Lady at the O.K. Corral (43 page)

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Authors: Ann Kirschner

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      horseracing and, 79

      Josephine Earp's final years in, 205, 214, 217–18

      Wyatt Earp's arrest in, 142–44

      Wyatt Earp's final years in, 170–73

Los Angeles Express
, 135

Los Angeles Herald
, 148

Los Angeles Times
, 171

article about Earp and retraction, 149–50

“Lurid Trails Are Left by Olden-Time Bandits” (Scanland), 149

Macartney, Felton, 222

Maddox, Mrs. Lon, 217, 219

Madison Square Garden, New York City, 138, 174

“manifest destiny,” 34

Mansfield, Sadie, 31, 48, 70, 185, 258n 186

Marcus, Hyman (father), 14, 15, 27, 248n 14

      death of, 85

Marcus, Moses (grandfather), 15

Marcus, Nathan (brother), 15, 69, 125, 127, 128, 133, 142

Marcus, Sophia Lewis (mother), 14, 15, 27, 85, 102, 142, 248n 14

      death of, 145

      obituary, 17, 145

Markham, Pauline, 23, 25, 26, 47, 145, 186, 210, 249n 23

      “Pinafore on Wheels” Troupe, 23–26, 145, 186, 210

Marquis, O. H., 227

Martin, Al, 136, 137, 138

Masterson, Bat, 7, 156, 175, 186, 257n 170

      appearance, 72

      description of Wyatt Earp, 33, 149, 211

      dislike of Doc Holliday, 37, 71

      friendship with Wyatt Earp, 71, 73, 78–79, 148–49, 154

      Josephine Earp and, 35, 72

      meets Wyatt Earp, 35

      Stuart Lake and, 170

Masterson, Emma, 72, 73, 183

Mayo, Al, 96, 97, 104

Mayo, Maggie, 97, 102, 104

McCarthy, Lottie and Nellie, 23–24

McCarthy Dancing Academy, 23–24, 210

McKenzie, Alexander, 130, 131–32

McKinley, William, 132

McLaury, Frank, 54, 74

      Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, 55, 56

McLaury, Tom, 53–54

      Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, 55, 56

McLaury, Will, 58, 60, 74

Menckens, Adah Isaac, 20

Miller, Bill, 154–61, 229–30

Miller, Estelle Josephine, 229–30

Mix, Tom, 7, 153, 173–74, 175, 176, 257n 153

Mizner, Wilson, 103, 113, 125, 173, 175

Morey, Jeff, 11

Mudd, Seeley Wintersmith, 256n 143

Muir, John, 93

My Darling Clementine
(film), 219

Nevitt, Wilfrid and Bessie, 214, 217, 218, 219

New York City

      birth of Josephine Marcus, 3, 5, 15, 247n 5

      conditions of poor in, 15–16

      education of immigrants, 16

      Five Points neighborhood, 15, 17

      Jewish community in, 15, 248n 14, 248n 16

      Jewish newspapers in, 16

      Marcus family in, 15–16, 17, 247n 5

New York Herald
, 149

New York Herald Tribune
, 192

New York Times
, 133, 198

New York Tribune
, 128

Nome, Alaska, 9, 107–34

      as boomtown, 112, 132–33

      Christmas Day turkey dinners, 118

      claim jumping and litigation, 109

      Clum in, 128, 255n 128

      conditions in, 112, 120–23

      crime in, 123–24

      Earps arrive, 107, 111

      Earps depart,133–34

      Earps' income in, 132

      Earps' Tombstone friends arrive in, 129–30

      exodus from, 114–15, 133, 254n 114

      gambling and saloon trade in, 106, 118, 124

      gold on the beach, 107, 110–11

      gold rush, 103, 104, 105, 108–9, 121–22

      Jewish community of, 125–26

      Josephine Earp aids storm victims, 131

      Josephine Earp barred from high society, 125

      legal fraud in, 130, 131, 132

      Lucky Baldwin in, 129–30

      mail delivery, 128–29, 255n 128

      Marcus family in, 120, 125, 133

      naming of, 108

      newspapers, 124–25

      Northern Saloon, 106, 113

      ordinance against women in saloons, 113–14

      population of, 122

      prizefighting, 124

      red-light district and prostitution, 126–27

      Rickard as first mayor, 118

      Rickard in, 106, 118

      social stratification in, 114, 124–25

      storm of 1900, 131, 133

      synagogue in, 126

      Three Lucky Swedes, 108, 109, 113

      winter in, 114–15, 117–18

      Wyatt and Josephine Earp, marital tensions in, 126–27

      Wyatt and Josephine Earp in, 112–15, 119–34

      Wyatt Earp bypassed for deputy sheriff job, 125

      Wyatt Earp's brushes with the law in, 127, 128

      Wyatt Earp's Dexter Saloon, 113, 117, 122, 124, 126, 130, 132, 133, 255n 133

Nome Chronicle
, 126

Nome Daily News
, 127, 128, 131

Nome Gold Digger
, 126, 130

Nome Nugget
, 118, 132

Noyes, Arthur, 130, 131–32

Oakland, California, 259n 196

      Gertrude Stein and, 21, 248n 21

      Josephine Earp in, 137, 146, 179, 190, 195

      Lehnhardt mansion in, 74, 85, 137, 142, 145, 195, 217, 252n 74

      Lehnhardt's Candies, 141, 145, 146, 195, 215

      Wyatt and Josephine Earp in, 142

O'Brian, Hugh, 222

Oddie, Tasker, 137, 148

O.K. Corral

      Breakenridge's book about, 169

      charges and trial following Gunfight (Spicer hearing), 57–59

      as cultural symbol, 3

      dead and wounded, 56, 169

      Gunfight at, 2–3, 10, 12, 55–56, 140, 221

      Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, reenactments, 178, 179

      Hollywood and, 151–54

      Josephine Marcus and, 3, 6–7, 10, 12

      later accounts of, 148–50

      lead-up to gunfight, 51–54

      naming of corral, 10

      versions of gunfight, 3

Ouray, Colorado, 72

Parker, California, 195

Parsons, George, 39, 40, 45, 46, 60–61, 132, 148, 169–70, 189, 193, 200, 202, 250n 40

