Read Last to Die Online

Authors: Tess Gerritsen

Tags: #Fiction, #Mystery & Detective, #General, #Crime, #Thrillers, #Suspense

Last to Die (37 page)

BOOK: Last to Die
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They arrived at the bottom of the steps and walked into the cavernous kitchen, where Maura saw massive stainless-steel stoves, a walk-in refrigerator, and ceiling racks where pots and pans hung. So this was where their morning eggs were fried and their bread was baked. At this hour the kitchen was deserted, the crockery and utensils stowed until morning.

Bear suddenly froze, staring at a cellar door. The ruff of his neck stood up and he growled, a sound that sent fear screaming up
’s spine. Something was behind that door, something that alarmed the dog, made him drop to a crouch, as though preparing for attack.

Metal clanged, loud as a cymbal crash.

Maura jumped, heart slamming, as the echoes faded in the kitchen. She felt Sansone holding her arm, but she didn’t remember when he’d grasped it. It was simply there, as if he had always been there to steady her.

“I think I see him,” Sansone said quietly. Calmly. He released Maura’s arm and started across the kitchen.


“It’s okay. It’s okay.” He rounded the kitchen island and knelt down, dropping from view. Though she couldn’t see him, she heard his voice, murmuring gently. “Hey, you’re safe. We’re here, son.”

She and Julian glanced uneasily at each other, then followed Sansone around the corner of the island. There they found him crouched over a trembling Teddy Clock. The boy was curled into a tight ball, knees shoved up to his chest, arms hugging himself.

“He seems to be fine,” said Sansone, glancing up at her.

“He’s not fine,” she said. Dropping down beside Teddy, she pulled him into her arms and rocked him to her chest. He was chilled, his skin like ice, and shaking so hard that she could hear his teeth rattle. “There, there,” she murmured. “I’ve got you, Teddy.”

“He was here,” the boy whispered.


“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” he moaned. “I shouldn’t have left them there, but I was scared. So I ran …”

“Where are the others, Teddy?” said Julian. “Where’s Claire and Will?”

The boy pressed his face against Maura’s shoulder, as though trying to burrow his way into some safe place where no one could find him.

“Teddy, you have to talk to us,” said Maura and she peeled him away from her. “Where are the others?”

“He put them all in the room …” The boy’s fingers were like claws digging desperately into her arms.

She pried away his fingers, forced him to look at her. “Teddy, where are they?”

“I don’t want to go back to that room!”

“You have to show us. We’ll stay right beside you. Just point us to the place, that’s all you have to do.”

The boy took a shaky breath. “Can I—can I hold the dog? I want the dog to stay with me.”

“Sure, kid,” Julian said. Kneeling down, he handed Teddy the leash. “You hold on to him and he’ll protect you. Bear’s not afraid of anything.”

That seemed to give Teddy the dose of courage he needed. He rose unsteadily to his feet, clutching the dog’s leash as if it were a lifeline, and moved across the kitchen to a door. Taking a deep breath, he opened the latch. The door swung open.

“That’s the old wine cellar,” said Sansone.

“It’s down there,” Teddy whispered, staring into the gloom. “I don’t want to go.”

“It’s okay, Teddy. You can wait right here,” said Sansone. He glanced at Maura, then led the way down the stairs.

With every step they descended, the air felt thicker, danker. Bare lightbulbs hung overhead, casting a yellowish glow on rows and rows of empty wine racks that once must have held thousands of bottles, no doubt only the best French vintages for a railroad tycoon and his guests. The wine had long since been consumed, and the racks stood abandoned, a silent memorial to a golden age of extravagance.

They came to a heavy door, its hinges bolted solidly into stone. An old storeroom. Maura glanced at Julian. “Why don’t you go up to the kitchen and wait with Teddy?”

“Bear’s with him. He’ll be fine.”

“I don’t want you to see this. Please.”

