Landon's Obsession: An Endless Series: Book 3 (Series 3) (58 page)

BOOK: Landon's Obsession: An Endless Series: Book 3 (Series 3)
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     After church this morning I’d again brought up my
father’s request to meet Nola. Maya agreed, although warily, to let them come
to her house for dinner tonight. She refused outright to go to my parent’s
house. She’d said that she and Nola would be more at ease here, but I knew it
was because of what had happened the last time she’d been at the house. She
would never be comfortable going back there again…the place she’d been

     She sighed and nodded. “I’m just being melodramatic.”

     I hugged her harder, kissing her neck. “No you’re not.
You’re understandably nervous, but you need to remember these thing; I love
you, and I’m right here with you, Maya. Nola is ours and they have no say-so
about her.”

     She nodded again. “Right. Nola is ours.”

     The steak cutlets in some kind of sauce sizzled on the
stove and Maya leaned forward to stir them. “The food smells great. If my
parent’s don’t get here soon they’re not going to get any of it.” I declared
and my stomach gave a rumble of agreement.

     Maya chuckled and the sound of it eased some of my own
apprehension. My anxiety was stemming from hers so as hers diminished mine did
also. “I don’t usually like to eat so much meat in one day, since we already
had sausage this morning, but I know steak is pretty much universally like by

     “You had more sausage then all of us this morning.” I
nipped at her ear.

     She gasped and wacked me on the shoulder. “Landon!”

     I snorted into her warm neck. It was warm because she
was blushing like crazy most likely.

     Our moment was interrupted by the peeling of the doorbell.
Maya stiffened up instantly. I gave her shoulders a reassuring squeeze and her
neck one last kiss. “I’ll get that.”

     As I strode out of the kitchen Nola barreled into me.
“Daddy, someone’s here.”

     We hadn’t told Nola who was coming over. Maya wanted to
wait to see how everything went first before revealing that she had another set
of grandparent’s.

     I scooped her up for a cuddle and a kiss. “It sure
sounds like it, doesn’t it? Why don’t you keep playing with your toys and I’ll
go find out who it is.”

     Setting her back down I watched her go do as I asked
and then continued to the front door. I wanted to have one last confer with my
parents to confirm we were all on the same page.

     Stepping up to the door I opened it with a smile. “Did
you find the place alright?” I waved them in.

     Expressions tense they walked through the door. “The
GPS and your directions were spot on.” Dad said unfastening his coat.

     As they removed their coats and I hung them up I examined
their expressions a little more intently. While my father looked edgy my
mother’s face was tight and not at all genial. I’d made the plans with my
father and he’d said my mother agreed to follow the stipulations, but from her
posture it didn’t look like she was at all happy about the whole thing.

     “We are all going to be pleasant with each other
tonight, right?” I reaffirmed.

     Dad nodded his head. “I said we would, Landon.”

     “Mother?” I looked her in the eye for confirmation.    

     She smiled tightly. “When am I not pleasant?”

     My mother had different levels of pleasant. Right now
she was giving off a five. Hopefully, it wouldn’t go any lower.

     “Come on in. Maya’s working on dinner and it should be
ready in minutes.” I led the way into the living room.

     “This is a nice house, nice neighborhood. Does Maya
still live with her mother?” Dad asked.

     “No, this is Maya’s house. ReKesha…” I gave my mother a
derisive look that had her lips tightening in displeasure at being chastised
nonverbally. “…is married, so she lives with her husband.”

     “And what does Maya do for a living?” Mother asked.

     “She’s a realtor.” 

     We moved through the living room, stepped around the
couch, and Nola was revealed to my parents’ eyes. My mother inhaled sharply
gazing at her in shock, like she hadn’t truly believed it was true. Dad just

     “She’s so tiny.” Dad whispered.

     “ReKesha told me Maya was tiny too. She still is.” I

     “She seems a little too small for an almost four year
old.” Mother stated.

     Irritation poured through me hearing the cynicism in
her tone. I knew she was trying to imply that Nola was younger than Maya was

     I gave her a hard glare. “That might be because Nola
was premature because of the trauma and stress Maya was dealing with.”

