Lady Westbrook's Discovery (10 page)

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“That’s wonderful news.”

“I don’t know how long I shall be in America. At least a month. Will you be all right?”

“Of course I will. I managed on my own for quite a bit longer than that you know. Go and astound the Americans with your brilliance.”

Margaret was keen to reassure Felix that she would be fine. She knew how important this meeting with Thomas Edison was and she wanted him to be able to concentrate fully on his work. She did not want to worry him with her half-suspected news even as the anxiety had begun to gnaw away at her. She would keep it to herself for now. He did not need to know just yet that their lives might soon be irrevocably altered.

Chapter Seven


Felix returned from America with a jaunty step. It had been a long trip but
a hugely successful one. Thomas Edison had been enthusiastic about Felix’s research and quick to see the commercial applications of using a filament made of bamboo in incandescent light bulb manufacture. The butler greeted him at the door of the house.

Mrs Oliver here?” asked Felix, surprised that his wife had not come to meet him at the door after his lengthy absence.

Mrs Oliver is upstairs in her rooms. I regret she is feeling somewhat unwell at present...”

Felix did not hear the rest of what the butler had to say as he raced up the stairs, two at a time, to their bedroom.

She wasn’t in bed, but the sound of retching led him to the bathroom, where he found her sitting on the floor, her head hanging over a large bowl that rested on her knees. Her maid, Hannah, was hovering nearby.

Felix sunk to his knees on the bathroom
floor beside her and pulled her hair from her face. “My darling, are you all right?”

Margaret nodded and then vomited copiously into the bowl
, which belied her answer somewhat. “Hannah, thank you. You may leave me alone with Mr Oliver now,” she said in a hoarse voice. Hannah nodded slightly and silently exited the room.

The contents of her stomach now empty, Margaret continued to dry heave for a few more minutes before she was able to speak again.  “Hello, my darling. I’ve missed you,” she
said, smiling wanly. “I’m sorry you have to find me in such a state.”

“Don’t be silly. Would you like a glass of water?”

“That would be wonderful. Thank you.”

Felix quickly poured her a glass of water from the carafe in the bedroom and passed it to her as she remained sitting on the tiled bathroom floor. He sat beside her. The bowl she had been using was set to the side.

She took the water and sipped, holding the glass with both hands. She was shaking slightly, Felix noticed, though he was unsure whether this was from the exertion of throwing up or for some other reason.

“I’m so sorry,” she said.

“Stop apologising for being ill, you daft ha’porth. You’ve nothing to be sorry about.”

Margaret burst into tears.

“Sweetheart, what on earth is the matter? Don’t take on so. Should I call a doctor?”

Margaret shook her head. “I’ve already seen the doctor,” she gulped.

“And?” Felix’s heart was hammering in his chest. She looked so distraught. What on earth was the matter? “Was he able to recommend anything for the sickness?”

“Oh, Felix. The sickness isn’t the problem. That will pass soon enough. It did the previous times.”

“I don’t understand. What do you mean?”

“Felix, I’m not ill. I’m expecting.”

“Expecting? You’re going to have a baby?”

She nodded, tears streaming down her face. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I know you didn’t want this. I assumed there was no chance I would conceive at my age...”

“Why do you keep apologising?” asked Felix, trying to work through his bafflement. “This is wonderful news.
this wonderful news?”

“You said you didn’t want children!”

“Is that all that’s worrying you? My dear, dear wonderful wife, up until five minutes ago I was entirely indifferent to the idea of having children. But now, a baby... our baby! I can’t think of anything more perfect.”

“You’re not annoyed?”

Felix put his arms around her. They were still sitting awkwardly on the uncomfortable floor; nevertheless, he pulled her towards him for a hug. “I assure you, I am as far from being annoyed as it is possible to be. What an ogre you must think me.”

“I’d managed to convince myself that the reason you’d wanted to marry a woman so much older than yourself was to avoid the inconvenience of becoming a parent.”

“I married you because I love you madly, dearly, completely. There really was no other reason. Stop over-complicating things.” He wiped the tears from her eyes with his handkerchief. “So, how do you feel about this development? Are you ready to have another baby after all these years?”

