take your truck?”

It was as if Lacy were looking at a completely different person. “Sure. You know where the keys are. Help yourself to an

Scarlett was more beautiful when she smiled
; Lacy wished she did it more often. “Okay. Well, I’m going to go back and see to the dining room and make sure everyone is being served.”

“Okay, honey.” Lacy gazed
in awe at her friend making her way to the other room. Shy Scarlett had come out of her shell. “Scarlett?” She waited for her friend to turn, grinning at the glow in her fair complexion. “Thank you so much for everything you’ve done. I think I would’ve collapsed in the corner, buzzing my lips and staring into space without your help. I love you to pieces.”

Scarlett rolled her eyes but the blush gave her away. “I love you too.” She kisse
d the air and spun on her heel.

Lacy wouldn’t be able to do any of this without her friends. She had no idea what was in store fo
r her when she agreed to rent her house for the film. The money had been such a lifeline to her struggling family enterprise that nothing else mattered. And she had been sucked in deeper. She had agreed to a meeting with Kyle tonight.

As if seeing him all day long wasn’t bad enough. Lacy
wandered into the kitchen and set about making up a tray. What did he want to talk about? How was she supposed to wait three hours to talk to him when her chest was bursting with the need to be with him now? She was anxious, overheated and tingly. She was eighteen again.

Her eyes grew
wide, halting her steps and bringing her hand to press against her throbbing heart. She was doing it again. She was falling for him.

Lacy lifted the tray and exited the kitchen into the throng of diners. She
wove her way through to the stairs, making a mental note to put the remodel for the dining room higher on her list of improvements. She chided herself the entire trip up to the next level. History couldn’t repeat itself. Her fragile heart couldn’t survive the devastation Kyle caused and she was certain it would happen again. She had to stop it now, before it crushed her.

Lacy set the tray of food next to Lauren’s door and gently knocked,
and without waiting for an answer she went back to the front desk. She opened the door leading into her tiny closet converted into an office and closed it just as quickly. She sat in her chair, intent on burying herself in paperwork until it was time to tell Kyle this couldn’t happen.


Chapter 11



When Lacy looked at her watch it was ten minutes to ten. Her eyes were tired and nearly crossed from crunching numbers
She pushed away from the desk rubbing them before she realized she had just ruined all of her makeup without enough time to get to the barn, fix it and get back to meet with Kyle. Then again, did she really want to look good when she broke his heart and saved her own?

As soon as she closed the office door, she saw Scarlett coming from the dining room
intent on the front door. Lacy lifted her arm to wave goodnight then quickly jerked it back and crouched down behind the front desk when Marcus approached and whispered to Scarlett. Lacy peeked over the counter, not wanting to interrupt the seemingly intimate scene.

“I wanted to thank you.” Marcus lifted Scarlett’s hand and stepped even closer. “You have been so kind to everyone and you know exactly what I need even before I ask for it.”

Lacy gaped as Scarlett dipped her head and Marcus reached out, lifted her chin and ran his fingers through her hair. “That tea you made for me was delicious.”

“Oh, that was nothing
,” Scarlett’s voice quivered and she fidgeted. Lacy wasn’t surprised. Scarlett had never really had a boyfriend before.

“Well, I enjoyed it.”

Lacy clamped a hand over her mouth when Marcus leaned forward and placed a kiss on Scarlett’s lips. She thought Scarlett’s knees might buckle, but she only swayed.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Marcus’s head was still tipped and Scarlett’s eyes still closed.

“Okay.” Scarlett’s eyes fluttered open.

Lacy felt terrible for watching this, but also really excited for her friend. Someone was finally appreciating Scarlett for the amazing person she was. It was so sweet.

“Bye, Scarlett.”

Lacy dropped to the ground, tucking as close as she could to the desk and listened for Marcus to disappear upstairs. Shortly after, she heard the front door close. Not knowing whether or not Scarlett had left she looked around the edge of the desk. The coast was clear. She waited several more moments to make sure Scarlett had driven away then went out to the swing on the front porch.

She had assumed she would meet Kyle out there but he wasn’t anywhere in sight. She checked her watch. Three till. He still had time, she was early.
Sort of. The memory of Scarlett and Marcus swept through her mind, making her smile and wish them well. She really hoped it worked out for Scarlett. She deserved every happiness the world could give her. She hadn’t had the easiest of lives. Growing up in a house with a
single, unmarried mother and judgmental grandfather was much too subjugating for such a sensitive soul as Scarlett.

