Lady Boss (69 page)

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Authors: Jackie Collins

BOOK: Lady Boss
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‘God damn it,' Gino groaned. ‘I hate these parties. Why'd I let you talk me into it?'

‘Maybe you'll meet a beautiful movie star and she'll whisk you away from New York and you'll come out here to live,' Lucky teased.

‘Big deal,' he snorted. ‘You've seen one movie star, you've seen 'em all.'

‘Whatever happened to Marabelle Blue?'

‘She married a bullfighter, and then she married a singer, and after that I don't know.'

‘Is she still around?'

‘Who cares?'

‘If you like I'll find out.'

Gino burst out laughing. ‘What for? I'm lookin' forward to a quiet life. I'm an old man.'

‘Will you
saying that? It's really pissing me off. One moment you're telling me you're forty-five forever, and the next you're an old man. What happened in between?'

‘Nothin' happened, kid. I faced up to reality.'

They made it into the party five minutes before Venus Maria arrived, and settled by the bar.

Lucky was a born voyeur. She loved watching the action as the stars jostled for position.

‘Isn't this fun?' she whispered to Gino as Al King walked by.

‘About as much fun as root canal in a heatwave.'

* * *

‘Surprise!' the yell went up.

Venus Maria snatched off her blindfold and gasped. ‘I don't believe this! Who arranged it?'

‘Who do you think?' said a proud Ron, by her side.

‘Oh my God! What a wonderful surprise.

‘Naturally, my princess. And you should
the presents. Oh, are we going to have fun opening them!'

‘Thank you, Ron.' She turned and kissed him. ‘You're the best friend a girl could possibly have.'

‘I've got another birthday present for you. It's a fab outfit. You might want to change,' Ron suggested.

Ruefully she glanced down at her ripped jeans and oversized jacket. ‘Shit! Cooper – why didn't you

‘Come along, sweet. I'll take you to my bedroom.'

‘Oooh, Ron,' she joked, ‘you
know how to turn a girl on.'

They walked upstairs to Ron's bedroom, receiving a chorus of ‘Happy Birthday!' on the way. Standing in the middle of the room waiting for her was Martin.

She stopped short.

‘Surprise, surprise!' said Ron, delighted. ‘Just the way we planned it.'

‘Happy birthday,' said Martin.

She smiled. ‘Are you my gift?'

‘One of them,' interjected Ron. ‘Now I'll leave you two alone – but only for a minute. Hurry up and join the party. Here's another present.' He indicated a large gift-wrapped box on the bed.

‘Thank you, Ron.'

‘My pleasure.'

He left them alone together.

Venus Maria sauntered slowly over to Martin, entwined her hands around his neck, pressed her body against his, and gave him a long, deep soul kiss. ‘Mmmmm,' she said. ‘Welcome back.'

They kissed for a few moments, until Venus asked him in a breathy voice – reminiscent of the young Marilyn Monroe – ‘Have you missed me?'

‘Oh yes,' he said.

‘Prove it.'

He thrust himself towards her. ‘Here's your proof.'

She laughed softly. ‘
, Martin, you've really been saving up.'

And then she slid to her knees, unzipped his pants, and, before he knew what was happening, had him in her mouth.

That's what he liked about Venus Maria. It was her birthday and he got the present.

* * *

Downstairs Ron caught Antonio and Ken deep in conversation. He hurried over and grabbed Ken's arm possessively.

‘Antonio says my photos came out great,' Ken said enthusiastically. ‘It's going to be a big career boost to be in photographs with Venus Maria. Don't you agree?'

Ron sighed. Why did he always have to find the ambitious ones? Wouldn't it be nice if Ken was happy to stay home and just look handsome?

‘Very nice,' he said resignedly.

Ken leaned anxiously towards Antonio. ‘When can I see them?' he asked. ‘I can't wait.'

‘Tomorrow. You come to my studio,' Antonio said, shooting Ron a triumphant look. ‘My house is my studio. We have a light lunch and I show you the pictures.'

‘Great,' said Ken.

Ron thought, glaring at Antonio.
Why don't you unzip your pants and show it to him now?

