Landlady: A New Adult Romance (Northbridge Nights Book 1) (29 page)

BOOK: Landlady: A New Adult Romance (Northbridge Nights Book 1)
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“I believe Asher,” I chimed in. “I've met Vanessa, and she's an
extremely nice and generous woman. Her sister too.”

“You're telling me some rich investor is just going to drop
two-hundred grand into our laps and not expect anything in return?”
Dad asked.

Asher nodded. “The Holdoms are friends of mine as well as clients.
I trust them implicitly. Why don't we celebrate this good news with a
drink?” Asher raised his glass. “Cheers! To Maywood Farm!”

Everyone reluctantly held up their glasses and clinked them.

I think my parents were more shocked than anything. They needed time
to process all of it. In the meantime, I dragged Asher into the
kitchen and asked him what really happened.

“Nothing 'really happened'. That's the truth. Vanessa said she
wanted to support the farm. She was touched by my generosity when I
waived my fee and wanted to pay me back by donating to the farm.”

I swallowed a huge gulp of wine. “It's a lot of money, Asher. You
shouldn't have done a month's worth of work for free,” I said,
looking down at my feet. “I feel awful.”

“When I sign them on as my first clients, they will bring me
hundreds of thousands of dollars in business. So don't worry baby,”
Asher said. “Once I land such big-name clients, others will follow.
Word-of-mouth, love. Plus, now I can use my own savings to start up
my firm and your family will have money to upgrade the farm and
infuse some new life into it.”

“You've really thought of everything, haven't you?” I asked.

Asher leaned in and kissed me. “Of course, I have. I need to look
out for your family and for us. This is the perfect solution, don't
you think?”

“My family doesn't deserve your kindness,” I said. “They were
rude to you.”

“They were just scared and defensive. Protective over you,” Asher
reasoned. “Besides, your family is my family.”

I buried my face into Asher's neck and felt a surge of emotions sweep
over me. I suddenly felt overwhelmed and happy and exhausted all at
the same time. Before I knew it, I was sobbing into his shoulder, and
he was stroking my hair, whispering, “Everything will be all right
now. It's going to be all right.”

I squeezed him tight. “Thank you, Asher. Thank you. For everything.
You've saved all of us.”



Six Weeks Later...

“I'M NOT A BABY,” Sierra said, folding her arms across her chest.
“I can walk just fine.”

“You just took off your cast last week. You're still shaky. Let me
help,” I offered.

“You can't possibly follow me around work and school all day long.
Get back to work, Asher. I can handle myself.”

I sighed. My girlfriend was stubborn as ever.

But I wouldn't have it any other way.

“If you need a ride, call me. I mean it,” I said, still worried
despite Sierra's reassurances. It was her first day back to school,
and I didn't want her tripping or falling on the bumpy sidewalks.

“I know,” Sierra replied, shrugging on her backpack and pulling
her massive portfolio out from the backseat. She was still a bit
unsteady on her feet but for the most part, she'd healed perfectly.
“Now get back to the office before Rachelle throws a fit. Poor
girl's working her ass off day and night. You need to give her a

I gave Sierra a kiss. “See you tonight, babe. I'll cook.”

“How am I supposed to get better at cooking if you never let me?”
Sierra asked.

“Babe, I love cooking for you,” I said. I neglected to mention
how sick I was of burnt pasta and dry chicken. She still had a long
way to go in terms of cooking a decent meal. But I found it
incredibly endearing that she was making an honest effort. She
visited her parents at least every other weekend and Lillian had been
teaching her a thing or two in the kitchen. “Come on, get going.
Class starts in ten minutes,” I said.

“Okay, see you later, baby.”

After I watched Sierra disappear inside, I drove to my new office. It
wasn't too far from home actually. Fourth floor of a brownstone
downtown. Decent rent prices and kept in excellent condition. In the
past few weeks, my team had grown from three to ten staff members.
Even my dad showed up two weeks ago and congratulated me on starting
up my own firm. He still wasn't happy I was still with Sierra, but
even he had to finally admit that I was more than capable of juggling
a girlfriend and my professional duties as a lawyer.

Everything was falling into place.

