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Authors: Dangerous Ground (L-id) [M-M]

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Josh Lanyon



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This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. Loose Id® e-books are for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

Dangerous Ground

Josh Lanyon

This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Published by

Loose Id LLC

1802 N Carson Street, Suite 212-2924

Carson CityNV89701-1215

Copyright © April 2008 by Josh Lanyon

All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced or shared in any form, including, but not limited to printing, photocopying, faxing, or emailing without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC.

ISBN 978-1-59632-658-3

Available in Adobe PDF, HTML, MobiPocket, and MS Reader
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Printed in theUnited States of America

Editor: Judith David

Cover Artist: April Martinez

Chapter One

The nose of the red and white twin engine Baron 58 was crunched deep into the bottom of the wooded ravine. Mud and debris covered the cockpit windows. One wing had been sheared off when the plane crashed through the surrounding pines, knocking three of them over. The other wing was partially buckled beneath the craft. The tail of the plane had broken off and lay several yards down the ravine.

Will mopped his face on the flannel sleeve of his shirt. Ten thousand feet up in the High Sierras, the sun was still plenty warm despite the chill spring air.

“Either the pilot was unfamiliar with the terrain or he didn’t have a lot of experience with mountain flying.

Out here, avoiding box canyons is one of the first things you learn.”

“Look at this,”Taylor said, and Will made his way to him across the rocky, uneven slope.Taylor pointed to the fuselage. “Take a look at those registration numbers.”

“N81BH.” Will’s blue eyes metTaylor ’s. “Now why does that sound so familiar?”

Taylorgrinned. “It’s the plane used in that Tahoe casino heist last year.”

Will whistled, long and low.

“Yeah,” agreedTaylor . Just for a moment he let his gaze linger on the other man’s lean, square-jawed features. Will’s hair, brown and shining in the sun, fell boyishly into his eyes. He hadn’t shaved in three days, and the dark stubble gave him a rugged, sexy look -- very different from the normal nine to five Will. Not that they exactly worked nine to five at the Bureau of Diplomatic Security.

Will’s gaze held his for a moment, andTaylor looked away, focusing on the plane’s registration numbers again.

“What’d they get away with again?” Will asked in a making conversation kind of voice. “Something in the neighborhood of 2.3 million, was it?”

“That and murder,”Taylor said grimly. “They shot two sheriff’s deputies making their getaway.” These
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days he was touchy about law enforcement officers getting gunned down.

“Doesn’t look like they got away far.” Will moved toward the open door of the plane. He hopped lightly up onto the broken wing, and for a momentTaylor felt a twinge of envy. He was still moving slowly after his own shooting six weeks ago; sometimes he felt like he was never going to get it all back: the strength, the speed -- the confidence -- he had always taken for granted. He felt old at thirty-one.

He walked toward the broken off tail piece, and Will -- only half-joking -- called, “Watch out for snakes, MacAllister.”

“You had to say that, didn’t you, Brandt?”Taylor threw back. He studied the rim of the ravine. It had been winter when three masked men with automatic weapons robbed theBlackWolfCasino on theNevada border ofLake Tahoe . They had fled to the nearby airport, hijacked a plane, and disappeared into the snowy December night.

Local law enforcement had theorized the Beechcraft Baron crashed in the High Sierras, but the weather and the terrain had inhibited searchers. It was clear toTaylor now that even under the best conditions, it would have been just about impossible to spot the little plane tucked away in the crevice of this mountainside.

He glanced back, but Will had vanished inside the wrecked plane. He could hear the eerie creak and groan of the aircraft as Will moved around inside.

Taylorworked his way around the crash site. Not their area of expertise, of course, but he knew what to look for.

Scattered engine parts and broken glass were strewn everywhere. A couple of seats had been thrown clear and were relatively intact. There was a weathered plank of wood that must have originally been a table or a desk, and some broken light fixtures and vinyl parts of storage bins. The plane could have carried five passengers in addition to the pilot. The casino had been hit by three bandits; the fourth had been driving the getaway car that sped them toTruckeeTahoeAirport . Four people would have inevitably left DNA evidence, but the crash site was four months old and contaminated by the elements and wildlife.

He glanced around at the sound of Will’s boots on the loose rock.

Will said, “The pilot’s inside. No one else.”

That was no surprise. The initial investigation had cleared the pilot of involvement in the robbery; if he’d been alive, he would have contacted the authorities.Taylor thought it over. “No sign there were any passengers on board when she went down.”

“What about an incriminating black tie?” Will referred to the famous narrow black necktie that legendary hijacker D.B. Cooper left on the Boeing 727 he jumped out of way back in 1971 -- when Will and Taylor had still been investigating soggy Cheerios in their playpens.

