Lady In Disguise (The Langley Sisters) (28 page)

BOOK: Lady In Disguise (The Langley Sisters)
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Olivia knew she had no rights to this man and that they could have no future together, yet as she lay there, pressed against his big warm body, she came to a decision. If she had only one night with him then she would take it and store it in her memories for the times when she missed him most. She wanted him to be the first and only man to know her body intimately, because Livvy knew that after tonight there would be no other for her, in truth there never had been.

“The buns, the firewood, taking us to London—in fact, everything.” Olivia sighed, lifting her head from his chest to look up at him. Running her fingers along his jaw she then trailed them down the column of his throat. He swallowed and she knew he felt her touch as deeply as she did his.

“I want to give you so much more, Olivia.” His hand cupped her face. “Share your worries with me, let me help you.”

Livvy placed her fingers over his mouth. “We can have this night, Will, but no talk of tomorrows, please,” Olivia added. “Tomorrows are too uncertain.”

“This will not be the only night we share, Livvy, I’ll make sure of it.” His words were a vow and it broke her heart to know that she could never allow them to happen.

He kissed her softly, drawing a response from her and soon Livvy arched into him wrapping her arms around his neck. Only then did he deepen the kiss.

“Over the years my memories of you remained clear yet they didn’t do you justice,” he whispered against her lips. Picking up several of her curls he wrapped them gently around his fist and urged her closer. “You’re so beautiful, Olivia, everything about you touches something inside.”

“I missed you so much.” Livvy needed to tell him that.

“I know, sweetheart, but had I stayed then the man I was would not have been good enough for you. It was not just my family who deserved more from me.”

“Make me yours, Will, please,” Livvy said. She did not want to hear any more of his words when one day she would have to walk away from him as he had her. Livvy knew the pain of their last separation would be nothing compared to this time.

“You’ve always been mine, Olivia Langley, just as I have always been yours.”

Stepping out of his arms she reached for the buttons on her coat.

“Are you sure, Livvy?”

“I have never wanted anything more.”






Will’s throat went dry as Livvy slowly opened her coat, each movement of her hands told him of her nerves, her fingers fumbling with the task. Her innocence made him want her more, the sensual sweetness in her eyes as she shot him nervous glances turning his body hard with need.

“I want you so much,” he rasped, looking at the white nightdress she wore beneath. Her small candle offered little light yet he could see the outline of her body through the soft, worn fabric, as she wore nothing beneath. Full and unbound, her breasts were partially covered by long coils of silken hair, the dark circles of her nipples peaking under the fabric urging him to touch them. She looked up at him, her eyes holding the promise he had wanted since their first kiss.

“Touch me, Will.”

Slipping an arm around her waist he gathered her back into his arms.

“I will, my sweet, everywhere.” Will placed his lips on her neck, tasting the smooth skin.

“Pl—please blow out the candle.”

She was an innocent and this one time he would do as she asked him, but when next they made love it would be in his bed and he would have branches of candles lighting the entire room so he could see her beautiful body.

Picking her up Will walked to the bed and, sweeping the covers aside, he then laid her on the sheets beneath. He felt her eyes following his every move as quickly he pulled off his boots then clad only in his breeches he joined her.

“This,” Will whispered, stroking her hair. “Was what first drew me to you. It has so many colours, both sunrise and sunset, the blaze of fire and golden hue of the brightest day.” Lifting a lock to his lips he then stroked it down her cheek.

She gently laid the palm of her hand on his chest, and that single gesture made an ache start deep in Will’s belly. Need consumed him, she was fire in his blood. Easing her onto her back he unbuttoned her nightdress and then with her help, removed it.

“I want to kiss you, Livvy, every inch of your soft skin, every dip and hollow, every lush curve is mine to explore.”

“Can I touch you?” she whispered, her voice thick with need.

“Yes.” He shuddered at the thought of her hands on his body. “I long for your touch.”

Climbing from the bed he quickly removed the rest of his clothing and then lay beside her again. The room was dark, with only the faintest shaft of moonlight now filtering through the window, but it was enough to see the dark bruises on her breast.

“These marks,” Will said, tracing each raised welt. “Tell me how you got them.” She heard the threat in his words, because she went still.

“Tis nothing, Will, just a few scratches from the brambles at home. I fell into them whilst picking blackberries.”

“Those marks are not from blackberries, Olivia, especially as they are not ripe at this time of the year.” He rose over her and braced his hands beside her head. “Who did this to you?”

“No one did this, I fell, there is no more to it than that,” she whispered.

“Stop lying to me,” he growled, trapping her legs beneath his as she tried to move. “Tell me now, Olivia, and I will see they are punished.”

She arched up into him, wrapping her arms around him.

“Livvy,” he warned, trying to ignore the feel of her breasts against his chest. “Tell me who did this.”

She moved against him again, the friction causing them both to moan. Tracing her tongue along his lips, she then kissed him deeply.

Will lost every rational thought as one of her hands began to stroke him. She kissed his jaw and cheeks and then her fingers brushed along the base of his spine making him shudder.

He took her mouth beneath his, deepening the kiss, where one stopped another started. He kissed her neck and shoulders making his way to the full slopes beneath.

