Last Resort (The Grayton Series Book 1) (15 page)

BOOK: Last Resort (The Grayton Series Book 1)
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When she gripped him, he moaned, closed his eyes, and said under his breath, “You’re killing me.”

Now you know how I feel when you touch me.” She smiled as his hips moved under her fingers. His nails dug into her shoulders, pulling her up until she was poised just above him.

Now. My God, Cassey, now,” he cried out.

As she watched his face, she slowly slid down on his full length. How had she gone almost two whole weeks without this? Without him?

When she started to move, he used his hands on her hips to push and pull her and then flipped their positions as he said, “Too slow.”

When her back hit the mattress, she released a nervous giggle, then a groan as he pulled her knees up to her chest and thrust deeper, faster.

His eyes locked with hers as he pounded his hips next to hers. Their breathing became labored as a small bead of sweat formed on his temple. His hands were coarse as he reached down and gently cupped her breast. When he leaned down and placed a searing kiss on her lips, she closed her eyes and jerked her hips with her release, knowing he was close behind her.

They lay there for a few minutes until she had gained her breath back. Then he hoisted her up in his arms and carried her to the shower.

He took his time using the soap and his hands to clean her gently. She was so relaxed by the time he stepped out of the shower, leaving her to rinse herself off, that she felt like her knees were made of putty.

A few minutes later, when she finally pulled herself from the shower, she smelled food and heard him banging around in the kitchen.

She dressed in some stretchy pants and an oversized shirt, combed her hair, and applied a small amount of makeup. When she walked out onto the patio, she saw him punching away on his laptop. There were two covered plates sitting on the table next to him. When he looked up, she smiled at him.

You didn’t have to make breakfast.” She sat down and uncovered the plate. A large heap of French toast and scrambled eggs sat on the plate. “Wow, this must be your plate.” She went to move it towards him.

No. I can’t seem to cook just a little. I guess it’s a learned thing. When I start making French toast, I usually make the whole loaf of bread.” He chuckled.

Well, if I eat all this, you’re going to have to roll me around today.” She laughed and ate a forkful of food. The French toast was perfect. The crust was a little crunchy and he’d added a hint of cinnamon and something else she couldn’t quite put her finger on.

Peanut butter,” he said, smiling over at her.

Hmmm?” She looked up at him in question.

The secret ingredient is peanut butter.” He nodded towards the French toast and smiled.

You put peanut butter in French toast?” She looked down at her plate in astonishment.

He nodded. “Actually, you spread just a little over it when it’s hot. You know, instead of butter. That way when you pour the syrup over it, it all melts and give you that little extra taste.”

Wow.” She took another bite. “My new favorite way to eat French toast.” She smiled up at him and a little part of her melted.


Chapter Eleven


uke stood across from Cassey and tried not to look at her for the millionth time. Her hair was tied back with a white handkerchief. She wore a white T-shirt and an old pair of faded jeans, which looked damn sexy on her. There was a little bit of dust on her chin and he could see a bead of sweat on her brow. She was wearing large pink rubber gloves and when she bent down to clean the bottom shelf of the stove, he couldn’t remove his eyes from how the jeans accented her tight bottom.

You have it bad, bro.” Marcus slapped his shoulder.

What?” He jumped a little as he forced his eyes away from Cassey’s exotic rear end.

Marcus nodded towards his sister. “You know, I’ve never seen her so distracted before.”

Distracted?” Luke looked over to where Cassey was shoulder-deep in the large oven, her arms and gloves covered in dark stains from the dirt she was meticulously cleaning.

Marcus laughed and punched his shoulder again. “Since I’ve known her longer, you’ll just have to trust me on this one.”

Luke shook his head and tried to get back to work as Marcus continued to talk to him, telling him funny stories about when he was young.

They were standing in the large walk-in freezer, removing out-of-date produce. There was a large trash can that was almost full, but the shelves were still lined with produce that they could keep. As long as the inspector allowed Cassey to open back up, she would only lose minimal stock.

Less than ten minutes later, Marcus received a call on his cell and stepped out to answer it.

Gotta take this,” he mouthed as he walked out.

Luke turned back to the task at hand, which was organizing the frozen meat section. He wasn’t much of a cook himself, but he knew that the food stocked in the small freezer was high quality. Looking down at a bucket of fish, he wondered what she would do with all of it if she was forced to close down for a while.

That bad, huh?” Cassey asked, walking over to him, a frown on her lips as she looked into the bucket.

Hmm?” He looked up from the large icy bucket of fish. “Oh, no, they’re fine.”

Good.” She smiled a little and leaned against the wall of the freezer. “Well, I’ve done all I can do with the stoves.” She wiped her arm across her face, leaving a streak on her cheek.

He chuckled and stepped closer to her. Using a towel, he wiped the spot away. “You know, there isn’t one speck of dust left in this place. I know the inspector will approve you.” He smiled down at her and flicked his finger down her nose, then lightly gripped her face and dipped for a soft kiss. “Mmm, you taste like honey.”

She chuckled. “Wendy brought in some of her honey cookies. I lose all control when it comes to them.”