“I have been so worried over how you would feel about it that I haven’t really...” Margaret’s voice trailed off. A huge grin spread across her face. “Of course I am,” she said. “I’d love another child.”

“So you see, it couldn’t be more wonderful. And how long must I wait to meet our baby?”

“I am four months along. The baby will be born in

Felix smiled happily. “
Are you finished crying now?”

“Oh Felix, you have no idea what a pregnant woman can be like. I shall be an emotional mess for months. Expect tears at any time.”

“Very well, I will. And I shall be on hand to wipe them away whenever you need me to. I will do whatever I can to support you.”

Thank you, my darling. I do love you,” she said, squeezing his hand. “Oh!” she said suddenly, bringing her hands to her mouth, “I haven’t even asked you how your trip went. Was Edison impressed? What developments since your last letter?”

Felix stood brushing his knees down as he did so. “All good news. I’ll tell you everything, shortly. Let’s get you cleaned up and into the fresh air, first. Come take a stroll with me in the garden and I will regale you with the story of my success and how the electric light bulb will make the world a far more interesting place for our son or daughter.”


Chapter Eight


January 1872


“Lord Westbrook,” announced the butler. Margaret hurried to embrace her son as he stepped into the drawing room.

“Oh Robert, I am so delighted to see you,” she said. “Are you really back for good this time?”

Good afternoon, Mama. Yes I am. I have officially retired from army life. I’ve neglected my duties as Lord Westbrook long enough and intend to dedicate my time to managing the family estate.”

“It will be wonderful to ha
ve you here in Waverley again. I’ve missed you.”

Felix entered the drawing room. “Lord Westbrook” he greeted Robert, bowing slightly.

“Mr Oliver.” Robert returned the gesture.

“I hope you are well?”
asked Felix. The two men exchanged pleasantries for a while. Their conversation was awkward but friendly. Margaret was happy they were making the effort to get along even if the two of them didn’t have a lot to say to one another. They were both so very dear to her.

While Robert was speaking to Felix, Margaret could see him growing increasingly restless. His eyes kept flickering to the other side of the room and he did not really seem to be attending to the questions Felix asked about army life. At first, Margaret suspected he was bored until she realised where it was in the room he was looking and what it was that took his attention away from Felix.

In the corner of the room, by the French windows, was the perambulator in which one-month-old May slept peacefully.

She waited for a natural pause in the conversation and then interjected. “Robert, you’ve not seen the baby yet, have you? 
Do you want to meet her?”

Robert nodded and walked towards the
sleeping baby. He stood by the pram and gently moved the blanket slightly to better see May’s tranquil sleeping face with her soft cheeks and tiny rosebud mouth, her head framed by a few wisps of downy hair. Margaret’s heart constricted when she saw that Robert was looking at her with an expression of rapt wonderment.

expected you to disapprove of my having another child at this point in my life, so long after you and Jasper,” Margaret said.

“Not at all. I may not
have approved of this marriage between you and Mr Oliver but I have to concede that May here is without doubt the best thing to have come out of it. I have always dearly wanted a little sister.” he said, his voice catching on the last few words.

May stirred from her sleep. Her eyes opened and she let out a piercing cry.

“I’m sorry. I’m afraid I have woken her,” said Robert.

“Oh, I don’t think it was you. I think she’s just ready to be fed.”

“Shall I call the nursemaid?”

“No it’s fine,” said Margaret picking up May and wrapping her in her shawl. “I’ll take care of her.”

“Surely you don’t feed her yourself?” asked Robert, startled.

“Robert,” said Margaret
, “when you and Jasper were babies I
having to hand you over to nursemaids when all I wanted to do was take care of you myself. But it was what was expected of me and so I did it. Well, I’m breaking all the rules these days anyway so I fully intend to look after May in the way that best pleases me.”

“Of course, Mama. I understand it is entirely your decision.”

Margaret left the room carrying May who – comforted by her mother’s embrace – had stopped crying for the moment. Margaret hadn’t intended to linger by the drawing room door but the shawl had become untucked, and as she stopped to rearrange it, she overheard the men talking.