     Her lips flat-lined at my allusion to Maya’s rape, but
if she wasn’t going to play nice then neither was I.

     Nola broke her absorption with her coloring book and
looked up. At seeing people she didn’t know she rushed over to me and raised
her arms to be picked up.

     Hoisting her up I gave her a buzz on the cheek. “What
are you coloring over there?”

     Hiding her face in my neck she answered shyly. “Fishy’s.”

     I had never seen her act this timid before and it was
cute as fuck. My dad must have thought so too because a smile tugged at his
mouth. “I love fishy’s. Can I see?” He asked.

     My heart lightened at his effort. Nola peeked out and
gave him a smile and I watched dad’s face soften in response to her
adorableness. My baby girl was the cutest little girl ever, and I wasn’t being
biased in the least. She had all of her mama’s best features.

     Nola nodded and pointed for me to get her picture. I
did as she directed handing it over to her. Nola began explaining each picture.
“See…I did a fish, and a shark, and a ocopus…”

     “She doesn’t look anything like you, Landon.” Mom
hissed in my ear as Nola continued her elucidation. “Are you one hundred
percent certain she’s yours?”

     Anger lit me up again. I hated that fucking question. “Mom,
I’m not going to keep answering that question. I already told dad; Nola’s mine.
She looks like Maya, which I’m grateful for because she’s going to be beautiful
like her mom, but she does have my eyes.”

     “Hazel eyes aren’t that uncommon.” Mom sniped.

     I inhaled a breath for patience. If she was going to be
like this the entire night then…

     “Nadine.” My dad addressed her before I could. He gave
her a pointed frown. “We discussed this.”

     She scowled back. “And you know I wasn’t satisfied with
that discussion. I’m not happy with the girl,
her malicious allegations,
and I’m not happy with not having attestation of the child’s paternity. You
said Landon didn’t even provide you with any tangible proof. We need him to
establish that this child is truly his.”

     “Nadine…” My father tried again but I interrupted him
this time.

     “Stop!” I nearly roared the word but was able to keep
it to an angry hiss for Nola’s benefit. Her grip on me tightened anyway,
probably sensing the ire in the air. “If this is how you’re going to be for the
entire night then you can leave. I will not have you upsetting my daughter or

     A distressed and offended look crossed her face. “Is it
wrong that I want verification?”

     Observing her upset didn’t move me like she probably
hoped it would. “I have my verification, mother, I don’t need to provide any of
it to you.”

     Her face went slightly pale. “You’re certain?”

     “Yes mother. Nola is mine.” I stated resolutely.


     Nola small voice instantly had my attention and my head
swiveled her way. “Yeah, baby girl?”

     She stared at me with an anxious expression, lip
pouting. “You sound mad. Are you mad?”

     I dredged up a bright smile. This was what Maya, and I,
had wanted to avoid…upsetting Nola. “No, honey. I’m not mad.” Kissing her nose
I squeezed her tight. “Everything’s good.” Rubbing her back I looked back at my
parent’s. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. I should have sat you two down
together and discussed this with you before allowing you to see Nola.”

     Father had convinced me of his desire to meet his
granddaughter, and by his manner toward her I could see that was true, but
mother was a completely different story.

     “Landon?” I turned to see Maya walking toward me
looking fretful. How much had she heard? Most likely she’d heard my last
statement. She reached out for Nola and I relinquished her knowing Maya wanted to
hold her daughter to give comfort and receive it. I knew this because it was
the same feeling I had. “Is everything okay?” She stared down both my parent’s
and me with pursed lips and a narrowed eyed look of ‘
what the hell

     Even through my own anger I was proud of her attitude.

     Wrapping my arm around her waist I kissed the top of
her head. “I was just asking my mother if she was staying for dinner.” I gave
my mother a narrowed eyed look similar to Maya’s.

     Mother stared in wide-eyed shock between Maya, me, and
Nola. “Are you two…together?” The last word sounded like it was forced out.

     “Nadine, I told you they were.” Dad answered.

     “You said they were working things out between them,
but this looks…” She waved her hand at us looking horrified. “Like its way
beyond that.”