I was running my own company and doing what I loved most: practicing

But work didn't get in the way of play anymore.

On our days off, Sierra and I went on mini getaways. I even took her
lingerie shopping last week and picked out a few scandalous numbers
for her to model. After all, the past eight weeks had been absolute
torture. I couldn't wait a second longer to make love to her. And
tonight was the night.

I was going to wine, dine, and sixty-nine my girlfriend. About damn
time, right?


“WHAT'S THE OCCASION?” Sierra asked, marveling at the spread
before her. After work, and before she'd gotten home, I'd assembled a
picnic in the backyard.

On a checkered tablecloth lay fresh loaves of sourdough bread, cold
cuts, cheeses, fruits, veggies with dip, and other snacks. A bottle
of champagne was chilling in an ice bucket beside me.

“No occasion. Just wanted to have a nice picnic with my
girlfriend.” I reached for a strawberry and pressed it against
Sierra's lips. She opened them and bit into the red fruit. Some juice
dribbled down her chin, and I didn't hesitate to lap it up for her.

“Just a picnic hmm?” Sierra murmured, cupping my face and
stroking my stubble. “No ulterior motives?”

“Nope,” I lied. “Should I have one?”

“Well, seeing as how I have full function of my legs again, I would
think so,” Sierra purred, parting her legs and straddling me. She
ground her hips against my already swelling cock and leaned down to
kiss my neck. “First day of school was kinda stressful. I think I
need an orgasm first to wind down a bit.”

“Your wish is my command then,” I said,
palming an ass cheek in each hand and kneading them.
wanted to be inside you since the first day we met.”

“Is that right?” Sierra murmured, sucking in an earlobe.

“No woman's ever made me wait three months to get laid.”

“Hopefully, it'll live up to your expectations,” Sierra
continued, layering kisses along my shoulders, then down across to my

I have no doubt it'll
my every expectation. Fulfill my
every fantasy.” I pulled aside Sierra's v-neck
and ran my tongue along the swell of her breasts. “God, I love your
breasts. I'll never get tired of looking at these beauties.”

Sierra eased her shirt off until she was straddling me in a bra and
skinny jeans. The bra was one of the ones I'd picked out for her last
week. A gorgeous, rich purple number with tiny rhinestones on it. I
swallowed hard at the thought of what lay underneath her jeans. If I
remembered correctly, the matching thong had a little bow-tie in the
back. Fuck me. Just the thought of Sierra in a thong made me
unbelievably hard.

I ran my palms up and down Sierra's length, taking in the sight of
her creamy skin and silky curves. Ever since I’d fallen in love
with her, she'd ruined me for all other women. It'd become more
apparent with each passing day that I would never love another the
way I loved her. I needed her to know that. I needed her to
understand how I couldn't live without her.

But how could I possibly explain the depth and breadth of my
emotions? I had no words for it. I could only settle for showing her
how I felt through my day-to-day actions.

“You seem pensive,” Sierra pointed out. “Penny for your

“Just thinking about how much I love you,” I said, “and how
much I want to spend the rest of my life feeling this way.”

“I love you too, Asher. More than words,” Sierra replied, her
voice breathy. “You complete me in every way.”

Sierra unbuttoned my shirt and slid it off my shoulders. I tensed as
her fingers explored my pecs, abdomen... then lower...until she
flirted with the waistband of my slacks. “These need to come off.

“I agree.” I slid Sierra off of me and eased out of my pants.

“Someone's happy to see me,” Sierra said, nodding at my arousal.

“More than happy, I'd say,” I replied. “He's fucking ecstatic
to see you.”

“He'll be even more ecstatic when he meets my pussy for the first
time,” Sierra purred, unbuttoning her jeans.

When I saw that little bow tie on her thong, my body surged with
delirious need. I grabbed her hips and pulled her on top of me, not
wasting another second with words. She ground against me; I could
feel her wetness soaked through the thin patch of fabric covering her
sex. I was raring to go myself, a bead of precum dotting my briefs.