“My luscious Livvy,” he breathed against her silken skin. He licked the top of her breasts and she moaned as he began to travel down one creamy curve reaching the taunt nipple, eager and waiting for him. He bit softly into the crest and she made a small sound that hiked up his passions another notch. Lust consumed him, later he would find out who had dared to hurt her and make them pay, but right now he would make love to her until she realized she belonged to him now, body and soul.


Livvy tried to breathe as Will lathed kisses over her breasts. Driving her fingers into his hair, she raked her nails over his scalp. Her body was taut and need was pooling between her thighs, sensation was building inside urging for release. He moved to her ribs, where he brushed soft kisses over them and then down to her belly. Each sweep of his tongue made her writhe, and when she felt his breath on her curls she gasped. He placed one hand on her stomach anchoring her in place and then he moved lower. Dear God, he was kissing her there, between her legs and it was… magnificent! She cried out as he touched his tongue to the plump folds and then moaned when he found the taut little bud which he tugged gently between his teeth until she arched off the bed. He pushed a finger inside her and Livvy felt her body give and then she was spiraling over the edge as pleasure washed through her. Still reeling, Livvy felt Will’s large body climb up hers and then his lips were on hers again, seeking a response which she willingly gave.

“Open your legs, sweetheart, and wrap them around my hips.”

She did as he asked and felt him begin to enter her body.

“There will be pain, love.”

“I know, please, Will, make me yours,” Livvy begged as he stretched her further.

“I don’t want to hurt you, Livvy.” She heard the strain in his voice as he held back.

“You could never hurt me,” Livvy whispered. Running her fingers over his sides she felt the tension in him. Arching upwards she took the rest of him inside her.


“Yes, Will, now I am yours.”

He placed his forehead on hers and remained still for several seconds, letting her adjust to him.

“The pain has eased,” Livvy whispered.

He pulled out and thrust back in; she didn’t wince or tense so he did it again and soon her cries were matching his moans. Livvy felt the delicious tension build inside her once more. Wrapping her arms around his neck she held him tight.

“Yes, love, let go for me.”

“Will!” Livvy cried as again she felt the sensations swamp her, seconds later, he stiffened inside her and called out her name, following her into oblivion.

“Are you all right, Livvy?”

He lay slumped beside her, both of them were breathing hard.

“Yes.” Was all Livvy could manage.

Wrapping an arm around her, he pulled her head onto his shoulder and then reaching for the blankets he tugged them up. Livvy settled against him, her nose pressed into his chest one hand resting over the steady beat of his heart and in seconds they were both asleep.

Livvy opened her eyes as grey streaks of dawn filtered slowly into the room. Looking at the broad chest beneath her cheek she could never remember a night when she had slept so deeply. She felt warm with him holding her close to his body.

Moving slowly she sat up and his hand fell to the bed beside her. His face was relaxed in sleep and she saw the boy he had once been. Livvy studied him; she would never see him like this again, never wake in his arms or feel his lips on hers.

Making herself move before he woke, she slowly climbed from the bed. The floor was cold and she was soon shivering as she searched the room for her nightdress and coat. Hurriedly pulling her clothing on, she tiptoed to the door and opened it and then with one last look at the large handsome male she loved slumbering peacefully, she slipped into the hall and closed it behind her.

Phoebe still slept the sleep of the undisturbed as she entered their room, so Livvy climbed into the chair and wrapped her hands around her knees and waited. Memories of last night washed over her, of the gentleness and words Will had used. She shivered as she remembered the delicious sensations he had made her feel with his hands and lips. She would have to hold those memories close. Tuck them inside and only bring them out when she was desperate to remember him.


“It’s all right, Phoebe, I rose early and decided not to wake you so I have been watching the new day arrive.”

“Oh,” was all her sister said as she huddled beneath the covers. “Perhaps as you are awake you could see about getting us some tea.”

Climbing to her feet Livvy ignored the new twinges in her muscles last night’s activities had left her with.

“As you wish, Madam.”

“And toast!” Phoebe called as she left the room once more.


Will opened his eyes and reached for Livvy only to find the space beside him cold and empty. Looking around the room he searched for any sign of her but she had gone. He understood she had left because of Phoebe but he did not like it, he wanted her in his arms and beneath him.

She was his now, his to cherish for the rest of their lives. Eager to see her, he hurried out of bed to wash and dress.

Two hours later his fingers itched to lunge across the carriage and grab Olivia and shake her until her teeth rattled. She had greeted him at breakfast politely as though they were strangers, her smile false and overly bright like any silly, young debutante. If Phoebe hadn’t been seated next to her he would have hauled her back up the stairs and ravished her. What the hell was she playing at? She had said last night that they could have one night together as tomorrows were uncertain, but he hadn’t believed her.

“I am glad we have just passed through Damply, my lord, I must admit to feeling heartily sick of the inside of your carriage,” Phoebe said.

“Yes, I imagine you had greater plans for your first foray into London, Phoebe. One hopes that your next visit will be of a longer duration.”

Livvy was looking out the window but Will noticed her flinch as he mentioned


“You never did tell me if you managed to see your cousin, Olivia, it would have been a shame to go all that way and not catch up with him.”

“H—he was otherwise engaged and unable to find time to see us, my lord.”

Livvy reluctantly turned to face him as she spoke and he knew she was lying because it was something she had never done well.

“I have not met your cousin; I hope as your only remaining relative he is doing his duty by you all.”

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