Breathing in the glorious night air and enjoying the splendor of stars while swinging, Lacy took that moment to relax. She laid her head back and closed her eyes. The aura of
rose-tinged air from the garden seeped into her veins, lulling her to sleep, until whispers brought her back.

She shifted her head in the direction of the voices, squinting, searching the night for a glimpse of the culprits. Coming down the path around the side of the house, arms touching and e
ngrossed in deep conversation were Emmylou and Kyle. Lacy sat upright, watching, trying to interpret the manner of this little stroll. They stopped at the opposite corner, not close enough for Lacy to overhear, but her heart was thumping so hard it would have been impossible anyhow.

Lacy could tell they were not just old friends catching up. This was
a far too intimate and serious discussion for that. Lacy was beginning to feel like a peeping tom; twice tonight she had caught her friends in private moments. But, damn it, this one was with the man
was supposed to be talking with.

One quick embrace and final farewell
exchanged between them before Emmylou turned for the drive with her car parked in its usual place. And Kyle was such the gentleman, he waited until she opened her door before he stepped up on the porch.

“Hey.” He was obviously surprised to see her out there.

Lacy sat with her hands clamping onto the seat as he made his way to her.

“Hey yourself.
Lose track of time?” She clamped her lips tight to keep the anger in.

“Oh, I guess so. Am I late?”

The sweetness of his smile pressed on her, cracking her wall of resentment. It looked so genuine. “It doesn’t matter.”

, it does.” He sat next to her.

The floor was suddenly very interesting to her.

He pushed the swing back, dragging her feet across the painted wood. “It’s been a long time since we’ve sat together on this swing.” The heat of his skin worked like a magnet with the hair on her arm, the breeze brought the distinctive musky smell of him, sending her mind to a day long past.

Resting against the back of the swing with both arms hitched over it, he reached out and twisted a tendril of her hair between his fingers. She could feel every breath he took. The ball of anger battled with the need to be with him, to remember the old and explore the new.

“Those were great days. They haunted me for a very long time, Lacy.”

Lacy listened
, staring at the reaching shadow from the porch light.

“And being here
-with you- has brought back so many things for me.”

“Is this what you and Emmylou were talking about?” For the first time Lacy was able to look Kyle in the eye.

“No.” His narrowed eyes studied her face. “Lacy?”

“So how is it then?” Her fingers dug harder into the wood. “Emmy at nine, Lacy at ten?” She twitched her head
, glaring hard. “How
you keep track? Your calendar must be crazy. Does your assistant keep track of that for you too? She must be exhausted. Is that what you were talking about upstairs? Is that why you had to rush to her? To make sure your dates were all scheduled?” She shot to her feet and started for the door until Kyle grabbed her arm and spun her around.

“Damn it
, Lacy. I know what you’re thinking and it’s not true. Emmylou and I are not involved. Not how you think we are. We’re friends and she--”

He looked away.

“She what? Shot you down?”

“I promised I wouldn’t say anything so you’re going to have to take it up with her.”

Lacy jerked her arm free. “Oh, that’s so convenient for you. You can’t talk about it. A gentleman never tells, hmm?” She couldn’t keep the sneer out of her voice.

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

Lacy balled her fist at her side. “Me, ridiculous?” She stepped back. “I can see that nothing has changed. You’re still the same Kyle McClintock. You’ll do anything for your friends.”

“What the hell does that mean?”

“Please! Even you can’t miss the reference.”

“Lacy.” He placed both hands on her shoulders. “That’s what I wanted to talk about. I didn’t want you to think this was just a repeat of the past.”

She drew the word out, nodding her head.

He sighed but held firm. “No. What I feel for you is different. Stronger
, if that’s possible. And I want to see where it goes. I tried to stop it but it’s no use. Admit it, you feel it too.”

“Oh, I feel something all right.”

“Now, don’t go getting all jealous over nothing.” His country twang had returned and tugged at her heartstrings.

He tried to pull her closer, but Lacy freed herself from his grip.

“Jealous?” She looked at him with new eyes. “You don’t know me very well, Kyle McClintock, if that’s what you think.” She put her hand on his chest to stop his advance. “I guess that’s always been our problem. Our well is about as deep as a Dixie cup.” She made to leave then turned back. “Don’t toy with her. Promise me you won’t. Emmylou has the softest heart of anyone I know. And the most vulnerable.”