* * *

Madame Loretta's girls mingled easily. They were certainly among the most beautiful women in the room. Madame Loretta had an eye. She picked them fresh off the train or plane. They came to Hollywood to be stars. A little hooking on the way did nothing to harm their careers.

Madame Loretta's stable was famous. Several of her girls had already married movie stars and producers, and another was engaged to an Arab billionaire. It gave her a great sense of satisfaction.

Leslie was certainly one of the most special girls she'd ever had, and she wanted to see her well looked after.

Tonight Leslie was paired up with Tom, one of Ken's male model friends. They'd been told to circulate and charm everyone in sight.

‘Are you getting paid for this?' Tom asked.

‘Why would I be getting paid?' Leslie replied defensively.

‘There's a rumour going around that some of the girls here are. Look, I'm not saying
are, but some of the girls work for Madame Loretta.'

‘There's also a rumour that some of the guys are gay,' Leslie retorted. ‘Are

Tom blushed. ‘I'm an actor.'

‘Are you trying to say there's no gay actors?'

‘I'm bisexual,' he explained.

‘I guess that covers a multitude of sins,' she murmured.

* * *

When Venus reappeared with Martin by her side, a buzz travelled around the room. She'd transformed herself from a waif in blue jeans into the Venus Maria everyone knew and loved – the sexy, strutting, outrageous video queen – challenging, vampy, unafraid. Now she had on her birthday present from Ron, a Jean-Paul Gaultier tunic dress, over which she wore a jewelled vest and several red and black enamelled bangles.

‘Everyone's staring at us,' she whispered to Martin. ‘I guess they're surprised to see you.'

‘No photographs,' he warned.

‘Don't be so paranoid. Ron wouldn't allow photographers at a party like this.'

A waiter handed them champagne. Martin squeezed her hand. ‘I'm here to stay.'

She sipped the champagne and wrinkled her nose. ‘Really?'

‘It's what you want, isn't it?'

She smiled. ‘Oh, yes, Martin, it's what I want. It really is.'

But even as she said it, she knew she wasn't sure.

Chapter 100

‘Are we having fun?' Cooper asked dryly.

Lucky smiled at him. ‘I always make the best of everything. It's an interesting party.'

‘If you like parties,' Cooper said restlessly.

‘And you don't?'

‘I'd sooner be home reading a good book.'

‘From what I hear the
thing you do in your bedroom is read a good book.'

He gave her a perplexed look. ‘Why is it that everyone thinks I'm this insatiable stud?'

‘Because you are!'

‘You know that for a fact, do you?'

‘I've read plenty about you.'

‘And you believe everything you read, of course?'

She grinned. ‘Naturally. Don't you?'

He moved on. ‘How come I never see you with your husband? Where is Lennie anyway?'

‘He's in Europe right now.'

‘What do you two have? One of those marriages where he goes his way and you go yours?'

‘It's really none of your business.'

‘I see. It's perfectly OK for you to discuss
love life, but when it comes to yours – hands off, right?'

She sighed. ‘Right now we're having a… problem or two.'

That's all Cooper needed to hear. He'd been attracted to Lucky from the first time he'd set eyes on her. ‘I'm very good at solving problems. It's my specialty,' he said.

‘I'm sure it is. But I can solve my own, thank you.'

They locked eyes. If it wasn't for Lennie she would find Cooper Turner irresistibly attractive, in spite of his lethal reputation.

So what? In her time she'd had a reputation too.

‘You're a very intriguing woman,' Cooper said, refusing to break the stare.

Lucky did it for him. ‘Tell me,' she said, ‘do you have an all-purpose line? Or do you come up with something new for every occasion?'

* * *

Gino was over at the bar getting a refill.

‘Hello, Gino.'

He turned around and discovered himself facing Paige. ‘Hey – what're you doin' here?' he asked.

‘The same as you, having a lousy time.'

‘Are you with Ryder?'


He noticed she was not wearing her wedding ring and began to wonder. ‘Who
you with?'

She put a perfectly manicured hand over his. ‘There's something I've been meaning to ask you, Gino.'