But Julian remained stubbornly by her side as Sansone lifted the
. In the kitchen above, Bear began to howl, a high, desperate sound that sent dread screaming up her spine as Sansone swung open the door. That’s when Maura caught the scent from inside that dark room. The smell of sweat. The reek of terror. What she feared most lay before her in the gloom. Four bodies, propped up against the wall.

The children. Dear God, it’s the children

Sansone found the light switch and flipped it on.

One of the bodies lifted its head. Claire stared at them wide-eyed and gave a frantic whimper, muffled by duct tape. The others stirred, Will and the cook and Dr. Pasquantonio, all of them bound with duct tape and struggling to speak.

They’re alive. They’re all alive!

Maura dropped down beside the girl. “Julian, do you have your knife?”

The dog’s howls were wilder, more frantic, as if pleading with them to
hurry, hurry!

With an efficient click, Julian swung open his pocketknife and knelt down. “Sit still, Claire, or I can’t cut you free,” he ordered, but the girl was squirming, her eyes wide with panic as if fighting to breathe. Maura peeled the tape off her mouth.

“It’s a trap!” Claire screamed. “He hasn’t left! He’s right …” Her voice died, her gaze fixed on something—someone—standing behind Maura.

Blood roaring in her ears, Maura turned and saw a man towering in the doorway. Saw broad shoulders and glittering eyes in a face smeared black with paint, but it was the gun in his hand she focused on. The silencer. When he fired, there would be no deafening blast; death would come with a muted thud, heard only in this stone room buried deep within the mountain.

“Drop your weapon, Mr. Sansone,” he ordered. “Do it

He knows our names

Sansone had no choice; he eased the gun out of his waistband and let it thud to the floor.

Julian, already kneeling beside Maura, reached out and grabbed her hand. Only sixteen, so very young, she thought, as they held hands, squeezing hard.

Bear howled again, a cry of rage. Of frustration.

Julian suddenly looked up, and she saw his bewildered expression. Realized, just as he did, that this did not make sense.
If Bear’s still alive, why isn’t he defending us?

“Kick it toward me,” the man said.

Sansone nudged the gun with his shoe, and it slid across the floor. Stopped just short of the doorway where the man stood.

“Now down on your knees.”

So this is how it ends for us, thought Maura. All of us on our knees. A bullet to each head.

Do it!

Sansone’s head dipped in surrender as he dropped toward the floor. But it was only the windup to one last, desperate move. Like a sprinter exploding from the starting block, Sansone leaped straight at the gunman.

They both tumbled through the doorway, grappling desperately in the gloom of the wine cellar.

Sansone’s gun was still lying on the floor.

Maura scrambled to her feet, but before she could scoop up the weapon, another hand closed around the grip. Lifted the barrel to her head.

“Get back!
Get back!
” Teddy screamed at Maura. His hands were trembling, but his finger was already on the trigger as he aimed at Maura’s head. He yelled over his shoulder: “I’ll shoot her, Mr. Sansone. I swear I will!”

Maura dropped to the floor again. Knelt there, stunned, as Sansone was shoved back into the room and forced to his knees beside her.

“Is the dog secured, Teddy?” the gunman asked.

“I tied him to the kitchen cabinet. He can’t get loose.”

“Bind their hands. Do it quick,” the man said. “They’ll be getting here any minute, and we need to be ready.”

“Traitor!” Claire spat out as Teddy unpeeled strips of duct tape and bound Sansone’s wrists behind his back. “We were your
. How can you do this to us?”

The boy ignored her as he moved on to Julian’s hands.

“Teddy tricked us into coming down here,” Claire said to Maura. “Told us you were waiting for us, but it was all a trap.” She stared at the boy, her voice thick with disgust. Doomed as she was, the girl was fearless, even reckless. “It was you. It was
you. Hanging those
twig dolls.”

Teddy peeled off another strip of tape and wound it tightly around Julian’s wrists. “Why would I do that?”

“To scare us. To freak us out.”