Mmm.” He dipped his head and took another sample as he backed her up a step until her back was pressed against the wall. He felt her shiver and gasp as her back hit the cold wall. Chuckling a little, he reversed their positions until he felt the cold between his shoulder blades.

She smiled up at him and pushed against his shoulders a little more. “Cold?”

He shook his head and chuckled. “With you pressed against me, it’s a wonder everything isn’t melting.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and reached up on her toes and started kissing him again. When she pulled away, he was beginning to wonder how the small room wasn’t filled with steam.

Cassey, let’s call lunch and send everyone home,” he said as he nibbled on the skin just below her ear.

She chuckled and shook her head. “Can’t.” She pulled back. “We have the dining room to clean after lunch.”

Fine, but at least we can give everyone a very long lunch break,” he said, pulling her closer.

Mmm, that sounds—”

Hey, did you know that your brother is a complete idiot?” Marcus said, walking in and shaking his head.

Cassey sighed and took a step back from Luke. “I’ve known that for years, but you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself.” She smiled and punched Marcus’ arm lightly.

He chuckled. “Funny. I was talking about Cole. He’s heading to Australia. There’s an approaching cyclone off the North Queensland coast, and he’s heading to Byron Bay to surf in the massive waves they are getting.” He shook his head and frowned a little.

Cole knows what he’s doing.” Cassey smiled and patted her brother’s shoulder. “Besides, he’s really good at it.”

I’ve seen some of the footage from the storm
down there.” He shook his head again.

Just then, Wendy walked in. “Hey, boss, we’re going to break for lunch. Do you want us to pick anything up for you?”

No.” She looked over at Luke and tried to hide the smile. “We’re set.”

Where are you going?” Marcus asked, starting to walk with her. “I might head out with you.”

We’re heading to—”

Luke didn’t hear the rest, since Cassey was shoving him out the door and down the hallway.

You must be starved.” He chuckled when she shoved him through a doorway.

Famished.” She shut the door behind her. Since the lights were off and the door closed, he had no clue where they were. When her hands came to his chest, pushing him back against the wall, he realized he no longer cared.



Cassey couldn’t seem to control the shaking. Her fingers shook as she pulled Luke’s shirt off his arms. When she felt his skin exposed, she dipped her head down and licked his salty skin. He tasted better than the honey cookies she’d devoured less than a half hour ago.

His fingers went into her hair, holding her to his skin as he moaned her name over and over.

I want you so bad,” he groaned as she lapped at his flat nipples with her tongue. When her fingers reached for his belt buckle, he pushed them aside and reversed their positions until she was pushed up against the wall, her hands held over her head in one of his.

My turn,” he moaned as he flipped up her shirt and exposed her skin. With his free hand, he pushed down her bra until her nipples puckered in the cool air of the broom closet. She’d been so blinded with lust, she had settled for the first room that wasn’t below zero. Now as he tugged at the hem of her jeans, she wished they were in her room and that they had the whole day to explore each other.

His hands released hers above her head and traveled down her body, exploring and causing her skin to heat where he touched. He pulled on her jeans until she was exposed, then he ran his fingers over her cotton underwear.

Nice,” he said as he played over the soft material until she felt them turn moist from her desire.

Luke.” She dug her nails into his skin, trying to pull him closer to her.

I know,” he groaned as he yanked her jeans off her long legs. Then he dug his fingers into her hips as he ran his mouth over her exposed chest. She
reached for him and flipped open his jeans, then wrapped her fingers around his length. He was perfect. She could spend hours exploring the length of him, enjoying the way he felt in her hands.

His jeans hung on his hips and he almost fell when he moved to step closer to her.

Cursing under his breath, he stepped back, kicked off his shoes, and freed his legs from the jeans.

It was too dark in the small room to see clearly. She quickly disposed of the rest of her clothing when she heard him remove his. Then he came back to her and pressed up against her, starting a kiss that deepened more than any she’d ever experienced before.

He took her left leg in his hand and pulled it up high until her knee was next to his chest, fully exposing all of her to him, and then he slid into her heat as they both moaned. Her leg wrapped around his hip, pulling him closer as he pushed her back up against the wall.

Cass, I can’t…” he moaned breathlessly.

She dug her nails into his shoulders as his thrusts grew faster and harder. Her head fell back and her eyes closed to the wonder of it all. Their skin was slick with heat as the darkness veiled them, causing the feeling, tastes, and sounds to be heightened. She’d never experienced sensory overload until that moment.

His fingers traveled over her skin, pinching her nipples lightly. His lips ran over her neck, just below her ears, as he nibbled his way back to her earlobe.

When she felt herself losing control, she reached up and took his hair into her hands and pulled his mouth back to hers as she felt his final thrust.

A few minutes later, when she flipped on the light in the small closet, she tried not to laugh. It looked like a scene from a movie. Their clothes were thrown all over the small room. She found her underwear on the top shelf with several rolls of toilet paper. Her left shoe was in the empty mop bucket and her other one was wedged behind a broom.

I didn’t know you could have so much fun in a broom closet.” He chuckled as he pulled on his shirt.

She smiled. “Neither did I. Maybe we should try out the supply closet upstairs sometime,” she said, pulling on her shoes while trying not to fall flat on her face.

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