Lady Boss (63 page)

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Authors: Jackie Collins

BOOK: Lady Boss
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She knew what Antonio was after. The classic pose. One leg provocatively snaking out, while she sat up, holding the sheet to her chin, her shoulders exposed, a seductive smile. The Venus Maria look. She'd perfected it. Over the years she'd studied carefully.

darling,' cooed Antonio, peering through his lens. ‘And now, Ken, you move a little closer.'

As Ken slouched against the wall in the background, he and Antonio experienced serious eye contact.

Hovering on the sidelines, Ron could see what was going on. Venus Maria observed his mouth go into a thin tight line, a sign of deep trouble.

Somebody put Stevie Wonder on the stereo, and the house was flooded with music.

Venus Maria knew how to make love to a camera better than anyone. She licked her lips, somehow making them fuller and more seductive. Her eyes radiated sensuality. Her expression was pure sex.

She gazed at the camera, revelling in every minute.

Chapter 84

Gino arrived in L.A. before Steven and Mary-Lou. Lucky took the day off and met him at the airport, taking Bobby with her.

When Gino walked through the terminal she almost didn't recognize him. Where was the Gino strut? Where was that famous Santangelo grin? Where was Gino the Ram?

Oh, God, was it possible that Gino was getting old? Her father, her wonderful, vital father, who'd always been so much younger and stronger than everyone else?

She hugged him. ‘Hey, what's going on?'

He hugged her back. ‘I told you, kid. It's finally gettin' to me.'

‘What?' she asked anxiously.

‘Old age, I guess. I'm wearin' out, kid. I'm wearin' out.'

She was dismayed to hear Gino talk that way. ‘You, Gino. Never!' she said.

‘Hey, Grandpa!' cried Bobby, clamouring for attention.

‘Hey, Bobby!' cried Gino, hugging his grandson.

Boogie drove them to the beach house while Bobby chatted excitedly about his school in London and what he'd been doing.

‘My friend is here, Grandpa,' Bobby announced proudly. ‘I told him he couldn't come to the airport 'cause I had to see my grandpa first.'

,' agreed Gino, ‘and don't you forget it. I'm gonna teach you a thing or two this trip.'

Bobby couldn't have been more thrilled. ‘Yes, Grandpa. What?'

‘I'm gonna teach you how to be a Santangelo.'

‘He's not a Santangelo. He's a Stanislopoulos,' Lucky pointed out.

‘Bullshit,' Gino retorted. ‘Bobby don't look like a Stanislopoulos, he looks exactly like a Santangelo.'

She laughed. ‘You're right. Bullshit!'

‘Thank you.'

They grinned at each other.

‘So… what have you been up to?' she asked.

‘Aw, nothing,' Gino said. ‘I sit around the apartment, take a walk. Sometimes I put a poker game together.'

She hated to see her father inactive. Since he'd sold out the bulk of his companies he didn't seem to be interested in business anymore.

‘You know what we should do?' she suggested.

‘Yeah. What?'

‘Build another hotel. We did it with the Mirage and the Magiriano, but they don't belong to us anymore. Why don't we build a new hotel and call it the Panther? We'll make it bigger than the Mirage, better than the Magiriano. What do you say?'

‘I wouldn't build another hotel if you paid me,' he said, shaking his head.

‘Why not? You loved it. You were one of the first in Vegas.'

‘That was a long, long time ago. It's a different world today.'

‘It's not so different. We'd do it together. I'd
to build a new hotel.'

‘Yeah, you're gonna fit it in between doin' studio deals, huh?'

‘I've got a lot of energy.'

‘Don't even talk about it. I'm too old.'

Gino – admitting he was old. Something was wrong somewhere.

She waited until they were back at the house and Bobby had raced off to play with his school friend before mentioning Carlo Bonnatti.

‘He came to see you?' Gino asked, concerned. ‘Did he threaten you in any way?'

‘Are you
I wouldn't allow that asshole to threaten me. I know this is a phony debt, and I'm not paying it.'

‘You know what, kid? Pay it, get him off your back. We don't need more trouble with the Bonnattis. There's been enough over the years.'