“Mother has changed since she met you,” said Robert.

“Perhaps,” replied Felix. “People change all the time, I’ve found. I’m not sure how much I have had to do with it.”

“Nevertheless, I have never seen Mama so happy as she has been since she married you. Thank you
for that.”

Felix’s bath had been filled. It was hot, steaming and incredibly welcoming. He
pulled off his cravat and begun to undo the buttons of his shirt when a feminine hand caught hold of his hand from behind. “Let me do that for you.”

“As you wish.” Felix turned around obligingly as Margaret undid the buttons of his shirt and pushed it off his shoulders so that it fell to the floor.

“Did May go off to sleep all right?” he asked.

“Yes. She’s sound asleep. I’ve asked the nursery maid to stay in there this evening and take care of her if she wakes. I thought it would be nice if we had some undisturbed time together.”

“Did you?” asked Felix, lifting an eyebrow. He hoped she had in mind the same thing he did.

“Yes. Since May was born, we’ve not had much time together to enjoy being man and wife. I thought an undisturbed evening setting that right would do us both good.”

“I assume we’re talking about sex?” Felix asked, relishing the fact that even now the question caused Margaret to blush prettily. “Are you recovered enough to do it? The midwife warned me in the most fearful terms that I was to resist troubling you with my lustful manly urges for the first few months. I don’t want to damage you.”

“Lustful manly urges, eh?  How well she knew you. I don’t think I am quite ready just there” – she vaguely indicated her intimate opening – “but there are plenty of other things we can do, are there not?”

“Of course there are.” Felix smiled and captured her mouth with a kiss.

“You know,
” said Margaret, “you never continued that experiment that you started all those months ago...”


“The, uh, buggery experiment.”

Felix’s eyes grew wide.
“You want me to take you back there?”


“Is this something you have thought about wanting to do often?”

“Yes.” Margaret’s voice faltered slightly as she saw the stern look in Felix’s deep blue eyes.

“That was a year ago. You didn’t think it necessary to bring this up before?”

“You didn’t ask.”

“I was waiting for an indication from you. You should tell me when you have such thoughts. You need to be punished for keeping this to yourself.”

He led her by the arm to their bedroom.

“Felix, I do believe that will you use any excuse to spank me.”

“Who said anything about a spanking? I merely said that you needed to be punished. Perhaps I intended to give you lines instead. Make you write out one hundred times
, “I must not keep delicious thoughts about being taken up the rear secret from my oh-so-willing husband.”

He guided Margaret to the bed as he spoke and sat on the edge. “Still
, now you have put the idea of spanking into my head, I think it’s an excellent suggestion.”

He pulled Margaret over his lap, threw her skirts over her head and yanked her undergarments to her knees. He then set about spanking her bare bottom with gusto. He laid swat after swat on her plump cheeks, relishing the view as they turned first rosy and then a deep, rich pink. Margaret squeaked and yelped as the swats hit her backside but remained obediently in place.

When he’d decided she’d had enough, he rested awhile with her across his lap and looked appreciatively at the view presented to him of her bottom. It was an incredibly beautiful bottom – neither too large nor too small and round and shapely. Her perfect cheeks deliciously marked with dozens of his handprints made for the loveliest image he could imagine.

He gave her one last resounding slap. “Come on, you. Up you get, my lovely. I haven’t finished with this
arse yet.”

Margaret stood, her dress righting itself as she did so. Felix saw desire burning in her eyes. If she had been ready for him before, she was much more so after her trip across his knee.

Felix got up and set to work undoing the buttons of her dress and pushing it down so that it fell to the floor, taking her half-removed drawers with it. Margaret quickly divested herself of her corset and chemise and made to remove her silk stockings, which covered her legs to mid-thigh where they were tied with black ribbons. Felix stayed her hand. “Leave those on,” he commanded.

His erection was straining painfully against his trousers as he led Margaret – wearing her stockings and nothing else – to the side table. He picked up a bottle of bath oil and then with the side of his arm, swept all the other objects on the tabletop to the floor.

