Lady In Distress (The Langley Sisters Book 3) (27 page)

BOOK: Lady In Distress (The Langley Sisters Book 3)
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“When you returned, I felt as if the sun had come out after endless gray days, Luke. Suddenly I had hope, and you had given that to me,” Bella said. “Yes, I knew that we had a long journey to travel if we were ever to be together, but I always believed that there was no other man for me and never would be.”

“My love for you is everything, sweetheart. It makes me strong, gives me joy, but most of all it fills my heart with warmth. When someone threatened you, I simply lost all reason. I could think of no other option but to protect you, and to do that I had to walk away.”

“You should have told me, Luke. You just disappeared, after that night we spent together, and I did not know where you had gone or why. It wasn’t until Will found your friend Mr. Dillinger and he explained what was happening that I began to understand.”

When Luke had first entered the carriage and seen her tears, he’d wanted to hold her, pull her into his arm and never let her go, but he knew that what she needed from him first was answers.

“I never wanted to hurt you, sweetheart.”

“Promise me you will never again leave me without a word, Luke Fletcher. Promise that in the future you will talk to me first if there is trouble.”

Pink tinged her cheek and he realized it was anger that had put it there.

“I promise.”

Luke moved to the edge of the seat and took both her hands then; he could no longer stand the distance between them. Lifting them to his lips, he kissed each finger through the silk of her gloves, then moved to run his thumbs over the dark smudges beneath her eyes.

“What is to happen now?”

“I am living with Dillinger at the moment and we are pretending I have left town. We think that whoever is responsible will think he’s won, and in doing so relax. Then we make him pay.”

“Yes.” She found her first smile. It was small and tired, but a smile nonetheless. “I like that idea.”

“I am in no position to ask this of you, Bella, but I find I cannot wait. I have wanted to ask this question for so long.”

“What is it?”

“Marry me so I can finally hold you in my arms whenever you are near. I no longer want to stand on the sidelines of your life.”

She tugged her hands free and then pulled off her gloves so she could touch him. Running her hands through his hair, she held his cheeks.

“Yes. Oh yes, Luke.”

“I’m sorry, Bella, sorry that you suffered. But if you will have me for better or worse, you will never regret it.”

Tears fell down her cheeks as he rested his forehead on hers.

“But don’t you know, Luke, you have always been mine, for better or worse. There has never been another man in my heart, nor will there ever be.”

Closing his eyes, Luke realized that even though someone was out there determined to destroy him, as long as he had her, everything would be all right. He kissed her then, a slow hungry kiss that told her of his love. He pulled her into his chest and held her close.

“Is it true?” she whispered against his lips. “Can I really have you now?”

He smiled. “I have always been yours, sweetheart. I just took a while to work out how to make you mine.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, and soon a kiss was not enough. Pulling her onto his lap, she straddled him as Luke undid the clasp at her neck and pushed her cloak aside. Her pale skin beckoned him, so he kissed the smooth swells above the bodice of her dress.

“I’ve woken since that night, aching with need for you, Luke.”

“I, know, my love. I have, too.”

Luke tugged down the bodice and freed her breasts. Lifting one hand, he cupped the flesh and ran his thumb over her peaked nipple. She arched against him, pressing herself into his arousal, seeking more. He licked the creamy slopes and then drew the tight peak into his mouth.

“Oh, please,” she begged him for more.

Lifting her skirts, pushing the satin up her slender thighs, Luke then stroked his thumbs inwards to where she needed him most. He touched the crease of her thigh as he continued to lick and stroke her breasts. He was hard and ready, but this was for her, his love, his life.

Easing his hand inwards, he touched the soft petals, his fingers soon covered with her dew. She made small noises as he continued to torment her, until he pushed his fingers inside her.

“Ah, oh, God, Luke!” she cried, coming apart in his arms.

Freeing his aching flesh, he eased her down onto his arousal, while she still shuddered. Taking her mouth beneath his, he then lifted her up and down, until she took over and began to ride him. It was heaven, the feel of her encasing him again. His love, his life.

He felt the pressure build, and then gripping her hips, he drove up as she came down, once, twice. He swallowed her cries, holding her as they both shuddered with their release.

She slumped into his arms, limp against his chest. His breath was harsh as he struggled to draw air into his lungs.

“Where is Will?”

“Dillinger is taking him home.”

Her huff of breath trailed a path of heat over his chest, and Luke thought that if he woke with her in his arms every day, then he would wake a happy man.


Bella woke smiling for the first time in days. She didn’t wake with that weight in her chest, wondering where Luke was. This time, she laughed out loud. He was hers and she was his. As soon as they found the person responsible, then they would live out their days together and the happiness inside her made her feel light-headed.

“Let us get the torture over with, Sally,” she said, trying to remove the huge smile from her face as she lowered her feet over the side of the bed.

“Considering your smile, I imagine I could inflict any amount of pain on you today and you would still be happy.”

“I am feeling better today. Thank you, Sally. Bella lay on her side as the maid picked up her leg and started stretching it.

“Well, I am pleased to hear that, darling. However, there is a man in the front parlor who may dampen your mood somewhat.” Livvy walked into her room.


“Lord Anthony.”

“Oh, dear. What does he want?” Bella lifted her head as Sally started needing the scarred flesh of her thigh.

“I have no idea, but I did tell him you were busy and he said he would stay for just a moment. Something about a book he borrowed from you.”

“I leant him no book.”

“Well, Will is with him and together they are awaiting you.”

Standing outside the parlor door a short while later, Bella took a deep breath and then entered. Both men rose, and Bella wished them a good morning before taking the seat beside Will.