“Not so much as a stray sock.”

“Then I guess they weren’t doing laundry up there,” Will remarked, andTaylor looked blank.

“You know how one sock always gets lost -- forget it.” It was a lame joke, but onceTaylor would have known instantly what Will meant. OnceTaylor would have laughed. “Parachutes?” Will asked.

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“No parachutes.”


“Doesn’t look like it,”Taylor said.

“Interesting. The pilot’s got a bullet through his skull.”

“Ah,” saidTaylor .


Their eyes met.

“Come take a look,” Will invited, andTaylor followed him back to the front section of the plane.

Will sprang onto the wing, reaching a hand down forTaylor , and with a grimace,Taylor accepted his help, vaulting up beside him. The wing bobbed beneath their weight, and Will steadied him, hands onTaylor ’s waist for an instant.

Taylormoved away. Not that he minded Will’s hands on him -- there was nothing he’d have liked more than Will’s hands on him -- but this had nothing to do with attraction and everything to do with lack of confidence. A lack of confidence in Taylor being able to look after himself. Not that Will had said so, but it was clear to Taylor -- and maybe it was clear to Will too, which might explain what the hell they were doing up in the High Sierras one week before Taylor was officially due to start back at work.

Because if they couldn’t figure this out -- get past it -- they were through as a team. Regardless of the fact that so far no one had admitted there was even a problem.

“After you,” Will said, waving him into the gloomy and rotting interior of the plane with exaggerated courtesy. Taylor gave him a wry smile and ducked inside.

“Jesus. Something’s made itself right at home in here.”

“Yeah. Maybe a marmot. Or a weasel. Something relatively small.” Will’s breath was warm against the back of Taylor’s neck.

“Relatively small is good,” Taylor muttered, and Will laughed.

“Unless it’s a skunk.”

Three years they’d been together: partners and friends -- good friends -- but maybe that was over now.

Taylor didn’t want to think so, but --

His boot turned on a broken door lever, and Will’s hand shot out, steadying him. Taylor pulled away, just managing to control his impatience.

Yeah, that was the problem. Will didn’t think Taylor was capable of taking two steps without Will there to keep an eye on him.

And that was guilt. Pure and simple. Not friendship, not one partner watching another partner’s back,
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not even the normal overprotectiveness of one partner for his injured-in-the-line-of-duty opposite number. No, this was guilt because of the way Taylor felt about Will -- because Will didn’t feel the same.

And somehow Will had managed to convince himself that that was part of the reason Taylor had stopped a bullet.

He clambered across the empty copilot’s seat and studied the remains of the dead pilot slumped over the instrument dashboard control panel. The pilot’s clothes were in rags, deteriorated and torn. Bacteria, insects, and animals had reduced the body to a mostly skeletal state. Not entirely skeletal, unfortunately, but Taylor had seen worse as a special agent posted in Afghanistan. He examined the corpse dispassionately, noting position, even while recognizing that animals had been at it -- some of the smaller bones of the hands and feet were missing.

“One bullet to the back of the head,” he said.

“Yep,” Will replied. “While the plane was still in flight.”

Taylor glanced down at the jammed throttle. “And then the hijackers bailed out,” he agreed. This part at least still worked between them. They still could work a crime scene with that single-mindedness that had earned the attention and approval of their superiors.

Not that they investigated many homicides at the Bureau of Diplomatic Security. Mostly they helped in the extradition of fugitives who fled the country, or ran interference for local law enforcement agencies with foreign police departments. But now and then they got to…get their feet wet. Some times were a little wetter than others. Taylor rubbed his chest absently.

“In the middle of the night and in the middle of nowhere,” Will said. “Hard to believe all four of them made it out of these mountains safely. FBI and the local law were all over these woods within twenty-four hours.”

“Yeah, but it was snowing, remember.”

“Those guys are trained.”

“They missed the plane.”

“The plane wasn’t making for the main highway.”

“Maybe the bad guys were local,” Taylor said. “Maybe they knew the terrain.”

“Wasn’t the prevailing theory, was it?”

“No.” He backed out of the cockpit, and Will did it again -- rested his hand on Taylor’s back to stabilize him -- although Taylor’s balance was fine, physically and emotionally.

He gritted his jaw, biting back anything that would widen the rift between them. Will’s friendship was better than nothing, right? And there had been a brief and truly hellish period when he thought he’d lost that, so…shut up and be grateful, yeah?


Will jumped down to the ground and reached up a hand. Taylor ignored the hand, and dropped down
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beside him -- which jarred his rib cage and hurt like fuck. He did his best to hide the fact.

“More likely what’s left of ’em is scattered through these woods,” Will commented, and Taylor grimaced.

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