Lacy got to the bottom of the porch steps before Kyle’s voice brought her up short. “And you’re just letting the bullshit you had with Brice
get in your way. Wake up, Lacy. He’s never coming back. But I’m right here. Don’t let his mistakes define your future.”

Lacy ignored him.
He yelled after her when she started for the barn, “God, you’re the most stubborn woman I’ve ever met!” Shortly after that she cringed when the screen door slammed. She hoped nothing got broken over his outburst.

was waiting with her head poked out over the stall door when Lacy made it inside. Lacy entered her stall and rested her head on Betty’s neck, stroking her soft coat, straightening her coarse mane.

She knew Brice wasn’t coming back. She didn’t want him to. Tears welled in her eyes.

“Oh Betty,” she sobbed. “I’m a stupid, stupid woman.” The horse grunted in answer and turned her head to nuzzle Lacy.

Lacy was ashamed to admit that a
small part of her had hoped Brice
coming back, that their marriage wasn’t a lie, that she was enough for him. They had been married for nearly eight years. Was all that time just wasted?

She knew in her mind that he was a
jerk, that he had a dangerous side and he had not always been kind to her. But some of those qualities had led to some really great times. He apologized in a big way. He had to have loved her at some point. Right? If not, then why would he always try so hard to win her forgiveness? This was the first time she had allowed herself to grieve for her dead marriage. She had filed the papers so fast she hadn’t given herself a moment to reflect.

She knew it
had been the right thing to do. He abandoned her and that was the last in a laundry list of terrible deeds she was willing to take. She didn’t have a stellar reputation in this town but what she had left she wanted to salvage and divorce was the expected reaction. And he had broken her heart and her pride.

Kyle. Seeing him, being with him, kissing him had made her feel alive again. He had made her realize that her life may not be over yet. He had said he was here for her. Lacy shook her head, squeezing the tears from her eyes. Not for long. He would be out of Primrose as soon as his movie was finished.
And then what? Would she be able to live with herself if she had fallen for him again just to lose him?

She didn’t understand why she was attracted to
dirtbags. She and Emmylou sure had that in common. They were suckers for a handsome face and fancy words. She didn’t know what kind of relationship Emmylou and Kyle had. Lacy had all but accused him of two-timing, but she wasn’t sure that was the case. If she thought about it, neither of the moments she had witnessed between the two of them had spoken of lovers. But they were extremely personal.

What a mess she was in. Lacy rubbed her eyes and sniffed back her watery nose. She was exhausted to the core. Hugging Betty’s neck and stroking the mare’s nose soothed the raw em
otions stinging inside of her. She took a quick glance at her injured leg, finding it much improved and left the stall, thanking Betty for listening.

It would all look better in the morning
. That’s what her grandmother used to tell her and it had nearly always proven true. She didn’t have it in her to go back to the house for a shower. She collapsed on her cot fully clothed and fell asleep.




Kyle couldn’t get the look on Lacy’s face out of his head when he called her jealous. He lay on his bed, boots off, waiting to hear her footsteps on the landing, but they never came. He was such an idiot. Lacy wasn’t the jealous type, he knew better than that. He had been surrounded by superficial, overly dramatic, clingy women always wanting something from him for so long it had jaded him. He had some good girlfriends too, but they were scarce and none of his relationships lasted long.

Until now he hadn’t understood that none of them had what Lacy had. She was a tough, no-nonsense, extremely kind-hearted and loyal lady. She was exactly what he needed in his life and exactly what he wanted. Convincing her of that was looking to be an insurmountable task. She was as stubborn as ten mules.

He wished he could tell her what Emmylou was discussing with him, but he promised he wouldn’t and he wasn’t about to break a promise to a friend. He rolled to his side, away from the door and tucked his arm under his head.

That was the other thing bugging him. What had she meant when she told him he would do anything for a friend? She was so nasty and cold about it. Of course he would do anything for a friend. So would she. That’s how they were raised. But this was personal and intended to cut him to the quick.

Kyle tried to think back to their summer together and even the years before that. He sifted through his memories, wanting something to stand out, but nothing did. They didn’t run in the same circles or share the same friends. Not really. In a small town you all intermixed but Lacy was a bit wilder than he was and his mother threatened his life daily to stay out of trouble. At least she started to after Adam’s accident. She believed if she could keep Kyle away from the fast-paced crowd he would remain safe. What she didn’t understand was that Adam wasn’t dead because of who his friends were. Or maybe she did understand it. Who would know – they never talked about it.

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