      on cowboys, 43

      departure from Tombstone, 67

      in Nome, Alaska, 129

      on Stilwell killing, 65

      Wyatt Earp and, 67–68

Peabody, Endicott, 7, 39, 40, 65, 166

      on “Cowboy and Earp Feud,” 60

      on crime in Tombstone, 43

      departure from Tombstone, 67

      on Wyatt Earp, 67

Peoria, Illinois, 36, 211

Phoenix, Arizona, 28

Pioneer Days in Arizona
(Lockwood), 200

Pitkin, Frederick, 71, 252n 71

Planet Earp, 5

Posen, Prussia, 14, 248n 14, 248n 20

Prescott, Arizona, 25–26, 48

      Virgil Earp as deputy U.S. marshal, 38

Prohibition, 144, 158, 175

prostitution, 7, 36, 201

      Bessie Earp and, 36, 42

      Josephine Earp suspected of, 48–49, 186, 209, 258n 186, 260n 209

      Mattie Earp and, 84–85

      in Nome, Alaska, 126–27

      Sally Haspel and, 36, 211

      in San Diego, 82

      in Tombstone, 47–49, 250n 49, 258n 186, 260n 209

      Wyatt Earp and brothels, 36, 82, 127, 137, 211


      “big red” train, Los Angeles to San Bernadino, 180

      San Francisco-Los Angeles line completed (1876), 21

      transcontinental railroad (1869), 18

Raine, William MacLeod, 167, 168, 169, 192

Rampart, Alaska, 96–104, 116, 125

      Earps' home in, 97–98, 254n 97

      Josephine Earp's happiness in, 100–103

      prospecting and gold in, 97–98

      town dances, 101

Randall, George M., 133

Rickabaugh, Lou, 86

Rickard, Tex, 101, 103–4, 106, 111, 113, 118, 124, 134, 138, 174

      as fight promoter, 124, 138

Ringo, Johnny, 168

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 40

Rosenthal, Toby, 20

“Rose Still Grows beyond the Wall, The” (Frank), 218

Saga of Billy the Kid, The
(Burns), 161, 163

(ship), 111

St. John, Adela Rogers, 174

Saint Johnson
(Burnett), 184, 187, 188

Salt Lake City, Utah, 71–72

San Antonio, Texas, 208

San Bernardino, California, 35

      Earp's common-law wife Mattie in, 63, 68

      Earp's parents in, 38, 63, 249n 38

San Diego, California, 9, 125

      as boomtown, 76

      Coronado Island, 78, 147–48

      Earp brothers in, 77

      “Golden Poppy” brothel, Wyatt Earp's ties to, 82

      horseracing, 79–82

      moral reforms in, 83

      Oyster Bar and Gambling Hall, 77, 82

      real estate market collapse, 83

      Wyatt and Bat Masterson law enforcement assignment, 78–79

      Wyatt and brothels in, 82

      Wyatt and Josephine Earp in, 76–84, 252n 82

      Wyatt Earp's business ventures in, 77–83

San Diego Union
, 64, 83

      Clara Brown writing for, 39–40

San Francisco, California, 125

      Academy of Music, 20

      affluence in, 16, 17, 22, 74

      art and culture in, 20, 21

      Baldwin Hotel, 79, 91, 130

      commerce and economic conditions in, 19th century, 16–17

      depression of 1876, 21–22