Fumbling behind me, I reached for the gold packet I'd stashed earlier
and tore it open. With one quick motion, I rolled Sierra underneath
me and then slipped on the condom. Sierra pushed aside the plates of
food, and I lowered myself on top of her, pinning her down with my

“I want you inside me. Now,” Sierra groaned. “Please.”

Without another word, I pulled aside her thong and pushed inside her
slick entrance. I grunted as her warmth enveloped me. It was like
coming home.

Holy shit, it was better than anything I could've ever imagined.

This was what it felt like to be in love with your sex partner.

I fucking loved the feeling.

Sierra let out an “Oh” and squeezed her eyes shut. I felt her
nails dig into my back.

“Am I hurting you?” I asked, pausing.

“No babe. It feels...perfect,” she replied. “Just go slow,
okay? It's been a while.”

“Of course, baby.” I rocked against her gently after that. I
noticed her every contented sigh, the way she arched her back and
curled her toes. How her fingernails scraped against my lower back
and the way she moaned my name.

And I wanted to pleasure her like this forever.

After several minutes, Sierra shifted onto her belly, her
heart-shaped ass in the air. “Take me from behind, baby. Deep. I'm

I nodded and bracing myself with my left arm, plunged inside her from
behind, almost down to the hilt. Sierra let out a sharp cry, of pain
or pleasure I didn't know. But it felt so damn good to be with her.
Her tight channel pulsed against me, and I could hardly contain
myself. All nine inches of me stretched and filled her until she was
gasping for air. I reached under her, found her swollen clit and
toyed with it, eliciting feral purrs from her lips. I rocked against
her, pistoning in and out
fast, fast, slow. Fast, fast, slow.
Within minutes, Sierra was bucking against me.

“Oh God, Asher! Fuck!” She twisted the picnic cloth, and I pulled
her hair as I climaxed with her. Firecrackers ignited through my
veins and blissful euphoria blinded me. Sierra's orgasmic cries were
hypnotic melodies. I felt like I was fucking high, and I never wanted
to come down again.

After we'd cleaned up, we returned to finish the picnic. “So was it
worth waiting for?” I asked, pouring her a glass of champagne.

“Most definitely.” She fed me a slice of
buttered bread and licked her lips. “How about we go for round two
after dinner?”

“Deal.” I grinned.

With this woman, I could go forever.



One Year Later...


Home of our own? Check.

Career of my dreams? Check.

And I had one more surprise waiting for Asher when he got home from

Cally had been the first to know. After all, I couldn't possibly keep
the news to myself.

And I was certain Asher would go insane when I told him.

And my parents...I had no clue how they'd react. With joy, I hoped.

I couldn't wait.

I ran my thumb over the framed photograph. To the untrained eye, it
didn't look like much: a grainy black and white printout. But I hoped
Asher would be smart enough to decipher it. I placed the silver frame
on the mantle and grinned to myself. Underneath the picture sat a
handwritten card. I'd written and re-written my message at least
twenty times.

The scene was set. Dimmed lights, scented candles, table set for
two...the works.

My phone dinged.

babe. Running a bit late.

No problem.
I'll be here. XOXO.

My heart was going a mile a minute, and I was fidgety. I walked
around the house, admiring all the feminine touches I'd added to
Asher's bachelor pad. Pastel throw pillows, plush rugs, fresh paint
on the walls...It definitely wasn’t a bachelor's pad anymore. I
spent a few more minutes making sure everything looked neat and tidy
and perfect for our big moment.

Our home was functional as well as inviting; a mixture of modern and
traditional. And it was 100% ours. It was also more than big enough
to accommodate the newest addition to our family...

I'd gone a little crazy myself when I found out. Went out and bought
a book of baby names and the cutest little knit slippers. (They were
75% off!) And a few adorable onesies. Okay, more than a few. I
couldn't resist. Perhaps it was a bit premature but...could you
really blame me?

I rubbed my belly and smiled. Five weeks pregnant. With Asher's baby.
Things couldn't be more perfect. I'd gone off birth control, and we’d
both agreed to try, but I didn't think it would happen so quickly.

And I was absolutely thrilled.

Beyond thrilled.

BOOK: Landlady: A New Adult Romance (Northbridge Nights Book 1)
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