She was surprised. ‘I can't believe this is
talking, Gino. Pay a debt we don't owe? Let the Bonnattis get the better of us?
No way

‘Life's too short to worry about these things. You got the money – pay him.'

She narrowed her black eyes and stared her father down. ‘I said no way.'

Something had to be done about Gino. He was in a slump. She had to come up with a brilliant way to snap him out of it.

After playing with Bobby for a while Gino decided to take a nap. Lucky went straight to the phone and called Paige. A maid answered.

‘Is Mrs. Wheeler there?' Lucky asked, hoping she was.

‘One moment, please.'

When Paige picked up the phone Lucky was delighted. ‘Hi, this is Lucky Santangelo. How
you?' she asked.

‘Lucky,' exclaimed Paige. ‘How nice to hear from you. Congratulations. I'm thrilled about the Panther deal, although Ryder's not so thrilled. He loved doing business with the wonderful Mickey Stolli. But I hear you're planning good things.'

‘I hope so,' Lucky said. ‘I want to make films that give women a chance to show their strength.'

‘You will,' Paige said warmly. ‘You always manage to do whatever you set your heart on. When your father and I were together, Gino never stopped boasting about you.'

Lucky was pleasantly surprised. ‘Really?'

‘Always,' Paige assured her.

‘Can we meet?' Lucky asked. ‘I'm not into doing lunch, but maybe if it's convenient for you we could have a drink or something.'

‘Fine,' said Paige. ‘I'd love to see you. When?'

‘As soon as possible.'

Chapter 85

The South of France was glorious, hot sunshine, beautiful women, wonderful restaurants, and a carefree atmosphere.

Lennie was miserable. All he could think about was Lucky. He sat around the pool at Eden Rock watching Brigette and Nona. The two girls were having a great time. They'd met plenty of friends and spent most of the day either in the pool or water-skiing. He only ever saw them for lunch, when they joined him and his friends, Jess and Matt Traynor, who'd flown out to keep him company.

Jess, his best friend, gave him a lot of good advice. ‘You're being very childish about this whole thing, Lennie,' she scolded. ‘Lucky's
your average woman. You knew that when you married her. You love her. You want to be with her. And now you're playing hurt little boy because she bought a studio without asking your permission. Big deal!'

‘She should have told me,' he said stubbornly.

‘Why?' Jess wrinkled her snub nose. ‘It was a surprise. For you.'

Nobody understood. ‘Not for me, for her. She gets off on being in charge.'

‘No,' Jess argued. ‘She did it to make you happy because you were always bitching about your contract, the movie, and the people you had to work with. She thought it would be fun. And let's face it – she can certainly afford it.'

He tried to explain. ‘It's like she's buying me, Jess. You understand what I'm saying?'

‘What kind of crap is that? You're her husband, for chrissake – give the girl a break!'

‘I'm trying.'


‘By staying away.'

Jess gave him a look. They knew each other too well to get away with lying.

‘Lucky Santangelo is the best thing that ever happened to you,' she said firmly. ‘Wake up and realize it before it's too late.'

He grimaced. ‘Hey – you and Matt make it work pretty good. Howdja do it?'

‘When you get married you commit yourself,' Jess answered seriously. ‘I failed once – so did you. When you do it a second time you know exactly what you're getting into. I
to be with Matt because I love him. Don't you love Lucky?'

Yeah, he loved Lucky. He loved her more than anything in the world.

But could he live with her? That was another question.

‘There's one thing about you, Lennie,' Jess said, sighing with exasperation.


‘You're pretty damn good at screwing up your life.'


‘Think about what I'm saying. Did Lucky do such a terrible thing? It wasn't like she ran off and slept with another guy, for God's sake!'

‘She lied to me.'

Jess was getting impatient. ‘She lied to you for
, asshole. Why don't you at least go see her, and maybe the two of you can work it out. I hate to see it end like this. You're both too stubborn – that's the problem.'

Later, alone in his hotel room, Lennie thought about what Jess had said. Yeah, he was stubborn. And so was Lucky. But it didn't mean they couldn't talk.