“You are well, Miss Langley?”

“I am. Thank you, Lord Anthony.” Bella gave him a quick smile. “My sister tells me you are returning a book, yet I do not remember loaning you one.”

The man smiled and Bella wondered why she had ever thought him handsome. It really was just a baring of his teeth and not very pleasant at all.

“I fear I may have misled your dear sister, my dear.”

“And why would that be, Anthony?” Will said in a pleasant voice.

The man climbed to his feet and dropped to his knees in front of Bella, clasping her hands in his.

“Regain your feet at once, my lord!” Will’s roar did not stop Lord Anthony.

“I love you, Miss Langley, and it is my greatest desire to see us wed.”

“No!” Bella pulled her hands free. “I cannot marry you, my lord. I love another, as I have already told you.”

“May I know the name of this man?”

“It matters not who he is, Anthony, only that my sister-in-law has declined your offer. Now regain your feet and leave at once.”

“But surely my suit is acceptable. Surely it is better than a man with no title, a man of low birth?”

“How do you know who the other man is?”
Anthony paled and regained his feet. “Such is my love for you I questioned one of your servants to find out who I was in competition with. Forgive me,” he dropped his head, “but I had hoped considering my station that my suit would be more acceptable.

“Your informants have been very busy, Lord Anthony,” Bella said. “But what they have not told you is that I will marry that man because he is the one I love, and will do so until I draw my last breath. God willing, it will be with him still at my side.” Bella felt Will’s hand on her back, supporting her. “You see, in my family, my lord, love means a great deal more than a title.”

“Now leave my property, Anthony.” Will’s words were calm yet underneath there was a threat that he would happily carry out if the man did not comply. Bella was glad he was here with her, because she had an uneasy feeling suddenly about Lord Anthony, even though he had given her no reason to be scared of him, and indeed had every right to believe his offer was genuine.

“Then there is nothing further to say.” He gave her a curt bow and seconds later he was gone.

“Bella, I have a feeling I misjudged that man, as there was something in his face I did not like.” Will was watching the door as he spoke.

“Do you know, Will, I think you could be right,” Bella said doing the same. “I felt a chill suddenly when he looked at me, as if he was holding his anger in check.

“Yes.” Will seemed to shake his thoughts aside as he faced her again. “But as you are going to wed the one man who I know I can trust to look after and love you, I now feel I can relax.”

“I can hardly believe it, Will.”

“And here he is.” Will rose as he heard the rumble of Luke’s voice outside the door.

“What? Why is he here? Surely it is too dangerous? Bella’s pulse quickened as it always did when she knew Will was near.

“Ace has brought him in his carriage. They kept the curtains shut. He walked from Ace’s door and into mine undetected.”

“Was that Anthony’s carriage I saw leaving here?” Luke walked in, his eyes seeking her.

“Yes. He came to offer for Bella, but I sent him on his way, and your beloved let him know she was marrying for love, not a title.”

“Did she?” A slow smile spread his face.

“I can leave you two alone now I know you are betrothed. I will talk with Ace and Finn in my office, if you will join us soon, Luke.”

“Of course,” Luke spoke to Will but his eyes were on her.

They both heard the click of the door closing and in seconds she was running across the room and into his arms.

“Are you all right? Did Anthony upset you?”

Bella wrapped her arms around his neck and tugged his head down to meet hers. “He’s a fool,” she said before he kissed her. Long and slow, it was a kiss of possession and love, a kiss that made her toes tingle.

“Did he say anything he shouldn’t have, Bella?”

Even dressed as a gentleman, there was still something untamed about Luke, and Bella loved this about him. Her fiancé.

“No, he was polite.” There was little point in saying anything further. Lord Anthony no longer featured in her life; this man did.

“When can we marry, Luke?” Bella sighed as he kissed her neck.

“Now,” he said, which made her laugh.


“As soon as I have this mess sorted out. Finn sent word that he has a lead which we will follow as soon as he arrives.”

“And then soon after we shall marry.” She kissed his chin.

“I love you so much, Bella, it terrifies me. Before, I kept it inside, but now that I don’t have to it is even more powerful.”

She cupped his cheek. “Don’t be scared, my love. The future is bright and all ours.

Luke reluctantly left her twenty minutes later to go to his meeting with Finn, Will and Ace. She hoped they found whoever was responsible soon, as she wanted to be free to love him. Collecting her coat and maid, they made their way to the park to walk Eddie .

“He’s a nice dog.” A small boy ran up to her as she started walking with Sally. Bending, Bella had a chat with him about Eddie before he ran off again. Eddie barked, eager to follow, and then suddenly he was off the lead.

“Bother. I mustn’t have tied it tight enough. Eddie!” Bella called, but he was gone.

“Sally, take the left fork and I shall take the right, and we shall meet in the middle, hopefully with Eddie between us.

“Right you are, Miss.”

Bella was too happy to be angry, and the day was lovely. She lengthened her stride, but did not run. She could not do that no matter how hard she practiced; it simply hurt too much. The small stand of trees obscured Sally for a minute and it was there she saw the boy. He turned to her and smiled with Eddie in his arms. Bella smiled back, making her way towards him, and it was then she felt a hand grab her from behind.

“Hurry round the trees and meet the maid with the dog, boy! Keep her there until I’ve carried her from the park.” Bella struggled against the arm, opening her mouth to scream, but the hand that clamped over her mouth held a cloth which smelled foul. She tried to push it aside, but as she inhaled her head started to spin, and then she collapsed.

BOOK: Lady In Distress (The Langley Sisters Book 3)
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