     I wasn’t liking her expression in the least. “Mother,
Maya and I are definitely together. In the permanent kind of way.” I stated

     “But…but it’s only been a few weeks.” She stuttered.

     “Maya and I loved each other four years ago, and once
everything had been cleared between us we found those feelings hadn’t died.
She’s going to be part of my life…forever.” I squeezed Maya’s waist.

     “But what about your brother? You’re choosing her over
your family.” She gave Maya a dark look.

     I stiffened up instantly when she mentioned Kris, and
Maya did as well. Mother pointed her finger at Maya looking ready to spew shit
I definitely didn’t want to hear. I was about to tell her to shut her mouth

     “Nadine, be quiet.” Dad commanded with a harsh glare.

     She listened, fortunately, giving him an astounded
look. It wasn’t often he spoke to her like that, and it was never with that
level of stern authority. I appreciated it. 

     He turned to Maya and me looking unhappy and fatigued.
“I think we might need to reschedule our dinner.”

     I nodded in agreement, to both his words and feelings.
I had hoped my mother would have been able to set aside her animosity long
enough to get to know her granddaughter but it seemed I’d expected too much
from her.

     “Nadine, let’s go.” Dad grabbed her arm and pulled her
from the room. He gave one last longing glance at Nola before he did though,
and it lightened my dismal mood somewhat knowing that my dad at least wanted a
relationship with my daughter.

     “I’ll be right back.” Forcing a reassuring smile for
Maya’s benefit I kissed her forehead and followed my parent’s. They were having
a hushed argument when I caught up to them…one they halted at my appearance.

     Mother stepped toward me with an accusatory frown.
“Landon, how could you get back together with that girl after what she accused
Kris of? She is a liar and…”

     I broke in. “Mother, stop it. She is not a liar. But
she is the mother of my child, and I love her.”

     She grabbed my arms in extreme upset. “If the child is
yours then we can get you custody of her, but you can’t have a relationship
with that girl. She will tear our family apart.”

     Her words ignited my very short fuse of anger, and I
was extremely grateful Maya didn’t hear them. The custody thing would have
gutted her. However, seeing my mother’s distress made me realize that this
whole thing was as hard on her as it was my dad. My mom was just more hard core
about it. Her son being accused of rape, and then fleeing the country, my
belief in what he did along with my threats toward him, me hooking back up with
the girl accusing her son of rape, and now a child in the mix. It was a lot of
shit to take in. I didn’t like how she was dealing with it, but we were all
handling it differently.

     I took a hold of her arms. “Mother, I love Maya. I am
not taking Nola away from her. I can see this is difficult for you but I’m not
giving Maya up. You may never be able to believe or accept what Kris did to
her, but hopefully, in time, you will be able to accept that she is in my life
to stay, and that you have a granddaughter who has nothing to do with all that
other shit. She’s innocent, and you would love her if you gave yourself half a
chance to get to know her.”

     She pulled away shaking her head. “I can’t…I just
can’t.” Pulling open the door she walked out.

     Sighing in disappointment and sadness I looked at my

     He returned my look. “I’ll talk to her.” Turning to
follow her he stopped and gave a glance behind me toward the living room. “She’s
beautiful…and she does have your eyes, Landon.” He stared at me with a frown. “You
look different…content, something I haven’t seen on you in a while.”

      “Even with everything that’s happening I’ve never been
this happy before, and both Maya and Nola are the reason.” I informed him

     He nodded thoughtfully. “I’d like to get together with
the three of you soon, even if your mother doesn’t.”

     “I’d like that, dad.” I smiled in gratitude. At least
one of my parents was making an effort. 

     With a clap to my shoulder he strode out the door and I
locked it behind him. Maya wasn’t in the living room so I made my way to the
kitchen and found her setting up a plate of food for Nola who was sitting at
the kitchen table.

     Adopting a carefree attitude I proclaimed…“I’m
starving.” Walking up to cupboard I grabbed a plate and began filling it with

BOOK: Landon's Obsession: An Endless Series: Book 3 (Series 3)
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