He bent Margaret over the table. She laid her head on the top of the table and gripped the edge of it, her elbows bent. Felix pushed her legs farther apart with his foot, ensuring that her bottom was presented exactly as he wanted it with her tight puckered hole clearly on display and her nether lips beneath glistening with excitement. He removed his trousers, his engorged manhood springing forward in readiness.

He took the oil and pored a little onto Margaret’s buttock cleft, using his fingers to smoothly work it into her hole. She gasped as she felt his touch there.

He eased his manhood into her back orifice, pushing forward slowly to give her body the chance to stretch. A groan of pleasure from Margaret encouraged him to keep on pushing as she accommodated his girth.

He began to thrust slowly
, steadying himself by holding onto her hips. He was conscious of keeping his movements as slow and gentle as possible. She’d not been penetrated this way before and he was anxious not to hurt or scare her. God, it felt amazing though, he thought, as he began to lose himself in her luscious tightness.


Her voice pulled him back to reality. He’d been getting carried away, he realised.

“Are you all right?” he asked. “Do you need me to be more gentle?”

“No ... less ... gentle ...” she gasped.

It was all the encouragement he needed. Grasping her hips harder, he pounded into her. Her gasps and moans, as he hammered home each stroke, added fuel to his passion. He was beyond all sense and reason now as he felt himself heading to a climax. His final thrusts were slower, harder and deeper as he ejaculated into her.

He eased gently out of her back passage. Margaret remained in the same position, bent over his table, her head against the table. She was panting heavily, having clearly reached a climax of her own.

“Everything all right?” he asked, stroking her back. She
nodded, in as far as she was able to do so without moving her head from its position on the table.  “Catch your breath, sweetheart,” he said. “I’m going to have my bath now.”

He’d only been submersed in the bath a couple of minutes when he heard Margaret enter the room behind him.

“Move up,” she said. “I’m joining you.”

She climbed into the large bathtub, sitting in front of him and leaning back onto his firm chest.

“I’m afraid the bathwater’s not that hot anymore,” said Felix. “It was a lot hotter earlier before you tempted me with your wanton desires.”

Margaret laughed. “I think you’ll find that you were quite happy to – Oh no!” The last two words were said with such a tone of distress that Felix felt his heart immediately begin to quicken.

“What is it?” he asked.

“Look!” Margaret held up her hands a couple of inches apart, the thumb and forefinger of each hand were pinched as though she were holding something thin and invisible.

“What am I looking at here, exactly?”

“It’s a grey hair!”

Felix peered closer. Sure enough, held between the fingers of each hand, was a single strand of silvery white hair. He chuckled.

“Don’t laugh!” snapped Margaret crossly, hitting behind her in Felix’s general direction, causing the water to splash around them both. “I’m like a dowdy old maid.”

He encircled her waist with both his arms. “You’re not dowdy. You’re not old. And I think we can both agree that you are a very long way away from being a maid.”

Margaret huffed.

“Besides,” Felix continued, kissing her neck. “It’s most likely my fault anyway.”

“How so?”

“Because if I hadn’t turned up to disrupt your life, you would be having a much quieter existence right now. As it is, you have both a baby to take care of and an appallingly demanding husband. Not to mention all your hard work for the Suffragist society. It’s enough to turn anyone’s hair grey.”

Margaret snuggled against him. “So you’re not going to go running for the hills now you’ve found yourself
shackled to an old woman?”

Felix felt her warm body pressed again
st his. She was always beautiful but never more so than she was now - soaking wet and still flushed and dishevelled from their earlier exertions. “I have never felt less like running away,” he answered truthfully. “I’m never going away. I promised to stay with you forever. That’s what ‘forever’ means.”

“Even when we’re both old and grey?”


“Or even older and even greyer in my case?”

Felix leaned forward slightly, his lips brushing against Margaret’s ear. “Listen here, Mrs Oliver,” he said softly. “If you refer to yourself as ‘old’ one more time, I am going to drag you out of this bath and soundly spank you like the naughty little brat you are.”

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