Teddy looked at her with frank surprise. “I didn’t do that, Claire. Those dolls were meant to scare
. To make
call for help.”

“And Dr. Welliver, how could you do that to her?”

A flash of regret registered in Teddy’s eyes. “It wasn’t supposed to kill her! It was just supposed to confuse her. She was working for
. Always watching me, waiting to see when I’d—”

“Teddy,” the man snapped. “Remember what I taught you? What’s done is done, and we have to move on. So finish the job.”

“Yes, sir,” the boy answered, cutting off another strip of tape. He wrapped it so tightly around Maura’s wrists that no amount of twisting or struggling would free her.

“Good boy.” The man handed Teddy a pair of night-vision binoculars. “Now get up there and watch the courtyard. Tell me when they arrive, and how many there are.”

“I want to stay with you.”

“I need you out of the line of fire, Teddy.”

“But I want to help!”

“You’ve helped me enough.” The man laid his hand on the boy’s head. “Your job is on the roof. You’re my eyes.” He glanced down
his belt as an alarm beeped. “She’s reached the gate. Headset on, Teddy.
.” He pushed the boy out of the room and followed him out.

“I was your
,” Claire screamed as the door swung shut. “I trusted you, Teddy!”

They heard the padlock thud into place. Up in the kitchen Bear was still barking, still howling, but the door muffled the sound, made it seem as distant as a coyote’s cry.

Maura stared at the closed door. “It was
,” she murmured. “All this time, I never imagined …”

“Because he’s just a kid,” was Claire’s bitter observation. “No one pays attention to us. No one gives us credit. Until we surprise you.” She looked up toward the ceiling. “They’re going to kill Detective Rizzoli.”

“She’s not coming alone,” said Maura. “She told me she’s bringing people. People who know how to defend themselves.”

“But they don’t know the castle like this man does. Teddy’s been letting him in after dark. He knows every room, every stairway. And he’s ready for them.”

In the kitchen, Bear had stopped howling. Even he must have grasped the futility of their situation.

Jane. It’s all up to you


Jane and Frost pulled into the Evensong parking lot and stared up at dark windows, at the jagged rooftop looming against the starlit sky. There’d been no one to meet them at the gate, and no one had answered the phone when she’d called from the road half an hour ago, using the last weak blip of a cell signal. A black SUV pulled up beside them, and through the windows Jane saw the silhouettes of Carole and her two male associates. One was Denzel, the other was a buff and silent man with a shaved head. When they’d all stopped for gas an hour earlier, neither man had said a word; it was clear that Carole was running this show.

“Something’s wrong,” Jane said. “We would’ve tripped the sensors on the road, so Maura’s got to know we’ve arrived. Where is everyone?”

Frost glanced at Carole’s SUV. “I’d feel a lot better if we had Maine State Police backup. We should’ve called them anyway. Screw the CIA.”

Car doors thumped shut, and Carole and her men stepped out.
Jane’s alarm, they were all strapping on weapons. Already Denzel was moving toward the building.

Jane scrambled out of her car. “What do you people think you’re doing?”

“Time for you to get us inside the building, Detective,” said Carole as she slipped on a communications headset. “Now go to the front door and speak into the intercom. Let them hear your voice, so they’ll know it’s okay to let us in.”

“We came just to collect the kids and get them to a safe place. That’s what we agreed on. Why do you have all this Rambo gear?”

“Change of plans.”

“Since when?”

“Since I decided we need to search the building first. Once we’re in the front door, you wait in your vehicle until we give you the all-clear.”

“You said this was
an evacuation. That’s the only reason we agreed to help you get inside. Now it looks like you’re launching an assault.”

“A necessary precaution.”

“Fuck that.
are in there. I’m not going to let you shoot up the place.”

“The front door, Detective.

“It’s not locked,” said Denzel, returning from the building. “We don’t need them.”

Carole turned to him. “What?”

“I just checked it. We can walk right in.”

BOOK: Last to Die
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