      earthquake, 1868, 18

      earthquake and fire, 1906, 141–42, 173, 182

      Eureka Benevolent Association, 19

      Goodfellow's Grotto Café, 90

      Hills of Eternity Cemetery, Colma, California,1, 4, 85, 145–46, 176, 218, 221, 258n 176

      Israel Benjamin's description of, 18–19

      Jewish community of, 4, 16–17, 19, 20–21, 142, 248n 16

      Jewish newspapers in, 16

      Jewish women, careers of, 20–21

      Lucky Baldwin's hotel, 79

      Marcus family in, 14, 18–21, 69–71, 74, 82, 102

      social stratification in, 19, 248n 19

      theaters and acting companies, 20, 23

      Wyatt and Josephine Earp in, 117

      Wyatt and Josephine Earp in, 1890–1897, 85–88, 90–91

      Wyatt and Josephine Earp's home in, 86

      Wyatt Earp and fight-fixing scandal, 90–91, 143, 253n 91

      Wyatt Earp buried in, 1, 4, 176, 218, 221, 258n 176

      Wyatt Earp's accident in, 93

      Wyatt Earp's horseracing and stables, 85–86

San Francisco Chronicle
, 91, 119, 192

San Francisco Examiner
, 90

Saturday Evening Post
, 161, 162, 164, 191

Scanland, J. M., 149

Schieffelin, Ed, 29, 32, 96

Seattle, Washington, 116–17, 125, 254n 119

      Alaska gold rush and, 100, 116–17, 254n 100

      exodus to Nome from, 119

      as “Nome crazy,” 116

      Wyatt and Josephine Earp in, 117, 254n 119

Seattle Post-Intelligencer
, 124, 128

Sharkey, Tom, 90–91, 124, 253n 91

Sherman, William Tecumseh, 66

Short, Luke, 73

Shurtleff, Dr. Fred, 174, 175

Sieber, Al, 25

“Significance of the Frontier in American History” (Turner), 87, 253n 87

Sinclair, Addie, 216, 260n 216

Skagway, Alaska, 93

(ship), 131

Smith, Jefferson Randolph “Soapy,” 93

Spence, Mariette “Maria” Duarte, 28, 30, 42, 164, 251n 63

      testifies against husband, 62–63

Spence, Pete, 42

      as Morgan killer suspect, 62, 63, 251n 63

      as stagecoach robbery suspect, 52

Spicer, Judge Wells, 59, 60

Spoilers, The
(Beach), 107, 125, 134

Spolidoro, Grace Welsh, 4, 140–41, 176

Squaw Man, The
(film), 151

(ship), 95

(ship), 134

Stegner, Wallace, 8

Stein, Gertrude, 21, 248n 20, 248n 21

Stilwell, Frank

      as stagecoach robbery suspect, 52

      Wyatt Earp kills, 64, 154

St. Michael, Alaska, 103, 104

Wyatt and Josephine Earp in, 104–7

Strauss, Levi, 16

Sunset Trail, The
(Lewis), 183, 175

Suppressed Murder of Wyatt Earp
(Boyer), 230

Tabor, Baby Doe, 72, 252n 72

Tefertiller, Casey, 228–29, 234

Thompson, Lydia, 23

Tijuana, Mexico, 77

Toklas, Alice B., 248n 20

(film), 234

Tombstone, Arizona, 9, 13, 182.
See also
Earp, Josephine “Sadie” Marcus; Earp, Wyatt

      beef demand in, 44–45

      Behan in, 31

      Bird Cage Theatre, 26, 178, 209, 224

      books about, 167–69, 191–94, 199–200, 228

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