Jess was right. He loved Lucky – and he wasn't about to give up on their relationship. It was about time he did something about it.

* * *

‘You're fired,' Lucky said.

Eddie twitched. ‘Why?'

‘Because I don't approve of the way you do business.'

Eddie couldn't believe he was getting canned by a woman. ‘Oh, you've been here five minutes and you don't approve of the way I do business, huh?' he said nastily.

‘Eddie, I
what's been going on around here.'

‘Hey, hey, hey, no big deal. I've been offered a job at Orpheus.'

‘Then I suggest you take it.'

‘I'm packing up today.'

‘Oh, and do me a favour.'

‘What's that?'

‘When your drug dealer arrives, the lovely Miss Le Paul, give her a message from me, will you? Tell her if she ever sets foot on this lot again she's gonna find her ass in jail.'

Eddie glared and twitched and left her office.

Later Lucky met with Paige. She was such a vibrant woman, full of life and fun. Lucky could certainly understand why Gino missed her.

Paige ordered a Campari and soda before settling back. ‘You look wonderful, Lucky,' she said. ‘Hollywood agrees with you.'

‘Thanks. You never change, Paige.'

Paige fluffed out her copper-coloured hair. ‘I try to keep it all together. How's little Bobby?'

‘Absolutely great.'

‘And Lennie?'

‘The same.' She wasn't about to spread the word on their separation. ‘By the way, guess who's out here?'

‘Who?' said Paige, knowing full well.

‘Gino. He's staying at the beach with me and Bobby.'

Paige sipped her Campari. ‘He is?'

‘He's getting older, Paige.'

‘Ah, Gino, he'll never be old,' Paige said, smiling warmly.

‘Without you he's
getting older.'

Paige fiddled with a heavy gold bracelet. ‘It wasn't me that stopped seeing him,' she said. ‘It was the other way around.'

‘I guess he had to have you to himself.
know Gino.'

Paige continued to smile. ‘He always

Lucky got right to it. ‘So, are you leaving Ryder or what?'

‘Is that what you're here to find out?'

‘It's a pretty good reason, isn't it?'

Paige attracted the waiter's attention and ordered a second drink. ‘Did Gino send you?'

‘He doesn't know I'm here. He'd kill me if he thought I was interfering.'

‘Ah yes, he would indeed.'


‘You Santangelos are so pushy…'

‘Think about it, Paige. Will you do me that favour?'

‘I'll think about it, Lucky.'

‘That's all I need to hear.'

Chapter 86

Deena hired the car a couple of days before she needed it. It was a sedan. A Ford. Dark brown. Ordinary.

The girl behind the rental desk would never remember her. Deena wore a long black wig, dark glasses, jeans, and a denim jacket. Her own mother would not have recognized her.

She produced a phony driver's licence with the appropriate pictures attached, and hired the car.

‘How long will you need it?' the girl asked, chewing gum and daydreaming about her truck driver boyfriend.

‘A week or so,' Deena said, trying to disguise her accent.

‘OK.' The girl behind the desk couldn't have cared less. ‘Sign here.'

Deena wondered if it was necessary to bother with the disguise. Probably not. But she had every detail of her plan worked out, and there would be no trails leading back to her.

Once the car was hired she drove to an underground parking lot, collected a ticket, and left it there. Also parked in the lot was the silver Cadillac she was using supplied by the Last Resort.

Getting into the Cadillac, she drove to Saks, entered the ladies' room, removed her wig, dark glasses, and denim jacket, and emerged as Deena Swanson.

After making a few minor purchases, she headed back to the health spa in the Cadillac.

The Ford could take her anywhere she wished to go, and nobody could ever connect it to her.

Her next step was to use it.

Chapter 87

When Ron so desired he could be incredibly organized. His plans for Venus Maria's surprise twenty-sixth birthday party were proceeding full tilt. The trick was keeping it a surprise. But he'd personally invited every guest and sworn them to secrecy. And then, to be absolutely sure, he'd sent them a discreet little follow-up card, beautifully printed on Tiffany stationery with
Be There. Keep your mouth shut!
engraved on it.

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