He could smell her musky scent. ‘Yeah?'

‘Did you keep that ring?'

‘What ring?'

She rolled her eyes. ‘What ring, he says. The big diamond ring, remember? The one you handed me when you asked me to leave Ryder.'

He took a slug of scotch. She was making him hot. ‘No, I took it back. Why do you wanna know?'

‘Pity,' she said quietly.

‘What's goin' on here, Paige?'

She licked her full lips. ‘What do

‘I got a feeling you're—'

She finished the sentence for him: ‘Ready to go home with you, Gino.'



He burst out laughing. ‘About time!'

* * *

‘Martin, perhaps I can get a quote from you.'

Martin recoiled in horror. What the hell was Adam Bobo Grant doing here? Ron had said there was to be no press, absolutely none.

‘Good evening, Bobo,' he said amiably, smart enough not to let his displeasure show.

very sorry to hear about you and Deena,' Bobo gushed, placing a sympathetic hand on his arm. ‘But what must be, must be.'

Martin glanced around the room, desperately searching for Ron. When he found him, he was going to strangle him. If Bobo wrote anything about tonight, Deena would try to take everything he had.

* * *

Hovering near the fireplace, Mickey and Abigaile came face to face.

‘You're disgusting,' Mickey hissed.

disgusting,' Abigaile replied. ‘What about you and that… that whore?'

‘It's better than being with a hairdresser. He's younger than you. How can you put yourself in this ridiculous position?'

‘Don't tell
what to do, Mickey Stolli. You walked out, and when you walked you closed the door behind you. My life is my own now.'

‘I want to walk back in again,' Mickey blurted, surprising himself.

‘You do?'

‘Yes, I do. How about it, Abby?'

* * *

Dinner was served. There was a long buffet table loaded with everything from fresh lobster to Southern fried chicken, barbecued spare-ribs, pan-fried potatoes, creamed corn, hot crusty garlic bread, and huge salads.

‘All my favourite foods!' Venus Maria said excitedly. ‘Ron, you really pulled out all the stops. I'm so happy. This is a
evening. How did you ever keep it a secret?'

‘It wasn't easy,' he replied. ‘But you're worth it.'

She sat between Ron and Martin, revelling in all the attention. Nobody had ever thrown a birthday party for her before and she was touched.

Lucky came over and sat down with a plate piled high with food. ‘Soul food – my favourite,' she said.

Venus Maria grinned. ‘Mine too. By the way, have you met Martin Swanson?'

Lucky extended her hand. He returned her firm grip with a limp handshake. Hmmm. When she was at school the girls used to joke about guys with limp handshakes. ‘Limp handshake, limp dick,' they'd all said. If it was true, what was Venus Maria doing with him?

Lucky kept her thoughts in check. ‘I've heard lots about you,' she said.

‘I knew your late husband,' Martin replied. ‘Dimitri was an interesting man.'

‘Did you ever do business with him?' she asked.

‘We talked, but never got around to it.'

‘Just as well. Dimitri was a killer.'

Martin raised an eyebrow. ‘I'm not exactly a pussycat.'

‘I didn't say you were, but Dimitri was a
killer in business.'

‘I understand we're going head to head,' Martin remarked.

‘What do you mean?'

‘You've bought Panther. I'm taking over Orpheus. In fact, Mickey Stolli is going to run it for me.'

‘If you ever get rid of Zeppo.'

‘Oh, I'll get rid of him.' He waited a beat. ‘You must be sorry to lose Mickey.'

‘Yes,' she said sadly. ‘We'll really miss him at Panther.'

‘And I expect you'll be even sorrier to lose Venus.'

‘Who said she's losing me?' Venus interrupted.

‘We haven't discussed it yet,' Martin said smoothly, ‘but I have wonderful plans for you at Orpheus.'

‘I'm very happy at Panther,' Venus replied, waving to Angel and Buddy Hudson. ‘Lucky has had
rewritten for me. And
is terrific. Wait until you see it. I'm not moving anywhere.'

Martin smiled politely. ‘Now is not the time to discuss it,' he said. ‘I'll tell you what we have planned for you at another time.'

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